I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 700: Mutation, broken shield


   When the referee finally found the poisonous skull frog, he was stupid.

  Poison skeleton frog...Is it embedded in the wall?


   The flags that the referee was holding fell off. He rubbed his eyes vigorously, then opened his eyes wide and looked over, and found that the poisonous skull frog was indeed embedded in the wall below the front row of the battlefield.

   Strong eyesight and observation make him qualified to sit in this referee's seat, so he can see the situation there clearly.

   But it was because he was clear that he was surprised. Of course, after being surprised, he was afraid.

   What the **** is this, the protective cover is punched through? !

  If it's coming towards me...

   "Hiss~" The referee shook his head desperately.

   He can't imagine the scene a bit.

   After breaking through the protective cover, it was embedded in the back wall. How powerful is this? If it really hits him, does he still have to live? I'm afraid it's not going to be directly into meat sauce...

"Oh my God!"

"what happened!"

   "Gosh, where's the protective cover?!"


   The audience in the audience was silent for a while, and suddenly they started talking.

   The role of the protective cover is to protect the trainer and referee, and the other is to protect the audience.

After all, many of the elves’ attack distances are very long, and they will fly to the auditorium if they are not careful. Although there will be dedicated personnel in the auditorium, it is inevitable that there will be fish that slip through the net. Fish, then the audience is bound to suffer heavy casualties.

The trainers who come to participate in the league competition are not weak in the strength of the elves, and their bodies cannot be compared with the elves. If the audience eats some skills, most of them have no chance of living. Of course, survive. All of them were wiped out by skills instead of hit, and even if they survived, there would be no shortage of broken hands and feet.

   Such a dangerous place, no matter how good the game is, it is impossible for the audience to risk their lives to watch it.

   Then the protective cover appeared.

   While protecting the audience, it can also protect the trainer and referee.

  Large-scale formal competitions such as league competitions all have double protective covers.

   The first floor is in front of the trainer, and the elves are a little outside the battlefield, while the other is behind the trainer and in front of the audience.

   is also really because there are two protective shields, so now the audience is just talking in a horrified tone, otherwise I am afraid that they will have got up and ran long ago...

   After all, even the innermost protective cover has been broken. If the poisonous skull frog fell off not on the wall below, but on the auditorium above, can the last protective cover stop it?

   But if they don’t run, it doesn’t mean it’s all right.

   The protective cover was broken. This is a vicious incident.

Especially now during the league competition, tourists from all over the world come here to watch the game, and well-known media and TV stations from all over the world also conduct live broadcasts and publish news. If the league does not hurry up on public relations, it will really be a shame. Up.

   On the ground below, Zhou Jiang also stared at the opposite side blankly. He didn't come back to his senses until the audience had a lot of discussions. He didn't expect Shanaido to be so fierce that he would break the protective cover...

   "If you say, I don't want to pay for it..."

   Somehow, Zhou Jiang actually recovered and thought of this the first time...

   "Master..." Shanaiduo obediently floated back to Zhou Jiang, holding the white "dress" with both hands, and looking at him with aggrieved eyes.

   "Uh, Shanaido, it's all right, it's not your fault."

   Seeing Shanaido's appearance, Zhou Jiang quickly consoled him.

   Not to mention that this is not Shanaido's fault, even if it is Shanaido's fault, then she is right.

The people on the league side were dumbfounded for a while, and finally reacted. The commentator and the league people on standby in the audience were constantly talking and comforting the audience, while the referee and a few ran out of the passage. The staff of Zhou Jiang asked Zhou Jiang and the others to take back the elves and go back first.

   Zhou Jiang has nothing to do. Now the alliance must be busy solving the problem, and the first step to solve the problem is to appease the audience and the media.

   The game must be delayed.

   He doesn't worry that the league will put responsibility on him.

   Would it be possible to admit that the protective shield he was using was weak?

   Xanadu just used the Nianli version of the "finger spear" before.

   The first shot passed, and the poisonous skull frog was knocked into the air and hit the energy shield directly. Then after a few more shots from Shanaido, the energy passport was cold...

   Is it possible to blame Xanadu for too strong attacks?

   And there is someone behind him!

   Leaving now, for Zhou Jiang, the biggest problem is actually how to decide whether to win or lose.

  Count him win? Or a rematch?

   But even this so-called "biggest problem" does not really matter to him.

   Is the "biggest problem" necessarily dangerous and important?

   is only relative.

   Compared with other insignificant issues, although this issue is also insignificant, it is indeed Zhou Jiang's greatest concern.

   But even if he cares about this issue, he won't ask more.

   He is a person who likes to keep questions in his heart, and he doesn't like to ask others, especially when it is like this, he doesn't ask because he knows, even if he asks, he can't change anything.

   For example, if what he wants is that he wins the game, but the league wants them to play again, then even if he asks and knows the answer, is it possible to let them do what he wants?

  Since you can't change anything, just follow nature.

   These news, he will be informed sooner or later, and there is no need to rush for a while.

   And with his strength, no matter if it is a comeback or whatever, he is not afraid, so naturally he doesn't care much.

Zhou Jiang took back Shanaiduo and followed one of the staff members to leave the arena. Sun San on the opposite side was the same. He took back the poisonous skeleton frog, who was half paralyzed on the ground but had not lost the ability to fight, and followed the other staff from the opposite player. The channel left.

   on the field, in the audience.

   Zhou Nan, Xu Feng and the others looked worriedly at the back of Zhou Jiang and the others, frowned, and then asked Lu Ran and other adults, "What should I do, Zhou Jiang will be fine, right?"

"Don't worry, there shouldn't be anything wrong. I can't blame him for this. It stands to reason that this protective cover cannot be broken. Even if it is broken, it shouldn't be so broken. It should be itself. There is something wrong." Lu Ran and the others comforted Zhou Nan and the others. After seeing them feel at ease, Lu Ran took out his mobile phone, "If you are really worried, call Zhao Feng and the others to ask."

   She said this to Zhou Wenbin and Lin Jiyun, who were Zhou Jiang’s parents after all.

  Worry is definitely what they worry about the most.

   "It's okay, the heavenly kings must be busy at this time, so I won't disturb them." Although Zhou Wenbin was a little worried, he knew that his son was fine.

  The relationship is here.

   And the protective shield was broken in the game, can you blame the players?

  Why is the player elves so strong?

the other side.

   Zhou Jiang was walking in the passage with a staff member.

   The staff is a young guy.

  He was not nervous. After walking with Zhou Jiang for a while, he saw Zhou Jiang not talking, thinking he was afraid of a guilty conscience, and comforted Zhou Jiang.

   After learning that Zhou Jiang was not afraid, he entangled Zhou Jiang again, asking questions about Zhou Jiang, and he was a mentally young man.

   Zhou Jiang is nothing.

   He asked, Zhou Jiang answered, unless it involves privacy or the like, but he will not ask about these sensitive privacy topics, so the two of them had a very pleasant chat along the way.

  Although Zhou Jiang has not taken the initiative to ask questions during the whole journey.

   Until the fork in the way to the players’ lounge and the outside passage, Zhou Jiang asked him, "I don’t have to stay here, right? It’s okay to go back to the dormitory?"

   "Haha, you finally asked me, I thought you would have no problem."

"..." Seeing Zhou Jiang's death gaze, the staff punched haha, touched his nose, and said sternly, "Well, this is not a rule. Although it is a problem when you are in the game, it is the same as You’re okay, you can go anywhere."

   Zhou Jiang nodded, and walked outside. After a few steps, a word floated out, "Then I will go."

   "..." The staff member looked at Zhou Jiang's back and scratched his head, "Perhaps, geniuses are always strange? But at least they are not bad-tempered."

After    murmured twice, the staff left here shaking their heads.

   Zhou Jiang left the venue and came outside, and found that there were not many people outside. He turned to the audience’s entry aisle to take a look and found that no one came out.

   So Zhou Jiang could only guess that this might have been stopped by people from the alliance.

   Although I don’t know what's the use of stopping...

   But since no one came out, Zhou Nan and the others would continue to sit there, and Zhou Jiang would not bother to wait for them.

   Before leaving, Zhou Jiang sent a message to the group to be safe. After waiting for a minute, there was no one in the group. He sent a message saying that he was back to the dormitory and then turned off his mobile phone and left.

   Zhou Jiang didn’t know, the audience didn’t come out not because they were stopped by people from the alliance, but because they were listening to comfort and “explain”.

   Less than five minutes after he left, the audience successively came out of the exit, and the crowd naturally included Zhou Nan and others.

   At this time, they were walking out in the crowd, and while walking, they made complaints one after another.

   "So Zhou Jiang has come out?" Zhou Nan asked.

   "Should, take out the phone to call and ask?" Chen Yongan said casually.

   "Well, let me ask." Zhou Nan said and took out his mobile phone.

   "I'm going, that guy has already returned to the dorm!"

   "Huh?" After waiting for a long time, Chen Yongan was a little surprised.

   After receiving the mobile phone handed over by Zhou Nan, Chen Yongan looked at Xu Feng who was walking in front of him, breathed a sigh of relief, and looked down at ease.

"what happened?"

   A few girls from the river behind also approached, but they weren’t too close, and they were walking around, so they couldn’t see the contents of the phone clearly.

   Zhou Jiang sent a few words in the group, and Chen Yongan quickly finished reading it. After reading it, he shrugged and handed the phone to Jiang Shui and others who had squeezed Zhou Nan away.

   After Jiang Shui and the others had finished watching, he said, "It seems that I will go back to the dormitory directly."

   "Let’s go back. Anyway, the game is gone in the afternoon. I don’t know when I will postpone it. If it’s just lunch, do I have to go out to eat?"

   "It doesn't matter."

   "Go out."

   "Go back and ask Zhou Jiang."

   "What if I go out? Snack street?"


   A few people, one sentence, successfully shifted the topic away...



   Once again, Zhou Jiang's double room was again full of people.

   There are nearly two dozen people, it's no joke.

   But it's okay, everyone didn't stay long, after all, it was almost lunch time.

   Everyone came together. One was to see Zhou Jiang, and the other was to eat together. Although there is still a short distance from the meal, it didn't take long. Waiting here will be there.

   But in fact, for the purpose of "watching Zhou Jiang", that's it. After all, he has nothing to do...

   Zhou Jiang told him what the staff had told him, roughly relayed it to them, and then it was all right.

   As for lunch, everyone still chooses to go out. After all, if you eat the food in the Zhoujiang storage ring, then the room looks too small, crowded, and the food is not good.

Under the big sun, everyone didn’t want to wander around. After going out to eat, they went back to the dormitory, chatting nonsense, chatting casually in the group, after all, even Zhou Jiang and Zhou Nan’s parents were also mobile phones. People.

   But it’s impossible to chat all the time. After more than an hour, everyone left~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and went to play each other.

   Zhou Nan, he ran to find Xu Feng and their room went dark, while Zhou Jiang was lying on the bed and flipping the phone boredly, watching the news.

   There has been a lot of news about his game accident in the morning, but Zhou Jiang has not seen the news of malicious attacks and smears. Most of them simply talked about what happened, and there was nothing in-depth.

   But think about it, after all, it is an official event organized by China, and everyone dare not be too presumptuous.

   It's not good to be worn with small shoes.

   This is not M country and other Western countries.

   Suddenly, Zhou Jiang, who was lying on the bed and flipping his mobile phone, brightened his eyes.

   After watching for so long, I finally talked about him.

   Looking at Shanaido with the picture on the cover, Zhou Jiang smiled slightly and clicked in nervously.

   Three minutes later, Zhou Jiang smiled heartily after reading the news.

   This news is a good news for him to praise him. Although it is praised by Xanaduo, isn't Kwashanaido just praised him?

   Zhou Jiang felt very comfortable looking at the piles of flattery on it, and he noted the name of the news agency-"Da Wang Hua"

   Looking at the name, Zhou Jiang's heart trembled.

   Rafflesia... The Rafflesia is good!

   The name of the elf is Bawanghua, and the name of this news agency is Dawanghua. It does not take the name of the elf directly like most news agencies. What does this mean?

   This means that they are a conscience news agency different from those rubbish, mass news agencies! They definitely want to take a different path, this is simply a clear stream in the press!


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