It was night. In the room, everyone was lying on the bed and didn't sleep. They were all running the chat software.

   [Zhou Nan]: It's boring to say, is there any place to play.

  【Zhou Jiang】: No.

   [Xu Feng]: No.

  【Chen Yongan】: No.

  [Jiangshui]: Should we go to other districts?

  [Zhoujiang]: Other areas?

   [Zhou Jiang]: [懵逼.jpg]

"You do not know?"

   "What do you know?" Zhou Jiang looked at Zhou Nan who was lying on the other bed.

   Before Zhou Nan could answer, Xu Feng from the mobile phone group sent an explanation.

   [Xu Feng]: Jiang Shui is talking about residential areas in other countries, right?

   [Jiangshui]: Yes, our side is Huaxia District. There are still many places that have not been built. Other areas should be the same, but there will definitely be other new things, right?

   "So that's it." Zhou Jiang nodded, he thought what he was talking about.

   "Should we go to play? After all, the game is postponed for three days."

   Zhou Jiang looked at Zhou Nan, pursed his lips, thought for a while, and then nodded, “It’s okay, it’s better to go and see, it’s better than staying in this dormitory all the time.”

   The efficiency of the league is still quite high, and the public relations statement was issued immediately, saying that it was investigating the reason for the broken shield and postponing the league competition for three days. During this period, the league people will find the reason and check the rest of the venue.

   Although it is not because of Zhou Jiang’s elves, Zhou Jiang is still famous. Many people are discussing this matter on the Internet post. And Zhou Jiang, the protagonist of the incident, naturally has to be discussed and explained.

   [Wang Qingyan]: How did you get there, it opened to traffic?

   [Zhang Ning]: It's open, and the subway started trial operation before it was officially put into use yesterday.

   [Zhou Jiang]: The subway is good, so shall we go there by subway?

   [Xu Feng]: Well, take the subway. The race is postponed for three days. There must be many people who are planning to go to other places like us.

   [Zhou Jiang]: Let’s do it, that’s it, let’s continue to discuss a time.


The discussion is over half an hour later. The time is finally set. At 8 o'clock in the morning the next day, everyone will gather at the entrance of the nearest subway station to them, and the general sightseeing flow will be there. Also discussed roughly.

   There is no need to think about luggage. After all, they are going to play, and they only play for a day without spending the night there, so there is no need to consider other extras, just bring their own wallets.

For    backpacks, only Zhou Jiang and Jiang Shui should carry backpacks.

   Boys’ stuff is here on the Zhoujiang River, and girls’ stuff by the Saijiang River.

   After discussing the schedule and waiting for a bunch of miscellaneous things, Zhou Jiang and the others turned off their mobile phones and went to sleep.

With the direction to go to play tomorrow, they are no longer in the mood to stay up late to chat about other things, and now it is better to stay up late to chat, it is better to save some energy to wait for tomorrow to go out to play, if you don’t sleep well tonight, you will lose Made a big deal.



   "This person, there are a lot of people, it will still be a problem if we can squeeze it up by then." Zhou Nan shook his head and looked around for a while and muttered.

   Outside the subway station, Zhou Jiang and several people stood there waiting for Zhou Jiang’s father and them.

   They did not come together, just like yesterday, they came here to wait by car.

   After all, the distance between where they live is a little bit, and there must be a lot of people today. If they get together and wait, I don’t know how long it will take.

   After all, not all buses are in operation yet.

   And they don't care about this time, they can play the whole day, and they don't have to come together deliberately.

   Just meet before getting on the subway.

   At this time, Zhou Jiang and the others have been waiting here for about five minutes, but Zhou Jiang’s father, Zhou Wenbin and the others will still be here for a while.

   They have no complaints about waiting. They come out to play because they are bored, and they can still afford it.

   It’s just that they are more concerned about the passengers coming in and out here than waiting.

   It is true that they are not the only ones who have this plan. Tourists from their Huaxia area want to go to other areas, and other areas also want to come to this Huaxia area.

   Zhou Jiang They stood at the entrance of the subway station and waited for people. When they were bored, they looked around, and all the passengers who came in and out with backpacks came in and out.

  Although Zhou Nan's voice was very soft, all Zhou Nan standing beside him could hear it.

   Xu Feng glanced at him, and then continued to put his hands on his chest, standing there cleverly without speaking.

   It was Chen Yongan. After thinking about it for a while, he smiled and said, "If you are afraid that there will be too many people to squeeze, then you can block the door?"

   "Huh?" Zhou Nan looked at Chen Yongan suspiciously, and Zhou Jiang and others also looked over.

Chen Yongan didn’t feel anything. He smiled and glanced at a few people. Then he said, “Zhou Nan, you’re a tall man, squeeze in first, then block the door to prevent others from entering, and then wait for us to squeeze in. Later, let us in slowly, won't this be the result?"

   "Pooh~" Jiang Shui and other girls suddenly laughed, Zhou Jiang also laughed subconsciously, which reminded him of the time he used to study.

That was when I was in junior high school in a small county. Every time I went home from school on Fridays, there were few buses, many students, and there were many stations on it, so it was always difficult to get on the bus, and I often had to wait for a long time at the stop sign. .

Although there were regulations on buses at that time that there was a limit, but every Friday, they would be full of people. It seemed that the seats were fifteen, so the entire vehicle, plus the aisle, at least There can be 25 to 30 people!

   No way. At that time, my hometown was very poor, and there was no money for the bus company to add a few more buses. On Fridays, it was all students leaving school and it was impossible not to let them go, so it became like this.

   Every time school is over, they have to grab the opportunity to get on the bus at the stop sign, and after getting on the bus, they have no chance to sit. They have to stand for half an hour to get home or occasionally less people can have a chance to sit down.

   At that time, because it was not easy to get on the bus, while waiting for the bus, a chubby friend from his village complained to him, so he proposed to him. The content of the proposal was similar to what Chen Yongan said.

   They were five friends in total, so Zhou Jiang suggested that when he and the other four were in the car, push him forward behind him. He only needs to scavenge the crowd.

   Then when he got to the door, he asked him to stop at the door with his "strong" body, and then let them go up slowly one by one, so as not to be scattered and unable to get up.

   Of course, this is just an ideal plan, and they naturally have no chance to implement it.

   After a trance, Zhou Jiang, who had recovered, looked at Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan who were complaining to each other, and smiled slightly.


   "Huh?" Suddenly hearing Xu Feng's voice, Zhou Jiang looked over, then looked in the direction he was looking, and found Zhang Ning and the others who were running towards this side waving their hands in the distance.

   Of course, Zhang Ning was the only one who ran over. The others, except for the shy Bai Ya, were the only adults like Zhou Wenbin.

   Adults have the distress of adults. Unless you can't catch up in an emergency, you have to be a little reserved in front of outsiders, so they can leave as soon as possible.

   "Sorry, I am late." Of course, this was not what Zhang Ning said. After she ran over, she hugged Jiang Shui and other girls intimately...

   "It's okay, we have just arrived, and if everyone is there, then everyone should set off, go early and come back early." Lu Ran said.

   "Yeah." Everyone nodded, and then walked towards the subway station.

   After waiting for a long time, he finally got on the subway, but Zhou Jiang's expression was a bit ugly.

The current situation is a bit bad, just as Zhou Nan was worried about before. Of course, this is still not up to Zhou Nan’s claim that he can’t get on the subway, but there is no place, so they can only stand. Now, and some people are crowded...

   There are a lot of people.

   "How long does it take to take the subway?" Zhou Jiang couldn't help but asked Xu Feng, who was crowded next to Zhou Nan.

   As for why not ask Zhou Nan?

   Zhou Jiang affirmed that he would answer Zhou Jiang "don't know" with a 90% probability.

   In that case, it is better to directly ask the reliable Xu Feng.

   "Roughly speaking, I will have to sit for half an hour, which is a bit far away." Xu Feng turned slightly, watching Zhou Jiang answer.


   After getting the answer, Zhou Jiang not only did not breathe a sigh of relief, but was rather tired.

  Half an hour...

   It really feels like returning to the days when the bus was crowded...

   But fortunately, unlike before, now they are crowded with a large number of people on the subway.

   And there were several cheerful people like Zhou Nan, and soon everyone started talking.

   But everyone chatted in three waves.

   Lu Ran and other adults, a wave of boys and others led by Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan, and a wave of girls and others led by Jiang Shui and Zhang Ning.

Although the three waves of people are "talking to each other", they sometimes cross the scene with each other. Although Zhou Jiang and Xu Feng are both boring gourd types, they can still talk to familiar people. They interrupted and vomited from time to time. And in the chat of everyone, time passed quickly.

   "Ding~ Next stop, the eighth district..."

   "It's the eighth district, right?" Zhou Jiang looked at Xu Feng and asked after listening to the radio.

   "Well, the eighth district." Xu Feng nodded, and moved some of his numb legs.

   got the answer, Zhou Jiang nodded, and he was relieved.

finally reached……

   I glanced at some people on the car who were just as eager as they were, Zhou Jiang secretly sighed that he deserves to be Country M, whether it is a previous life or this world, there will always be people yearning.

   It is worth mentioning that the area where Huaxia is located is the third district. Of course, whether it is third or eighth, these numbers are not rankings or the like, but the names of ordinary regions.

  , after all, is an artificial island jointly produced and operated by many countries, right? And the name of each country will feel strange to other people, with its own style.

  It seems that the eastern name is different from the western one, and for the sake of unity, everyone uses the simplest number that everyone will use.

  The style of each country is different, the building facilities will be different.

   is like Huaxia, a country famous all over the world for eating. The first thing that was completed was a variety of shops and snack streets.

   Of course, shops selling elves-related products don’t count. Countries all over the world will give priority to these things. After all, this is the world where elves are supreme.

   China is famous for its gourmet food, while Country M is famous for its free sports.

   In Country M, the battlefields of all sizes are everywhere, and you may agree to drag a person on the street to fight.

   They advocate freedom, travel, and battle. This is also the reason why Country M is strong. How can the trainer not be strong because of the national conditions?

   Compared with Country M, although the facilities are not bad, the atmosphere is different.

Huaxia’s trainers are not as ambitious and aggressive as the trainers in Country M. Most of China’s trainers don’t have such a strong desire to rush upwards, so although the facilities and everything are complete, they are not strong. Not comparable to country M.

However, although it is not comparable to Country M, China’s strength is not weak. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the top five in the world. After all, there is a large population, even if most people are not very motivated, but that small number of people are divided into so many people. Among them, there are quite a few.

   back to the topic.

   came to the eighth district this time, they mainly came to watch the game and so on.

   After all, the belligerence of the M people is well-known in the world. As a trainer, there is nothing wrong with it.

   Before, it was a matter of distance. Country M and China are at the opposite ends of the earth, and it takes more than 20 hours to fly by plane.

   The world has a huge territory. If it weren't for advanced black technology, I'm afraid that the two countries can only travel by cruise ship or transit.

   But even so, it used to be almost two days.

  I was on the plane for nearly a day, and in the past it was almost a day for boarding and rest after disembarking.

   Two days are gone, and the point is that the ticket is expensive...

For this long-distance flight, the ticket is really expensive, and it is also dangerous. After all, you have to go through the sea. If you accidentally encounter any flying long-winged that's it. Some trouble.

  Although seabirds such as long-winged gulls will not come by actively, wild elves are often troublesome. They are wise and are not wild animals. Therefore, there are often many disputes similar to humans between groups and races.

   It's like encountering a flock of long-winged gulls for the war between island territories, or encountering flying elves who have been bullied and want to lose their anger, or tyrannosaurus with a temper on their heads...

   Don't look at the plane flying high, the tyrannosaurus can also be shot when it destroys the dead light, but it needs to be predicted and the power after shooting has been greatly reduced.

   But destroying the dead light is a super trick of the elves. The plane is also a precision machine, and it will fall when it is rubbed and touched.

   In order to avoid these dangers, there will be "bodyguards" on each long-haul plane. Their elves are basically elite high-level, and their elves must also be flying, super powers, ghosts, etc. that can fly.

   The price of hiring such a specialized trainer is naturally high, and airlines are naturally unlikely to lose money, so they have to make money back on air tickets.

   So the ticket is more expensive.

   is also between China and M, the price of flying can take more than ten cruises.

  The only downside of the cruise ship is its slow speed, it takes almost a month...

   The trainer itself needs time to train. One month is spent on the cruise ship just to see Country M. It is really worthless. As for the plane?

  Where is so much money? If you have this money, is it not fragrant to buy some energy cubes or store props?



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