I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 702: Repair the old man and fight ghosts

  The time of the league competition held by each country is different, and China is the first to host the league competition in this country on the "Battle Island".

Although other countries have not yet started the event, with the opening of the "Battle Island", the construction of these buildings in the commercial street has also begun. With the opening of the third district of China, other island areas have also begun to open to accept residents. , This is one of the reasons why they will come to play.

   As soon as they walked out of the subway station, they felt a completely different atmosphere from the Huaxia area.

   Looking at the crowds rushing in one direction, Zhou Jiang was quite moved. Should I say that country M is country M? This atmosphere is not covered.

   So many people rushed in one direction with excitement and curiosity on their faces. Needless to say, there must have been an elf battle.

   "Walk around, let's join in the fun too." Seeing this, Zhou Nan exclaimed to several people excitedly.

   Everyone is indispensable. The main purpose of coming here is to feel the atmosphere of Country M and watch the elves battle here. Now there is a battle, how can I miss it?

   followed the flow of people. Within a few steps, Zhou Jiang heard the sound of cheering and elves colliding and exploding after being heard from a distant place.

   After a corner, Zhou Jiang found a park with dense vegetation.

   Even if you don't look at the passersby and tourists who walk in one after another, Zhou Jiang can guess that the battle must have happened there.

   "Hurry, hurry, go hurry!" Zhou Nan, who was trotting in front of him, turned around and beckoned to Zhou Jiang, trying to make them hurry.

   When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but smile at each other, but they didn't say anything, they just accelerated their steps.

   After all, everyone knows that Zhou Nan is going to study in M ​​country, so he can understand how excited he is now.

   One is to see the situation in Country M, which is quite familiar, and the other is to be curious about the elves of Country M or other countries.

  The elves living in various regions are mostly different. They are fine in Asia and the same, but they are much different from those in Europe and Africa. The elven populations are basically out of line.

   For example, the electric mouse Pikachu, which is a common animal in Asia, can basically be found in larger forests. It is just a matter of more and less.

   However, in places such as Europe, Africa and America, the number of these cute animals is very small. It can be said that there is basically no population of them.

   Luckily, it was only three or two kittens, maybe even the ethnic group could not reach it.

  The elves that are common in China and other Asian regions may not exist in Europe and America. The same is true for the common elves in Europe and America. They are rare or absent in Asia.

   During the years of study in school, they basically didn't have access to elves from other regions. Most of what they learned was elves from Asia. After all, many people would never encounter trainers or elves from other countries in their lifetime.

  Foreign elven knowledge, before university, only some common elves will be contacted. As long as you get to university, you will come into contact with all the remaining elves knowledge, including discovered characteristics or special skills of elves there.

   The accelerated people quickly chased up, and then followed the people in front into the park.

   Walking on the cobblestone road, everyone entered inside.

   There are tall, unknown trees outside to prevent you from seeing it. After entering, you can see several large standard-specification venues inside. On the side of the court are crowds who are constantly shouting for something.

   Zhou Jiang can’t understand English, especially if so many people are shouting together, it’s even more incomprehensible, I just think it’s just silly...

   However, Zhou Jiang guessed that this should be called cheering?

   After all, some of their shouts are quite unified and rhythmic...

   Zhou Jiang and the others walked over and watched the game where there were few people standing alone.

   The few people standing there saw Zhou Jiang and others coming, looked back, smiled friendly at them, and then turned their heads to watch the game.

   Zhou Jiang and others didn't care, and focused on the game on the court.

Zhou Jiang glanced at the trainers who were shouting orders on both sides. They were all foreigners. At least Zhou Jiang couldn't tell whether he was from M country or which country. In his eyes, there were only black people, Asian yellow people and European white people. These three differences.

   As for country M, country E or what country, how does he know...

  Don't say which country they are from, he can't even hear what they are saying.

   In his previous life, his English was scum, and they spoke fast, so he could not tell if it was English.

   But it doesn't matter whether he is in English or not. Zhou Jiang shook his head and cast his eyes on the two elves in the middle of the field.

The elves fighting on the field, two of them are fighting elves, one is a repaired old man holding two concrete pillars and brandishing his power, and the other is flexibly between the two cement pillars repairing the old man. Fighting ghosts with flexible shuttle.

   These two kinds of wits are common fighting spirits in Europe and America, each with its own characteristics.

   The repairing old man uses special concrete pillars that are elves to attack, while the ghost fighter is like a fighter practicing karate or judo, jumping up and down very flexible.

   Looking at the two elves, Zhou Jiang has a strange desire to explore...

  Repair old man evolved from a small carpenter to an iron bone native and then evolved into a repair old man.

Starting from the first form of the transporter, it has a weapon in its hand. Among them, the transporter is holding a square long wooden bar. After the evolution, the iron bone native is holding a Reinforced building materials have evolved into two concrete pillars.

   Zhou Jiang felt very strange about this.

   You said the weapons in their hands are built-in, so what if they break?

   The steel and concrete in their hands are definitely not "invincible", they are also durable. He remembered that in the animation, a cement pillar repairing an old man was broken during the battle.

   What if it is broken? Use glue or something to stick it together?

   But it feels weird no matter how you think about it.

   Then simply replace it with a good one?

  The question comes again. Since the wizard comes with it, where do the good cement pillars or wood and construction steel bars come from?

   The other old repairmen died and stayed behind? That's too little, not enough.

  Or do they use artificial cement pillars?

   But... Isn't this just arming the elves privately... Then I just put four machetes on the strange force, isn't it more powerful?

   Or just a bow and arrow, so that you can easily hit the flying elves?

   Well, another shield, anyway, it has four hands.

  Think about the strange power of four hands, one hand holding a machete, the other holding a heavy shield, and the other two holding a bow and arrows. What kind of posture is that?

  Think about it carefully. If you can really install equipment, the strange power will be invincible in close combat. Is there... two more flexible arms, plus huge strength, who can fight in close combat?

  Of course, the premise is that the durability of the weapons and equipment is high, so don't be beaten all at once...

   ahem, return to the topic.

If the cement pillar in the hands of the old man is a special weapon that it comes with, it will be difficult to do if it is broken, and if it is not its own weapon, then when they evolve, the weapons in their hands will also "evolve." ?

  Moreover, compared with the concrete pillar and the reinforced building material, it is obvious that the reinforced building material is harder and more powerful...Why are the weapons used after the evolution weakened?

   I'm just crazy...

   Besides repairing the old man, Zhou Jiang is also a little confused about fighting ghosts, such as the clothes he wears...

   Can you take off this dress?

   Zhou Jiang was very curious about this. The clothes on his body obviously looked different from Shanaiduo's dress. If he took it off, it should be ok?

   Zhou Jiang was thinking wildly, but his attention was soon forced to return to reality.

   No way, this fight is really exciting. The voices of the audience are very loud. Amidst a wave of shouts that will erupt from time to time, he has to be forced to return to his mind and face reality no matter how much he can meditate.

   After recovering from the trance state, Zhou Jiang would naturally not think about it anymore, but instead set his sights on the battlefield, enjoying the game like many other spectators.

  On the field, the repairing old man constantly wielded the cement pillar to stage a two-sword starburst air slash. However, the strength of fighting ghosts is not weak. The amazing dynamic vision and excellent reaction nerves allow it to dodge attacks with ease.

   But it is only limited to evasion, if you want to fight back, you can't do it.

   Of course, it's only now. Now the elves on both sides are highly concentrated, and it depends on who can't stand it and fall first.

   Once the repairing old man can't hold back, the intertwined firepower net has loopholes, and the attacking ghost is the reaction, then the repairing old man is likely to be attacked close to the ghost.

   The two fighting elves have different focuses. The so-called one inch long and one inch strong, one inch short and one inch dangerous.

   The repairing old man waving a concrete pillar can now suppress and strike ghosts, but that is a situation where both sides are not close to each other.

Once he is close to his body, the repairing old man can only give up the weapon in his hand and fight with it empty-handed. After all, if he is close and wields two concrete pillars and fights against ghosts by melee combat experts, even if he is also in melee combat. The repairing old man with outstanding ability will not be the opponent.

   After all, the focus is different.

   In case of close hand-to-hand combat, the repairing old man is not weak, but it is not as good as fighting ghosts.

   Whether fighting ghosts can improve the body of the old man, this is the key to determining the outcome of this battle!

   I don't know how long they have been fighting when Zhou Jiang and the others came over. At least for the moment, Zhou Jiang seems to be quite tired of the two elves. It is estimated that they have been fighting for a long time.

   Judging from their current state, it is almost time to compete for perseverance, unless one of their entangled elves stops and stays away from the other elves.

   It is impossible to give up but give up.

Perhaps it is the reason for the "same-sex" repulsion. When fighting elves and fighting elves fight, the aura is very important. At this time, once who retreats, then he loses in the aura. When facing each other again, It is easy to produce the illusion of "I am not as good as the other party", and then fall into a disadvantage in the subsequent battle.

   So, by now, the two of them have no retreat. They can only bite the bullet and continue to fight until they or the other party have a flaw, and then they are knocked down.


   was constantly jumping around to avoid the old man's cement pillar. When he fell from the air and fell on the ground, he accidentally stepped on a small piece of cement that fell from the old man's cement pillar!

   This cement was broken when the Fighting Ghost was fighting with the repairing old man before, and then the fine pieces of cement remained there.

If it is an ordinary stone, with the power of hitting the weight of the ghost, there will be nothing wrong with stepping on it when jumping down, and it will be crushed directly, but this is not ordinary cement, it is a wizard prop One of them.

   In terms of hardness, I didn’t say that ordinary attacks are basically incapable of breaking, so the skills of the wizard can be destroyed.

   In order to save energy, fighting ghosts did not exert much effort while avoiding the attack of the repairing old man, so it was a tragedy...

When    jumped down, what would happen if he stepped on a bumpy, large gravel?


   There is no doubt that the ghost's feet have been beaten...

   Elves are not without bones and internal organs. They are just a little thicker at most. Those who should be injured will still be injured, and those who should be broken will still be broken.

   It’s really deadly at this time. It’s really deadly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But even if the foot is missing, it will be sentenced to death if it steps on the cement block and becomes unbalanced.

   The striker who fell to the ground with his feet slapped was not panicked. When he was about to land, he rolled out of the repairing old man’s strike range with his hands, but how could the repairing old man miss such a good opportunity?

   Forgetting tiredness, forcibly squeezed out a little bit of strength and carried the cement pillar and kept falling towards the ground.

Fighting ghosts constantly used donkey rolls on the ground to avoid the attack of the repairing old man in the constant shouts of his own trainer. Not to mention, this donkey rolling is really good, the cement pillar of repairing the old man did not fall on it. Over...

   Two concrete pillars kept falling on the ground, and one after another appeared potholes, but they couldn't hit the ghosts, and the trainer who repaired the old man hurriedly jumped up and down the ground.

   Zhou Jiang looked over and saw him jumping angrily, pointing to the front, constantly shouting something, but Zhou Jiang could not understand.

   But even if I don’t understand it, I’m probably able to come out a little bit. It’s nothing more than getting the repairing old man to get it right.

An angry foreigner has nothing to look at. It’s not a foreign girl. If a foreign girl jumps up and down, it’s a bit interesting. Although he’s a lo*ic*n, he doesn’t hate Naoko, as long as he doesn’t exaggerate. And when jumping up and down, the turbulent feeling is still very attractive.

I refocused my gaze on the old man fighting ghosts and repairing the old man, and found that they were still playing the game of "punching gophers". Not to mention, these two elves are still quite interesting. After chasing, the ground knocked loudly, and the big pits came one by one, but they just couldn't knock.


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