Soon, Zhou Jiang and others separated from Xu Feng and Lu Ran.

   Xu Feng and the others went to buy tickets and then went to a specific auditorium to watch the game, while Zhou Jiang and the others were preparing the registration procedures for the competition.

   Before, applying for a card at the front desk only allowed them to qualify for the competition, instead of coming over to compete.

   If you want to fight, you need to register at a counter inside, and then wait slowly.

   The personnel who choose to fight are carried out by computer lottery. There is a twelve-digit number code on the "VIP" card that is issued, and the last six digits of the number are the numbers they will use.

  The battle is played in a "building".

There are a total of ten floors. There are two venues on each floor from top to bottom. There are dedicated high-speed elevators running through. You can reach the top floor from the first floor in about a minute after entering the elevator. It doesn’t take time. It’s just this kind of building. Can't use super large-scale skills.

   Like earthquakes, dragon stars, etc., they are all prohibited skills. This VIP card in their hands is marked with small letters, so they are not afraid that they will forget it, and the contract was signed when the card was applied.

Since the battlefield is separate, the auditorium cannot be fixed on the edge of the venue with the league competition. If this is the case, then a ten-story auditorium must be built, and there is no less. , After all, the audience paid for the tickets. In this case, it would cost a lot of money.

   So I just didn't make the audience seats on the spot. Just build a few rooms like lecture halls and put a holographic projection in them.

   Although the holographic projection is a bit expensive, the viewing effect is good, so you don’t have to be sorry for your reputation.

   There are no audience seats for the audience to watch at the scene. Naturally, there is no lounge for the contestants like Zhou Jiang. They can only wait outside the battle arena on the first floor.

Listen to the radio or directly look at the electronic display in the train station. There are twenty pairs of numbers on it. In front of the numbers are numbers from one to twenty. One pair of numbers is the number of the contestant who is about to compete, and the number is the venue. Digital number.

   Players only need to wait slowly by the side to see if they have their own numbers. If there are, see which venue is there, and then take the elevator to the corresponding venue to wait. If not, they will continue to stay where they are.

   This is similar to the battle tower that I played several times in Huaxia, but Huaxia’s battle tower also has a host, and the audience can directly watch the live game, and more importantly, there is a lounge for the players!

   In comparison, there are more lows here, and it is said that this model was first created by Country M, and China also learned it later, and I don’t know if it is true.

   But whether it is true or not, it has nothing to do with him. He is just here to play. Does it matter who created it first?

   Zhou Jiang and the four of them signed up at the counter and went to the battle arena on the first floor.

   As soon as they entered the gate, they saw two figures fighting on the battlefield inside. After entering, they found out that there were already people around.

   Zhou Jiang roughly counted, there were at least two or three hundred people!

  Anyone who can come here is to participate in the battle, that is to say, all here are trainers!

   Good fellow, should you say that you really deserve to be Country M?

   Although many people are estimated to be the same as them, they are people from other countries and come from other districts, but aren't they all here because of the reputation of country M?

   "It seems that there are a lot of people, so can we have our turn to play..." Zhou Nan couldn't help but worry as he watched the crowds inside.

"It should be no problem. The game is one-to-one. If a game counts as ten minutes, there are almost five games in an hour. Twenty venues are two hundred people. And this is a lottery, so luck will not be bad. Where shall we go?" Zhou Jiang looked around and said slowly.

   Zhou Nan nodded and said nothing.

   Zhou Jia and Tian Zhengjie also did not speak, and quietly followed behind them.

   "Go inside first, it's no use standing here, go to the electronic display screen." Zhou Jiang said to several people.

   "Hmm." Zhou Nan and Tian Zhengjie nodded, but Zhou Jia always ignored him.

   Although she doesn't respond, she will follow the action and will not leave on her own. From this point of view, she is like a child who has not yet grown up.

   Well, he is still a bear kid with a bad temper and not likable.

   In addition to the battlefield, there is a place for their prospective combatants to rest and stand. Of course, it is also the place where the elevator exists, but the elevator is in the innermost corner, not next to them.

   The venue is very large. Although there are many trainers here, if they are scattered around the venue, it seems that there are very few.

   At least they didn't fill up the two fields.

   The doorway corresponds to the "width" of the rectangular battlefield, behind the trainer who is fighting inside, so no one is blocking the exit. Everyone is watching the game around the "long" sides of the rectangle on both sides.

As for the electronic display screens showing the players who will be fighting off the battlefield, they are also hung on the "long" walls on both sides. Compared with the trainers standing on the "long", there are relatively more people standing next to the electronic display screens. , But not so full.

After all, I don’t know how long I’m going to stay here, but I’m just standing here and waiting. Naturally, I have to watch the game to pass the time. The electronic display is only after the game is over here, or when the broadcast is sounding to see if there is anyone on it. The number is only.

   And there are more people standing under the electronic screen, but they don’t want to walk around...

The broadcast sounded once, and most people would come to check it out just to be on the safe side. There are more than 20 venues and the competitions are often different, so there will often be a broadcast every three to five minutes. If you keep going back and forth , How can this resist.

   Unless they don’t look at the electronic display, they listen to the radio.

But after all, the game is still happening here. In order not to affect the game, the sound of the broadcast will definitely not be louder than the sound of the battle. In this case, if an explosion occurs when a skill collision occurs on the field when reporting numbers, then You might miss it.

   When the time comes, they will still come to the electronic display screen, so many people simply stand a little closer to the electronic display screen and avoid walking back and forth.

  The other trainers were all standing in a safe position at the edge of the field, and there was still a large space behind them. Zhou Jiang and the others walked behind them and walked towards the position where the electronic display was located inside.

Although there are already a lot of people gathered on the edge over there, they will definitely have no place after they pass, but if they don’t pass, choose a place where you can see the game and there are few people, at least it’s at least away from the electronic display. More than twenty meters away...

   And to walk such a long distance every three to five minutes?

Save it……

   And they are a group of people, and they are not solo travelers. They can chat together even if someone in front of them can't watch the game.

   And even if they have nothing to say, they can still chat with Xu Feng who went to the audience to watch the game through their mobile phones...

   "Please make preparations for Nos. 000428 and 000348. Field 7 will start the game in five minutes. If you are late and overtime, it will..."

   Zhou Jiang before they even reached the electronic display, the radio rang again.

After the broadcast, because the broadcast was clear and was not covered by the sound of fighting, except for some people on the side of the electronic display who would look back and look back, everyone else stayed in place without moving. The gaze that had been looking at the battlefield was now more of looking at the surroundings to see which lucky person was drawn.


   After the broadcast was over, he stopped walking and stood and listened to the broadcast. Among them, Zhou Nan looked at Zhou Jiang in surprise.

   Tian Zhengjie and Zhou Jia behind them also opened their mouths in surprise.

  000428, this is Zhou Jiang’s number!

   How do they know?

  000426 is Tian Zhengjie’s serial number. He was the first of the four of them to handle it, and the second to handle Zhou Nan’s serial number was 000427, then Zhou Jiang was 428, and Zhou Jia was 429.

   This is the number that is numbered according to the order of processing. They have confirmed the number in other people's hands before, so naturally they will not know it.

   Zhou Jiang was also a little surprised when the number appeared to be his own on the radio, but more of them were unbelieving. Is my luck so lucky? He expressed deep doubts about this.

Although from Zhou Nan's reaction, this should be his number, and it should not be a similar number, but Zhou Jiang still took out the VIP card that was put in his pocket, and carefully corrected it. The numbers were repeated twice, and only after finding out that it was him, he took a long breath.

   Zhou Nan's face was jealous and ugly. He grabbed Zhou Jiang's shoulders with both hands and shook him constantly, "Fuck, fuck! Zhou Jiang, you stuffed the staff with money!"

   "This luck..." Teacher Tian Zhengjie who walked behind also looked incredible.

   I just came in after signing up and I was drawn, what kind of luck...

After Zhou Jia was shocked, she returned to her expressionless expression. Although she tried to pretend not to care, her acting skills were not good. Judging from the glances she glanced at Zhou Jiang from time to time, she was still Very concerned,.

Zhou Jiang patted Zhou Nan's hand holding him, put the VIP card game club in his pocket, looked at him, raised his head high, disdainfully said: "What is money stuffing, would I do such a low thing? Brother? This is luck, okay? Call me Ou Huang!"

   "O... Ou Huang? What?" Zhou Nan was a little confused, and then looked at Tian Zhengjie, who was the teacher behind him.

   However, Tian Zhengjie is also stunned.

  European Emperor? What hasn't been heard... Is it a new internet buzzword?

   "..." Zhou Jiang twitched the corner of his mouth, habitually pretending that the Europeans mocked the African chieftain, but forgot that this is not the original world, and the stalk is gone.

   Seeing their reaction, Zhou Jiang suddenly lost the interest in pretending to be coercive. He vented his whole body, waved his hand and said, "Forget it. It's nothing, you just understand that I'm lucky."

   Zhou Nan nodded as if he knew what he didn't understand, Tian Zhengjie behind him also nodded secretly, writing down this "Internet buzzword" to avoid being asked what it means in the future and not knowing what it means.

   "Then what, I'm leaving first, you guys help me tell them about my match times, come on, wait slowly~"

   Although I was a little disappointed that Zhou Nan and the others couldn't catch the stalk, but when he thought that he would be able to compete so soon, and they still had to wait here, Zhou Jiang couldn't help but laugh.

   Zhou Jiang smiled and waved at them, then trot away, regardless of Zhou Nan's "swearing" behind him.

   came to the edge of the elevator inside. There was already a trainer waiting there. To Zhou Jiang's expectation, his opponent was actually a female trainer, and he looked Asian.

   Although there are now a lot of female trainers, and there are also a lot of powerful people, such as Hirona, Shui Qingrou and others he knows, but compared with male trainers, female trainers are indeed a lot less.

   Although there are more women than men in this world, the trainer still says that there are more men.

   Most women will gradually abandon the trainer path in the two or three years after graduation and switch to other tasks.

Without the league’s subsidies for students, it’s difficult for newcomer trainers to mix up, especially when everyone has debts and if the trainer wants to become stronger, it needs to be mixed all year round. In the wild, it is not only dangerous in the wild, but also needs to eat a lot of bitter food. Sometimes they don’t even have to eat food and can only eat fruit. It is not to belittle women. In this regard, women are indeed not good, and most people can't stand this suffering.

   The high school vacation trip is only a few months, and there is a teacher's care, and then there are three years of university life and one year of traveling abroad, similar to internships.

It is the senior year that allows students to fully experience the hardship of the trainer, but the senior year is still a student, and the subsidy of the alliance is still there. So even if you can experience the hardship of the trainer, this is just incomplete. It's just experience.

   Many people will think that this is the case for the trainer, and it’s okay, not too tired.

   Actually, they just experienced the difficulty of the trainer's task.

   The loneliness of traveling alone in the forest, anxious for the slow improvement of the elves' strength, and anxiety for the lack of elves, evolution stones and skill jade...

   Trainers are not that easy to mix, people often only see their glorious side, but they can't see the hardships behind them.

  Elf trainers are good for making money. A mission can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, which is a little better, tens of thousands, and even a single endorsement in the league competition has hundreds of thousands, millions of dollars!

   But what about their upfront investment?

   The money spent training two elves for one year is almost enough for a well-off family of three! If a trainer wants to have some achievements, at least he needs to train six elves!


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