It can be seen that Zhou Jiang's opponent does not like to talk.

   When Zhou Jiang passed by, she just turned her head and glanced at him, and didn't say hello to him.

   She didn't say hello to Zhou Jiang, and Zhou Jiang would naturally not take the initiative to attack, so she stood on the edge and waited for the elevator to come down.

   There are two elevators, but both are in use. When Zhou Jiang got here, the elevator was on the second floor, so he didn't let him wait for long.

The elevator doors opened quickly, and a trainer appeared in both elevators. The Asian male trainer who came out of the elevator in front of Zhou Jiang saw Zhou Jiang and greeted him friendly, but in English. "Hello" greeting.

   Zhou Jiang also responded with a smile, and then the two passed by.

   There is no need to delay, right?

  Pingshui meet, just say hello politely, other things, unless you really want to be strong with the other party, otherwise you will not continue to communicate in depth.

   The two elevators started almost simultaneously and arrived at the same time.

   The elevator that Zhou Jiang took was on the left. After coming out, the female trainer walked straight to the battle arena on the right. Seeing that she was walking there, Zhou Jiang also walked to the left.

There is no rule here that you have to stand there, so stand casually. Zhou Jiang doesn’t care about it. He can stand on either side. After all, it’s not him who will fight off the field. It doesn’t feel different, and as long as he has the strength, where to stand. Is the side different?

   The venue they played against was the ordinary venue No. 7, and Zhou Jiang saw that there were still a lot of traces of skills on the venue, but there was no such thing as a big hole.

   Maybe it was not damaged too much, or maybe there was no spare field. In short, they could only continue to fight on this "second-hand" field that others had fought once.

   Of course, the number of "hands" may still be questionable.

   Zhou Jiang has no opinion on this, but hopes it will be stronger.

   After all, if the venue is damaged, although there is no need to pay, but the number of times is too large, but it may be blacklisted...

   Field No. 7 is empty, but Field No. 8 on the side is still fighting. The battle on Field No. 8 is the battle between Pangyan Monster and Meng Ge Naia.

   The situation of the battle can be clearly seen, and Mengge Naia has an overwhelming advantage.

   The dream song of the grass type and the evil type, the Pangyan monster of the rock type, should not be too simple.

   And the most important thing is that Pang Yan monster is extremely slow, basically it can only be passively beaten!

   Pang Yanguai's advantage lies in physical defense and physical attack, and that speed is its absolute shortcoming.

Although the speed of Mengge Naia is not fast, it is at least much faster than it, and Mengge Naia's double attack is very high, although this is exchanged for defense speed and physical strength, but at this time The meat target is very easy to use.

   Even if it does not dare to approach the Pangyan Monster, it seems that its most proficient spiked arm can no longer be used in the physical attack, but the special attack can still be used!

   Isn’t the special energy ball fragrant?

   The attack power value of the energy ball is "90" points, which is much higher than the "60" points of the spike arm.

   And super suck, parasitic seed and other skills, to hit this kind of elves that move at full speed, isn't one accurate?

   plus the double restraint of the grass system over the rock system...

   Now Pang Yanguai is still holding it, thanks to its super high physical attack.

The physical attack with a race value of "135" is indeed super high. Skills such as the rock slide are all considered physical attacks. While relying on these long-range attacks to block the Menggonia attack, there is still a chance to counterattack, although There is a high probability that Mengge Naia's attack can't be stopped.

   After all, the grass type hitting the rock type has double the damage, and the skills are also effective, and the special attack value of Mengge Naia is not low.

  According to Zhou Jiang's estimation, this Pang Yan monster will fail sooner or later. Although it seems to be able to hold on for a while now, as long as it is hit by a grass skill, it will be cold.

   Zhou Jiang didn't watch the game on the eighth field much. After all, he didn't have much time to show him. His own game is about to start, so why watch someone else's game.

   When Zhou Jiang stood at the designated position, opposite him, his opponent, the female trainer, had already stood.

In this room, apart from Zhou Jiang and his four trainers, there are only two referees. Otherwise, Zhou Jiang only saw a few cameras and the elevator when they came before, nothing else. .

   To be honest, Zhou Jiang was not very curious about what was inside, he was even more curious about how this "building" was built.

   There is almost a space as large as a football field and a half, but there is no pillar or support in the middle. Is the world's black technology so awesome?

Although he has never studied architecture, he also has the common sense that he should have. This ten-story "building" is estimated to be the same for the other floors. There is no pillar in the middle, and the space is the size of a football field. What is it used for? The material is made, so I am not afraid of collapse.

   Especially this building is still to be used for elf battles.

Although earthquakes and other skills cannot be used, elven battles will inevitably cause explosions and other things, and heavy elves, such as the big steel snake, king Nido, etc., will transmit power to the ground to disperse them when they fight in close combat. Stressful, if this building is not strong, I will show it to you in minutes!

   But Zhou Jiang didn't have too much worries about this. He could think of it, and others could also think of it. It must be possible for someone to do this.

The more powerful the company, the less sloppy it is about these. After all, to their level, they are basically listed companies. Then this reputation is the foundation of standing. Once something happens, there will be When the negative news came out, the stock price jump was not just for fun.

   And there are so many black technologies in this world, maybe it is something he doesn't know?

   And the worst plan is nothing more than the collapse of the building. With Shanaido, he is not worried about his safety.


   After Zhou Jiang and his opponent stood up at both ends of the field, the referee standing on one side walked to the middle of the field, and then, in the bewildered eyes of Zhou Jiang, he spoke.

   "..." Zhou Jiang heard that it was English, but...he could do nothing except to barely recognize that it was English from the words he occasionally popped out.

   As for what he said... God knows...

   At this time, Zhou Jiang finally understood the importance of knowing a foreign language.

   In his previous life, he was just a small person who went to work and messed around. It didn’t matter whether he had a foreign language or something, but now, the more he contacts, the more he needs to know, the more he needs his own “storage”.

   If he wants to continue walking down the road of trainers, according to his current trend, it will be a matter of time for him to contact foreigners.

   The champion of the league tournament can be qualified to challenge the Four Heavenly Kings. I am afraid that after this league tournament, he will become famous and be able to integrate with the world, right?

   If he can't think of embarrassment then, he must learn English as the mainstream language.

   Although there are many people who speak Huaxia, foreigners in country M also have to learn Huaxia, but after all, the strength of the trainers in country M is the oldest in the world, so English is now the mainstream language.

   Now Zhou Jiang, who has an inexplicable sense of crisis, will continue to walk along the trainer’s path before giving up, and the idea of ​​going back to open a café is naturally dispelled.

   He has a foreboding that a crisis event that will spread all over the world will definitely break out.

   It may be an invasion of aliens, an invasion of another world, or an evil organization such as the Rockets and rebellion.

   In any case, he can't underestimate the enemy.

  Although he hates trouble, if he doesn't work hard now, and some crisis really breaks out, it will be even more troublesome.

   Work harder now, and you will have more choices in the future. Life and death can be held in your hand anyway. If you don’t work hard now, you won’t know how to be cut by others.

   He hates the feeling of being held in his hands more than trouble. It makes him very uncomfortable.

   If he wants to continue climbing, he needs to enrich himself. The strength of the elves is no problem at present, but he himself needs to have "content". Apart from other things, he must know the most basic English, right?

  Although foreigners also speak Huaxia, do they passively listen to others speak Huaxia?

   If he spoke English deliberately, wouldn't he be fooled?

  Don't greet him in English with a smile on his face, he didn't know, and nodded and said yes, that would be funny.

   Get back to the subject.

   Zhou Jiang listened to the foreign referee with a bewildered expression. After speaking for a long time, the foreign referee finally noticed the bewildered expression on Zhou Jiang's face.

   He didn't continue to say anything, he looked at Zhou Jiang, then at the female trainer opposite him, and said: "DoyouunderstandEnglish?"

He said this sentence very slowly, and his words were clear. Even a novice like Zhou Jiang could hear it lightly, and the point was that these English words were all common, so he finally knew the meaning of what he said. .

   "NONONO, Can\'t" Zhou Jiang shook his head again and again, and the female trainer opposite him also shook his head and said "Can\'t".

He naturally heard what    said to the other side. After realizing that the other side did not speak English, he felt a lot better. At least it's not that he alone doesn't understand. In this case, even if you lose face, you can lose a little less, isn't it...

   Hearing the answers from the two, the referee sighed and asked slowly, "China? Japan? Korea?"

   When you see an Asian, you guess he is from China, R country and H country. That is basically correct, especially China, a country with a large population is not a joke.



   The two spoke at the same time, and the result was two different countries...

   Zhou Jiang glanced at each other in amazement, um, ashamed, he doesn’t know what country "Korea" is...

   H country? Super display?


   The foreigner referee heard that the two were from different countries and was speechless for a while, but there was no way, he was the referee, and his responsibility was to pronounce the verdict and explain the rules.

   There is no way, the referee can only walk to the two of them and tell them the rules in standard Chinese and Korean respectively.

  The rule is very simple. Both parties throw the elf ball together, and then they can do everything at will, except that the banned skills cannot be used. The battle continues until one party admits defeat or one elf loses the ability to fight.

   The referee who returned to the center looked at the two of them and said, "Ready? Go!"

   Well, Zhou Jiang, who doesn't need translation, can understand it.

   At the moment "go" fell, the two threw the poke ball at the same time.

Zhou Jiang hasn’t considered using fire dinosaurs. After all, he can only use one elf. If he loses, he will be gone. He doesn’t want his three-pointer to lose two points. If he loses, he can only Spend one cent to continue the battle.

   The elf sent by Zhou Jiang is Menas.

   After all, if you use Xanadu and Big Needle Bee, it would be too bullying, and it is more than enough to kill a chicken with a slaughter knife.

   The elf on the opposite side was a flying mantis with sharp eyes. After falling into the field, the eyes of the flying mantis firmly fixed the "prey", and only waited for instructions from the trainer to rush up.

Looking at Menus, Jin Daijie was surprised that Zhou Jiang had such a rare elves as Menus, and she was also amazed that Menus was even more beautiful than what she saw in the video photos, but she had gone through many hardships. The trainer is not distracted on the battlefield!

   "Flying Mantis, Whirlwind Knife!" At the first moment, she issued an attack command.

Moreover, she said this sentence in Korean, and Zhou Jiang could also hear it. Although she didn’t understand it, thanks to it, he also knew that the opposite was a native of although not in the previous life. I watched Korean dramas, but I still heard Korean in general, so he recognized it at this time.

But now is not the time to think about this, the flying mantis’s whirlwind knife has already attacked, and as its sickle is constantly slashing in the air, a large amount of fragmented energy blades turned into a storm and flew towards Menus. .

   "Menus, water cannon!"

  The ready-to-go Meenas opened a small mouth, and a thick jet of water shot out of its mouth, pointing directly at the whirlwind knife that was flying.

   Two shots with different abilities collided together. After a stalemate for a second, the water cannon of Menus successfully broke through the whirlwind knife of the flying mantis and went straight towards the flying mantis.

   "Flying Mantis, split it!"

   Jin Daijie looked at the water column coming straight, her face unchanged, she still gave orders calmly.

"Just!" Feitian Mantis's already sharp eyes became more fierce, and his right sickle was raised high, and the cold and cold sickle blade was plated with a silver-white light. Looking at the high-pressure water column rushing in front of him, Flying Mantis He swung down the scythe held high.


   Under the sharp sickle, the water cannon was cut in half and slashed towards the sides of the flying mantis.

Zhou Jiang did not let Menus insist on the water cannon. In this case, it is completely useless to persist. The energy consumed by Menus maintaining the water cannon is completely incomparable with the energy consumed by the flying mantis cutting the water cannon. Continue on , It is only Menus that suffers.

   But if you stop immediately, you won’t lose. After all, this water cannon broke through the flying mantis’s whirlwind knife. That is to say, Menas used the physical strength of one skill for the physical strength of the opposite skills!


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