"Pokemonattackedthesubway, please..."

After the stern sirens, the radio in the station also rang, but they spoke in English, so many of Zhou Jiang and others were dumbfounded.

I thought that the alarm was not touched by mistake. After all, the seriousness on the faces of the few people Lu Ran and the others could understand and other foreigners who didn't know didn't recede, but deepened after the broadcast.

"What's wrong? What happened? What did the broadcast say?" Zhou Jiang asked.

"An elf attacked the subway!" Tian Zhengjie said solemnly.


"Assault the subway?!"

"Elves attack? Is it man-made or wild elves?"

Zhou Jiang looked dumbfounded, and the "Battle Island" jointly developed and constructed by multiple countries resulted in an incident where the elves attacked the subway. Is that so...

Could it be a terrorist attack? Zhou Jiang suddenly thought of the protective cover that Shane Duo had broken before.

If it weren't artificial, Zhou Jiang couldn't think of why the elves would attack the subway.

Not to mention that more than 90% of the area of ​​this "Battle Island" is filled with soil, basically there is no wild elves, even if there are, after so long construction, what elves will continue to stay here ?

And for projects like subways, after the tunnel is dug, and before the track is laid, a special person will be sent to check it, to make sure that there are no problems, including possible elves attacks.

These checks are very strict, and basically there will be no mistakes.

Even the subway system in the inland city has not had wild elves attacking the subway. Terrorist acts by terrorist organizations have occurred several times. However, as the world pays more attention to this and increases security, terrorist activities by terrorist organizations I haven't targeted the underground railway for several years.

After all, with the strict defense under the ground, it is no longer possible for an elf who can only dig a hole to simply get in. Even if you make a breakthrough with the determination to never return, you may not be able to break through. inside.

"Go, go and help. The front of the car that was attacked is broken, and the consoles are basically scrapped and can no longer stop autonomously. This is more than a thousand lives!" Lu Ran's expression was serious at this time. When talking about "more than a thousand lives", Zhou Jiang could feel the slight tremor in her voice.

Hearing what Lu Ran said, Zhou Jiang felt a little heavy.

In any case, the weight of these more than a thousand lives is indeed heavy.

The out-of-control motor car is still driving at high speed. If the car cannot be stopped, there is almost no possibility that the people in their car will survive. It is a family of three. Losing more than one thousand people means that at least two thousand people, and nearly three thousand people will fall into the grief of bereavement.

In China's traffic accident classification, more than three people died in particularly serious accidents. Now more than one thousand people can be said to be a worldwide disaster.

"Let's go and help." Tian Zhengjie also shouted, Zhou Jiang and others nodded.

Zhou Wenbin and their four parents are not trainers, so they don't need to go there. They stay here to wait for them.

Amid their blessings, Zhou Jiang and Lu Ran walked directly out of the stagnant team and walked towards the security personnel beside the gates in front.

Naturally, the previous broadcast was not simply an accident. The main purpose of the broadcast was to summon various trainers so that the trainers could stop the train that was out of control.

At this time, there was no other way except to count on the elves with supernatural abilities.

Zhou Jiang and the others walked out first, and those trainers who were still in a daze after hearing the shocking news finally recovered and walked out with a serious face and followed Zhou Jiang and the others.

"We are the training room, we are going to help." Lu Ran said to the manager who hurried over here.

"Ok, ok, thankyou, thankyou!" The sweaty foreigner had no time to wipe his sweat and hurriedly opened the temporary passage, and then thanked Zhou Jiang and the others.

Lu Ran didn't reply. She couldn't guarantee that she would be able to save them. Although she was more than a trainer, it was obvious that this was not a simple job.

No one dared to accept the man's thanks directly, because they were not sure about it either.

At this time, the trainers lining up here have basically stood up, and the rest are basically civilians.

Looking at the back of Zhou Jiang and others, they clapped rhythmically.

Whether they succeed or not, at least they have stood up and tried their best. Even if they fail, no one can criticize them.

A group of people followed the foreigner who looked like a manager, and "killed" them vigorously.

Zhou Jiang and the others were walking in front. At this time, Zhou Jiang was a little nervous inexplicably, and he didn't dare to look back and see how many trainers were behind.

When they were halfway there, they encountered ordinary tourists who were brought back by the staff.

After an accident, it is of course impossible to walk now. Although it is on different tracks, what should I do if the car suddenly rolls over and backs to it when driving together?

Although the probability is small, who wants to bet on the lives of others?

Not to mention how noble, if it is dead, the station master and management of all sizes will suffer.

No one can please the stick of "improper management".

Zhou Jiang and the others kept going forward, and there was no need for them to make way. The returning passengers consciously stood on either side, and then watched them leave.

Feeling their gaze, Zhou Jiang felt the burden on his shoulders heavier for some unknown reason.

Soon, they arrived at the side of the track inside the station, where a group of people were already waiting there. Needless to say, they must all be trainers.

Everyone stood still, the foreigner with the appearance of a manager walked in front of them and looked at them, bowed deeply to them, straightened up and said: "According to estimates, the train will pass through this station in seven minutes. The speed is... ...120 kilometers per hour."

After listening to his words, everyone's frowned brows deepened.

One hundred and twenty kilometers per hour...

This speed is difficult!

No one asked if they could slow down and other idiot questions. The slowdown would have been reduced a long time ago. The problem now is that the train can't stop, not anything else. There are no bombs on the train, and no one threatens how much speed must be maintained.

The problem now is that the console in the operating room was attacked and damaged by the elves. The entire car is in a high-speed state, and this subway is not a closed circle. There is no situation that it will continue to drive until the power is exhausted. The car still can't stop, so you don't need to think about the result.

Glancing at the silent people, the foreigner continued, "There are a total of 1,237 passengers in the car, of which 309 are children and old people. Please do your best to save them! Of course! , We also know that it’s difficult, so we promise that afterwards, all heroes will receive our gift, regardless of success or failure. A universal VIP card. With this card, you can fly in any country or fly. Wherever you go, you can get a 30% discount with this card!"

"Please!" bowed deeply to everyone again,

In the last sentence, Lu Ran doesn't have "real-time translation". After all, even if she doesn't translate, Zhou Jiang and the others can almost guess it, and it doesn't matter if they can't guess it, it doesn't affect anything.

"Next, please everyone!" After saying the last sentence, he retired and left the field to the trainers. He is not a trainer, so he doesn't need to command, and the profession is done by professional people.

No matter what, the trainer here now is their hope.

Of course, a businessman is a businessman and will consider himself to the greatest extent.

For this matter, he reported to everyone the specific number of people in the car, even the specific number of children and the elderly, in order to "press" everyone, and there is one thing he didn't say, that is, it is more than just It is at this station that they will intercept it.

The train in the accident had to pass seven stops in total, and this stop in District 8 was only the third stop. Although their side was the first wave of interceptions, there were still four more stops behind, even if they couldn’t do it here. There are also trainers who have been called up to make a guarantee.

Due to their rush at this station, they can only mobilize trainers in the station, and the next few stations have enough time, and they can call up trainers in the entire district.

Of course, since it hasn't fully opened yet, there won't be many trainers, but there are always more people than their station, right?

Although this is Country M, a paradise for trainers, the overall strength and number of people are among the top in the world, but here is just a station and people nearby.

If there is no accident, this wave will not be able to withstand it, but it is hard to say how weak it can be. If the speed can be drastically reduced, then the pressure on the people behind will be less and the possibility of rescue Will greatly improve.

After all, although there are a total of five stations, there are a lot of trainers behind, but this is a high-speed train after all. Before the result is released, no one can guarantee that it will succeed. If it doesn’t work, it will be people and cars. The ruined ending.

So if you can increase your odds, try your best to increase it.

After all, at this time, a higher success rate may have a different ending.

Although the lack of information might make them misunderstood and disgusted, he didn't care anymore.

This underground railway was privately contracted by country M. He is one of the sensible ones. Compared with the ending of the destruction of people and cars, losing money and stepping down, no, more than a thousand people died, not just stepping down, but also going to jail. !

In comparison, it's just that they may be disgusted by these trainers. What is such a trivial matter?

As long as it succeeds in the end, all the effort is worth it!

After the foreigner stepped aside and retreated to the back, the main court was handed over to the many trainers present.

Suddenly, in the crowd, a foreigner trainer who was also a Western foreigner walked out and stood where the former foreigner with the appearance of a manager stood. He said loudly, "Everyone, there is not much time, so I won’t say much. Believe everyone. We all know that this is a hard battle. In order to ensure that the elves can maximize their strength, I think we should cooperate, develop tactics, and then listen to one person directing the battle. What do you think?"

"Good idea, cooperation is okay, but who should be given to direct? You don't want to say that you are in charge?" I don't know who said in the crowd.

Although it is difficult to tell who is speaking in a crowd, you must know that people are curious and will subconsciously turn their heads to look at the place where the sound is coming from, so if there is nothing to say, the person will be exposed. .

But he was not afraid, he was exposed when he was exposed. Seeing all the people around him, he walked out of the crowd graciously.

Well, another foreigner.

There is no way, after all, it is the eighth area, and there are more foreigners on the "Battle Island", except for the third area of ​​China.

After the two foreigners stood up and "confronted" the one who came out first, the foreigner with the big nose shook his head and smiled: "Of course not, is it fair after all?"

"Fairness? What a fairness law?" the curly foreigner who came out later asked.

"We are running out of time, so we choose the simplest one. It depends on whose elves have the highest strength and the person with the highest overall strength to be the commander. There is always no problem, right?"

"Good!" the curly foreigner responded.

"No problem." The others responded.

This is indeed fair and reasonable. It is normal for those with high command and low power ~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

The big-nosed foreigner smiled and said: "Then let me go first, I have two quasi-kings and four high-level elves!" After speaking, he released his main elves, Qixi Qingniao, which is indeed a quasi-king.

There is not enough space, naturally it is impossible to put six elves, but it is almost the same if you put a main force out to show everyone, basically it is impossible to lie, after all, six elves will be released later, it is impossible to hide of.

The curly foreigner smiled and threw his pokeball, a Nianli clay puppet, also belonging to the quasi-king!

"My elves are also two quasi-kings and four high-ranking elites. How do you divide this and fight one? Or let everyone make a decision?" Then, the curly foreigner turned around and looked at the trainers behind him. .

The other "melon-eating crowds" looked at the two elves, and couldn't help feeling that the melon was really sweet, and even the nervousness before it subsided a lot.

"Okay, let everyone make the decision!" The big nose foreigner was a little helpless, but he could only nod his head in agreement.

He didn't expect that he could still meet someone whose strength was similar to his own. Of course, he also wondered if the other party "lied about military affairs" with the purpose of making himself not the leader, but he was taken by him the moment the idea came up. Pinched out.

At this time, lying about strength, still such a high strength, it really is no different from death.

He wants to be the leader for "exposure."

If it were to fight, he would be worthwhile, but to resolve this incident, it was obvious that the Nianli Doll of the Super Power Department was better than his Tanabata Blue Bird, which was why he was somewhat reluctant to let everyone vote.

He could only pray that these trainers would be "ignorant" and chose him out of worship for the "dragon" elves, instead of considering practicality.

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