
Zhou Jiang, who was listening to Lu Ran's translation, suddenly felt that someone touched him with his hand. Looking back, he found that Tian Zhengjie was looking at him.

Tian Zhengjie pointed to the front and asked in a low voice, "How about it, are you interested in commanding?"

Zhou Jiang subconsciously looked at the two foreigners who were still talking, and it suddenly became clear.

He is not an idiot either. Tian Zhengjie asked him this for no reason. He certainly didn't really want to remind him to be a commander, but he wanted to be himself.

It's just that his elf strength is not better than Zhou Jiang, and he is a little worried that Zhou Jiang will stand up and slap his face after he stands up. So just ask.

Zhou Jiang naturally had no interest in the captain, and Tian Zhengjie could take it away if he wanted it.

Compared to directing others, he prefers to be directed by others, but although they are all directed by others, it would be better if they were directed by acquaintances.

Guessing Tian Zhengjie's careful thoughts, Zhou Jiang was a little happy, shook his head, and signaled that he was not interested in it.

If Tian Zhengjie becomes the captain, then...

"Two heavenly kings?"

Suddenly, Lu Ran took a deep breath, and the foreigners around him looked similar.

Zhou Jiang was taken aback. He was drawn back to his attention by the sound of cold breath. He ignored Tian Zhengjie behind him, turned his head and looked at the person who did not know when he walked out of the crowd and was in a three-legged position with the two who came out before. the man.

This time, the person who came out was finally not from the West. Seeing that his face looked like an Asian from the East, I just didn't know if he was from China or from another country.

But no matter what country he is from, at least he needs to speak English here, after all, there are many English speakers here.

If there are many people in Huaxia, then the Chinese language is spoken.

Although Lu Ran was stunned for a moment, the translation work of "own job" was still done well. After he spoke, she recovered and continued to translate.

"Don't waste time. I have two elves of the heavenly king level. If someone is the same as me or higher, then the command will be taken. Time is urgent, voting or something, or not coming, and not electing the president of the country. ."

The man with the eastern face said lightly, although his tone was not too aggressive, he still made the big-nosed foreigners and curly foreigners unable to get off the stage in a little embarrassment.

But despite the embarrassment, the two of them couldn't have an attack, after all, their skills were not as good as others.

Moreover, voting at this time is indeed a bit bad. There is not much time. After the "leader" is selected, tactics and personnel must be formulated. How can it be wasted casually.

The two people who were about to let everyone vote were awkwardly "shoveled down", and they wanted to have a tricky way. After all, their strength was not better than others, it was so real.

The two foreigners who had returned to the crowd dingyly are still a little confused. Why are they doing well before, why suddenly a trainer with two elves with the strength of heavenly kings appeared... Is the heavenly king level Chinese cabbage?

And with this strength, why not stand up right from the beginning...

Not only are they depressed, even Tian Zhengjie is also depressed.

Just got Zhou Jiang's "guarantee" of not participating in the election, and he was so happy that he was just about to stand up, and he was taken the lead.

It's fine to be the first, and the result is stronger than him...

Can only say, MMP!

"OK, since none of the people present is stronger than me, I will take the command position first."

The two foreigners who came out before returned to the crowd, and now he is the only one standing outside.

I saw his gaze glanced over the people, and then said: "Since everyone has no opinion, let's start. Time is running out, and I won't say anything extra, just talk about my thoughts.

First of all, our goal is very clear, that is, stop the runaway train! It is almost impossible for us to completely stop an out-of-control train. So we only need to slow down the speed of the train. I believe this shouldn't be difficult, right? "

"It's not difficult to slow down, but how do you save the people in the car?" someone asked.

"Why should we save? Let them save themselves! We only have this person. It is impossible to do everything well. The subway uses electricity. Now it's just the console broken. As long as the people inside destroy the power system. That's it. It shouldn't be difficult, right? There are more than a thousand people in it. Just find a trainer and you can do it, right?"


"But what? I can't help myself? Are we a mother? Or do you want to stop the train that is out of control? Unless you give me three times as many people, I don't think the situation is very optimistic."


No one talks anymore.

Takuya Kimura, um, was the oriental man with two elves standing outside the crowd.

He turned his head to look at John, who was the manager-like steward standing at the back, and asked, "Sure, right? Contact the people inside and let them destroy the power facilities inside."

"Well, yes. I'll let someone get in touch!" John nodded, he felt that this method is still very feasible.

Takuya Kimura nodded, then looked at the trainers again.

"Everyone brings different types of elves, and their effects are definitely different, but we can't let go of any combat power, so we have to make a planned arrangement for each elves.

My suggestion is to let some fighting elves, power elves and other elves stand on both sides of the lane, and then pull the vines released by the powerful grass elves, first reduce the impact of a wave, and then let the rest A part of the big elves went into the rails and stood in front! "

Although Kimura Takuya looks plain, maybe even a little ugly, he is undoubtedly very handsome at this time.

However, everyone’s attention was focused on what he said. Even the two foreigners who had been "faced" listened carefully. After all, it is a time of crisis. More than a thousand lives in the car are still waiting for them. Save it!

They can still tell which is lighter and heavier.

"Okay, time is running out. Since there is no objection, let's do it first. Let's move up and prepare earlier. Then you will be more sure."

"Which elves are going to pull the rope, and who are the elves going to the front?" As soon as Kimura Takuya finished speaking, someone asked, and everyone who was about to move also looked at Kimura Takuya again.

Kimura Takuya paused, looked at the crowd, shook his head, and sighed: "The big elves must be intercepted on the rails, and the others will stand on both sides. If the elves of the super power type are on both sides, use mind power together. Hold the carriage, the elves with the characteristics of [step shadow] can collectively release the "step shadow". The water elves can choose a few that have little power. After the train arrives, spray water on the wheels, and then let the ice elves use anxiously. Frozen the light, but this requires attention from both sides. Don’t let the train roll over. Once the train rolls over, let alone the people in the train, even us will be in danger. As for other things, pull the rope, as to how to divide the labor, who goes where. Kind, time is not enough, how to divide it? You can only decide by yourself, I believe you also have your own ideas.

Suddenly, Takuya Kimura came up with such a large sentence. Everyone who heard it was dumbfounded, and Zhou Jiang was the same. Lu Ran subconsciously performed simultaneous translation super fast, and he did not respond at once. After speaking, he looked at her in a daze...

"If there is no problem, act quickly!"

With a shout, Kimura Takuya released one of his elves, an elite high-level Hudi.

Surrounded by Hu Di’s thought power, Kimura Takuya and Hu Di flew to the other side together.

In fact, it can be seen that Takuya Kimura is actually not used to being a leader, especially in such an emergency.

It is estimated that he stepped up because he was dissatisfied that the big-nosed foreigner and the curly foreigner were still voting for the "commanding" position at this time.

Although Takuya Kimura did not arrange for everyone, whose elves pull the rope and whose elves are in front, everyone is still united at this time. After all, in the next few minutes, more than a thousand lives are in their hands, and they too I came to help spontaneously, so there is no laziness in fishing.

After Kimura Takuya flew to the opposite side, everyone dispersed and released their elves.

There are almost forty trainers here, and everyone basically has six elves, so there are more than two hundred elves.

Although there are a few weak chickens like Zhou Nan and others, most of them are good, and they can still play a big role.

As for Zhou Nan's words... they can only pull the rope symbolically.

After the general direction is established, everyone does not need to supervise or anything. After each has chosen a direction, they start to prepare.

Many trainers ask trainers with super-powered elves to take them to the other side, and then release the elves with small but extremely powerful strength, such as strange power, to prepare to pull the rope.

The trainers who released the water elves communicated with other trainers who also had water elves to decide who would water the railway.

In short, everyone is still very united at this time.

"Hei! Supportiscoming!"

Suddenly, there was an excited shout and a mess of footsteps behind him. Zhou Jiang turned his head to look at Lu Ran subconsciously, only to find that there were no acquaintances besides Xu Feng. Lu Ran and the others were all there. Go to the post that suits them.

Without Lu Ran's portable translator, Zhou Jiang was completely blinded, so Zhou Jiang once again strengthened his determination to learn a foreign language.

Damn, I don’t learn a foreign language. I feel like a deaf person after I leave the country. I don’t understand what other people say. It’s really annoying.

The same is true for Xu Feng. He has not learned English much. Although he has decided to study with Dr. Constantine, he has recently begun to study English, but obviously, he has not been able to understand foreigners. degree.

So the two can only catch the blind together.

However, although they couldn't hear what they were forcing them to talk about, they could still guess something by looking at other people's actions.

At this time, the group of people who came here were definitely not passengers in the car. After all, the ordinary passengers here were stopped back. Obviously, they were trainers who came to help after they were called up nearby.

But there are not many people, only fifteen or six.

However, no matter how little it is, this is a reinforcement, and compared to their forty or so trainers, it is quite a lot, about one-third.

Zhou Jiang saw that John, who had retreated to the side and called, greeted him enthusiastically at this time. However, he didn't say anything more because of time was tight, he just spoke to the trainer behind the guide. Something, and then pointed to the opposite platform. Zhou Jiang glanced at the opposite side and found Takuya Kimura standing in a prominent position.

Zhou Jiang thinks that he should give them "off the horse"?

After all, the trainers who were originally here have set the tone. What if some of the new trainers are dissatisfied?

Re-elect command? Isn’t that a waste of time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now there are only three or four minutes left, where can the time be wasted again?

Zhou Jiang's guess was right, and John was pointing there because of Takuya Kimura.

After all, the strength of the heavenly king is still very good. He can also avoid some people from thinking carefully.

After all, in front of the camera, anyone wants to show their faces more?

Of course, Zhou Jiang, who is incompatible with them, is an exception.

You must know that even if Meng Sao is like Xu Feng, he doesn't mind staying in the camera too much. He is the only one who hides from media reporters like a snake.

It wasn't that John was maliciously conjecturing them, but seeing the reporters with cameras behind them, he couldn't trust them.

He didn't know anything about this group of support. Who knew the people who came to them didn't tell them how long it was?

The last three or four minutes can't stand their tossing, so why not be a villain again?

But let alone, what he said, in this group of support teams, a few "ambitious" trainers really dispelled the idea of ​​showing up.

After all, the reporter is behind them, so it's not good if you can't think of it.

In addition to disarming them, John also quickly told them about the plans he had made. He even remembered the positions of the various "groups" while watching him. They also pointed them to them. Quickly integrate into the team.

These reinforcements naturally joined their respective suitable teams consciously in the hopeless situation of "making troubles". "Command" is no longer expected, and the meaning of "making trouble" is gone. Forcibly making trouble will only be hung up on the Internet and scolded. With reporters behind them, they naturally want to behave better, let alone stand out. You can’t perform the worst, right?

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