I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 720: Daily Battle (Part 2)

The match between Zhou Jiang and Tian Zhengjie and the match between Zhou Wenbin and Zhou Tianyi.

Which of these two games is more exciting, don’t even think about it.

As a result, everyone went to Zhou Jiang and the others to watch the venue, and even Zhou Jia, who didn't want to leave, was dragged by Lin Jiyun and ran there.

Seeing them all ran to the next door to watch the game, Zhou Wenbin and the others didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Without them watching around, they really are not nervous, but...

A large part of the interest in this game has disappeared!

Isn't the main thing about the game being the cheers of the crowd?

At least when there are onlookers onlookers, the interest will be much higher.

But it's nothing, it happens to be the first time to play, if there is embarrassment, no one can see it can avoid embarrassment.

And when the time comes, they will be fighting, are they still in the mood to pay attention to the onlookers around?

Zhou Wenbin and the two looked at each other and threw the pokeball one after the other.


Zhou Wenbin and the others started the game, but Zhou Jiang and Tian Zhengjie only walked to the two sides of the field.

After standing, the two of them didn't say much, and after looking at them, they both threw the pokeball at the same time.

No surprise, it was the Big Sting Bee against Lucario again.

Both of them have fought many times, it's both a battle between Stylus and Lucario.

In Tian Zhengjie's words, only Lucario is an elf that can handle, and Zhou Jiang's words are purely playing with him...

With Big Needle Bee, it's a bit interesting to play with Lucario in close combat, or if it's Shanaido, the mind can directly kill it.

Zhou Jiang could see the small road in the park, that is, the one they came in. Before the battle started, he saw two young blonde foreigners coming in.

But he didn't care about it either, and cast his eyes on the court.

On the field, the two elves had already rushed toward each other, and they had fought so many times. Even without Zhou Jiang's order, they were almost used to rushing forward at the beginning.

Close combat, although Lucario is very good, as a fighting spirit, there is also a plug-in such as the waveguide, but the father said it well, the plug-in is not worth mentioning in front of the larger one, only the stronger one. Can beat the plug-in!

The color development of the Big Needle Bee is quite high, even more powerful than Lucario's Waveguide. After all, its seeing and hearing color has its own slow-vision effect, but the Waveguide cannot.

And Big Needle Bee has cheating-like paper painting...

It's not a martial arts novel, and it does not take the wind with the punch. In this world, if it is just close combat, paper painting is basically invincible.

Of course, if the attack speed is too fast, the paper painting will not be able to achieve complete evasion. This is also a shortcoming, but there are insights and colors that can still make up for this.

Can you avoid seeing, hearing, and seeing as fast as you can?

The speed of the big needle bee is not slow, and it can also shave in an instant burst speed.

Lucario couldn't please with many magic skills that the world didn't know.

Unless Zhou Jiang tells them about these skills, it is basically impossible for them to defeat Big Needle Bee in close combat.

Of course, if it is crushed by strength, there will be no way, but there are not many elves that can crush Big Needle Bee, and they are still fighting, so there are even fewer.

Zhou Wenbin and their game ended soon. After all, the elves were not strong, and the commanding strength of the two trainers couldn't make them more powerful, so the winner was decided within a few strokes.

Zhou Wenbin and the others are over, but Zhou Jiang and the others are playing brilliantly.

Big Needle Bee didn't bully Lucario by drawing these on paper, but used double needles to fight Lucario's bone stick.

The fighting skills Lucari is more dominant, but the power, speed and observation, these three are definitely the big needle bee pressing Lucario, although it is not big enough to crush, but it is enough to suppress it. .

The momentum of the battle between the two elves is still quite great, and from time to time there are people who are attracted by the sound of collision.

After coming in, how could it be possible to see a match between two elves?

Just like everyone else, I watched from the side.

And as the battle became more and more intense, the voice became louder and louder, and more and more people came in. In the end, one side of the venue was about to be surrounded by dozens of people!

Originally this kind of "wild" battle field, when the two sides were fighting brilliantly, the surrounding crowds would applaud and shout, but now the battle between Big Needle Bee and Lucario is different.

The battle between them is the kind that cannot disperse after being stuck together. Except for the two elves who have to fight for a long time and have to rest for a while, they stay close together for the rest of the time. High energy, so everyone has no chance to applaud and cheer...

But as long as it is fighting, there will be an end.

In the end, the battle naturally ended with the victory of Big Needle Bee. For Zhou Jiang and others, this was a normal thing, but for the other audiences, it was a bit surprised.

Big Needle Bee and Lucario, these foreigners still know very well.

Lucario itself is an elf that lives in the West, plus it is rare and special, so it is not well-known globally, as long as it is not Xiaobai, everyone knows it.

In the case of Big Needle Bee...

It is simply too much in number and too weak, so even if it mainly lives in Eastern Asia, Western foreigners know them.

They were surprised that the famously weak and powerful Lucario could be "matched" with the powerful Lucario, and now the Big Needle has actually won!

The key is that they can also see that the strength of Big Stingle Bee and Lucario are not low. They don't know if the battle has been released. They only know that the fight is very fierce. It is estimated that they have not released the water.

And Lucario failed to release the water and actually lost to a large sting bee...

Although there are no weak elves and only weak trainers, no one would compare Big Needle Bee and Lucario...

And now it's a miracle that Big Sting Bee can beat Lucario...

Zhou Jiang glanced at the extra emails in the system and smiled slightly.

There are points and original fragments into the account.

It's a pity that the original fragment has to be obtained once a week at the earliest, otherwise Zhou Jiang is really going to max out the "boss" Tian Zhengjie.

No matter how surprised the onlookers are, after the game, the applause will still rang. After all, this is an encouragement to the trainers and elves who bring them a visual feast, and it is also the most basic etiquette for watching the battle.

Tian Zhengjie smiled wryly, shrugged and retracted Lucario.

Although he has lost more than once, he feels a little uncomfortable every time he loses.

Shaking his head, without thinking too much, walked off the venue with Zhou Jiang.

"Hei! Everyone..."

After Zhou Jiang and the others were off the court, a foreigner ran up, facing the crowd and then showing his poke ball, asking if he wanted to play.

Then someone from the crowd responded, and then a young man with yellow hair emerged, looking eager to try.

Zhou Jiang and Tian Zhengjie returned to Zhou Nan's side and watched the newly started match together.

Zhou Jiang asked his father Zhou Wenbin and the others why they didn't play the game. They said to see, Zhou Jiang didn't say anything. Anyway, he can play the game here at any time of the day.

Zhou Jiang started the game on the field where they had just fought, and the empty field next to them also welcomed guests.

A few trainers who couldn't wait called for someone to start the battle over there, and they successfully diverted a wave of audience.

Although the side where they are standing is under the shade, there is still some heat when there are more people, especially as time goes by, the sun gradually gets bigger.

In the morning, time passed by the trainers’ taking turns fighting. During this time, Zhou Nan and a few others also stopped playing. It was just that Zhou Nan’s students were abused, but everyone did not laugh at anything. Applause.

One is that when they look, plus their strength, they know that they are still students. For them, students are just children. For children whose goal is to become trainers, they have always encouraged and supported them.

And the other...

Regardless of who is standing next to them, Zhou Jiang and Tian Zhengjie still remember the way they played before.

Although many people came in from behind, Zhou Jiang and the others did not see the game, but the first reason alone was enough for them to applaud for this.

Zhou Nan and the others went on, and Zhou Wenbin, who had been waiting for impatiently, naturally went on too.

But this time, Zhou Jiang’s dad and Zhou Nan’s dad used Zhou Jiang’s elves. After all, if you continue to use Zhou Nan’s elves, there will be nothing to experience...

Big Needle Bee has played once, so Zhou Jiang gave them the Qingteng Snake and the Fire Dinosaur.

Although these two guys haven't completed the final evolution, their strength is not weak. As long as they don't encounter their own evolutionary form, or are restrained by the blood mother, then they are more than enough to fight others.

Moreover, the strength of the people here is basically the middle-level elite, and there are very few high-level elites, so it is relatively easy to fight, even if they are commanded by outsiders like them, they can still win with excellent strength.

At noon, the people around the park dispersed and went to look for food nearby.

Since the place is full of tourists and the company hasn't opened yet, there are a lot of people, after all, they are not busy. A large group of people rushed toward the surrounding restaurants, but it caused signs that the nearby restaurants were full...

One morning, everyone was idle, so few people left after coming in. In the end, the crowd gathered in the park reached hundreds of people. It was still too crowded, so many people left and went to fight in other parks. For this reason, there will definitely be more people.

However, it was these hundreds of people who rounded up the surrounding restaurants. Zhou Jiang and the others also found a small restaurant opened by almost no Chinese people after nearly half an hour.

After going in for a meal, they knew why there were no people inside. It turned out that the food in this restaurant was all "Sichuan cuisine", a spicy batch!

Basically, foreigners don’t know how to eat spicy food, so they all leave, and those who stay will naturally eat it. How many foreigners know how to eat spicy food?

But I have to say that although it is spicy, the meal is still delicious, but I poured a lot of iced drinks, and they almost ran to the toilet after eating.

After the meal, they were not in a hurry to go out. Anyway, there were few customers. After all, spicy food is eaten in summer, and few foreigners who can eat spicy food are willing to accept it.

After asking the boss and after agreeing, they took a break in it and chatted with the fellow boss who was also idle.

They kept chattering until more than twelve o'clock, they said goodbye to the boss after having enough rest, and went out to the park to fight again!

When they arrived at the park, it turned out to be crowded with people again...

Although there are not as many in the morning peak period, there are still many, fifty or sixty.

Zhou Jiang could only be grateful that the park was big, otherwise everyone would not be able to post it.

Standing on the side watching them play, and when it was over, they went up to grab the position. After tasted the sweetness of victory in the morning, Zhou Jiang and their parents were very keen on the game, almost when they were free. on……

Fortunately, it’s too hot now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Few people want to join, most people just join in the fun to watch, a game ends soon, just those few people, it is enough for everyone to share. After all, after their elves lose their fighting ability, they will lose one if they lose one, otherwise Zhou Wenbin and the others will really cause "public outrage"...

Until five o'clock in the afternoon, it was time for dinner. Zhou Jiang and his party left here. Although they left, there are still many people fighting and watching the battle. Maybe some have eaten?

But it has nothing to do with them.

Continue to the super spicy Huaxia restaurant that I ate at noon. After eating, they took a short rest. This time they didn't stay long. After all, they had to catch the subway.

One day's adjustment, with the efficiency of this world, is enough for them to get it right. If it doesn't get it done for so long, then they don't run the business anymore, they can replace it.

There is energy, just a short section of railroad track has been ploughed again, and the ground elves can repair the ground in less than an hour, and if the railroad track is laid manually, such a short section will not take too long. One day is enough for them to repair. .

It’s just that the subway can be reopened, but the result of the attack on the elves has not been given until now. The official website still has the words under investigation, but it is understandable. After all, investigation and repair are different. One day If they can find out, then they can become Interpol. What kind of subway should they drive? Is there a waste of talent?

After all, Zhou Jiang saved the existence of the "world". The rewards given at the beginning were also exceptionally rich. I don't know how many times the rewards of other trainers are. Although this is only money, it can be said that Zhou Jiang is the most rewarding. There is no shortage...

However, there is no shortage and it does not mean that you will be disgusted, at least getting the money can make people happy.

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