When I returned to the third district, Huaxia district, it was already night. It can be said that it was tired for a day, and everyone didn't have any thoughts of wandering, so they went straight back to the dormitory.

Falling on the familiar and somewhat hard bed, Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, he couldn't sleep on the super soft bed over there. He still liked this kind of hard bed.

Maybe this is a natural fate?

Okay, just kidding.

It's just a matter of habit.

Lying on the bed, Zhou Jiang didn't want to move in an instant. This bed seemed to have a different kind of magic power that could make people linger. Once it was touched, it would become limp and would not move.

Zhou Nan was the same as Xu Feng and the others. Zhou Jiang said the same thing. He was still lying on the bed and lazily swiping his phone.

He mainly wanted to see if the results of the league investigation were available. After all, in his impression, the league officials hadn't given the results of the shattered protective cover.

For this matter, there was a lot of noise on the Internet before. Some people said that this was the official dereliction of duty and hoped that the relevant personnel would be severely punished. Others said it was a problem with the protective cover itself. The business that provided the protective cover should pay full responsibility. Some centrists say that both sides are responsible and they must be held accountable.

But anyway, no one said that Zhou Jiang was enough, and some were just ridicule. After all, everyone is not a fool.

Zhou Jiang took a look at the official Weibo of the Alliance and found that he had already issued a statement!

In terms of time, it was at three o'clock this afternoon, and I didn't expect the speed to be quite fast.

I clicked in and took a look. The above said that after investigation, the main cause of this incident was that when the fire-breathing dragon was fighting with Xanadu, the fireball compressed by Xanadu exploded, and the high temperature burned the shallow layer buried underground. The heat-resistant device parts have now begun to work to move the device to a deeper level and cover it with a thermal insulation layer. Except for the battlefield where Zhou Jiang and the others were fighting, the protective shields were still good, but they also began to shift to a deeper level.

Looking at this announcement, why is Zhou Jiang a little unbelievable...

Melted away the parts buried in the shallow layer?


Although it made sense, but he didn't know why, he felt that the truth was not like this.

But since this is the case in the announcement, so be it. Anyway, it has nothing to do with him. It doesn't matter if he doesn't involve him.

Moreover, the official decision has been made, and he dare not engage in dismantling the stage...

I turned over the comments on Weibo, well, many of them are complaining about Zhoujiang.

He even saw several people who said Zhou Jiang was responsible for losing money...

"Meow meow meow???"

Zhou Jiang has a dumbfounded look, is this blame me?

Even if it was caused by the battle between Xanadu and the fire-breathing dragon, in general, this was caused by the unreasonable construction of the official site, it was his business.

If it were buried a little deeper, could something happen?

Shaking his head, Zhou Jiang was too lazy to think. He turned off Weibo and looked blindly. After a short time, he was dragged by Zhou Nan to play games.

A few of them, playing is like playing, just cooking...

Xu Feng is okay. After all, they are calm players. Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan often go up without looking at the minimap and their teammates. The result is predictable.

Fortunately, the rank is low. Everyone is the same. After being brought up by Xu Feng and the others, the rank is high and they started to pit.

So they called Zhou Jiang to the rescue...

Not to mention, Zhou Jiang’s talent in this area is still top-notch, and he can sling the opposite when he plays. Perhaps this is also because their current rank is not too high. In short, this evening, everyone is playing games. Spent in.

There was no activity the next day, so there was no need to gather anything, and Zhou Jiang, who played until late to sleep, didn’t get up until nine o’clock. This was nothing in the previous life. It was common to get up at twelve o’clock. , But for people in this world, it is already very late after nine o'clock.

I get up late, no matter how hungry I am, I dare not eat more breakfast for fear that I won’t be able to eat lunch.

After eating some spare rations stored by Zhou Jiang, and then feeding the elves, Zhou Jiang went to bed again.

The game will be played again tomorrow, and he will relax as a salted fish today, and there is nowhere to go anyway.

I found a TV drama and saw noon, and then Lu Ran called people out of the group to have lunch.

Seventeen of them came out together, and Shui Qing and Xirona were not there.

Zhou Jiang asked curiously, but Lu Ran said that they were still working, which puzzled Zhou Jiang.


Do they still have any jobs?

They were busy investigating the shield incident before, and now they have announced the news, how come they still have work...

Could it really be the same as he thought before, but there is actually something else hidden in this matter?

Otherwise, at this time, what do they have to do? Two heavenly kings and Hirona, the "foreign aid", are they worth doing? What are they up to?

I don't know why, Zhou Jiang always feels that something big is going to happen, which makes him a little irritable inexplicably.

After eating a little melancholy, Zhou Jiang returned to the room and lay on the bed. As for the meal, he could not lie down...

Who cares about this now, let's talk about it if something goes wrong...

Zhou Nan and the others saw Zhou Jiang's appearance. Seeing that Zhou Jiang was still the same after returning to the room, Zhou Nan couldn't help asking: "What's the matter, a gloomy look? See you asking Teacher Lu Ran before eating... …Fuck! Don’t you like Sirona? Or is it the King of Water?"

Zhou Jiang turned his body to face him, gave him a blank look, and said with no good air: "There is a pit in my brain, I just want to think of something, what messy things you think, play with your phone!"

"Ahem, what? I'm not an active atmosphere. What do you think? You have been so devoted. It's been half an hour now, haven't you thought about it?"

Zhou Jiang was silent for a while and said, "Do you know that a notice has been posted on the official Weibo of the Alliance?"

"Huh? What do you mean? The egg shell broke before?" Zhou Nan blinked and asked.

"Well, it seems that you know..."

"Nonsense, who doesn't know."

"Tsk, don't interrupt, listen to me!"

"Good, good, you say you say~"

Zhou Jiang pondered for a moment, and said, "Don't you think there is a problem? Now that the matter is over, what else does Shui Tian Wang and the others have to do... After the investigation is over, the rest can be done by the people below? And even if Shui Tian Wang and the two heavenly kings are busy by themselves, it is impossible for Sirona to follow along with her chores?"

Zhou Nan nodded slightly, thinking about what Zhou Jiang said, and then he pondered for a while and said, "Perhaps they have other things to be busy with, not necessarily the eggshells?"

"What's so busy here, it's the previous high-speed train accident, but this matter can only be done by one person? Anyway, it doesn't make sense."

"You think too much..." Zhou Nan was speechless.

"No, no, no, it's definitely not that I think too much. Think about it, high temperature melts the parts. This is not possible? Why hasn't this happened before? Isn't it like an excuse made by the official? If it really melted because of the shallow burial, according to the urinary nature of the alliance, the person in charge would definitely be kicked, and as a result, no one has moved now...

After a pause, after swallowing, Zhou Jiang continued: "Isn’t this an excuse made by the official? Because it’s not the reason, it’s not easy for them to slap the person in charge, but now the King of Water and the others If you’re still busy, you’re still looking for the real cause, or it’s being solved if you find it."

"..." Zhou Nan was silent, he really didn't know how to answer Zhou Jiang's question.

In his opinion, this is purely Zhou Jiang thinking too much. After all, how could the Alliance do such a thing, and if it is really not the reason, then what is the reason?

This is definitely Zhou Jiang thinking too much!

It's just that Zhou Nan is a little strange. Why did Zhou Jiang suddenly have such a big brain... It seems that he has never been like this before, and he has experienced a lot? Or is this the so-called strong man?


Seeing Zhou Nan not speaking, Zhou Jiang knew that he didn't believe it, so he turned over again, turned his back to him, and continued thinking there alone.

But when it comes to thinking, in fact, his brain is in a mess now, and he can't think of anything useful at all, so after lying down for a while, he doesn't bother thinking.

Thinking alone is always a thing that will not produce results. In the end, it is him who suffers. It is better to give up decisively.

As the so-called soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, as long as his strength rises, there will be no problems, even if there are any problems, he can solve them.

In the afternoon, I was idle and doing nothing. I just wanted to get my mobile phone to watch a drama, but then I thought about what happened before and the decision to learn English.

Although I hate English, I have to say that people will only do it when they feel the need.

Without persecution, without supervision, Zhou Jiang himself downloaded some novice teaching from the Internet and started chewing.

Online learning is certainly not an effective way, so he also ordered several self-study English books, as well as English-Chinese and Chinese-English dictionaries.

It can be said that he has returned all his basic English to the teacher. In his previous English test, he only passed CET-4, and he didn't take the test any more. And he almost forgot about it now. If he goes to the test now, it is estimated to be one The levels are choking.

The courier couldn't be delivered here, so he let it go home, and then just asked Zhou Wenbin to call the neighbor and ask help to get the courier.

Zhou Jiang has always been a self-aware person, and will not treat himself too much, but it is possible to underestimate him.

In his previous life, he knew that it was impossible for him to use English, so he didn't study it seriously. If he really didn't use it after graduation, he was just an ordinary office worker who kept repeating it day after day.

But now that he has the strength, he has more people to contact. Contact with foreigners is inevitable. Can't he always bring an interpreter?

Although the system can be exchanged for a more high-end translator than the current one, this kind of technology should not be brought out. It is only related to the genie, but this kind of technology is only modern, and it is not It's easy to get rid of the source, and he believes what he heard more than a translator.

He spent an afternoon studying, and Zhou Nan looked at him frequently.

For his own study, Zhou Nan was playing two unfair "treatments", he was naturally quite unhappy, although he wanted to learn, but he just couldn't see it, always felt that he was at a disadvantage...

So Zhou Jiang wanted to bring him to study together, pretending to lay the foundation for going to M country in the future.

After all, you have to speak English there, right? Otherwise, what is the difference between the blind and deaf?

As a result, no matter what Zhou Jiang said, this guy just didn't listen, he didn't learn from life and death...

No way, if he doesn't study Zhou Jiang, he can't tie him to let him study, and he is also experienced. It's not that if he really doesn't want to learn, it is basically impossible to be forced to learn.

So he could only teach himself over there with resentment.

Now that he has started to learn, he can’t give up, so after dinner, he has been trying hard to recite the vocabulary, and he didn’t put down the phone until after eight o’clock ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ rubbed his astringent eyes, and then arrived. The bathroom takes a shower.

Tomorrow is the day to start the game again, so it is better to rest early.

Due to an accident in Zhou Jiang’s field, at the same moment, other venues that were still playing were also required to be suspended. Those who were fighting would be arranged by the league’s guardians in the auditorium just in case to go out. I watched and asked them to finish the match. After the match, a few elves were left to register, and then the match would continue after the investigation was over.

However, Zhou Jiang's group is different. Their protective shield broke directly.

The other venues are fine, so the audience is just a little baffled about this decision and don't know what happened, so they will be fine if they continue to play.

And if Zhou Jiang and the others continue to compete, how could the audience be willing?

Although the protective cover has two layers, one is broken and there is another to protect them, but one layer is broken. Who can guarantee that the one layer is good?

So whether it was to reassure the audience or for safety reasons, their battles were forcibly terminated even if they were not over yet.

After the termination, although the elves from the trainer on the opposite side can see that Shanaido who can't beat Zhou Jiang, but this has not come out yet...

Even if the opponent did not lose the ability to fight, it is naturally impossible for the officials to directly judge Zhou Jiang to win. Even after the fight, the final result is Zhou Jiang's victory.

So Zhou Jiang and the opponent's last battle called for a rematch.

If Zhou Jiang can’t win stably, then it’s troublesome. No matter how the league decides, someone will always be able to pick the thorn. Now if the rematch is unfair to Zhou Jiang, he can still win easily. ! In this case, people who hate or like Zhou Jiang will not say too much.

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