There is another door behind one door. What is it for, so tightly guarded?

Perhaps seeing the surprised expression on Zhou Jiang's face, Sirona said: "It's just a multiple insurance. The second door will automatically open after the first door is opened two-thirds."

Zhou Jiang looked to the front, and sure enough, the second door began to rise slowly.

It's just that Zhou Jiang doesn't understand, does this have any meaning?

He didn't think it made sense, but it was actually useful.

If someone gets the code for the first door, after opening the door, if the person inside finds something wrong, they can manually control it to close the door.

And if someone chooses to violently destroy the door, the two doors can still be intercepted for a while, so that the people inside can have enough time to destroy or take away important things, and then retreat.

The shortcomings of the two doors are just that the cost is more expensive and it takes a little more time to enter.

In terms of cost, although this door is not cheap, the Huaxia family has a big business, and it won't be impossible to get this little money. And if the time is spent, this is not a big deal. After all, there is basically no urgent matter. Just wait slowly. It's only more than ten seconds. It is impossible to wait for this little time. Right?

Before long, the first door reached the top, and the second door opened so that people could pass through, so the three of them walked inside.

In the passage between the first door and the second door, the surrounding walls are no longer uneven rock walls, but white metal plates, which are full of sense of science and technology at first glance, and should be used to prevent elves from digging Cavernous.

Generally, secret bases built underground will have this stuff.

I just don't know if I can isolate the power of thought and prevent the ghost system from penetrating the wall.

There are two doors, and after opening, there is nothing behind.

What you see is a straight corridor. The innermost wall in front is the wall, but there are passages to other places on the left and right.

It used to be a rock wall with unevenness and some lighting problems, so it was difficult to see clearly. Now it is all metal plates, and the surroundings are bright and dark. It is still easy to see.

Turn left, there is another door, but this door is different from the previous one, it is a more common style of retractable door.

They walked straight over, and then the door opened.

After the door opened, the scene inside was revealed.

A large silver-white room with a number of unknown large-scale computer-type equipment. There is also a large screen on it. The picture inside the screen is a bit black.


At this moment, the people sitting in front of the computer in the room and the people sitting on the sofa behind them all looked towards the door and looked at Zhou Jiang and the three of them with smiles.

Zhou Jiang glanced at them, and it was no surprise that he saw Zhao Feng in them, but what he didn't expect was that Zhao Jianbai was here!

And that "welcome" was what Zhao Jianbai said.

Shui Qingrou and the two of them nodded at the crowd, and then walked inside.

Shui gently turned his head and said to Zhou Jiang: "Come in, I will introduce you to you later, if there is nothing unexpected, then we will be colleagues."

"Colleague?" Hearing Zhou Jiang here, the expression on his face finally changed.

What does this mean, it means that he will work here like them? And what is it here?

This building built more than ten meters deep underground is definitely not easy. As for how it is not easy, then you can only wait for Shui Gentle and their introduction.

Zhou Jiang followed Shui Qingrou and they walked inside, and came to the sofa. Shui Qingrou let Zhou Jiang sit casually, and then she walked towards the cabinet inside, while Sirona sat openly. After coming down, he picked up the orange in the fruit bowl on the table and peeled it off.

Zhao Feng waved to Zhou Jiang and motioned him to sit there, but Zhou Jiang didn't want to sit with a big man. Fortunately, the sofa had three sides and could sit two or three people on each side.

Seeing Zhou Jiang didn’t sit down beside him, Zhao Feng didn’t feel annoyed. He got up with a smile and sat down. Before Zhou Jiang wanted to get up, he hooked his neck and sat down on him with a familiar face. Next, regardless of Zhou Jiang's disgusting expression, he said: "Your kid is really silent, you hid a big gift!"


Zhou Jiang was pulled, struggling twice and didn't break away, so he didn't bother to struggle. After hearing what Zhao Feng said, he looked at him strangely, and he didn't understand what he meant.

Seeing Zhou Jiang's doubts, Zhao Feng reminded: "Sanaido Mega has evolved."

"Oh~" Zhou Jiang nodded, just as he was about to say something, he reacted, the two posted too close!

Zhao Feng posted it again when he said Ha, almost his face was stuck together.

As he hadn't struggled before, Zhao Feng didn't use any force anymore, so Zhou Jiang shook his shoulder and flinched from under his arm.

Zhou Jiang, who had escaped, saw that he was coming, his face changed, and he shrank back and hurriedly said, "You, you, you, don't come over!"

Zhou Jiang looked at Zhao Feng with disgust.

If he had said that he just wanted to talk to him and leaned in subconsciously, now he didn't plan to stay away from him and he would still post it. I'm afraid it's not GAY? !

Adding to the thought of Lu Ran's "secret" from his childhood that Lu Ran and the others refused to say before, Zhou Jiang became more and more scared.

The thought of him being held around his neck before, his face turned blue and white.

"Puff whistle~"

Sirona who was on the side laughed directly, and Shui Qingrou also walked back with the tea cup and waiting for things at this time. She was looking for something before, so although she heard the sound here, she didn’t see what happened. After coming back, I looked at Zhou Jiang, who was a little pale, and Zhao Feng, who had an embarrassed expression on his face, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Cough cough, nothing, nothing." Zhao Feng looked at Zhou Jiang's expression and finally came over afterwards. Looking at Zhou Jiang, he said solemnly: "I like women!"

"???" Just put a cup in front of Zhou Jiang, and then Shui, who sat down next to Sirona, gently raised his head and looked at Zhao Feng with a dazed expression.

Zhao Feng naturally saw Shui's gentle expression, but he now cares more about Zhou Jiang's opinion of him.

I just like women, I just talk about it, it’s no big deal, it’s better than being GAY...

"Ahem, I can promise." Sirona, who was watching the audience, said with a smile after eating an orange.

Listening to Xirona's words, Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief, but the look in Zhao Feng's eyes was still a little wary. After all, his intimate method of hooking people on the neck all at once, forgive him to disagree.

If it is between close friends, such as Zhou Nan and him.

If Zhou Nan hooked his neck, even though he was a little uncomfortable, he wouldn't feel anything. After all, the relationship between the two was quite good, but Zhao Feng's words, the two met only a few times in total.

Shui softly sat on the edge, looked at Zhou Jiang, and then at Zhao Feng, and finally nodded slowly, not knowing whether he understood it or not.

But whether you understand it or not, this is not the time to talk about it.

Shui looked at Zhou Jiang softly and said, "Since I have come here, I should tell you about the situation here. I think you can't wait?"

Zhou Jiang wanted to say "Actually, I'm not in a hurry", but he nodded obediently and turned his eyes to her to show that he was curious about it.

Seeing this, Shui softly nodded and smiled: "Ask you a question, do you know the ruins, but do you know what the ruins are?"

"Huh?" Zhou Jiang frowned slightly, "What are the relics?"

He did not immediately follow her words to think about "what is the relic?" After reciting what she said in his mind, he subconsciously thought of other places.

For example, here must be something related to the ruins.

After all, she has asked like that, so it's almost impossible to say that. Generally speaking, it is impossible to talk about some irrelevant topics at this time.

But although I thought of other places first, I still need to think about the soft water problem.

What is the relic?

"A treasure left by the ancients?"

"Uh..." The three of you all looked at Zhou Jiang speechlessly, unexpectedly he would say such a general answer that is neither right nor wrong.

"Haha..." Zhou Jiang smiled slightly embarrassed.

Seeing the expressions of the three, Zhou Jiang naturally knew that his answer was not good, but there was no way. Who made him think about other things before, and he didn’t have time to think about the answer, and he couldn’t let Shui gently wait for a long time. , In that case, it is better to just say that you don’t know. After all, not knowing is not an embarrassing thing.

After all, Shui Qingrou asked Zhou Jiang this way, so the answer is definitely not simple, and there must be some differences from what he has known before. It should be normal that he can't answer.

Shui coughed softly and said, "You have been to many ruins and got a lot of good things. So have you seen any murals and other things?"


Zhou Jiang frowned. Speaking of the mural, he really remembered that there was indeed a mural in the cave where Wang Qingyan and Wang Qingyan fell into it, and the strange elves engraved on it...

Seeing Zhou Jiang's contemplative look, Shui nodded softly and said, "Do you know Palkia and Diya Luca?"

"Huh? Palkia?" Shui's soft words awakened Zhou Jiang from his thoughts.

If he remembers correctly, the names of the beasts are only the names of the gods of life, Phoenix King and Sky Dragon Split Kongzai. Even the sea **** Rogia didn't even know the names of the gods of time and space?

Seeing Zhou Jiang's expression, Sirona was a little surprised and asked, "You know?"

I know? Of course I know! The problem is that I just want to ask you guys who know...

Of course, these were just thoughts in his mind, and he said that he was afraid to say so, so he nodded and said, "I have seen some records in the ruins."

"What kind of explanation?"

Suddenly, Zhao Jianbai's voice was heard from the side, which shocked everyone.

"Ahem, break time, come and have a cup of tea." Zhao Jianbai smiled and walked over to sit down, but instead of looking at the tea cup on the table in front of him, he looked at Zhou Jiang and asked curiously: "Can you tell me something? Did you see the explanation about Palkia."

The three of Shui Qingrou also looked at Zhou Jiang curiously.

Especially Shui Qingrou, she just asked before, but she didn't expect Zhou Jiang would really know...

"Um..." Zhou Jiang tried to pretend to be thinking, was silent for two seconds, and then said: "I remember saying that they are the beasts that master time and space?"

As soon as Zhou Jiang said this, the eyes of the four people present suddenly lit up, especially Zhao Jianbai. He hurriedly asked, "Are there anything else? Do you remember any other information? Are there murals of them? Do you have……"

Seeing Zhao Jianbai's expression of excitement, Zhou Jiang was dumbfounded.

What happened? I just said the most basic information and you are so excited. If I tell the more detailed information I know, this old man is afraid that he will have a heart attack?

"Ahem, doctor, calm down, calm down." The water closest to him gently and quickly After all, he was really too excited, even the few people sitting next to the computer staring at the computer Turned his head and looked over.

Zhao Jianbai calmed down, but the eyes of the four of them looking at Zhou Jiang became brighter.

Zhou Jiang hesitated for a moment, and said, "I haven't seen any murals or anything. This is just what I found on a stone slab, but the stone slab is broken so badly that I can hardly see anything else. The final translation is just the short paragraph. ."

He is not interested in "discovering" new beasts. Perhaps discovering new elves and beasts in this world is as exciting as discovering new elements in the previous life, but Zhou Jiang is not interested in it.

If there is no trouble, he can reveal what he knows, but now it is obvious that if Zhou Jiang talks more, there will definitely be trouble.

It's not that someone troubles him or suspects him or something, it's just that he is afraid of being dragged by these researchers to ask questions.

Too much is wrong, he knows too much, the memory of this world is not very complete, I don't know what is in this world, what is not.

The memories of previous lives combined with the somewhat vague memories of this world caused him to be a little confused about what he knew and whether he was discovered in this world.

If you accidentally say too much, it will be troublesome. A lie needs multiple lies to cover up. If you are not careful, he may have missed something. Then, in order to make up a lie and make excuses, he will definitely have to consult a large number of lies. Information, avoid saying more.

In this case, isn't he going to be exhausted?

I can't talk about the crossing, I can only make excuses.

He didn't want to do thankless things.

So he would rather not say anything, it doesn't matter if he is rotten in his stomach, he is a selfish person, but he does not have such a high sense of social honor.

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