Since Zhou Jiang said that he didn't know more about Palkia, they believed it whether it was true or not.

Shui looked at Zhou Jiang softly and said: "Yes, Palkia and Diya Luka are the beasts in charge of time and space. Among them, Palkia is in charge of space, and Diya Luka is in charge of time. Both elves have The power to destroy the world in an instant."

After a pause, Shui gently continued: "As for the ruins I asked you about before, you said that they were left by the ancients, and this is not right. There are two types of ruins, one is what you said, which is our ancestors in ancient times. What is left, there are records of elves or sacred beasts and other things, and another..."

   stopped here, Shui looked at Zhou Jiang with a soft smile, and said, "Did you guess it?"

   Zhou Jiang swallowed and nodded slightly, "Did Palkia and Diya Luca made it?"

   "Yes." Shui nodded softly in approval.

   Zhou Jiang frowned slightly, because it was a little different from what he remembered.

  Whether it is animation, games, or comics, he doesn't remember that they have made these things. Ruins are ruins, things left by the ancients. They are basically places where they worship a certain beast.

   As a result, Shui gently said that there is still another kind of relic that they made...

   To be honest, this made Zhou Jiang a little puzzled. After all, Palkia and Diya Luka had no reason to do this, right? What is the motivation?

Perhaps after seeing Zhou Jiang’s puzzlement, Zhao Jianbai, who was on the opposite side, said, “As for why Palkia and Dia Luka made the ruins, there is still no clear answer. We only know those. The space is indeed made by them."

   Zhou Jiang wanted to ask "Why can you be sure, the evidence? No one has seen them make ruins, right", but after thinking about it, he still didn't say anything.

   Since I have already said that I am sure, then there must be information that he doesn't know, and he is boring to ask.

   And the important thing now is not why they are sure that Palkia did it, but what it is doing here!

   Zhou Jiang asked, "So this is the ruins made by Palkia?"

   "Cough." Zhao Feng sneered and coughed dryly, and found that everyone was looking over, waved his hands a little embarrassedly, and said, "Cough cough, then what, when I don't exist..."

   Looking at Zhou Jiang, Shui gently said, "If you say this is a relic, you can say the same, but now everyone calls this place ‘Bianfeng’."

   Border? Such a place?

   Zhou Jiang raised his brows slightly. He keenly noticed the implicit meaning of Shui's gentle words, saying "this place" instead of "here", which means that there is more than this place like this?

   Shui Qingrou did not notice Zhou Jiang's expression, and continued: "Although this is not a relic, it is indeed the birthplace of the "ghost relics" floating outside!"

   "The birthplace?" Zhou Jiang was puzzled.

   "That's right." Shui nodded softly, "It's the birthplace..."

   But before she finished speaking, she was interrupted.

   I saw a person sitting in front of the computer over there turning his head and shouting: "Report, the No. 7 team led by Li Tianwang has returned and is applying for entry."

   "I'll take care of it, and I have enough rest." Zhao Jianbai, who was sitting there drinking tea, said, then put down his teacup and walked over.

   The matter was left to Zhao Jianbai to deal with, so Shui Qingrou naturally explained this to Zhou Jiang in detail.

   But maybe after hearing someone came back, Shui Gentle didn't continue to slow down. He asked while answering, but said directly.

"The so-called'frontier' is the outpost and supply station that leads to the entrance to another world. In the other world, there are all kinds of elven items and materials that you can't imagine, but in contrast, they come from all directions. , An invincible attack! The reason why I say this is the birthplace of the "ghost relics" outside is because those "ghost relics" are all split from another world!"

   paused for two seconds to allow Zhou Jiang to slow down, and then Shui gently continued: "I believe you are curious as to why I said you will come here later? Although it's a bit unbelievable, I'll just say it in order to save time.

At present, the elves in different worlds are invading our world more and more frequently, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger, and the mature combat manpower in our alliance is almost not enough, so we plan to gather elites Trainer, and then select some of them to bring in training. "

Shui softly finished speaking, she just looked at Zhou Jiang, and Sirona, who was beside him, was drinking coffee she didn’t know when she was ready, while watching Zhou Jiang. As for Zhao Feng’s words... this guy ignored him. Up.

   Zhou Jiang lowered his head slightly, thinking about Shui's soft words.

   It was obvious that she wanted Zhou Jiang to go to some other world to attack and intercept the attacking elves. To be honest, Zhou Jiang didn't resist that much.

  Because he doesn't think he will be in any danger, with the protection of Big Needle Bee and Xanadu, his life safety does not need to be too worried. In such a place, no matter what, he would not let Xanaduo leave his side. Once in danger, he would not hesitate to let Xanaduo lead him to run away with teleportation.

   And Shui Qingrou also said that they came in to be cultivated, that is to say, after they came in, they should only temporarily follow the old people and contact the elves in the other world in a safe place.

   After all, they were recruited to train, not to die.

   He didn't think how dangerous they would go in the first place.

   One aspect is that one's own safety is guaranteed, and the other aspect is because Zhou Jiang felt that the "crisis" he felt before was probably derived from this so-called alien world!

  Invasion of another world, isn't this the most frequent scene in the novel?

   Besides, the water is soft and gentle. At present, the frequency and scale of the elves of this different world invading this world are increasing. If this continues, sooner or later it will become the scene in the novel he is worried about. The whole world will be invaded and attacked by elves from another world, and people will suffer heavy casualties.

Zhou Jiang would not be too sad for the deaths of those he didn’t know, he would just mourn and avenge them within the scope of his ability, but if someone he knew and a better relationship had an accident, he would Sad.

   So anyway, he wants to try it here.

   And since it was an elf attack, does that mean a lot of points are coming?

   In any case, he has made up his mind to continue to grow stronger. If this other world is the crisis he is worried about, then it will be solved. If it is not, then he will get stronger by scoring points and then respond.

   It can be said that this "frontier" is pending!

   But even so, he was still a little confused.

   Zhou Jiang looked up at Shui and asked gently: "Are the elves who attacked the village of N City reported in the previous news as elves from another world?"

   "Huh?" Shui Qingrou's eyes widened slightly, and they looked at Zhou Jiang with some surprise.

   Although they didn't say anything, Zhou Jiang had determined from their expressions that those elves were the so-called elves of another world.

"Hey, it's not..." Zhao Feng moved a bit excitedly, and leaned towards Zhou Jiang, but perhaps he remembered what happened before, so he stopped without leaning too much. , Just moved it slightly.

   Zhao Feng looked at Zhou Jiang and asked, "Have you ever met?"

   Zhou Jiang looked at Zhao Feng, who was a bit nervous, and was slightly surprised, and said, "No, what's wrong?"

   "Huh~" Zhao Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and sighed: "You scared me to death. I thought there would be a new spatiotemporal node. If there is another node, that person will really not be enough."

   "..." Well, Zhou Jiang understood what he meant, but he didn't expect the Alliance to have such a shortage of manpower, maybe his previous worries really came from here?

   After all, after listening to him say that, if two or three nodes appear, the alliance will definitely be overwhelmed, and if the news cannot be blocked, they will definitely be able to summon ordinary trainers to resist.

   If it is too late or there are not enough people, then the elves that spring out will surely rush into the cities, villages, and forests.

  Those trainers are okay. If they are ordinary people, they will not have the ability to protect themselves at all, and there will be a lot of casualties by then!

   Zhou Jiang asked: "Nodes are the entrance to another world, right? How many nodes do we have in China now? Other countries should also have nodes?"

   Shui nodded softly, and said: "Nodes are the entrance to another world. It's not wrong. As for how many nodes China has, it's hard to say.

  Because there are many nodes in the unexplored zone deep in the forest, there are powerful elves guarding them, so the elves in another world can't rush out.

   And we humans don't have much energy to explore it, so many nodes are unknown.

   But if the nodes have been discovered, there are currently 31 in total. If you count the new nodes here and N City, that is 33.

   As for the node, of course not only in China, there are also nodes in other countries.

   is like this ‘Battle Island’ under our feet. The original intention of various countries to build it was just to suppress the nodes.

   It was not expected to build such a super city before, but the number of nodes in the following countries suddenly increased, and countries began to show signs of shortage of manpower.

  In order to supplement manpower, all countries have built the current ‘Battle Island’ and turned it into a large ‘supply base’. "

   Zhou Jiang nodded. He was not interested in how the "Battle Island" was built. He was just a subconscious question before. I didn't expect Shui Qingrou to say so much...

   But when Shui Qingrou said that, Zhou Jiang thought of something.

   The stone slab with an unknown totem that I saw in the Abilee Pavilion in District 8 before, maybe it was found from the node in Country M?

   Suddenly, Zhou Jiang thought of something. He frowned and suddenly raised his head to look at Shui and gently asked, "The elves from another world who attacked the subway?!"

   "Well, yes, although it has not been announced, they did do it. It was a fish that slipped through the net. It has now been eliminated." This time it was Zhao Feng who answered Zhou Jiang.

   Zhou Jiang nodded. Although he guessed the meaning of "clean up", he did not ask, but asked about the protective cover before, "They did the protective cover too."

   "Ahem, this is indeed destroyed because of your elves fighting." This time it was Silona's answer, who had never said much.

   Zhou Jiang was surprised when he heard Sirona's words. Isn't it really other reasons?

   looked at Shui Qingrou, then looked at Zhao Feng...

   Okay, this is embarrassing. Zhou Jiang coughed dryly and scratched the back of his neck with his hand to cover up his embarrassment.

   He thought it was an official excuse, but he didn’t expect that he really had some responsibility...

   Of course, he will definitely not be able to recite the pan. After all, even if it was caused by their battle, the battle field itself is used for battle, and it breaks down after a battle. Isn't this the biggest responsibility of your organizer?

   After all, there is nothing wrong with them.

After   , Zhou Jiang came over and asked a few more questions. Regarding this, Shui Qingrou answered him one by one until the door opened and someone walked in.

"Welcome back, hard work!" It was Zhao Feng who was talking. Zhou Jiang was facing the door. Now Zhao Feng and Shui Qingrou are looking at Zhou Jiang, so Zhao Feng will look at it the first time. Arrived the people who came in.

   Hearing the sound of the door opening and Zhao Feng's words, Shui Qingrou and the others looked over, and Zhou Jiang also subconsciously tilted his body slightly and turned his head to look over.

   A rough-faced big man came in, with an inch head and wearing a military green suit. His eyes looked a bit vicious, and he felt like a person who was not easy to get along with.

   "Yeah." In response to Zhao Feng's welcome, the visitor just gave a humble hum, and nodded slightly, except for other expressions and movements.

   Zhou Jiang saw it in his eyes and labelled him bad dealings.

   His performance, Zhou Jiang thinks there are two possibilities.

   One is defiant, arrogant and arrogant; the other is bad words.

Zhou Jiang didn’t think he was the first kind of person, because if he were the first kind of person, then Zhao Feng would not be able to see him come in and greet him proactively, and after greeted him, the people who came back “scorned” him. It seemed that Zhao Feng was not angry.

   Although Zhao Feng is young, he is also a working king at any rate. How could he not have a card face? The biggest possibility is that the person who came here is not good at speech and can't express emotions well.

   Zhou Jiang thinks that he is also a bad-spoken person, so he knows how difficult it is to deal with such people.

   If you want to deal with this kind of person, the best way is not to talk to him constantly, but to get acquainted with him slowly over time.



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