I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 725: Smile of goddess of luck

"Huh?" The visitor sat down on the sofa by Zhao Feng, and finally noticed Zhou Jiang sitting on the sofa.

Zhou Jiang had his back to him before. He could only see the back of his head, so he didn't think anything. After all, who can recognize people based on the back of his head?

Now that he saw Zhou Jiang's face from the front, he was slightly surprised.

Although he is not good at words, he is quite familiar with the people in this "frontier", not to mention a deep understanding, but at least the faces are familiar.

Even if there are some outsiders who come here sometimes, but they are also people who are famous and he almost knows, Zhou Jiang, who looks very young, and his face is a little bit raw. Here is really the first time for him. see.

"Introduce, this is Lao Li, Li Weibin!" After Li Weibin sat down, Zhao Feng leaned over and said to Zhou Jiang while holding his shoulder.

After that, he looked at Li Weibin again and pointed at Zhou Jiang, "This is Zhou Jiang. The newcomers who will come to our place for an ‘internship’ will most likely need to be brought by you, Li Weibin."

"A newcomer..." Li Weibin murmured, then looked at Zhou Jiang with a gentle smile and said: "Hello, please give me more advice in the future!"


Zhou Jiang also smiled slightly, ready to reply to him, but Zhao Feng interrupted him with a scream, "I'm going! Lao Li, you actually laughed!"

"What happened!"

"What? Old Li smiled?"

"real or fake!"


Several young staff members sitting next to the computer heard Zhao Feng's call and suddenly turned their heads to look over.

Zhou Jiang looked at Xiluona and Shui Qingrou and found that they were also shocked.

Zhou Jiang whispered to himself, is his smile surprising?

Looking at his previous smile, it's not like a smile forced by someone who can't laugh, it's quite natural...

Zhou Jiang hadn't asked why they were so exaggerated, but Zhao Feng and the others began to close their eyes and start thinking.

As each of them read very quietly, Zhou Jiang sounded very vague, and he didn't hear exactly what they said.

Zhou Jiang: "???"

Zhou Jiang was stunned by this, and he really didn't understand what they meant.

But looking at their appearance, how does it feel a bit like when believers pray and pray to God...

The difference is that when other believers pray, they still have to clasp their hands on their chests and pinch the cross, but they are just thinking about it.

Zhou Jiang looked around and found that apart from him and Li Weibin, there was only one Dr. Zhao Jianbai that did not. The others even Shuhui Gentle and Xirona closed their eyes and muttered...

Zhou Jiang looked at Li Weibin and found that he was as expressionless as Dr. Zhao Jianbai, as if he had been used to it.

In this way, after about a minute, Zhao Feng and other talents withdrew from the broken thought mode.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhou Jiang finally couldn't restrain his doubts as he looked at them returning to normal.

Hearing Zhou Jiang's question, Zhao Feng laughed and said, "Hahaha, Zhou Jiang, do you know that you just missed the great opportunity!"

Zhou Jiang: "???"

He is really dumbfounded. This Nima's, why are you in Sui Sui Nian related to chance again?

"Hey~" Zhao Feng smiled trivially and said, "Do you know what Lao Li's nickname is here?"

"..." Zhou Jiang really wanted to ask, "Do you know what color underwear I am wearing today", but he held it back and shook his head "submissively".

"Hehe, then I'll tell you, Lao Li's nickname in our place is called'the smile of the goddess of luck'!" After that, Zhao Feng looked proud, and Zhou Jiang almost couldn't help laughing. .

"..." Zhou Jiang twitched the corners of his mouth. Seriously, when he heard this nickname, he really wanted to spit out, what kind of weak nickname is this special...

But in the end he resisted the strong desire to complain and asked: "Why is there this nickname?"

To be honest, he almost understood the reason after hearing that nickname and the appearance of their previous prayers. But he still wants to know what amazing deeds he has, even the always light water softness and Girona!

Zhao Feng and several staff members said that, even if he was surprised, he would not be surprised where he went. After all, he was not very familiar with them and didn't know them well.

But Sirona and the water are gentle...

He is familiar with these two people.

Hirona didn't say anything, just judging from the impression in her memory. Shui is gentle, from the previous contact to the present, she is that kind of gentle and elegant, somewhat indifferent to fame and fortune, and has a sense of immortality.

As a result, even the two of them were praying, which had to make Zhou Jiang feel strange.

"Why..." Zhao Feng murmured and repeated what Zhou Jiang said, and then looked at Zhou Jiang strangely, but before he said it, Shui softly took over the topic.

"If I remember correctly, Li Tianwang's famous smile was only four times in total. The first time, when he was performing a mission, Li Tianwang smiled, but an hour later, his team found it in another world. A large number of props "Rainbow Crystal".

The second time was when a wave of elves in another world invaded. At that time, most of our combat power had not followed, and there was not much combat power here. It seemed that we could not hold it anymore, and the support would only arrive one day. . Li Tianwang smiled and comforted the people who stood by. As a result, the Miles champion who was on vacation in Country M just came to see "Battle Island". With his help, the elf invasion was successfully intercepted.

The third time was in another world. Like the first time, after Li Tianwang smiled, the team they were in was also unexpectedly harvested a lot of rare materials.

The fourth time I was in another world, but they didn’t get the materials. At that time, they seemed to be besieged by a large group of elves. The supplies such as potions were insufficient, and even the communication equipment was accidentally damaged. When they almost couldn't stand it, He smiled and encouraged everyone, but it happened that the other squad passed by and came over to check when they heard the fight, so they were successfully rescued..."

"..." After hearing Shui's soft words, Zhou Jiang's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but glance at Li Weibin, who was sitting there and drinking tea on his own.

Li Weibin sat there calmly sipping tea, as if what Shui said softly was not him.

However, Zhou Jiang soon discovered the blind spot.

Rainbow Crystal? What is that... and I didn’t expect that this Li Weibin is actually a trainer at the level of the king of heaven. No wonder it was said that the squad had come back. In the end, he came here alone, and he even dared to show Zhao Feng and the others. Powerful.


The point is not this. The point is that even if this is the case, it doesn't mean that he will bring good luck when he laughs?

It's like many people who dropped out of school before finishing high school in the previous life. Many became bosses, but those postgraduate and doctoral students worked in other people's hands. Does this mean anything?

Is reading useless?

This is only a small probability event, and the survivors are biased. Unless Li Weibin never laughs at other times, but judging from his non-violent smile at all, although he may not laugh much, but not so much. laugh.

In other words, the "smile of the goddess of luck" is exactly the setting they imposed on him.

Zhou Jiang also said that the whole world is dying all the time, and he is breathing all the time, so does he have the ability to breathe once and die on earth?

It's nonsense...

Obviously there is nothing like Buddhism, Christianity, etc. in this world, but they believe in this. Sure enough, it is the result of the "backward" belief?

But fortunately, not everyone believes this thing.

Zhou Jiang glanced at Zhao Feng, who was constantly talking about his "wish" to Li Weibin, then glanced at Zhao Jianbai, and he was immediately relieved.

Zhao Lao deserves to be China's top academy of sciences~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Awareness is different, people who are superstitious will not believe it, what we believe is Kexue!

"Little Zhao, it's not that I said, don't go too far." Maybe it's because Zhao Feng's broken voice is a bit noisy, Zhao Lao said slightly angrily.

Hearing Zhao Lao's angrily, Zhou Jiang's eyes lit up slightly.

Yes, yes, Mr. Zhao is right! Quickly scold him, this person does not believe in Kexue, it is absolutely rebellious!


Zhao Feng was interrupted by Mr. Zhao before he could explain, "I am what I am, you see what you look like!"

Zhou Jiang nodded quickly, that is, what it looks like! It's unreasonable that the incumbent king is superstitious!

"And what do you all look like!"

Seeing Shui Qingrou and the staff, Zhou Jiang was even more happy.

exactly! What it looks like! You are the backbone of the country, how can you believe in these crooked ways? Sure enough, Mr. Zhao is worthy of being Mr. Zhao, he is observant of things!


Hirona and Shui Gentle are beautiful girls?

In the face of faith, there is no distinction between men and women!

"While praying, it doesn't work if you say your wishes. Isn't this common sense? What about you?!"

Yes yes...huh? ? ?

"And Xiao Zhao, you, your wish is fulfilled, then our wish will not be fulfilled? As a result, you cheated openly here, how can you be so selfish! Everyone should play fairly!"

"Yeah! The doctor is right, even if it is the king of heaven, everyone should be equal at this time!" A staff member who had been reprimanded for fear of speaking heard this, and shouted in agreement.

Zhou Jiang: "..."


pagan! All heretics!

Zhou Jiang slapped his thigh to get up, and then everyone looked over.

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