I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 729: Menus is going to kneel?

However, it turns out that you have to take risks when you should take risks.

The sea thorn dragon had already stuck to the edge of the water field, and as a result, under its sudden attack, the waterspout still had nothing to do with it, and moved towards it unabated.

There is no way, this is dead corner, there is no place to hide, and the spunlace dragon is now physically drained too much, after all, while resisting the suction and resistance of the water, while launching an attack, how can this consumption be not large.

Even the ones that weren't affected by Menus had consumed a lot of physical energy due to the manipulation of the waterspout, let alone the sea thorn dragon.

There was no way, he was about to break through, Chu He made up his mind, and then went on.

Although the sea thorn dragon is a bit tired, it can still forcefully lift the spirit and "squeeze" out the physical strength.

Like Menus, the sea thorn Longhaizi Street dived deep into the water, intending to rush under the water, but to be honest, it was really late to break through at this time.

Not to mention other things, as far as the physical strength of both parties is concerned, the distance has already been separated.

It takes a lot of stamina to control the waterspout, but it does not have the ability to recover?

Self-healing is a very useful skill, especially when no one disturbed it before.

Once it was sent down, the wasted physical strength was directly full!

There is a gap in the strength of its own hardware, and Menus has weakened physical strength, and now the physical strength has been stretched away, there really is no chance.

Not to mention that the sea thorn dragon can't rush to this side, even if it rushes, it will be hammered on the ground by Menus.


The sea thorn dragon was at the bottom of the pool, rushing over against the undamaged tiles, but two big ear scrapers rushed to greet it.

The tail of the dragon of Menus directly teaches it to be an elf.

That's not a big deal. Before the stunned sea thorn dragon had time to make adjustments, he had eaten Menus's wave of dragon head-on. Now, it was really cold.

Since the battle took place under the water, the cameras under the water were covered by water currents and bubbles, and nothing could be seen. The two trainers standing beside them didn’t even say anything. They couldn’t see anything. Look at the self-cultivation of the elves.

In the end, it was Menus who fanned the sea thorn dragon out of the water with a tail, and then the camera captured its appearance.

It was difficult for the referee to see the inside of the field with the naked eye, so he had been watching the big screen and found that the sea thorn dragon was floating on the water in circles before he announced the result of the game.

He went smoothly and won the first game with ease. Zhou Jiang's fans were still very happy, and immediately screamed, cheering up.

Chu He’s words, his fans are naturally unwilling to be outdone, each cheering loudly, as if to overwhelm the voices of Zhou Jiang’s fans, but unfortunately, the number of people is not equal, plus the two sides lose one and one loses. They simply can't compare to Zhou Jiang fans who are so powerful.

The waterspout was controlled by Menas and gave way to both sides, allowing Chu He to recover the sea thorn dragon.

Zhou Jiang didn't change the elf, so the second elf could be placed on the opposite side.

Chu He's second elf is a sister with Mislip.

Among the elves, the elves like Milip Sister can be regarded as an annoying one for Zhou Jiang.

One is that its appearance is really unflattering, the other is that its strength is not too strong, and it is still a very rare type of spirit...

It's not good-looking, not strong, and few...Zhou Jiang really didn't know who would practice this kind of elf. He didn't expect to see such one now.

Zhou Jiang thought about it and thought, the advantage of Milip Sister is probably to have a secondary attribute of the super power system, other things, the special attack is not low?

But its life, physical attack, and physical defense are too low. Even if the physical attack is not counted, the life and physical defense are also unreasonably low. Training a long-haired pig is better than it, as long as you learn the evolution of primitive power As an ivory pig, that strength really improved by leaps and bounds.

However, there are not many elves with ice attributes, and Milipu sister can still use it, but Zhou Jiang doesn't like it.

Strictly speaking, after removing the material attack, its race value is still pretty good. After all, if it specializes in special attacks, its "115" special attack is also considered strong, and Shanaido is only "125". Its real weakness is material. The defense against this one is too low and too low, only "35"...Even Shanaido has "65", and Hudi is "45" higher than it.

You know, Hu Di and Xanadu are pure super-power elves! With skills such as teleportation and proficient thought power in hand, it is difficult for ordinary elves to break through in front of them, but if they are specially guarded, they are not low, so it is very difficult, but what about Miss Lips?

The sub-attribute is a super-power attribute, and the mind force cannot control the wizard at all, and it is not the main super-power attribute, and it is basically impossible to learn it.

In this way, its shortcomings are too big.

"35" material defense, you have to kneel when you wipe it. When you encounter a spirit like the lizard king who is good at speed, it can't beat it.

When Milipu came out, the five waterspouts on the court hadn't dissipated, but the three Menas hadn't been maintained and were about to dissipate, so now there are only two that can be considered threats.

Although Milip Sister has a super power attribute, which causes her thought power to be not too strong, but even so, it is easy to support herself with thought power and float it on the water. After all, she uses her thought power and has no resistance to the resistant elves. Use, this effect is very different.

"Sister Milip, freeze the light!"

The sea thorn dragon does not freeze the light, it needs to use skill jade to learn, the sea thorn dragon that has not evolved into the thorn dragon king, basically no one is willing to spend too much resources on it.

Although freezing light is common, it is not cheap, after all, the power can have "90".

The price of this skill jade is not based solely on the rarity of the skill.

Skill power can be regarded as a standard.

The best way to deal with this waterspout is indeed to use ice skills or powerful skills.

The strength of this girl is not low, it has the level of elite high-level, and the skill of the frozen light is still very powerful. In the case of Menas without energy injection to resist, the waterspout is Freezing is a matter of time.

Zhou Jiang would not give him any courtesy.

Directly let Menas greet with water cut off.

Sister Milip's characteristic is not dry skin but predictive dreams, so he is also relieved to let Menus attack.

Dry skin will seal the water system skills of Menus, but predictive dreams will not work.

The effect of predicting dreams is the ability to predict the strongest power of the opponent. In the real world, Zhou Jiang feels that the probability can predict the trajectory of the skill, and the stronger the power, the higher the possibility of predicting.

Zhou Jiang was a little curious about this, so he did not let Menus continue to control the waterspout to attack.

One is to try to see if it is really predictable and to what extent. The other is that he feels that the ice system is too restrained against the waterspout. If Menus is ready to rely on the previous waterspout, then he must be prepared for physical strength.

Although Milip Sister's physical strength is also low to death, Zhou Jiang also doesn't want to fight the opponent. She can't fight too much, but in addition, he still wants to let Menus play the third game...

The water spout is restrained by the ice element, but the others will not, such as the extremely fast water breaking wave and the dragon wave. These are excellent for hitting it, and these two skills are also under the "special attack" control. It is also the advantage of Menus.

There is no need to put aside the advantage, but to be rigid on the restrained waterspout.


The moment the water with the thickness of the thumb burst out of Menus’s mouth, it was in front of Sister Milip. At this time, sister Milip was still using freezing light to destroy another waterspout. Generally speaking~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Water breaking waves with such a fast speed should directly hit Sister Milip, and in the face of skills that come directly towards him at such a fast speed, ordinary elves will panic.

As a result, this Miss Lips sister was not in a hurry, she didn't look nervous at all, she was still releasing the freezing light steadily, as if she hadn't seen Menus's attack, and she was frightened.

Unexpectedly, however, Menus's attack was off the track!

Wiping the face of the fascinated sister flew over!

At this time, Milipu sister seemed to see the attack and recovered. She used her mind to control herself down slightly, and with a sigh, the water swept over its head again, and it was controlled by the mind to lower her body. Go, so hide it again!

Damn it, so perverted!

Zhou Jiang was very surprised.

Audiences who don't know the characteristics of Milip Sister just thought it was lucky, but Zhou Jiang who knew it would not think so.

He originally thought that the probability of predicting dreams was not high, but now that the probability is extraordinary, it is not low at all...

Is it really the same as he guessed, high-level knowledge?

Not so perverted...

At this time, the freezing light of Milip Sister also ended, and the two water spouts were completely broken and turned into two five or six meters high icicles standing there. As for the previous three water spouts that were already very small, When Milipu killed the first waterspout, she disappeared by herself.

Sister Milipu, who was free, started a counterattack under Chu He's order.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be black eyes!


Looking at the top of the field, a pair of strange black eyes sank into the shadow of Menus, Zhou Jiang felt that his whole person was not good in an instant. After the black eyes, what the opponent will pick up, he knows very well, the song of destruction of the self-destruction system!

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