I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 730: See the accident again?

   Menas kneel down, Zhou Jiang doesn’t think about it now, and directly asks Menus to dry it with a hard vortex water blade.

   Foreseeing the characteristics of dreams Zhou Jiang really doesn't know the probability of launching. The game is definitely different from reality.

   And the previous two waves of Menus's attacks were easily avoided by the opposite side. Although Zhou Jiang thought in his heart that foreseeing dreams should not be so abnormal, perhaps it was a coincidence, but how can you be sure?

   What if it’s so perverted...

   This is the real world, not a game!

  In the game, the game company will consider balance and give you something to cut. Like LOL, looking at the background of those heroes, who is better in the real world, Soraka, the son of the stars, and Yasuo, the human swordsman?

   It goes without saying that gods and humans are completely incomparable, and they are not cultivating immortals...

   The game will weaken these things and balance them, but the reality is much cruel, strong is strong, weak is weak, the world will not sympathize with you and balance.

   is like the teleportation of elves, the weak in the game are dying, what about in reality?

   It’s pretty good that the elves can move instantaneously. If they can lead people, they are even more rare.

   Zhou Jiang didn't know what his dream was, so he didn't dare to judge easily.

   Although there is no use of the song of destruction on the opposite side, but the dark eyes are used, can Zhou Jiang still have a fluke mentality, hoping that the other side does not use the song of death?

   If you don’t need the song of death, why use dark eyes...

   In short, Zhou Jiang must hurry up and turn it over when Ms. Milipu is useless. Otherwise, he will wait for the other side to use it and leave it to him for three rounds. He is afraid that it will not be solved.

   He didn't dare to use water break waves and other attacks to test whether the dream was really so awesome.

   At this time, knock down the opponent first, let's talk about it!

   Experiment or something, just wait for someone to try it or ask Shui Qingrou or Dr. Zhao Jianbai. There will always be an answer. The important thing now is that you must not let the other side use the song of destruction!

   Hard vortex water blade, if Chu He hadn't known the power of this trick before and despised it, then he would already be a little afraid of it now.

   After the five hard vortex water blades, the water field instantly became dilapidated. The rock pillar platform on which the land warfare elves stood was completely destroyed, and the bottom of the pool became sloppy due to the sweep of the water spout...

   This is only the destruction of the venue. For the elf, his sea thorn dragon was forced by the five waterspouts to rush and be killed.

   Although there was no head-on attack that swallowed the waterspout, it was clear from the destruction of the venue that the damage was not much lower.

What's more frightening is that this waterspout Manas can maintain several times at the same time. Once it is involved in one of them, if the strength cannot be broken and cannot be run away, I am afraid that it will be faced with endless waterspouts. Hit.

   The tonnage of the elves is large, and the strength is good. However, neither the sea thorn dragon nor the Milipu sister are of this type.

   The hard vortex water blade cannot be eaten.

  Chu He immediately gave instructions to Sister Milip, asking her to use her mind to pull away the three "Pin"-shaped javelins shot at it.

  Like a hard vortex water blade, a long-range attack that is out of control after flying out is the easiest way to dodge the elves of the super power system.

   You only need to use your mind to move the front end of the flying attack slightly to the side, and the flying attack will be crooked and don't know where.

   But Sister Milip is not a pure super-power elf after all, her thought power is always a bit short.

   Even if you face other skills, face the high-speed, high-rotation hard vortex waterblade javelin, there are still three! This really makes it a bit difficult.

   In the end, it was only crooked one by one. It barely crooked one by one, and the other couldn't be touched.

   In this way, it is very likely that a javelin hit it directly in the end, and the other exploded water spout will be controlled by Menus to roll it, so it seems that it is likely to be cold?

   Seeing this, Chu He was shocked, he couldn't think of how Miss Milipu could not even pull off these attacks!

  In his expectation, this shouldn't be difficult, so he didn't let Milipu Sister run away. As a result...


   Regarding Chu He, although Zhou Jiang said he didn't care, he wouldn't look down upon him. After all, they were able to make it into the top sixty-four, and he was not weak anymore.

   And Zhou Jiang really has less experience, and he hasn't played with many people, so he can only roughly guess whether others are better or weaker than him.

   As for how strong is it? Where is the weak? He has no idea...

   Like now, the elite high-level Milip Sister and the special attack may have reached the level of the king of Menus fighting.

   He knows that Menas is better than Sister Milip, but he doesn't know how much it can be.

   even said that he still had some doubts about the strength of Menus.

  While Chu He made it to the top sixty-four by his ability, how could he be weaker? Therefore, Zhou Jiang still felt that the other party had some tricks in his heart, so even if he saw the two hard vortex water blades of Menus flying towards the opposite side, he still stared at the opposite side to see if he had any other players.

   Actually he doesn't know, nor does the other side know.

   If these two hard vortex water blades are eaten, sister Milip will die!

   However, Zhou Jiang’s ignorance is more of ignorance of the opposite side and no back-up, coping methods. What Chu He didn't know was the specific attack power of Hard Vortex Water Blade.

   After all, this is a “self-created skill”, and the alliance has not included it. The power of the skill is unknown, and the strength of Menus is also unknown, so Chu He is a little uncertain.

   It can be said that this battle is a bit dramatic.

   analyze it from the beginning.

   Zhou Jiang was afraid of the song of death after the dark gaze on the opposite side, so he asked Menus to attack with all his strength with the hard vortex water blade.

   Chu He originally just habitually asked Milip Sister to use her dark gaze, and when she couldn't beat her, she would sing and die. Who knew that Zhou Jiang came directly with three hard vortex water blades.

And seeing Menus’s attack, he just thought this skill was tricky, but he didn’t know the true power, so he didn’t let Miss Milip flash, but let it divert the water javelin. As a result, who knows the water javelin. After being shot out, it is no longer under the control of Menus, but its own speed and strength are very strong. As a result, its "half-slung" thought power is completely unable to draw off three water javelins in a short time...

   So, the above scene appeared.

   "Sister Milip, light the wall!"

   It was too late to get out of the way, Chu He chose to take a small gamble and carry it down!

Although he thinks the hard vortex water blade is powerful, Chu He thinks that the powerful one should be the second stage, that is, the hard vortex water blade after bursting into a waterspout is powerful. Looks like, so he chose to fight back.

   To be honest, it really doesn’t matter if you carry it down, but he chose the worst way, using bare walls!

   The light wall is to defend against special attacks, and in the state of the current javelin, although its power depends on the special attacks of Menus, the damage it causes is physical damage!

   There are also special damages, but does this water javelin rely on the water attribute to damage it?

   How much damage the pure water attribute can have, it relies on its own speed and the ability of the compressed water to rotate and tear!

   What is the difference between a water gun and a high-pressure water gun?

   Is the amount of energy worse? Uh... the energy difference is almost close. After all, to achieve the "high pressure" effect, it is not enough to not release more energy, but the main difference between the two is actually the speed!

   The penetrating power of the hard vortex water blade in the first state is very strong. It is intercepted by a light wall that blocks special energy in a small area. It is simply beyond your own control. You can use halving reflection...


   There was a crisp sound, the hard vortex water blade was not glued to the light wall, and a hole was cut directly in the light wall!

   The hard vortex water blade that penetrated the light wall didn't stop, and slammed straight into the belly of Sister Milip. With the painful scream of Sister Milip, Sister Milip and the water javelin flew far away.

Three sturdy water spouts burst on the water, and the water that had calmed down suddenly made waves again. Even because a water spout was very close to the two previously frozen water spouts, the two frozen sculptures began to fall apart. Then it turned into pieces of different sizes and was involved in the waterspout.

   "Sister Milip!"

   When the hard vortex water blade broke through the wall of light, Chu He was already stunned when it pierced Sister Milipu. Now that the water spout exploded, the huge movement caused him to recover.

   "Menus, stop." Zhou Jiang quickly asked Meinus to stop the waterspout. This was not to let it disconnect from the waterspout, but to let it expend physical effort to let the waterspout quickly dissipate!

   The moment the hard vortex water blade hit it, and the last time the waterspout broke out, the system sent an email, that is, sister Milipu had lost the ability to fight.

   If you continue to be attacked after losing your combat ability, you will be more injured than usual.

Now if it continues to eat the water spout sent out by Menus with all its strength, it is guaranteed to be killed. If that is the case, the trouble will be big, so he will not hesitate to let Menus spend his energy to stop the water spout. under.

Although Chu He on the opposite side recovered his senses, he still hadn't fully understood the situation. He just subconsciously felt that it was not good and then called out the name of Milip Sister, but in the rumbling waterspout, The voice he shouted couldn't be transmitted anywhere, the moment he flew out, it was shaken to pieces.

It wasn't until Menas controlled the waterspout that it began to shrink, and his heart was raised again. The waterspout was so small as soon as it was released. It was obviously abnormal. It was definitely something wrong with Milipu. Will waste physical energy to make the waterspout smaller.

   Now he can only pray that Sister Milip will not be seriously injured.

  Although it is said that this is the venue of the league tournament, there will be basically no accidents, but are you sure?

   The current medical technology is not invincible, but there are still a lot of serious injuries that can't be helped. If he is really injured by an unrecoverable injury, it is him who is injured!

   Injured during the game, as long as you don’t deliberately continue to attack after losing your fighting ability, it has nothing to do with your opponent. After all, there will be injuries in the game. If you don’t want to be injured, what better match...

Although the    water spout is huge, it is a little trivial compared with the cheering of the audience.

   And at this time, the sound of cheering that had been one after another gradually disappeared. After all, the narrator is not a dry meal. Seeing Menus doing this, he naturally understood the situation.

  They are the commentators. Who has never encountered this kind of thing ten times or twenty times. Like him, who can explain the league game, he has not encountered a hundred times and I am embarrassed to be the league game commentator.

   This situation is basically the result of a situation where the strength of the two elves on both sides is quite different, and the skills of the one with the higher strength are not well controlled.

   Of course, there is another possibility, and that is to change the spirit.

Let me give you a chestnut. Zhou Jiang was playing against others. An elf in Zhou Jiang defeated the opponent, and he lost his blood, but he didn't change it. The other side was replaced with a full state and his strength was also with his residual blood. The elves are almost elves. Then the opponent's elf made an all-out big move, and Zhou Jiang's elf could not catch it, and it was likely to cause such a result.

   The cheering of the audience disappeared, and they looked at the waterspout still spinning in the venue a little worriedly.

   The commentator is also "praying" now, and the content of his prayer is naturally that Chu He's Milip Sister should not hang up.

   As long as you don’t hang up, it’s fine even if you are seriously injured.

  Once it hangs up, it is a big event, and it will be on global headlines and hot searches...

Although it has nothing to do with him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but it really happened, then the audience is bound to be confused, and he will need to deal with it at that time, but this matter is difficult to deal with, if it can’t be dealt with If it's good, the alliance that gets busy afterwards will find him to give up...

   He doesn't want to lose such a good job, this position, but he has survived for more than 20 years before getting there, so how dare he give up easily.

  Although it was Zhou Jiang's match that caused trouble again, the commentator did not dare to blame Zhou Jiang, after all, his background was a bit big...so he could only complain to Chu He secretly in his heart.

Although this was caused by Zhou Jiang, Chu He is not without responsibility, and if he really wants to talk about it, Chu He’s responsibility still has to take up the bulk of it. After all, who made him let Sister Milip stand and pick up skills... Isn't it over if sister lips flash?

   Under the circumstances at the time, the state of Milipu sister was also good. If you flashed people, although it could not run away, it wouldn't be like this without the hard vortex water blade that was still in the javelin state. I'm all right now. Sister Milip is only seriously injured at the lowest level. If it is more serious, she may just die...

   The water spout was under the control of Menus, and within ten seconds, the water spout was already small to a certain size.

There are three waterspouts, one of which is taken by the Misaki Sister and I don’t know where it flew, while the other two, only one has Misaki Sister in it, so it controls the other one and keeps away from the Misaki Sister. Water spout.

In the center, the waterspout that was involved in Milipu was getting smaller and smaller. In the end, with a large amount of out of control water, the red figure fell and slammed heavily into this dilapidated "pool". Immediately aroused waves and blossoms.



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