"Dun Jia, quickly turn round and use scroll!"

   Seeing a ball of light rising on the side, Chu He was taken aback for a moment.

   is actually the position where the Qingteng Snake is located, which is quite a bit different from where it was when he played before.

And the key is that Zhoujiang’s Qingteng Snake did this. When other elves encountered this kind of venue, they basically just hid a little and used the rocks to block the opponent’s attack. As a result, the Qingteng snake directly took it. As a visually impaired to sneak attack.

   But fortunately, he was just a little surprised, and immediately returned to his mind and commanded the Dunjia.

In fact, in terms of discovery, Dunjia was actually discovered earlier than Chuhe. After all, elves have some sensitivity to energy. For example, if a large amount of energy is gathered somewhere, they will notice it. It's just the difference between clarity or not. , And humans cannot.

The skill of    Sunny Day must have very demanding energy requirements. It not only requires the fine operation of energy, but also emits a lot of energy, so it found out when the Qingteng Snake first went out.

   After discovering, it just mobilized its energy to attack there with the rock blade, it heard Chu He's voice, so it gave up the rock blade and followed the trainer's words and changed to rounding and rolling.

   This is the reason why the elf launches slowly when the trainer shouts out the skills, because at that time the elf is already ready to use the skills. The energy began to be mobilized, and the master shouted another skill, so they immediately gave up the mobilized energy, and then switched to the skill assigned by the master.

   is a bit stupid...

Dunjia still has two blows. The rolling after being rounded is very powerful. It rotates at high speed like a tire in a deep mud pit with full horsepower. There are constantly broken stones being pulled by it, and then thrown back. .

The    grouped up is really like a car tire, but although it looks a bit funny, anyone who dares to despise it will definitely suffer.

   The thick rock is spinning at high speed, and the free coupon is completely imaginary. None of the rocks in front of it can be killed well. It was all smashed into small pieces and scattered in all directions.

   With good luck, he flew to the side. If he was unlucky, he flew to the front and was immediately crushed by the galloping Dunjiao.

   "Qingteng Snake." Zhou Jiang did not give a specific order, only to remind it.

   Qingteng Snake did not respond, his eyes were fixed on the armor, and then the vine whip that had been retracted before stretched out again.

   The same method, the same result.

   The two rattan whips once again propped up the vine snake's child, the thin rattan whips were farther apart, and the dunnage passed directly between the rattan whips and under the vine snake!

   This is naturally not over yet. After the Dunjiao passes through the Ivy Snake, it naturally has to turn around and start again, but it can't give up the speed established by the previous rolling because of its extremely fast rolling speed, so it can only turn and start again.

   It is well known that if the speed is fast, then the arc of the turn is large.

   If Dunjia wants to turn back, it will take a lot of effort.

   But Qingteng Snake will give it a chance, let go of such a good opportunity?

   Waiting in the air, its small mouth opened slightly, and a small gold-orange dot emerged, and then quickly grew larger, forming a round ball.

   Sun and flames, ready!

   When the Qingteng Snake was "flying", Chu He felt bad. Now seeing this, he immediately shouted: "Dunjia, pay attention to the attack of the Qingteng Snake!"

   Ivy Snake’s attack didn’t come, so he could only let the Dunjia himself pay attention. Fortunately, the Dunjia was in a rolling state, and the speed was extremely fast. As long as he paid attention, he would not be easily hit.


The gold-orange ball turned into a beam of light, and flew towards Dunjia with lightning speed, but the speed of Dunjia is not for nothing. Even if the Qingteng snake makes a prediction, it still He just turned to the side and avoided it.

The sun’s flames fell into the sky, hitting the pile of rocks, and the rubble was splashed at any time. Fortunately, Dunjia used rounding and rolling, so that the splashing rubble did not cause any substantial damage to it, otherwise it would be under normal conditions. It can make it hurt for a while.

   While hiding from the Qingvine Snake's skills, Dunjia had already started to turn. Now, after avoiding the sun and flames, it has completely reversed its direction and slammed towards the Qingvine Snake aggressively.

In this kind of summer, and under the sunny days, the sun and flames of the Ivy Snake condense very fast. The moment the Dunjia turns around, it is another shot. After it hides, it is again. One shot.

However, three shots of sunlight came down. As a result, none of the green vine snakes made a head-on hit. They all wiped the Dunjiao and hit the rock. The Dunjiao was not injured, but the gravel pile on the field. One more stall...

   Three rays of sunshine and flames were all avoided, Zhou Jiang frowned slightly, do you want to change it? Or are all the elves worthy?

   Zhou Jiang didn't think much about these things. It's not too late to think about these things after the battle. It's better to concentrate now.

   Turning his head, Dunjia continued to rush towards the sylvatic snake aggressively, but after rolling for a while, its speed became faster again. If the sylvatic snake was hit, there would be no more fighting power, right?

   But fortunately, although the vine whip of the Qingteng Snake is not powerful, it is really practical.

   Ivy Snake’s vine whip can really make a 90-degree turn, and then turn, it can almost extend as much as you want. Therefore, facing the rolling of the armor, the Ivy Snake does not need to be too afraid.

   With the first experience, Dunjia attacked this time, it would be difficult for the Qingteng snake to avoid it.

  Although it can't hit the elves in the sky, it can hit with the vine whip on the ground!

   Although the vine whip and the vine snake will not be injured, it will be troublesome if the vine whip is pulled by the Tunja.

And just now the way the sine vine snake is squeezing the ground, if the armor rushes over and hits its vine whip like this, then the sine vine snake in the sky will definitely be unbalanced, after all, it only has Two vine whips are supporting the ground, and if there is one more, it will be much easier.

   But this is not impossible.

   I saw the Qingteng Snake extending the vine whip according to Zhou Jiang's order, and changed the vine whip, which was originally leaning on the top of the vine whip and whose overall appearance was "i", to an "l" shape.

  Although compared with the previous one, it only increased the area of ​​the vine whip contacting the ground, but with this, the Qingteng snake has a way out!

   Sure enough, after the previous lessons, Dunjia’s attack did not fail. Although I couldn't hit the Qingvine Snake in midair, a vine whip on the ground was still hit.

   Zhou Jiang has given Qingteng Snake a way out of trouble. Although he has not finished speaking, he believes that the smart Qingteng Snake is not incomprehensible.

  Although the Dunjia hit the vine whip of the Qingteng Snake, it was only the horizontal "-" vine whip under the "l"-shaped vine whip that the Qingteng snake deliberately released.

If it continues like this, although it will eventually hit the "i"-shaped vine whip supporting the "l" vine whip of the vine snake, but because the vine snake can adjust the entire vine whip, it It is entirely possible to turn away quickly before Dunjia hits it!

   A whole vine whip sticking to the ground can be used as a sister, and then the sine vine snake only needs to rotate to the left or right to break the vine whip from the suppression of the armor.

   Dunjia just rolls in a straight line, and it turns left and right more than 30 times in the sky. As long as the Qingteng snake makes a big 90-degree turn, that Dunjia can't do anything with it.

   The green vine snake did not move before, mainly because Dunjia had been on guard.

The rolling speed of the Dunjiao is extremely fast. Even if the Qingteng Snake moves when the Dunjiao is still far away, but it doesn't run far, it can only move in a small area around it, and it can be easily adjusted by the Dunjiao to follow up. . If you wait for the armour to move closer, it won’t be too late. After all, if the "i" type stalks the ground, there is only one point of force. Once the armour is knocked away by the siberian vine, the snake will lose its balance, so it’s just a whole "l". "The type of vine whip the ground.

   The "l" type is better than the "i" type because of its ground point.

   Point and line contrast, who is better than who is self-evident.

   Before the green vine snake had time to turn the vine whip, the extremely fast Dunjiao had already rolled along the vine whip to the "i"-shaped section. Fortunately, the Qingteng Snake was ready. At the moment that vine whip was taken away, it quickly retracted the other vine whip in proportion to avoid losing balance and being dragged away.

   If it is still the previous "i"-shaped ground at this time, then the Qingteng snake will be planted, because it has not been prepared, it can only be pulled down by the vine whip by the Dunjiao, and finally rolled its face.

   But now, after a short pause, the Qingteng Snake began to turn the vine whip.

   This is not difficult, it just takes time.

Everything went smoothly. The siberian vine snake quickly dropped the vine whip. Before the Dunjiao continued to roll over, he pressed a section of the vine whip against the ground, and then used one of the points as a fulcrum. A twist!

  The catching armor had no time to continue to hold and roll the vine whip, and the Qingteng snake smoothly escaped from the vine's range of action.

   Dunjia continued to roll forward, and the Qingteng Snake had already swayed to its left, passing by.

   "Dunjia, a rock and a blade!"

When Zhou Jiang gave the Qingteng Snake a reminder, Chu He almost understood what he meant, but he didn't call the pause armor, because even so, there was nothing to lose to it, and he successfully rolled the Qingteng Snake. With the vine whip, you can give it a hard hit, and even if you let it escape before you finish rolling it, it will have no loss.

   And this way of getting out of trouble is not something that can be done easily. The vine whip was quickly curled up by the Dunjiao and pulled down from the sky. Even if the Qingvine Snake escaped at this time, it is very likely to fall into a state of unstable balance and unable to maintain its shape.

   At this time, it is a chance to attack!

The only thing that Dunjia loses is the speed of rolling and stacking before, but this thing is dispensable for Dunjia, after all, the Qingteng snake seems to be unable to prevent it from rolling up. If it is not hit, it continues. Just roll up again.

   The rolling Dunjia jumped high. After leaping into the air, he stopped rolling and flipped a sub, and then transported the energy to condense into a sharp stone and flew towards the Qingvine snake in the air.

  Paper painting!

  The Qingteng Snake, whose retreats were blocked by a large area of ​​sharp stones, could only use this skill in mid-air for a long time.

All the sharp stones slashed past it. Although it escaped the attack, because the actual combat paper painting needed to remove all its power, it even released the control of the rattan whip, and it lost control of the rattan whip. It turned into a plain rattan, and after avoiding the sharp edge of the rock, the Qingteng snake fell straight from the top.

   It’s too late to use the rattan whip. The Qingteng Snake can only spot the flat place left by the rolling armor before landing.

   The Ivy Snake fell on the ground and rolled around to relieve its strength, and Dunjia had already fallen back to the ground at this time.

   At this time, the distance between the two elves is extremely close, and the battle is about to start!

   "Dun Jia, trample!"

   Chu He first gave the order.

   In close combat, how can the Qingteng snake compare to Dunjiao? For Chu He, this is almost a godsend!

   Don't look at Dunjia who is fat and fat, but it doesn't run slowly, but it doesn't have that elegant feeling~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's like a wild boar, and the pig comes over directly.

   "Flying Leaf Storm!"

  Singing the antiphonal Ivy Snake, Flying Leaf Storm is the best skill apart from the sun and flames.

   High power, and can buff yourself, it's simply beautiful.

   In a clear sunny day, although other grass-based moves are not enhanced, for the general grass-based elves, offensive activities under a clear sunny day are all bonuses, but they are not much.

  The densely packed leaves are made by the vine snake, forming a tornado storm, and rolling across to the Dunjia, once the Dunjia is rolled, it is not a joke.

   The super high damage and double restraint, if Dunjia eats all of this move, although it will not die, but it is almost the same. The scars are for sure.

   "Dun Jia, rush over, Flame Fang!"

   When the narrow road meets, the brave wins.

At this time, the two elves are very close due to an accident. It is impossible to extend the distance. After all, you have to extend the distance, and if the opposite party chases and fights, then you will be weak in momentum. When you fight back, the opposite side may be weakened.

   So both of them didn't withdraw, but directly let the elf on.

   After the two rushed up, there was really no way out.

   The Ivy Snake just fell. Although it relieved its strength, it still has some influence if it wants to run. If it can't run, it will attack.

After    Dunjia rushed up, facing this large-scale flying leaf storm, it had nowhere to go back. Enter, be attacked; retreat, also be attacked, so simply carry the damage and rush up!

   Even if he didn’t know Zhou Teng Snake’s condition, Chu He knew that Dunjia’s physical strength was much higher than Qing Teng Snake.

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