I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 734: Flying Leaf Storm

Zhou Jiang didn't shout any more, so he stared at the battle ahead.

All this happened so fast, so suddenly.

From the appearance of the elves on both sides, to the use of earthquakes and rolling in Dunjia, and now, a total of less than ten minutes, and now, it is the moment when the battle is divided!

Dunjia rushed into the flying leaf storm created by the Qingvine Snake, the big mouth between the two big fangs opened, and there was a fiery flame inside.

If rolling and hitting the Qingteng Snake, the Qingteng Snake is almost a pill, then it is really over when it is bitten by a flame tooth with an attack power of "120".

The double restraint is not a joke, maybe it will be sent directly to the icu in the wizard center.

Although Zhou Jiang was a little worried about the Qingteng Snake, he was not afraid.

Of course he did not care about the safety of the Qingteng Snake, but he knew that the Qingteng Snake would not have any accidents.

Zhou Jiang believed that he had no advantages except for a brain accident.

And can Feiye Storm have any brainpower?

The answer is naturally yes.

Feiye Storm is to create a super large number of leaves to attack opponents, with many leaves, not only has a wide range of attacks, it can block the opponent's position, but also can hide the line of sight!

These leaves are all controlled by the green vine snake, although not to say that it can control all the leaves, but 70% to 80% is still possible.

So Zhou Jiang asked Qingteng Snake to train the control of the leaves made by Flying Leaf Storm.

In general flying leaf storms, the elves use a straight line attack to save energy. The elves release the leaves and rush directly to attack the opponent, and the opponent only needs to rush forward against the leaves. At the end, the other elves are located.

The flying leaf storm of Zhoujiang's Qingteng snake is different.

The green vine snake can control the leaves, shoot from all directions, and after shooting out, they can continue to change directions, accelerate and other operations.

In other words, the Qingvine Snake can create a small maze with Flying Leaf Storm!

Among the overwhelming flying leaves, how to tell the direction? This is difficult. Once the sense of direction is disrupted, if there is no reference, then it is difficult to find the right direction in the flying leaf storm of the green vine snake.

At the beginning, rush straight forward without stopping?

Then Qingteng Snake won't change positions, and must stand and output?

Although in the process of moving, it will inevitably reduce the output of leaves and the control of them, but the siberian vine snake does not need to be moving all the time, as long as it leaves the original position some distance.

After changing the position, through the control of Feiye, the sense of direction of the elves entering Feiye Storm is disturbed, and it is over.

The lucky elves can rush out in the weak direction in Feiye Storm. Those with bad luck can only wait for the Qingteng Snake to exhaust itself. Otherwise, as long as they don’t find the right direction, they will rush out. Can continuously transfer.

And even if it doesn't transfer, Qingteng Snake is not helpless.

After rushing into a storm of green flying leaves, the only way for the elves to discern the direction was to rush towards the direction where the leaves were flying, and the sine vine snake only had to change the leaves that flew towards the Dunjiao.

For example, now, the Dunjiao rushes towards the vine snake, and the Qingvine snake only needs to control the leaves to shift a little to the side, and then let the offset leaves fly toward the vine snake, and the vine snake will naturally Will follow Ye Ye's direction and run away, successfully being led astray.

As long as the direction deviation is not too serious, Dunjia will not feel it!


After rushing into Feiye Storm, the Dunjiao was stunned...

Because it kept burying its head and rushing forward, it had calculated the distance and approximate time before. It should have been able to rush to the Qingvine Snake, but it is still taking damage in the Flying Leaf Storm.

Once again, he rushed forward against the dense leaves, only to find that he was still in the flying leaves...

Feiye Storm is not a joke. Ivy Snake’s special attack is not low, plus double damage, plus Dunjia’s special defense is not too high, it hurts to death when hitting it, although due to the enhanced control Reduced the output capacity, but hitting the Dunjiao, the Dunjiao still hurts badly.

The physical strength quickly faded, and the Dunjiao who had rushed again for a while was completely panicked. If it can't rush out again, it will be cold!

Chu He also found something wrong.

Why hasn't Dunjia met the Qingteng snake?

Suddenly, Chu He's expression changed.

Because he discovered that the two elves, Qingteng Snake and Dunjia, who were originally covered by flying leaves and could not see their figures, were now in front of him!

What about Dunjia? It is still suffering damage in Feiye Storm.

Now the Flying Leaf Storm Group that is wrapping the Dunjiao has passed the Ivy Snake, but Dunjia didn't notice it at all, and continued to run forward. It was clear that the Ivy Snake shot out endless flying leaves behind it, but Dunjia was actually Not aware of it at all.

Although I don't know how the Qingteng Snake did it, and what happened inside the flying leaf storm that looked like a dumpling, Chu He knew that if Dunjia didn't come out again, it would be cold!

At this time, the trajectory of the Dunjiao is different from before, so he boldly guessed that the Dunjiao may have lost his sense of direction in the Flying Leaf Storm at this time, so he will still go after the Qingteng Snake. Go ahead.

Chu He, who roughly guessed what happened, immediately gave Dunjia an order: "Dunjia, use scroll!"

The only way to get out of trouble at this time is to use full horsepower and rush out at a speed faster than the speed at which the Qingteng snake can control the flying leaves.

It's just that, this wave of fights is a big loss.

Dunjia has never gotten close to the Qingvine Snake, so its trampling and flame teeth will naturally not be able to cause damage to the Qingvine Snake, but the Qingvine Snake’s flying leaf storm has scratched the Dunjiao for a while. This output is enough. A has eaten a pot.

But there is no way. If you continue like this, Dunjia will not be able to find the Qingteng snake, even if you have Chu He's reminder, because how the Dunjiao disturbed the direction before, and walked crookedly, then the Qingteng snake will be able to go again. Let him go crooked once.

It feels wicked.

If you don't rush out, then Dunjia will be ground alive inside!

"Qingteng snake, break out!" After hearing Chu He's order, Zhou Jiang hurriedly asked Qingteng snake to do its best.

Damage and control and duration, the current Qingteng Snake can't take care of it. The Dunjiao has been trapped and hasn't hanged until now. It's because the Qingteng Snake sacrificed the damage, extended the time and increased the control of the flying leaf.

Now if Dunjia needs to roll, the vine snake will naturally not be able to keep it, the opponent has slipped away, and the vine snake does not need to continue to maintain the maze, while the opponent is still within the attack range of Feiye Storm, Give the other party a big surprise!

Qingteng Snake also knew this truth, so before Zhou Jiang called it out, it began to make adjustments.

Large swaths of flying around Dunjia, acting as obstacles, changed the gentleness before, and flew straight toward Dunjia.

Dunjia had already begun to shrink his body at this time, and he was ready to roll, so Feiye hit it with much lower damage.

But no matter how low it is, it is stronger than before. If the number of flying leaves that attacked Dunjia before was one, then it is now one hundred, one thousand!

All the flying shots towards it, even if it shrinks into a ball, the damage is not small.

Dunjia rolled up, and the Qingvine Snake completely abandoned the maintenance of the flying leaf cage maze, so Dunjia directly rushed out of the range covered by the Qingvine snake's flying leaf storm.

"Come out! Chu He's Dunjiao finally broke through the magical flying leaf storm blockade of Zhoujiang's Qingteng snake, but he has been suffering from the flying leaf storm for so long, can Dunjiao still... "As the audience returned to normal, the narrator naturally resumed the passionate words that were "excited" all the time.

To be honest, Zhou Jiang is really curious. Each of these commentators will yell when they see something wonderful. Can their throat be able to hold it all day long?

Are you afraid to lose your voice...

On the field, Dunjia rushed out of the Flying Leaf Storm and rolled forward on the field. Although he was seriously injured after eating a pile of Flying Leaf Storm, the rock blocking it still suffered mercilessly. Shattered.

Seeing the Qingteng snake panting, Zhou Jiang felt helpless.

This Feiye Storm Labyrinth is good, but it's too exhausting, otherwise it will really be invincible. As long as it is a melee elves, with this trick, basically don't think about getting close to the Qingteng snake.

"Green vine snake, vine whip!"

The Qingteng Snake has not much physical strength. If Dunjia is still rolling, Zhou Jiang can't see how it is. Maybe it's in a similar state to the Qingteng Snake, maybe better, but no matter what, there is still a fight on the opposite side. capable.

The current Qingteng snake is hit by rolling, it will be cool, and the opposite is estimated to be about the same, so Zhou Jiang now strives for a blow!

The reel is very flexible, and the sun’s flames can’t hit it. That’s because it is fast and it can turn quickly on the ground. No matter how accurate the prediction of the vine snake, but as long as the speed of the reel is not reduced, then It is almost impossible to hit.

Unless you can get close ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but if you get close, the possibility of the Qingteng snake hanging up is much higher than that of Dunjia.

Therefore, Zhou Jiang thought of the simplest way, floating in the air!

As long as the opponent is in the air, there is no way for the opponent to avoid it. After all, there is no force point, unless the opponent can fly.

Although Dunjia is an elephant, it is not a Dumbo.

As long as Dunjia flies into the air, it will be easy to handle the next step.

The Qingteng Snake will not even miss such targets.

You can take it away with the sun and flames!

And think of the way to let the other party float, then you have to figure out how to make the other party float.

This is also very simple, the Dunjiao rolls very fast, just use the whip to pull it underneath it and it's done.

It's like a top, with a whip, it will jump up, and now the armor is similar.

The minds are connected, Zhou Jiang doesn't know the principle of this ghost, but sometimes, his thoughts can be passed on to the elves.

You don't need to shout out, as long as one look, the elves on the field can understand. This is indeed a bit of a joke, but it is real.

"Qingteng Snake!" Zhou Jiang still shouted in order to make sure that he didn't give a specific order, but he did silently go through the tactics he had just thought of.

After that, it depends on whether Qingteng Snake can "read the mind".

"Staga!" Qingteng Snake glanced at Zhou Jiang, then continued to stare at Dunjia after a soft moan, not knowing if it understood.

But in any case, Zhou Jiang couldn't shout out. After all, if he said it out with such obvious intentions, the opponent would not be an idiot, and he would definitely prevent it. In that case, this method would be useless, and another method would be needed.

Conscious that his brain is not good enough, he didn't want to let go of this opportunity because he couldn't think of a way.

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