Facts have proved that the magical creatures like elves are really amazing. Zhou Jiang didn't know how to build a deep "fetter" with them. As a result, they could "read their minds" for Zhou Jiang.

After understanding the tactics Zhou Jiang reminded it, Qingteng Snake naturally began preparations calmly.

Although Chu He on the opposite side was a little confused, he couldn't think of why. After all, Zhou Jiang did not give a complete order, so he called out the name of Qingteng Snake. No matter how awesome he was, he couldn't guess what Zhou Jiang's intention was.

At this time, the dun armor had already turned the corner and turned back and rolled towards the vine snake, and the vine snake, who had already prepared, after putting the dunn armor closer, made a decisive move, and the vine whip fiercely moved towards Pull it underneath.

Sure enough, as Zhou Jiang expected, Dunjia immediately flew up.

Although he rolled on the rocks and did not fly, it was because it tried his best to restrain it, and after all, these rocks are all broken stones that are not closely connected to the ground, and the connected ones are all big rocks, which are directly crushed by it. , Can't fly at all.

And what about the vine whip of the vine snake?

The speed is very fast, even if the armor can hide, it can't escape this kind of large-scale attack, so it flies directly...

"Not good, be careful of Dunjia!" After seeing Dunjia flying into the air, Chu He understood Zhou Jiang's intentions, but he realized when Dunjia had already flown, it was too late!

"It's amazing! I didn't expect that contestant Zhou Jiang would come and let Qingteng Snake use the rattan whip..." the commentator yelled loudly while holding the microphone. Fortunately, there were no guests around him, he was the only one. People are there, otherwise the guests' ears will be buzzing after such a day.

However, although Zhou Jiang felt that the narrator was a little awkward to yell at it, the audience paid for it, not only the narrator's roar that can drive the atmosphere, but also the proper explanation and comments.

After all, not everyone can understand the fighting situation on the field.

When the camera returns to the field, the Dunjiao flying into the air still maintains a rolling posture, and the successful Qingteng snake is also accumulating the power of the sun!

Since the sunny day was still there, the energy was gathered smoothly. Dunjia hadn't fallen yet, and had just reached the highest point in the sky. When it was about to fall, the sun flames of the Qingteng snake flew toward Dunjia!

"Dun Jia!" Chu He yelled anxiously. The skills of Dun Jia are not many. There is indeed no way to do it in the air. At this moment, he can't think of any way, so he counts on Dun Jia to find a way.

Not only was Chu He nervous, but everyone in the audience was also very nervous.

It can be said that now is the time to decide the outcome.

If the sun flame of the siberian vine snake hits the dun armor, then the dun armor loses the ability to fight, this has no discussion.

If it misses a hit, misses it, or is defended by a back armor, then the Qingteng snake is over.

Because even though Dunjia flew into the air, it rolled towards the vine snake...

When it falls, it will hit the Qingvine Snake.

It is very difficult for the Qingteng Snake to avoid this blow. After all, in order to fly the Dunjia shell into the air, it waits for the Dunjiao to get close before using the rattan whip. At such a short distance, it can't avoid it!

Everyone's heart raised their throats, and the veins on Chu He's hand holding the railing burst.

Zhou Jiang was not easy at this time either. Although he was as stable as an old dog on the surface, in fact he was panicked inside, just pretending to be calm.

"Hit! Dunjia tried to block the sun and flames with a sharp stone attack, but the sunny sun of the ivy snake was very powerful. After penetrating the sharp stone attack, it hit the Dunjia! Survive? Although the sun flame was blocked by the sharp stone attack, it is still very powerful. Is there any more fighting power in Dunjia?"

Automatically filtering to understand what was said, Zhou Jiang's mouth was slightly lifted and he was relieved.

At this time, Zhou Jiang usually doesn't look at it with his eyes, but to see if the system has sent an email. Fortunately, when Zhou Jiang saw it, the email had already been sent.

What this means is self-evident.

The Dunjiao fell, and because it was hit by the sun and flames, the Dunjiao did not hit the Qingvine Snake, but fell on the edge not far away.

Smashed to the ground in mid-air, Dunjia was motionless.

"Dunjia loses the ability to fight! By..."

The referee raised the flag in his hand in due course and pronounced the result of the game.

"Dunjia has lost the fighting ability, and the winner is the Qingteng Snake! Chuhe players already have four elves who have lost their fighting ability, and the Qingteng Snake and Menus currently sent by the Zhou Jiang players are still... God! Evolved! The Qingteng Snake actually evolved after winning the Dunjiao! This is the first time in the history of the alliance that the elf has evolved in an alliance competition..."

In the voice of the narrator’s surprise, the Qingteng snake suddenly burst into a white evolutionary sheen. It did not choose to suppress it, but evolved naturally.

Five seconds later, an elegant and domineering monarch snake appeared on the field!

Unlike the ivy snake before evolution, the monarch snake after evolution lost its hind limbs, and its forelimbs also degenerated into two short leaves, with yellow patterns on its body, just like royal noble lines. The red eyes in the high head give people a noble and domineering feeling!

Seeing the monarch snake on the field, Zhou Jiang was very excited and finally evolved!

After the evolution of the Monarch Snake, its speed advantage can finally be played out. It only needs a little exercise to do whatever it wants!

At this moment, the commentator and the audience are still in the climax, there is no way, after all, who made the Qingteng snake the only elf that has evolved on the field after all these years of competition.

After all, besides Zhou Jiang, who would fight with elves that are not in the final evolutionary form?

Of course, the flying mantis is not counted, although it also has an evolutionary form, but its posture is actually completely physical.

After all, it evolved before and evolved...

Afterwards, even the race value did not change, the attack defense and speed changed, just like a steel armor, slowing down and increasing attack and physical defense.

The referee once again asked Zhou Jiang if he wanted to take back the elf. Before his questioning was over, the Qingteng Snake had evolved. It was difficult for him to continue to ask at that time, so he stopped, and now he has to ask again.

Zhou Jiang nodded to the referee, and then retracted Qingteng Snake.

The Qingteng snake evolved into a monarch snake. It lost its legs. It is definitely not used to the way of movement at this time. It needs to go back and exercise.

And it has evolved, what about fire dinosaurs?

Zhou Jiang was still thinking about flying on a fire-breathing dragon. Bibi Bird has not yet evolved, and Bi Diao’s shadow hasn’t been seen. Now it’s basically Shanaido who is flying with him, but he is still flying with his mind. There is a big difference in flying with a flying spirit. The biggest difference is that it is wrapped in thought power and the wind cannot feel it.

There is no wind, so what a drive...

Riding a flying spirit is not the important thing about the oncoming wind.

As always, Chu River Elf lost the ability to fight and changed for Elf, so he was the first to go out.

The elf he released was Rose Redel, unfortunately, like a Dunk, was restrained by the fire dinosaur...

Roselando is still a very powerful elf, with a race value of 515, which is not low. The special attack has reached 125, which is the same level as Shanaido.

Roselando's characteristic is "natural recovery". The effect is that after the battle is over, or being replaced, or replaced by other elves, they can make their negative state disappear, which is not a bad characteristic.

He released the elves, and Zhou Jiang would naturally not waste time, throwing the elven ball of the fire dinosaur.

As soon as the fire dinosaur entered the field, his fighting spirit rose instantly, and he spewed a flame into the sky, and then stared at Roselando on the opposite side with piercing eyes, and the flames on his tail rose high.

Although the fire dinosaur was in the wizard ball before, it also knows the evolution of the siberian snake.

In the team, the two of them plus Bibi Niao did not evolve, but because Bibi Niao was already regarded as a flying vehicle by Zhou Jiang, it did not evolve and did not force it to fight, and the fire dinosaurs and the siberian snakes belonged to the two elves. Yu Yusanjia is still one fire and one grass, so the two elves have some fights on this.

Seeing that the siberian vine snake has evolved into a monarch snake, it can’t wait.

Seeing the fire dinosaur, the narrator yelled excitedly again, saying that Zhou Jiang actually released another elf that had not completed the final evolution, and asked if he could "take it up" like the Qingteng snake and defeat the opposite elf.

Counting the referee, the three people present are immune to the yelling of the narrator~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The referee has been in this line for a long time and is used to it. After all, the interpretation of this world is basically based on this virtue.

This time, Zhou Jiang did not wait, and took the lead in letting the fire dinosaur launch an offensive.

Now the weather effect is still in the sunny day, and the fire dinosaur's fire skills are still enhanced. Take advantage of this time, attack more. #b......

br# is also poor. Except for some attribute values ​​modified by Zhou Jiang, the fire dinosaur hasn't moved anything. For skills and other things, he only learned a steel tail for it, and it didn't learn anything else. The only means of attack is the most common skills such as spraying flames.

However, although it is ordinary, it is still good when used under a clear sunny day. After all, it has increased by 0.5 times the power, which is equivalent to the "fire" feature. If you wait for the lack of physical strength to stimulate the "fire", That would be even more terrifying.

It's a pity that the weather effect on a sunny day may not be able to support that time.

The fire dinosaur had a single skill, so Zhou Jiang let it concentrate on training and jetting flames. At this time, its jetting flames were fast and powerful, and the thick flames rushed straight toward the opposite Roselando standing on the rock. go with.

Although Chu He didn't give instructions, Rose Raduo wasn't an idiot. Seeing the flames came, he made a light leap, and then gracefully landed on the nearby rock.

The jet of flames hit the air, Zhou Jiang was not surprised. If he hits head-on, he would be surprised and worried about any conspiracy on the other side.

The fire dinosaur stopped the attack without hitting the opponent with one move. Zhou Jiang did not give an order and was ready to wait for the opponent to fight back.

Zhou Jiang likes to fight back, and most of the time he likes to wait for the opponent to attack before returning. As his spirit, he is naturally familiar.

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