hiss~ This seems to make sense!

  Rosledo is not good at playing Bibi Bird. Since it is not good at playing, then change to an elf!

   It's not that you can't change elves.

   And since it’s time to change the spirit, let Rose Reduo test Bibi Bird to see where it stands out. Although it may not be tentative, it is better to try than not to try?

   Anyway, now the two elves are so far apart, even if there is some accident, if he wants to take Roseland back, it is impossible to be intercepted by Bibi Bird.

   Zhou Jiang was pondering over there, and Chu He also secretly thanked Bibi Niao, who had withdrawn from the state of Yan return.

   Fortunately, he reacted quickly. When Roselando had an accident, he immediately took it back. Otherwise, at this time, Bibiiao’s Yanfan would have to directly hit Roselando...

However, Rose Redo has already taken it back, so he can only release the frog flower. After all, the elves that have just been taken back cannot be released immediately. This is a rule. Otherwise, at the critical moment of nowhere to escape , Just take back the elf and it will end...

   Go back to the pokeball, no matter how powerful the opponent's skills are, you can't hurt it at all.

In order to prevent this from happening, there is this rule. For example, when all five elves are defeated, the sixth elves should not be taken back. Even if the rule is that the elves can be taken back during the battle, Touching it back in time is equivalent to surrendering.

   There was no room for choice, and Chu He threw a magical frog flower ball in the referee's reminder.

   And Zhou Jiang looked at the wonderful frog flower thrown by Chu He, slightly surprised.

   Wonderful frog flower?

   It’s not that Zhou Jiang looked down on the Miao Frog Flower, but to deal with Bibi Bird, the Miao Frog Flower and Rose Leydo are not much different...

   are all grass elves.


   Zhou Jiang thought for a while, and felt that things would not be that simple.

   Touched his chin, Zhou Jiang called up the skill list of Miao Frog Flower, looked at the skills above, and meditated secretly.

   Photosynthesis, grass field...

   plus the tonnage of the wonderful frog flower, if it used the grass field and then lay there, then Bibi Bird's current long-range attack method exposed, it really could not be used.

   Roselle is fast and light.

  Bibi bird's violent wind can blow it away.

   The tonnage of the Miao Frog Flower is there, and Bibi can't move it even if its wings are broken.

   If you add the green grass field, if you continue to consume it like this, Bibi Bird will suffer!

There is no way to continue to stand far away so awkwardly. According to the general Bibi bird, he can only rush to the output. Generally speaking, if Bibi bird hits the Miao frog flower close, it is naturally given. Copies.

   That's it!

  In an instant, Zhou Jiang understood Chu He's intentions.

   But I understand that I understand, but how to solve it is another troublesome thing.

   Although the Miao Frog Flower is not beautiful and the speed is slow, but strong is really strong...

   After all, strength is not tied to speed and appearance.

   "Miao Frog Flower, Feiye Quick Blade!" Zhou Jiang was still thinking about how to deal with it, and Chu He took the lead in letting Miao Frog Flower launch an attack.

   Although Zhou Jiang came back to his senses, he did not command Bibi Niao either.

   Now there is a safe distance between the two, these things don't need Zhou Jiang to worry about, Bibi Niao will hide by itself.

Sure enough, Bibi Niao dodges Feiye Kuai Knife in a flash, but out of vigilance for Miao Frog Flower and Zhou Jiang did not give an order, Bibi Niao did not move much, but still hovered slowly in the air and looked vigilantly With wonderful frog flowers.

   "Wonderful frog flower, grass field!"

   "Hey!" Zhou Jiang couldn't help but slap his tongue when he heard Chu He's words.

   "Bibiiao, go down the wind!" Zhou Jiang is ready to go. Let's fight melee, let's add buff first.

   Increased the speed buff, whether it is close combat or long-range attack, it is still very effective.

   Zhou Jiang squinted his eyes and looked at the garlic **** on the court, showing a knowing smile.

   After waiting, I found the opportunity to let Bibi Niao feed it with a flame jet or a freezing light to make sure that it was full.

   Although his Bibi bird used to spray flames in front of outsiders, only a few people still know it. Others thought it was an urban legend or someone bragging about something.

   By the time his bibi will be used violently, they will be caught off guard.

   If you have better luck and can directly debuff the opponent with burns or freezing, it would be even better!

   But even if it doesn’t, it’s not a loss.

If    works well, it can still be done.

   First use jet flames or freezing light to stun, and then rush up to a wave of swallows and swallows, and a wave of long-range attacks when leaving, it is perfect!

And when spraying flames, it is possible to directly burn the few grasses under the feet of Miao Frog Flower. In this case, its blood-recovering grass field is gone. After that, just keep harassing it and not let it. Just use photosynthesis.

   milling can also grind the wonderful frog flower to death. If Bibi can't grind to death, then another elven will be enough. Anyway, now he has a huge advantage, and using the elven pile is also a good way.

  In an instant, the plan that emerged in his mind, Zhou Jiang nodded to himself, as expected to be me, it was perfect!

   Now that you have a plan, execute it.

Miao Frog Flower and Bibi Bird use buffs one after another, but Bibi Niao uses up first. After all, Miao Frog Flower uses "grass field" in this kind of venue, and it is really in some cases. It's embarrassing, even Zhou Jiang's opponent feels distressed.

  This kind of site is full of stones, it is like grass growing in the crevices of the stones, and a small patch of grass can be opened, thanks to its efforts...

   "Bibi bird, steel wings!"

   Steel Wings, steel attribute skills, and playing Miao Frog Flower naturally have no restraint relationship. The reason why Zhou Jiang chose this skill instead of Yan Fan was mainly to prevent Bibi Bird from being too fast.

   For it, the faster the speed, the better, but sometimes, the faster the speed is not so good.

   Like now, the mission of Bibi Niao rushing over is not to attack, but to attract the attention of Miao Frog, and it also tries hard to find opportunities, and then set fire to deter it!

   At this time, it is natural not to be too fast, after all, it is necessary to make the Miao Frog Flower "prepared".

   Of course, flying slowly doesn't mean you have to fly over so ordinary, after all, you have to pretend, right? Therefore, steel wings became the best choice.

   Bibi Bird's wings flashed with metallic luster, and then swept towards the Miao Frog Flower, and the Miao Frog Flower was ready to put Bibi Niao into the fight.

   Zhou Jiang was silent, looking at the two elves getting closer, his heart slightly raised.

   To be honest, this plan is also very risky. After all, if you rely on the past, you will be attacked by the Frog Flower, but the Frog Flower can attack at any time, and Bibi Niao can only wait for the "appropriate" time.

   As for what is "appropriate", he can't say for sure, this is the most uncomfortable place.

   But this is the only way out at the moment, after all, there is the difference in level and strength between Bibi Bird and Miao Frog Flower.


   It is possible, but it is really difficult.

   If a low level can easily win a high level, what is the use of that level? The meaning of its existence is there, everyone is over.

   Finally, after waiting a certain distance for the bird to get closer, the frog flower moved!

   In the middle of the flower behind it, a white ball of light the size of a goose egg suddenly burst out, one after the other, a total of six, flying towards Bibi.

   Although Zhou Jiang couldn't recognize what this skill was at first, compared with the skills in its skill list, Zhou Jiang still recognized it-Seed Bomb!

  The number is large and the power is good. These are the advantages of seed bombs, but the disadvantages are also obvious, that is, the attack speed is too slow...

   Zhou Jiang didn't know why Miao Frog Flower would use the seed bomb skill at this time.

   In theory, shouldn't you use skills with fast attack speed... like Feiye Knife.

   Still saying that its purpose is not to attack, they also have some kind of plan?

It’s a pity that Zhou Jiang can’t think of anything for a while, and it’s not good for Bibi Niao to come back. After all, this is just his guess, and even if there is any purpose, Bibi Niao should be able to deal with it, at least it should be no problem to escape. So Zhou Jiang didn't say anything.

Six seed bombs flew towards Bibi Niao, and Bibi Niao easily dodged them without any thought. After lowering her posture slightly, the seed bombs passed over it, and then the bomb fell on On the site, a lot of rocks were broken, and several small pits were exploded.

  Bibi Niao continued to fly towards the wonderful frog flower regardless of the movement behind him, staring at it with eyes like an eagle, watching its every move, quite a posture of the wonderful frog flower moving, it hurried to run.

  Bibi bird does not fly toward the Miao Frog Flower in a straight line, it winds around a curve left and right.

   As for Bibi Niao's show operation, the wonderful frog flower is always lying on the tender grass that grows out from the beginning to the end. It is as stable as Mount Tai.

   "Wonderful frog flower, crazy plant!" Seeing that the distance was almost close, Chu He shouted.

   "Bana!" Miao Frog Flower also roared, and at the same time, both forelimbs were raised, and then they stepped heavily on the ground. In an instant, a large number of thick thorns appeared on the ground in front of Miao Frog Flower.

   At this time, Bibi Bird's flight altitude has dropped, but fortunately, it has been staring at the Frog Flower, so when it moves, it immediately rises, avoiding the thorns sticking at it.

   "Bibiiao, pay attention!" Zhou Jiang reminded.

After dodge the attack, it is the time when people and elves are most relaxed. If they want to use their hands, this time is very suitable. This is also a strategy he likes to use, so he will naturally have something in this respect. note.

   At this time, if Miao Frog Flower has a back hand, and Crazy Plant just hides it, it would be terrible. After all, he can't guarantee that Bibi Niao will not be caught when he relaxes his guard.

   is not really invincible, it's just that Bibi Niao's dodge ability is very good, but Guan Yu still loses Jingzhou, if Bibi Niao does not pay attention, it is impossible to be overcast.

   received Zhou Jiang's reminder, after Bibi Niao originally evaded the attack, he relaxed a little, and instantly became alert again.

   But vigilance is vigilance, the "offensive" must be "offensive".

   circling around the thorny strips standing on the ground, Bibi Bird continued to fly towards the frog flower, and the metallic luster on its wings became brighter.

   "Fly high!" As soon as Bibi Niao dived, Zhou Jiang suddenly roared.

   Due to the emergency, Bibi Niao’s name and other unimportant Zhou Jiang didn’t have time to say, so let it fly high.

  Bibi Niao still trusted Zhou Jiang very much. Without hesitation, he directly dissipated the energy of the steel wings, and then his wings fluttered and flew straight toward the sky.

   Watching Bibi Niao flying back to the sky, Zhou Jiang wiped a cold sweat.

   Looking at the crazy plant that was used by the wonderful frog flower and was still on the ground, that is, the thorn sticks, the faintly flashing things in the thorn bushes, Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief.

   Speaking of it, this is really luck.

  Bibi bird used the skill of adding BUFF before, downwind.

This is simply an increase in speed in the game, but in the real world, this is equivalent to the "protection" of the wind in a short period of time by Bibi Bird. No matter where it goes, the wind is from behind to front. Blow, this is also the reason for the speed increase.

   As for why Zhou Jiang talked about luck, then I have to talk about what happened before.

When Bibi Bird flew towards the Miao Frog Flower, the height was lowered, so the wind behind its buttocks also blew downwards, and it was precisely because of the wind blowing that Zhou Jiang discovered the Tibetan Secrets in the thorns of hardened plants!

   There are sleeping powder hidden in those thorns!

   It can't be seen under normal conditions, but as soon as the wind blows, the sleeping powder will dance, shining with its own shiny luster.

   Three kinds of powders, sleep, paralysis, and poison, appear as glitter, yellow, and purple.

   Zhou Jiang is very fond of these three powders, so you can see the "mystery" inside at a glance.

   If he guessed correctly, these sleeping powders are attached to the hardened plants. Once they are attacked by the hardened plants, the elves will fall into the sleeping powders without a trace. Without knowing it, it is difficult to resist sleepiness.

  Even though Bibi Bird didn't get hardened plants, it still has to be sent up!

   The hardened plant is located in front of the wonderful frog flower. If Bibi bird wants to attack, it must fly past the wonderful frog flower ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ then it will reach the side and periphery of the hardened plant. And if Bibi Bird flew over, it would inevitably bring up airflow, and those sleeping powder would also be brought over and spread towards it and the wonderful frog flower.

   These powders are all released by the Miao Frog Flower, and it will naturally not be caught, because it will be immune, but Bibi Bird is different, one is accurate.

   What kind of Yin!

   "Hey, how do you know?" Chu He asked Zhou Jiang in surprise.

   Chu He is quite proud of his own creation of this skill, this is his assassin! After it was created, he had only dealt with a wild elf, and he had not told anyone about it. It can be said that there is no situation that Zhou Jiang knew in advance.

   And the uniqueness of this trick is not that the sleep powder is attached to the hardened plants, but the sleep powder will not be blown up by ordinary wind!

   Among the thorns, there is still the energy of the frog flower. As long as the frog flower does not "agree", then the powder should not float out, and it should shine with the luster that belongs to them.

   As long as the sleeping powder does not float out, it is attached to the hardened plant, and it is completely invisible. From a distance, the hardened plant with the sleeping powder attached is completely the same as the ordinary hardened plant.

   And Zhou Jiang actually saw it!

   Or it is because he has good eyesight. He saw it just after putting the sleeping powder on the Miao Frog Flower, and then reminded Bibi Niao?

   But he remembers that when Zhou Jiang called out, it was the same time as when he reminded Miao Frog Flower to put sleep powder...

   This kind of synchronization can no longer be described with good eyesight...


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