Bibi Niao has already flown higher, and there is no danger for the time being, so Zhou Jiang was still "willing" to answer Chu He’s question. After all, after fighting for so long, he was almost tired from standing and watching. Tell him, it's good to relax.

   And the audience and the commentators are all "listen to ears", which is quite comfortable...

   I feel light and light!

   Zhou Jiang said with a smile: "Bibi Niao used a tailwind before, and the wind belt blows up the sleeping powder!"

   "Wind?!" Listening to Zhou Jiang's answer, Chu He was startled, then he didn't believe it, thinking that Zhou Jiang was lying to him.

  Chu He was doubting and thinking in his heart, and the commentator had already yelled again, "So, it turns out to be the wind! The Zhou Jiang player is keenly aware of..."

  According to the usual practice, the three people present who are forced to talk about the explanation will not listen. Well, it is not to say not to listen. In other words, it is to listen selectively.

  It seems like now, Chu He doesn't listen, he is still thinking, while Zhou Jiang is listening to the commentary, a little lighthearted.

  Because of the way Chu He was still thinking and they were still talking just now, he was not good at attacking, so he could only wait for him helplessly. Of course, by the way, just by the way, just listen to how the commentary praised him...

   Chu He ignored the commentary, and what the commentary said reached his ears and was automatically filtered out.

   He raised his head, glanced at Bibi Niao in the sky, then at Zhou Jiang, secretly pondering, is it possible that the wind generated by the wizard skills is different from the ordinary wind?

   After all, if Zhou Jiang lied to him, then he could not find the reason for Zhou Jiang to lie. After all, there is really nothing to lie about...

   In view of this, he thought of what Zhou Jiang said before, that Bibi Niao used the Shunfeng skill.

He uses less of his tricks, and his skills have not been tested in actual combat. The saying that "the wind cannot blow the sleep powder attached to the thorn sticks" is just what he usually needs when practicing the frog flower. The conclusion that came out, as for the wind generated by the wizard's skills, he really hasn't tried...

   And he is also a little puzzled, is this ordinary wind different from the wind produced by the wizard skills?

   But there is no time to confuse him, because the referee directly gave him a yellow card...

Now because Chu He took the lead in questioning Zhou Jiang, and after the questioning, he himself fell into contemplation, and Zhou Jiang didn’t do anything to wait for him. The two elves were not in the state of their respective owners, so Waiting and watching each other, there is no action.

   How can it go on like this, a waste of time? What is the majesty of his referee?

   So he directly gave Chu He a yellow card warning.

   If three yellow cards or one red card are collected, then Chu He can win the "disqualified" grand prize!

   Now that he received a yellow card, Chu He naturally did not dare to continue. After recovering, he apologized to Zhou Jiangdao and then agreed to continue.

   In order to alleviate the embarrassment, Chu He directly ordered Miao Frog Flower to attack with a flying blade sharp knife.

  The attack is naturally unable to hit Bibi Bird, after all, it is still some distance away from the Miao Frog Flower, so he just avoided it.

   But Chu He's purpose was not to attack Bibi Niao, he also had a general understanding of Bibi Niao's evasion ability, and he didn't expect to be hit at this distance.

   Let Miao Frog Flower use Flying Leaf Sharp Knife just to break the current "atmosphere".

   Sure enough, after Miao Frog Flower used the Flying Leaf Knife, both Miao Frog Flower and Bibi Niao quickly entered the fighting state.

   Seeing Chu He attacked, Zhou Jiang would not be polite, and shouted: "Bibiiao, fierce storm!"

The wonderful frog flower is still lying on the side of the hardened plant that it released. If Bibi Bird wants to pass, it will inevitably hit there. If there is sleeping powder, it will be troublesome, so Zhou Jiang simply asked Bibi Bird to use the fierce wind. It's finished!

   Zhou Jiang didn't know that when the sleep powder floated out for the second time, it was the frog flower that released all the sleep powder attached to the thorns. Now the sleep powder has actually disappeared in the atmosphere.

   As for the thorn bushes still standing there...

   Aside from its appearance, it has no other use. Putting it here is just that the frog flower is too lazy to fade it physically...

   A short violent storm blew, Zhou Jiang did not see if there was any sleep powder in the thorn bushes, because the yellow smoke and dust brought up by the violent storm was too blinding.

   But I believe it is gone. After all, three waves have been released. No amount of sleep fans will be gone...

  Although the violent wind used by the third Bobby Bird was short, it was more than 20 seconds long. Even in its heyday, those sleeping fans can't hide it.

   The violent wind stopped and Miao Frog Flower opened its eyes.

   The violent wind of Bibi Bird was a threat to Rose Redel, but to the Frog Flower, it was nothing.

  In addition, the main target of Bibi Bird this time was the thorn bush, so the rolled stones were also blocked by the thorn bush. There was nothing else besides the wind and sand on the wonderful frog flower.

   And at the same time that Bibi Niao stopped the violent wind, the wind behind Bibi Niao gradually disappeared, and the grass under the wonderful frog grass slowly withered.

   In the game, these field skills are counted by turns, but in reality, they are counted by time, and time is determined by the energy invested in advance by the elves.

   Generally speaking, the energy invested by the elves is the same, so as long as the "proficiency" of the skill is similar, it will disappear at the same time when used at the same time.

   Unless you deliberately put more or less energy before use.

   "Bibi bird, Yan return!" Seeing that the grass field under the Miao Frog Flower disappeared, Zhou Jiang did not hesitate anymore and directly let Bibi Bird go.

   The opponent opposite has been known to him, so the threat is no longer a threat.

  Although it is possible that Miao Frog has other tricks, the probability is very small, and just pay attention to it.

   Anyway, it's going to go up sooner or later, after all, if it doesn't go up, it won't be possible for the frog to attack it. Only when it goes up can the opposite side move.

   Since sooner or later it is going to go, and now the opponent's backhand has been exposed, and the grass field has just disappeared, this is the perfect opportunity!

   Although the tailwind disappeared, it was a bit slower than the bird's speed, but in the yan return state, its speed was very fast, and it was in front of Miao Frog Flower in the blink of an eye.

   "Wonderful frog flower, vine whip!" Chu He shouted.

   Miao Frog Flower is slow, so many times, whether it is attacking or defensive, it relies on rattan whips. In addition, it is huge and powerful, so its rattan whip is very powerful!

The vine whip in its normal state is equivalent to other elves, such as the [Powerful Whip] used by elves such as Roselleto, and the gap will increase as the level increases. If Bibi Bird is drawn, then It's incredible.

   But Zhou Jiang didn't remind it, because he believed that Bibi Niao could still avoid it.

   As long as the sight and smell are on, plus the speed of entering the Yan return state, it can be said that avoiding the vine whip of the wonderful frog flower.

   As one of the signature skills of the Frog Flower, the number of vine whips that the Frog Flower can use can be said to be the most among the many grass elves.

   is like a green vine snake, can only use two vine whips pitifully, the third one can't come out alive, and the wonderful frog flower has no upper limit.

At present, the research of the doctors has not come to a specific number. Due to many factors such as grades, each frog can use different vine whips. It seems that the most current record is a foreign grass champion. The wonderful frog flower can use 21 vine whips at the same time...

   is really scary.

   But fortunately, it is naturally impossible for Chu He's wonderful frog flower to be so terrifying, and the number of vines that can be changed in the experiment is different from the number of vine whips released in actual combat.

   is like the champion mentioned above. His highest record for the Frog Flower is 21 rattan whips, but in the battle, he basically did not exceed ten rattan whips.

   After all, the energy of the elves is also limited. It is quite good to give full play to five or six rattan whips, and the more released are not necessarily the best, but they can scare people and waste physical strength and energy.

   But even if Miao Frog Flower is good at using rattan whips, it is impossible to release too much at one After all, its strength is only an elite high-level...

   The strength lies here, even if it wants to go to heaven, it can't do anything.

   Sure enough, Miao Frog Flower released four cane whips at once, which was quite satisfactory.

   The four rattan whips were not released together, two first and two later, but they didn't last long. It is estimated that it was a few tenths of a second.

   If Zhou Jiang didn't guess wrong, the purpose of releasing one after another should be to seal the "walking position" first, and then attack.

   Two vine whips that came out first intercepted Bibi, forcing it to fly to the place where the frog flower wanted it to fly, and then the other two vine whips that came out later attacked.

   But it is a bit too small to look at Bibi Niao, no matter how long it can play with its vine whip, two want to force Bibi Niao to go where it wants?

   I'm afraid that the rattan whip hasn't even flown yet, Bibi Niao already has countless ways to crack it...

Ok? and many more!

   Zhou Jiang caught a glimpse of the bushes of thorns that were still on the field, and suddenly thought of the "sao operation" he had expected before.

He has read a fan novel in elves in his previous life, and he still remembers the title, called "Luoyu Xingchen". The elves of the protagonist have a lot of sorrow skills, and they all seem to be able to love you, so he used to I thought about doing it myself.

   is like "Mandala Manor", which is to let the frog flower release a large number of cane whips to trap the opponent, and then flow the venom from the cane whip to achieve the effect of trapping and hurting the enemy.

   And isn’t this the same as the hardened plant of Chu River’s Wonder Frog? !

   Hardened plants can carry sleeping powder, but vine whip can’t do it?


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