"The duck-billed fire dragon loses the ability to fight, and Xanadu wins! Because the six elves of the red player Chen Ziang lose the ability to fight..."

Amidst the shouts of the audience and the chatter of commentators and guests, the referee announced the result of the game.

In less than half an hour, the eight-final four in the league tournament on the fourth venue has already come to an end.

Looking at the duck-billed fire dragon falling on the rock, Chen Ziang was still a little stunned.

The loss was so complete...

Although Wu Liu, who played against Zhou Jiang, lost so thoroughly when he entered the 16th into the 8th, he also made certain psychological preparations before the start of the game, but when things came to his head, he still had some problems. Confused, can't believe it.

Ignoring the opponent, Zhou Jiang shouted hard, and after taking back Shanaiduo, he walked towards the contestant channel.

gone back.

Today is eight to four. The day after tomorrow, you can go to the No. 1 main court to play. The four players first draw the order of the game, one and two, three and four. After the fight, the two winners will fight to determine the championship and runner-up. The two people who had lost before competed to determine the third place.


If there are no accidents, the results will be produced the day after tomorrow, well, the results are expected.

Apart from falling into Zhou Jiang's pocket, the delicious fruit of the champion has no other possibility.

Although Zhou Jiang felt that this was the end of the league competition, it was impossible for the champion to give in. He was not so generous.

When I was out, I was blocked by reporters and fans for interviews and autographs. After wasting an hour, Zhou Jiang was able to get out.

In one hour, the games in other venues were almost over. Zhou Jiang saw a large number of spectators coming out on the side road. The people on the fourth venue were almost gone. Now there is a big wave, which must be from other venues. The game is over.

First, I went to the wizard center, and after handing Shane Duo and Big Needle Bee to Miss Joey, Zhou Jiang and the others returned to the dormitory.

He took a day and a half to rest. Zhou Jiang's plan is to stay in the dormitory for half a day today and go to the training hall to train the elves tomorrow.

After returning to the dormitory, Zhou Nan ran to find Chen Yongan again. Zhou Jiang returned to the dormitory. When he was just lying on the bed and was about to learn English, Mr. Hua called on his mobile phone.

Looking at the caller ID, Zhou Jiang was still stunned for a while, then he reacted.

To be honest, if it weren't for Mr. Hua's call, he would almost have forgotten what he had asked for before.

But after thinking about it, he was a little strange again, why did Mr. Hua call back now?

Although his elders don’t use mobile phones frequently, it’s impossible to see them for so long...

But doubts go to doubts, the phone still has to be answered.

"Hello? Old Hua?"

"Well, it's me. I'm sorry. I saw your phone call before, but I couldn't answer it because I was busy. I forgot it later. Now I think of it and call me and ask, what do you want me to do when you call me? Your kid won’t call me if you’re okay, let’s talk, what's the matter?"

"Um..." Zhou Jiang was speechless as he listened to Mr. Hua.

No wonder it took so long to call, but I forgot...

But for what he said was fine, he wouldn’t call him. Jiang couldn’t refute this week. He also called him several times. Once he asked him to enable permission and release the number of wizards, and the others. Although Mr. Hua didn't let him do things, he mainly asked him some questions.

This means that Mr. Hua has a good temper and a nice person, and Zhou Jiang has a future, so the relationship between the two parties can be maintained.

Otherwise, if you change to an ordinary person, I'm afraid the relationship will be dead.

After all, I have been asking the other person to do things, asking questions and solving puzzles, but I have never taken the initiative to deepen the relationship.

This is a model for him who has been asking for others without paying...

But this time he asked with peace of mind. After all, he wanted to ask Mr. Hua what he would do if he wanted to destroy the Rockets.

I believe that Mr. Hua would be happy to help with this.

Although Zhou Jiang just went to find the cartilage head, but the cartilage head is only relative to him. Even if it is a small base, it will be done by elite middle and high-level prosecutors, and there will be casualties. Zhou Jiang used to help. He was happy. It's too late.

Although Zhou Jiang joined the prosecutor before, because of his age, Hua Lao did not expect him to continue to participate in the encirclement and suppression of the Rockets base. After all, his age and strength represent an infinite future and have a great improvement. Space, why do you do such troublesome and trivial work as bandit suppression?

Just do it occasionally.

"Old Hua, this time I am looking for you for a business matter, I..."

"When did your kid look for me for not being'business'? Say something!"

"Ahem..." Zhou Jiang choked after hearing the ill-tempered voice on the other side, but he still defended: "Well, this time it's different, it's... Forget it, I'll just say it, after the league game, after I'm free, I want to take part in the operation to wipe out the Rockets base. I want to hear your opinion from Mr. Hua."

After Zhou Jiang finished speaking, there was no sound from the other side. Zhou Jiang knew that Mr. Hua was either surprised by his words or thinking.

After the three breaths, Hua Lao's voice came again on the phone, and he said: "Do you want to participate all the time instead of occasionally?"

Participating all the time and participating occasionally are two different states.

It seems that his current status is to participate occasionally, whether he participates in the "suppression bandit" or not.

Although he is a member of the prosecutor, he is more like a temporary worker.

Those "regular employees" who have been participating are on standby as long as they are stationed at prosecutors across the country. After receiving the task, they must go to suppress and destroy the Rocket base. After a year, there will be a break, but Not too much, basically either on the way to wipe out the Rockets base or on the way to wipe out the Rockets base.

In the forests across the country, they have to "patrol" like playing over and over again, one is to help people in difficulty, the other is to find the Rockets' base, and then call someone to destroy it.

Very busy, not free.

This is the life of prosecutors.

Zhou Jiang took a deep breath and looked at the figure reflected on the screen of the phone that had gone dark, his eyes were firm, and he said, "Always participate!"

"Really..." After this sentence came from the other side, there was no voice again. Zhou Jiang did not speak either, waiting for Mr. Hua to speak again.

After a short silence, Mr. Hua spoke again, just listening to him: "Since you have already thought about it, you want to'always participate', then why do you still ask me?"

"..." Hearing what Mr. Hua said, Zhou Jiang was taken aback for a moment, and then he was a little confused, right... Since he has already thought about it and selected it, what else to ask?

However, after a while embarrassing, Zhou Jiang reacted, coughed dryly, and laughed: "I'm a little worried, Mr. Hua, you are well-informed, so you can give me some pointers."

"Is there anything else I can point you to, this is nothing more than talking to the headquarters... Wait! Isn't your kid asking me to say hello to the people at the headquarters?"

"Uh, no, no, I just want Mr. Hua to help me check, I want to listen to your opinions and see if there is anything to pay attention to, but if Mr. Hua is idle... ahem."

"Humph! I knew you kid."

"Ahem..." Zhou Jiang gave a dry cough awkwardly.

"All right, I'll go talk to the boss, it's fast anyway."

"Thank you Hua Lao!"

"Oh, thank you, but don't thank you. If you want to thank you, I will thank you for destroying the Rockets base."

Zhou Jiang opened his mouth, and just as he wanted to say something, Mr. Hua continued.

"But what you said is worth noting, this thing is said to be there, there is no, you guys just don't rush forward, rushing too fast, this is the only thing to remember, the Rockets are living in the shadows after all. It’s basically impossible for the mouse to lose here. As long as you don’t be impulsive, you won’t encounter too much danger. After all, holding a group is much better than being alone."

"Yeah." Zhou Jiang nodded.

"You must know what I said above, and don't talk about me being long-winded."

"No, no, Mr. Hua is right!"

"Haha, you kid." Older Hua smiled and continued: "The rest, there is nothing worth paying attention to, but you have to pay more attention to the side. If someone from the Rockets sneaks over, you It's hard to do without paying attention. You must focus on the invisibility of the ghost system and the elves that can dig holes."

After a pause, Old Hua continued: "There is one more thing you need to pay special attention to."

Old Hua's voice became slightly serious, Zhou Jiang's face was also tight, and his ears were pricked to listen to him.

"Teammates around you, sometimes you have to beware!" Hua always lowered his voice to say these words, giving Zhou Jiang a gloomy and terrifying feeling.

Listening to Mr. Hua's words, Zhou Jiang frowned slightly, "Teammate?"

"Yes, although the people who were sucked into the prosecutors were strictly identified, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be internal rapes. You must pay attention to this! Especially when participating in the major base extermination war, for If some important objects and people are let go, the **** may risk exposure and attack the people nearby."

After listening to Mr. Hua, Zhou Jiang nodded solemnly.

He also knew how dangerous it would be if there was an insider stabbing a knife in the back, and one would die if he didn't pay attention.

They are ordinary humans, and any elite-level elf's most common impact skills can kill people, let alone other skills.

If you are really unsuspectingly attacked by the back, it would be a disaster!

Zhou Jiang took this incident in his heart, and subconsciously thought about how to deal with it if he encountered it.

Suddenly, he felt something was wrong.

I just went to participate in the encirclement and suppression of those small bases, punching the children, what small base would be worthy of the insider who has finally squeezed in to reveal their identity?

When Zhou Jiang just came to "understand", Mr. Hua said again over there.

"Well, it's worth noting that these are actually trivial things. As long as you are cautious, these can actually be avoided. I will talk to the headquarters afterwards and go when you are free."

"Wait, wait, Hua Lao wait a minute!" Zhou Jiang heard what he meant to hang up, and hurriedly shouted.

"what happened?"

"Um..." Hearing Hualao's rhetorical question, Zhou Jiang was so speechless that he didn't know how to say it for a while.

After being silent for a while, Zhou Jiang cautiously asked, "Old Hua, that..."

"Oh! What, this, what, mother-in-law? Do we need to be so polite between us? Just say something!" Seeing Zhou Jiang's tweaking, Old Hua almost didn't get panicked, so he yelled at the phone.

"Okay..." Hearing Hua's words and tone, Zhou Jiang thought so. He took a deep breath and said: "Hua, I said that I participated in the destruction of the Rockets base, but it was only those who wiped out the small bases. When you say it, don’t make a mistake..."

"Old Hua?" Hearing the rapid gasps from the other side, Zhou Jiang stopped talking and asked carefully: "Old Hua, do you have a bad heart?"

"Boy, get out of me!!!"

"Hiss~" Barring his teeth, Zhou Jiang took a cold breath and took the phone that had been subconsciously farther away before bringing it back close.

Although he turned on the hands-free phone and didn't put it near his ear, to be honest, the angry anger of Hua Lao still scared him.

I clicked on the screen, and the darkened screen lit up, the call time was still running, and the other side did not hang up.

"Hua...Hua Lao?" Zhou Jiang asked cautiously.

To be honest, he was still a little confused, why did he suddenly go crazy?

"Suck...suck..." There were a few deep breathing voices on the phone, Zhou Jiang just wanted to ask again, and Hua Lao's voice came from the phone, "Are you just going to kill the small base?!"

"..." Well, listening to Hua Lao's rhetorical question, Zhou Jiang also knows what went wrong, but is there anything wrong with destroying the small base? Why is he so angry?

Although puzzled, Zhou Jiang couldn't change his mind either, nodded, and replied weakly: "Yeah."

"You, you...you kid is going to **** me off!"

"What...what's wrong?"

"Are you afraid that you are entertaining my old man? Go to wipe out a small base and come to me and ask questions!"

"..." Zhou Jiang was also a little embarrassed when he heard Hua Lao's angry voice.

"Then what... I asked you the question for one reason, and the other reason is to ask you to help me talk to the above. As you know, I am now participating in the league competition and I don't have time." Zhou Jiang for himself Defended.

"What to say! Just destroy a small base. You can go to a prosecutor base and wait for a few lines. Tell the person in charge there. If you find it, someone will call you!"

"Uh... don't you need to talk to the person above?"

"Just talk about it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It’s about small bases. It’s just idle to take care of you. The intelligence of those large bases will be blocked. You have to talk to the above to know that small bases are not on the intranet. Can you see it all?"

"Um..." Zhou Jiang scratched his head and whispered, "Okay."

"Huh, hung up!"

"Um... OK, OK, sorry, sorry."

"Don't die! The precautions I mentioned above must be kept in mind. Don't think that small bases are not dangerous, especially teammates. If there is something extremely important temporarily placed on the small base, if you go to encircle and suppress, you may not. Insiders will act, stabbing a knife in the back, remember to keep one hand when attacking, at least one hand that saves your life, and your teammates don’t let them know."

"Um...Thank you Hualao." Zhou Jiang smiled slightly at the sound of "toot~" coming from the phone.

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