I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 758: Chen Fan and Dai 0 Yi

Old Hua hung up the phone, Zhou Jiang was lying on the bed, his head was filled with his arrogant face, and the corners of his mouth were slightly cocked.

To be honest, he actually thinks Hua is quite cute...

After lying down for a while, Zhou Jiang passed the phone and turned out the instructional video to watch it.

In the evening, I just came back from dinner and couldn't lie in bed to watch the video, so Zhou Jiang and Zhou Nan went to sit and play games together, the "Elves Alliance".

This kind of game, if you are alone in a single row, is actually a little fun to play, but if two or more people play together, especially when the teammates are still around in reality, it is still quite interesting.

So playing like this, when Zhou Jiang came back to his senses, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening...

He forgot to study very smoothly.

Sure enough, learning is vulnerable to the game!

He doesn't pretend to be a good student after nine o'clock, and he will train a few little guys tomorrow.

After taking a shower, go directly to bed.

The next day, at the bun shop, Zhou Jiang asked Bibi Niao to take the buns in plastic bags back to Xu Feng and Zhou Wenbin in the dormitory of another community.

Anyway, Bibi Niao knows the way, so after sending the things, go to the training hall to find them.

After opening the largest room, Zhou Jiang and the others released the elves and let them train on their own, then went to the corner to do their own thing.

This time, it’s not just the ones who came last time. Bai Ya, Li Linghui, and Zhang Ning went shopping last time. They also came this time. Chen Yongan didn’t come this time. For the reason. unknown.

Although there were too many people, but fortunately, Bai Ya and the others just released an elf for symbolic training, so there was enough space.

Among them, Bai Ya and Zhang Ning’s elves are doing basic sports such as running, while Li Linghui’s Big Needle Bee seeks guidance from Zhou Jiang's Big Needle Bee.

Although the Big Needle Bee is already doing sparring for the two groups of elves, it is still very easy to teach another elves, especially those of the same kind.

In the corner, Zhou Jiang still pulled out the M drama and watched it there; Wang Qingyan and Jiang Shui and the other girls were talking, chatting, and chatting; Zhou Nan was flipping his cell phone and didn't know what to watch.

Suddenly, the sound in the earphones disappeared, and the video played on the phone was stuck. Zhou Jiang raised his eyebrows. Before he could be surprised, the caller ID appeared on the phone screen.

"..." Zhou Jiang was speechless, forgetting this, thinking that the phone was stuck...

Looking at the name of the caller, Zhou Jiang was slightly surprised.

The call was actually made softly by Shui!

Considering that Shui Qingrou was probably calling from the border, he might say something confidential, so Zhou Jiang got up and walked outside.

"I'll go out and answer the phone." Zhou Jiang said looking at Zhou Nan and the others who came over.

Zhou Nan and the others nodded, and then they didn't care and continued to work on themselves.

Fortunately, they were sitting near the door, so if Zhou Jiang walked quickly, he would soon be outside the door without any delay.

"Hello?" Zhou Jiang answered the phone.

"Zhou Jiang?"

"Well, it's me."

"I have something to be busy here. After the league game is over, I may not be able to come. Zhao Feng will pick you up at that time. Jiajia's phone can't get through. You can send me a message and let her come to the border."

"Zhou Jia? I'm sending a message?"

"Well, you are her brother, I know you have some contradictions, but is it possible that you want to keep going like this? As a boy, as an older brother, you have to take a little responsibility? And it's always okay to spread the word?"

"Well... I'll pass it on to her."

"Well, I'm bothering you, but if she doesn't want to come to Bianfeng, she doesn't have to reluctantly. This is her own choice. I'm just giving her advice."


After that, Shui Qing and Zhou Jiang said something to transfer to Zhou Jia, and then talked to Zhou Jiang about the current situation in the border area and so on, before hanging up the phone.

Back in the training room, Zhou Nan and the others subconsciously took a look at Zhou Jiang and then continued to work on their own affairs. Zhou Jiang didn't say anything, returned to the small chair in the corner, sat down and continued watching his video.

After Bibi Niao came back, he joined training. Naturally, the job of teaching Bi Diao to spray flames has not fallen. Before, Zhou Jiang quietly changed it to a flame skill. Now it can breathe fire and has learned more seriously. Zhou Jiang and Bibi bird worshipped endlessly, and his affection greatly increased.

This poor little guy didn’t know that all his previous efforts were in vain...

Fortunately, it has a flame now. After learning the flame, if you work hard, you can also improve your skills. It is not a problem to evolve into a flame jet.

Except for Bi Diao, the other elves are earnestly exercising, dull and boring.

In fact, if you want to say something boring, it should be Zhou Jiang and other trainers, because after they have formulated a training plan for the elves, unless it is completely useless for them, otherwise, they will be the next day. You must train according to this plan and repeat it thousands of times.

At this time, it can generally last two to three months.

And during this period, the elves don't need them to care, even if they are completely liberated, even if they go back to the dormitory to sleep for a while, there is no problem, but they can't do this, they can only stay by their side and watch them train.

If it weren't for the rise of the Internet, the signal coverage is extremely wide, and the signal can be received in the forest, otherwise, it is really cool, and you can only watch them training boredly and can't do anything.

That short day passed.

In addition to eating and Zhou Jiang going to the Elf Center to draw lots to fight, a whole day, a few people spent the whole day in the training hall. After dinner, everyone went back to the dormitory after shopping for a while on the street.

There are a total of four games left. After two games tomorrow, the day after tomorrow will be divided into the champion, runner-up and third place. After the game, you can go to the border.

At present, the survivors of the Eight Enters Four include Zhou Jiang, Jin Yujie, Dai Qianyi, and Chen Fan.

Except for Zhou Jiang, they are the first, second and fourth on the original "ranking list". Third, because of an accident, Jin Yujie died halfway, and there was an extra Zhou Jiang. Otherwise, it is estimated that this year will be the top four on their original "ranking list."

The order of the game has come out, Chen Fan vs. Dai Qianyi, Jin Yujie vs. Zhou Jiang.

The order of the game came out, and after it was put on the Internet, the idle netizens quarreled again. A bunch of people said that this league competition was "Death Group A".

Like the previous eight into four, all four A's were eliminated... But now that the semi-finals are promoted, although Chen Fan and Dai Qianyi are fourth and second, they don’t seem to be much different. The rankings are different Not big, but many people know that the top three and non-top three are two concepts!

Chen Fan will probably not be able to beat Dai Qianyi.

As for Zhou Jiang and Jin Yujie.

Zhou Jiang's top combat power, Big Needle Bee and Shanaiduo, are all the strength of the king!

The abuse of these is at most the quasi-kingdom level, is it not easy?

Few people are optimistic about Jin Yujie, even his brain fan only said that Jin Yujie might have hidden cards, not that Jin Yujie might not be able to beat Zhou Jiang.

Of these two concepts, one is a little self-confident, and the other is just looking forward to "miracle".

After all, what hidden trump card can do two elves of the heavenly king level?

His Jin Yujie's current highest strength is only the quasi-tian king, can he hide what is stronger than his hand?

Or two?

Two groups of games.

Chen Fan is the first game, Zhou Jiang is the second game, and Chen Fan is the first game A group, Jin Yujie is the second game A group, so the title of "Death Group A" will come out.

As for why it quarreled...

It's purely because some people have nothing to do, saying that Chen Fan may not be able to defeat Dai Qianyi, and Jin Yujie may not be able to defeat Zhou Jiang, and they are just dead over there.

What's the point?

In fact, Zhou Jiang didn't care much about it, even if he was confronted with Jin Yujie.

Zhou Jiang was even more surprised that Su Wanwan had lost and fell in the quarterfinals.

Su Wanwan came out halfway. There was no news before. According to the routine, she should be very strong. She wants to enter the final and compete with Zhou Jiang for the championship, right? He actually fell in the quarterfinals...

I have to say that this is indeed shocking Zhou Jiang.

And he had yelled before, thinking that this might be a routine in the novel, she is a heroine or something, but so far, the two have nothing to do with each other. I have to say that Zhou Jiang is indeed very depressed, because he The routines in the novels I read are basically useless!

Can only say that this is reality...



Two games, to determine who is eligible to win the championship and runner-up.

Chen Fan and his team played in the morning, and Zhou Jiang's game was in the afternoon. There was plenty of time.

Although the game was played in the afternoon, Zhou Jiang didn’t want to miss this wonderful game. In fact, when the game was in the 16th to the 8th, the game was already strong. He would definitely like it, but because of the various Cause and missed.

Now he is not in the first round, and he is not in a bad mood, so he followed Zhou Nan to the audience to watch the game.

Staying in the lounge to watch the live broadcast and watching the game in the audience are two completely different experiences.

Although the shouts from outside could be heard vaguely in the lounge, after all, it was not as cool as it was directly at the scene.

After sitting down in the crowded auditorium, Zhou Jiang and the others chatted while waiting for the start of the game.

While chatting, the radio rang.

This broadcast is the broadcast to remind the start of the game, just like the broadcast in the lounge.

The game began, and the noisy chats in the audience disappeared, replaced by cheers and cheers.

People like Zhou Jiang and others who are not fans shouted cheer on both sides. Zhou Jiang shouted and applauded together with Zhou Nan.

Soon, the cheers became louder. Zhou Jiang looked at it and, sure enough, the two of the contestants had already walked out of the tunnel.

Seeing the two people walking and waving towards the audience, Zhou Jiang secretly cursed.

The two are acquaintances. Before the start of the battle, they would not be silent or even say hello. Because they were sitting in the front row, Zhou Jiang and the others could hear the voices of the two.

However, it is a pity that neither of them broke any big news, just a simple chat and "remarks".

After the small chat, the game begins!

The first attacker is Chen Fan, and the field is the grass field.

The elf sent by Chen Fan is the lizard king, and the quasi-tianwang level of strength may be his trump card, while the one sent by Dai Qianyi is a duck-billed fire dragon.

It is also the level of the quasi heavenly king, but the level is still higher than the lizard king, three levels higher, which is not a small gap.

The attribute gap brought by the third level is actually not large, but the strength does not all depend on the level.

It takes four or five months for the Duckbill Fire Dragon of 63 to rise to level 66!

Of course, this is not to say that it can lie down for four or five months. During this period, it needs constant exercise and constant battle.

The attribute increase brought by the level increase will not be too big, but if you add the attributes from the exercise, it will be different.

It can be said that if the attribute of the duck-billed fire dragon is not to restrain the lizard king, then the duck-billed fire dragon will be hanged!

But in fact, it's almost the same. If the lizard king is a bit reckless, even if he is carrying a flame, he has to rush to cut it, then the duck-billed fire dragon must not be able to hold it. The speed is a little worse.

The duck-billed fire dragon might attack once, but the lizard king could attack three or four times.

But although the speed difference is a bit much, but the duck-billed fire dragon is not so easy to cut.

After all, if you really look at the speed, then everyone will get the speed elves and it will be over.

With the start of the game, on the field, the two elves have begun to clash.

Long leaf blades grew on both arms of the lizard king, and then rushed straight towards the duck-billed fire dragon.

The duck-billed fire dragon moved after the lizard king started to move. The thick orange-red flames continuously sprayed out from its mouth, and after it started to breathe fire, its body temperature also rose and stepped on it. The grass that was falling began to wither and then burned.

When the lizard king rushed to the front of the duck-billed fire dragon, one-third of the field was already plunged into the sea of ​​fire.

Close combat is the lizard king's strength. Although the duck-billed fire dragon is not as good as it, it is not too much worse. With flames, it can still be defensive. After all, if you carry the flames, you can't hit it in one shot. If it is the most important thing, then the lizard king will suffer.

Double restraint is no joke.

The surrounding sea of ​​fire plus the temperature emitted by the duck-billed fire dragon plus the flame fists and jet flames it uses from time to time. Now the temperature around the duck-billed fire dragon is really amazing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If it weren’t for a fairy, if not It is strong and can endure, and I am afraid that it will not be able to hold it long ago.

But even so, its physical strength is still constantly losing.

The scorching heat is deadly poison for it!

Had it not been able to chop the duck-billed fire dragon twice from time to time, Chen Fan would have let the lizard king slip away.

The way it looks now, it seems like a competition who can't hold it first or who retreats first.

It's really ruthless, just fight it up.

The two elves fought so fiercely that they almost didn't stop, and the audience in the audience was excited.

Since the two elves basically have no large-scale displacement, they are constantly moving in place, you come and go, so each camera does not need to move, just focus on the camera.

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