On the field, after the Roentgen cat used the electrical field, electric sparks appeared on the ice surface of most of the ice field, making a crackling noise, but this is not the point. The point is, the power of the electrical field is too great. A bit bigger...

The original electrical field should only be charged with static electricity on the ground within a certain range. Don't even think about electric sparks, but now...

Looking at the Razers raging and rolling on the ice, Zhou Jiang almost guessed how this was done.

These Razers were obviously used by the Roentgen cat to ambush with one hundred thousand volts and electric shocks. Although I don't know how it did it, it must be true.

And it's not over yet, after all, even though this electrical field is huge and scary, after all, it can't kill the lizard king with it, it definitely has a back-up.

At this time, the lizard king had rushed to the front of the Roentgen cat, and the blade in his hand slashed towards its neck. However, even so, the Roentgen cat still did not move!

Chen Fan was a little uneasy, but it was already this time, no matter what, it was already late, he could only watch and wait.


The lizard king hit the roentgen cat, but he was not happy at all, and his heart hung directly.

After the Roentgen cat actually took a blow from the lizard king, he bit his arm directly, and then the whole elf stuck on it, trying to entangle him!

"Lizard King, break free!" Chen Fan shouted.

Needless to think about it, Roentgen's Jedi counterattack is definitely coming, and in order to prevent the lizard king from escaping, it actually chose to eat the lizard king's one blow and the blade's slash to entangle it.

If you are really entangled, I'm afraid it will be over.

Fighting in this terrifying electrical field, he himself is a bit imaginary, and now the Roentgen cat is still coming...

But no matter how worried he is, it’s useless to be anxious, he still wants the lizard king to play, but no matter how well the lizard king plays, it is not very useful at this time, after all, the roentgen cat is about the same strength as it, plus it is desperate. How can it be so easy to break free

If the lizard king ran away, wouldn't the previous leaf blade be in vain? And isn't the electrical field left for nothing?

You know, now this kind of scary electrical field can't always exist. If Chen Fan had not lifted the table and let the lizard king rush up, it would continue to lay out. Although it is an unfinished product, it is powerful. Enough!

Anyway, when things have reached this point, there is no need to step back.

Either the game set up appears and kills the lizard king, or it just lets it run away.

In any case, it can't be sorry for its previous efforts and suffering, so it is so desperate now.

"Roentgen cat, come on, the last thunder!"

Well, it seems that the final harvesting skill is thunder.

This is not beyond Zhou Jiang’s expectations. After all, the damage caused by thunder is indeed high, and with this terrifying electrical field, I am afraid that the blood-filled lizard king will evaporate as soon as it is shot, let alone now. Of it.

The lizard king is still fighting with the roentgen cat, the roentgen cat has some physical strength, plus willpower, so even if the lizard king uses the blade to hit it three or four times, it still does not let go and even loses the battle. ability.

At this time, the roentgen cat roared, and dense electric sparks burst out from the whole body, which, in conjunction with the thunder light from time to time on the ice above, seemed even more mighty.

Although it is now called Roentgen cat, it used to have another name-Thunder Lion!

The black mane was driven and pulled by the electric dragon, and the whole fluffy exploded, like a male lion was angry, and in the sky, with the power of the roentgen cat, there was a dense light of thunder in the clouds.

At this time, the electric light pulsating above the ice layer on the field seemed to have received an order, and became more active. The current lurking under the ice layer before had all bloomed at this time, and then it continued to move towards the roentgen cat Gather where they are!

"Lizard King, leave it alone, move at high speed!" Seeing that it was too late, Chen Fan directly ordered the Lizard King to give it a go.

The roentgen cat is dead, and the lizard king may still survive, but under the premise of this possibility, he must be able to run out.

After the two elves were torn, fought, and struggled, they looked like the lizard king standing and running, and the roentgen cat clinging to its feet...

It looks a little funny, but no one can laugh at this moment.

The roentgen cat's big trick is coming.

"Can the lizard king run?", "Can the Roentgen cat hit it?"

These two questions lingered in the minds of the audience.

Due to the tension, the audience was completely silent at this time. Everyone even breathed quietly, for fear that their breath would affect the performance of the two elves on the field.

After listening to Chen Fan's order, the lizard king stopped hacking at the roentgen cat with the leaf blade.

At this time, the Roentgen cat is on the verge of losing the ability to fight. It stands to reason that its physical strength is gone, and it will faint at any time, but in order to hold the lizard king, it has been gritted its teeth and persisted. This is no one. Up.

Now the opponent's attack is about to come, the lizard king hasn't gotten out of trouble, it naturally can't continue to entangle with the roentgen cat, anyway, it will hang up, it doesn't make much sense to continue to entangle.

After giving up the attack, the lizard king was ready to dodge people. Even if the roentgen cat is holding its legs, but it activates the ability to move at a high speed, even if it drags an elf, it can't run, but it may not be able to escape the attack.

Anyway, there is no other better choice. Continue to chop the Roentgen cat to make it less likely to let it go. If it stays, it will die. It is better to fight with this burden!

White energy enveloped the whole body of the lizard king. It started to run with the roentgen cat holding its legs, and the lightning on the clouds in the sky also fell.

The big screen was divided into two at this time, half put the lizard king here, and the other half put the last blow of the roentgen cat, the thunder in the sky!

The hidden effect of thunder is that it must be hit in a rainy environment, but now, there are lightning from the electrical field on the field. If the thunder and lightning fall, it will inevitably follow the lightning in the electrical field, and the current in the electrical field is chasing the Roentgen cat , And the roentgen cat was dragged by the lizard king...

In other words, if you don’t run out of the electrical field, then the lizard king will be over. The thunder will smash it firmly, and it may not be able to break it if you run out. It can be said that the lizard king is now It is in the moment of life and death.

Click ——

The lightning fell.

The thunder pillar turned into by all the power of the Roentgen cat is definitely not bad, well, the momentum is amazing.

The stout thunder and lightning smashed down in an instant, and before people had time to react, the thunder fell on the ground.


With a glare of white light flashing, and a loud noise, the whole story came to an end.

The roentgen cat took seven or eight minutes from the layout to the present, but the ending took less than a second.

When thunder light comes, the lizard king may live or die.

At this time, the venue was shrouded in a burst of white smoke, which was the water mist formed by the high temperature vaporization of the ice cubes from falling thunder. In the white water mist, a burst of yellow electric light flashed from time to time, making a crackling sound.

The large-scale water mist directly covered the entire venue, and no one knew what happened to the two elves in the venue at this time.

Has the lizard king escaped the attack?

This is an issue that everyone is concerned about.

"Lizard King?" Chen Fan shouted, holding the guardrail tightly, but there was no response from the dense fog.

Although there was no response, it did not mean that the lizard king had died. After all, it might have been seriously injured and had no energy to respond.

The water mist did not disperse, and the referee could not announce the result before seeing the specific situation, and could only wait for the water mist to disperse slowly.

Although the wind is blowing, the water mist cannot dissipate for a while. After waiting for a while, the passively silenced audience has begun to continue to discuss, and the voice of the discussion follows the speaker The increase, it becomes bigger and bigger.

"The lizard king died?" Zhou Nan asked.

"I don't know, maybe it's hanging up, or maybe it's not. Looking at the replay, the lightning seems to be struck by it?" Zhou Jiang shook his head and said.

At this time, slow playback is playing on the big screen, but because the lightning speed is too fast, it is now ten times slower, and after a burst of yellow light flashes, the whole screen is directly white, and the lightning did not hit the lizard. It's from the king, but it's not far away.

Chen Yongan discussed it, and the long-lasting water mist on the court was finally resolved by the referee.

The referee can decide whether to artificially blow away the smoke covering the field. Under normal circumstances, the referee will not care about it. However, at this time, the victory or defeat may have been determined, but the smoke is difficult to dissipate on its own. , And if the time was too long, he would release the flying elves and use the fog clearing skills to clean up the water mist.

The referee’s actions were naturally told to the audience by understanding the speaker. Hearing that the water mist was about to be removed, the state of the two elves inside could be seen. The chattering audience immediately looked back to the big screen. on.

The water mist was quickly blown away. Although there were thunder snakes raging in the white mist before, after the water mist was dispelled, those thunder lights disappeared.

As the water mist disappeared, the shrouded site was gradually and clearly mapped on the big screen.

A big pit——

The radius of the pit is estimated to be one or two meters. The depth is not visible, but it is not deep. In the pit, the lizard king and Roentgen cat lie in it, but not in the middle of the pit. The lightning did not strike them, but it is estimated The energy of the aftermath blasted the lizard king.

"The lizard king and roentgen cat lose their fighting ability at the same time!"

Yes, both elves fell.

But this is almost what everyone expected.

The first is the roentgen cat. It is not difficult to understand that it has lost its fighting ability. After all, after being madly attacked by the lizard king before, it was hanging by its will. After the lightning fell, its "wish" was fulfilled and its anger came out. Then he will faint and lose the ability to fight, which is an inevitable result.

As for the lizard king, it can only be said that there is a high probability of being killed. After all, the powerful electric field laid by the roentgen cat and the thunder guided by it, if it is hit, the lizard king is unlikely to die, so the lizard king is now Everyone is not too surprised to be killed.

After all, it seems such a powerful attack, it would be surprising if the lizard king is fine...

As a result, Dai Qianyi and Chen Fan on the court showed different expressions.

Dai Qianyi was laughing, Chen Fan... well, not crying, just frowned fiercely.

By now, the outcome can be said to have been known.

Chen Fan has only one elves full of physical strength that has not appeared before, and Dai Qianyi is also an elven that has not appeared, full of stamina, there are also two elves with a lot of physical strength, one Gotha The Duck is a Overlord Flower, among which the Gotha Duck’s physical strength is almost gone, and the Overlord Flower still has some.

But now that they have rested for so long, their physical strength has recovered a bit. It can be said that Chen Fan is basically cold.

Chen Fan didn't say anything, but just released his last elf, an electric lightning beast.

"Don't give up yet." Looking at Chen Fan, Dai Qianyi said softly.

Although it is not that the release of elves means that there is still a desire to fight~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he still has some understanding of Chen Fan, so he can see that he has not given up yet.

The distance is very far, so as long as it is not shouted out, others will not be able to hear it.

Shaking his head, Dai Qianyi threw out the Elf Ball, the Elf who hadn't played before, the grass type and the poisonous Rose Reduo.

Although the thunder snake that was shining in the air disappeared, when the thunder and lightning beast landed on the field, some electric currents floating in the ice layer were slowly drawn out.

These currents were not buried by the Roentgen cat before, but left in the ice after thunder.

The characteristic of the Thunder Beast is static electricity. The effect is to absorb lightning to increase special attack after being attacked by the electric skill, but after it stands on the field for a while, the electric currents in the ice layer can not help but emerge and flow toward it.

This scene was naturally discovered by everyone. Then the narrator and the referee guessed its characteristics after seeing that the Thunder Beast was strengthened by the electric current. Although they did not expect this kind of operation, they inevitably treated Chen Fan again. It was a fierce blow, saying that there is still a chance to comeback.

Of course, they are not brainless, what they say is indeed the truth.

Seeing the surging electric current and the refreshing thunderbolt beast, Chen Fan was delighted, but Dai Qianyi's expression sank.

From this point of view, the special attack of the Thunder Beast is at least strengthening the three-layer special attack, which is very difficult to fight...

Roselando is afraid that he will lose, and the remaining two elves, the Gotha Duck, are double restrained and have little physical strength. They are afraid that they will be given for nothing. In other words, if you want to win, it depends on the king of flowers. Take it!

The stamina of the Overlord Flower should be restored seven or eighty-eight, the next step is to see how much stamina Roselle and Gotha can consume.

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