"The Thunder Beast loses the ability to fight, and the Overlord Flower wins! Because the six elves of Contestant Chen Fan lost the ability to fight first..."

The game is over.

Raiden Beast was strengthened three special attacks, almost super god.

The thunder and lightning technique was played by hanging Dai Qianyi’s Rose Reduo, but Dai Qianyi was also fierce, constantly letting Rose Redo dodge, and constantly letting it use the recovery skills, but not letting Rose Redo and It fights against each other and consumes him to death!

However, consumption is not a solution after all. After all, it has been dodged, and there will always be mistakes.

After the Raiden beast killed Rose Redo, his stamina was already reduced by more than half, and although the Goda Duck was double restrained by the Raiden beast, it could also defend a wave with skills such as mind power, and then it would be exhausted. .

When it came time to fight the Overlord Flower, the Thunder Beast basically had little physical strength, but the Overlord Flower's physical strength almost recovered.

The Overlord Flower also has weather skills. When the Overlord Flower uses photosynthesis on a grassy field in a sunny day, the physical recovery is really amazing, and it rises sharply. The Thunder Beast couldn't fight it at all, and then it got cold.

The match between Dai Qianyi and Chen Fan was over and nothing happened in the morning. After that, we waited for the match between Zhou Jiang and Jin Yujie in the afternoon.

Although the match between the two has not yet started, there have been discussions on the Internet for a long time.

Jin Yujie is the top player in the "ranking list". Although many people don't recognize him anymore and say that Zhou Jiang is, but after all, now the league competition has started, the "ranking list" is not easy to change, so although he is strong It's not the old one, but the **** is still sitting in the position of the old one.

As for Zhou Jiang's words, his sudden rise is truly amazing.

It's almost like opening a plug-in, plus the beautiful Xanadu, it is very popular among netizens.

It was past ten o'clock, and there was still a long way to eat, but Zhou Jiang and the others went to the cafeteria first.

The cafeteria will be able to eat at 10:40, and it's coming soon. Anyway, they don't have a place to go, so just go there and stay.

During the meal, Zhou Nan and the others were cheering on Zhou Jiang, saying that Jin Yujie was also the number one master in the "ranking list" at any rate, and there might be any back-ups to make him be careful, which made Zhou Jiang a little bit dumbfounded.

He is now in line with the King of Heaven, and is only the first in the "ranking list" of a league competition, which is nothing to him.

After eating, Zhou Jiang and the others went back to the venue. Not to mention, there were really many people. It was clear that the game started at one o’clock, and it’s only after eleven o’clock now. As a result, the audience seats were full. Up people.

After sitting for a while, Zhou Jiang was kicked out of the audience by Zhou Nan and the others, asking him to go back to the lounge and wait, don’t be late...

Seeing their nervous look, Zhou Jiang had no choice but to leave the auditorium.

When he walked to the contestant channel, Zhou Jiang saw the reporters blocked there. Zhou Jiang was a little helpless. He didn't want to take a long way to enter from another channel, and the other channel might also be blocked by reporters. No way, he I had to step forward and was forced to accept an interview.

Fortunately, they didn't ask any strange questions, and when Zhou Jiang faintly expressed that he wanted to go in for a rest, the reporters all retreated consciously.

When I came to the lounge, there was no one to accompany the chat, and the big screen hanging on the wall was not turned on. Zhou Jiang had nothing to do, so he simply took out the claw machine to flip through the group chat.

He still has a lot of classmates in middle school and high school, game groups, but he rarely goes to the water group, only occasionally clicks in to see the screen a few times.

I entered a game group casually, and everyone in it was discussing the league contest and his affairs. From time to time, some emoticons and screenshots were posted. It seemed that they were all newly released during this league contest.

Fortunately, I didn't see his emoji...

Time actually flies quickly, he has been peeping at the screen without any general feeling, and the broadcast rang.

Look at the time, good fellow, it's already 12:55, so long has passed without knowing it.



Jin Yujie's impression of Zhou Jiang was that he didn't talk much, and he didn't know if he really didn't have much, or he didn't bother to talk.

Anyway, the few times he met him, he basically didn't speak.

Both of them didn't speak. After choosing the venue, they released the elves one after another.

Zhou Jiang attacked later, so Jin Yujie played first.

The venue is an ice venue, and Jin Yujie's first elf is Milip Sister.

Well, two elves are not from Yusanjia, so one has already come out.

Zhou Jiang took a look. Sister Milip is at level fifty-eight, which is quite high. She has dry skin for her characteristics. When she is hit by water skills, she can recover some physical strength.

Otherwise, there is nothing worth noting.

Zhou Jiang was too lazy to play with him, and threw Shanaido's poke ball directly.

"Oh! Contestant Zhou Jiang actually sent Shanaido, we know..."

Without the commentators, Jin Yujie shouted directly: "Sister Milip, Blizzard!"

Good guy, just zoom in as soon as you come up.

However, Xanadu didn't need Zhou Jiang to worry about it. He just built six light walls and wrapped himself in and it was done.

Compared with the mind protection body, although it is a little troublesome to cancel the light wall, after using it, it does not require physical effort to continue to maintain it. In this situation, it is still a bit more cost-effective to light the wall.

The suppression of strength made the light wall that Shanaiduo easily created was also extremely hard. The elite high-level Milip Sister could not help her at all.

Xanadu instantly created six light walls to form a cube, and then the blizzard of Miss Lips came.

In the ice field, the blizzard used by Milipu was worse than normal, and large swaths of snowflakes hit the sky, and Zhou Jiang felt a bit of chill from a distance.

Fortunately, the protective cover rose to block the blizzard.

A lot of cold was blocked by the protective cover, and only a small amount of coolness was passed over. In this kind of weather, Zhou Jiang felt a little refreshed, as if he was blowing on an air conditioner.

After the blizzard lasted for nearly ten seconds, seeing that the attack had no effect, Sister Milip stopped the attack.

After the blizzard stopped, the light wall covered with snowflakes was cancelled by Xanadu, and at the same time, Xanadu directly threw a shadow ball.

If the strength is strong, the attack speed will be much faster, and Miss Milip can't run, so she is hit head-on by the shadow ball.

"Sister Milip!"

Jin Yujie yelled, but before Milipu could reply to him, Shanaido’s shadow ball flew over again, flying into the black smoke produced by the previous shadow ball explosion, and then exploded again. Produce more smoke.

Of course, after eating Shanaido's shadow ball, Sister Milipu couldn't help screaming again, then staggered back a few steps, and after exiting the smoke-covered area, it fell directly to the ground with bruises.

Of course, at this time it has not lost the ability to fight, but the injury is not light, the pain is really painful.

After eating two shadow balls, it is almost almost done, right?

Zhou Jiang thought.

Zhou Jiang felt that with four or five shadow balls, Miss Lips was almost gone. After all, the difference in strength was really too big. Even if its special defense is not low, it can't stand Shanaiduo's special attack.

"Sister Milip, cheer up and use secret words!"

Whispers, skills that reduce the opponent's special attacks.

Although this skill is a must in the game, it is different in reality.

The whisper is to use energy to make a special sound in the ears of the opponent's elves, which affects the opponent and reduces special attacks, but Shanaido wraps himself with thought power, releasing a powerful thought force field around him.

Unless the energy of Milip Sister's whispering is stronger than Shanaido's thought power, tearing through Shanaido's protection, otherwise, the energy will be blocked outside and won't affect Shanaido.

Shadow ball!

After successfully blocking the secret words of Miss Lips, Shane Duo controlled two shadow **** and flew over.

Sister Milip avoided one shot, and the freezing light blocked one shot, but Shanaido's third shot had already arrived.

Even if Jin Yujie reminded her, Miss Milipu still had no time to escape.

Even if you want to use your mind to make the shadow ball deviate, you can't do anything, because once it uses your mind, Shanaido's mind will directly defeat it...


The shadow ball hit the belly of Sister Milip, Sister Milip was blown out again, smashing a small iceberg, and then fell to the ground and lost the ability to fight.

"Oh!!!" Zhou Jiang’s fans and passersby fans who watched Jin Yujie’s upset yelled enthusiastically. Jin Yujie’s fans were not to be outdone, shouting cheer, let Jin Yujie kill Zhou Jiang’s Sanado. Then the two groups quarreled...

Zhou Jiang glanced over there in the audience, and he didn't understand why his fans and Jin Yujie's fans became confused. It was obvious that there was no conflict between him and Jin Yujie.

However, he doesn’t care about it. The conflict is the conflict. At most, it’s being held up by fans and becoming rivals with Jin Yujie. The worst is like this. Then what else does he care about? After all, even if Jin Yujie’s family is not at home. Generally, it has nothing to do with him, even if it is against him.

Jin Yujie has released the second elf, the water arrow turtle.

The strength is good, he just entered the quasi-king, the quality is also good, it is purple (white, green, blue, purple, orange, silver and gold), but in Zhou Jiang's view, this is just like that.

Jin Yujie rushed to attack, let the water arrow turtle attack with water cannon.

The water arrow tortoise leaned slightly, and the two barrels on the turtle shell behind it emitted powerful water jets, approaching Shanaido.

In addition to the attribute of restraint, the water system attack, otherwise its damage is basically dependent on the impact speed of the water flow. In the face of two water cannon attacks, Xanadu returned color with two shock waves.

The transparent shock wave and the water cannon collided between the two elves. After a stalemate for a while, Xanadu, who had a better attack, directly defeated the water arrow turtle. The shock wave broke the water column directly and directed it straight towards the water arrow turtle. Fly away.

Although the shock wave cannot see its shape, it can still be seen from the water column of the water arrow turtle that has been broken all the way.

The cut water column shows the shock wave position, and the resistance of the water cannon makes the shock wave slow down the flight speed, and the water arrow turtle can easily avoid it.

The fact is also true. After the water arrow turtle was disconnected from the water, a sideways, the shock wave broke through the last water column, and then flew past the water arrow turtle.

"Magic leaf." Zhou Jiang shouted when the opponent had avoided the attack.

Xanadu nodded, a large number of leaves wrapped in purple thought power were made, and then formed a sharp sword, and flew straight towards the water arrow turtle.

"Water Arrow Turtle, shrink its shell, and spin at high speed!"

The limbs and the barrel are all retracted into the shell of the tortoise, and the water arrow tortoise spins quickly, bringing up the surrounding airflow, and faintly forming a storm tornado.

At this time, the magic leaf controlled by Xanadu has also flown over, but it cannot enter the body of the water arrow turtle in a high-speed rotating state. Even if it is forced to get close, it will be broken by the air current brought by the water arrow turtle. Even Shanaido's mind protection couldn't protect too much.

But even if you can’t attack it in close proximity, Shanaido is not helpless. She can control the magic leaves and wait around the water arrow turtle. As long as it stops rotating or slows down, the magic leaves will Swarm up, and then directly kill the water arrow turtle!

During the period, she only needs to pay attention to the movement of the water arrow turtle. As soon as the water arrow turtle moves, she will also move the magic leaf. When the water arrow turtle attacks, she can also use instant movement to escape.

It can be said that this kind of water arrow turtle has almost reached the end, unless it can resolve the leaves before stopping its high-speed rotation.

Otherwise, when its "invincible golden body" is over, its death date will come!

"Water Arrow Turtle, speed up!" Jin Yujie shouted.

As the voice fell, the rotation speed of the water arrow turtle really accelerated.

The circle of magic leaves surrounding the Water Arrow Turtle was slightly spread out in order to avoid being drawn into by the increased range of air currents. As for the Water Arrow Turtle's moving speed also increased, this would not have any effect on Xanadu.

Whether it is fast or slow, as long as it does not exceed the range of Xanaduo's ability, it is of no use. Xanaduo will use instant movement to get out of the way, and the increased speed of the water arrow turtle is obviously not beyond the range of Xanaduo's ability~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ But now that it increases the speed, the burden on itself is greater, and the sooner the time to withdraw from high-speed rotation will come.

In other words, if it continues like this, it will only accelerate its demise.

Jin Yujie is afraid that he knows that he can’t continue, so he gave it a go. It is probably guessed that after the speed of the water arrow turtle increases, the control of the magic leaf will be reduced, and it is a pity that he can find a breakthrough. .

This kind of state is completely relaxed for Shanaido, she doesn't feel a little strenuous, just want Shanaido to expose her flaws?

This is too small for her...

As for the price of underestimating Xanadu, it is naturally the "fate" of the water arrow turtle.

Five minutes later, the water arrow turtle finally couldn't hold on, exited the high-speed rotation state, and passed out, and was immediately taken away by the swarming magic leaves.

During the period, Jin Yujie did not want to change the status quo. Even if he tried to use the skills indiscriminately with the high-speed rotating water arrow turtle, but under the subtle control of Shanaido, the magic leaves all cleverly avoided the attack, and then After the attack stopped, they gathered again and surrounded it.

In the end, the water arrow turtle was trapped to death...

Taking the water arrow turtle back, Jin Yujie released the third elf with a gloomy expression.

Wonderful frog flower!

Looking at the Miao Frog Flower, Zhou Jiang frowned.

It turned out to be the main trump card, but after seeing Jin Yujie's expression, Zhou Jiang roughly understood it.

It's nothing more than being angry and wanting to play the strongest trump card to teach him a lesson.

But it didn't matter, no matter how strong he was, he could only be a younger brother in front of Shanaido.

The wonderful frog flower of the quasi heavenly king can't get over any storm!

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