Jin Yujie sells perfumes at home, but after getting bigger, naturally it is impossible to buy and sell them all the time. They have to have something of their own, so they started to develop and produce perfumes by themselves.

In this world, if you want to improve many things, you need to rely on the power of the elves.

At least the perfume industry is one of them.

The condensed dew and the liquid secreted on the leaves of the grass elves during the special period are all excellent materials for making perfume. Even some elves that can grow fruits like the snow hats are also very good. The material can be eaten and processed.

If you want to produce and develop your own, then the investment and research for the elves are indispensable. Now that Jin Yujie's family is bigger, it is conceivable that their research on the grass elves must be very in-depth.

In Jin Yujie’s words, although he is taking the trainer’s path, he does it on the basis of family assistance. It can be said that all his accomplishments are except for standing on the training ground and giving orders and establishing a good relationship with the elves. , Everything else was brought to him by the family.

Whether it is a powerful elves or the training of elves, they all rely on the strength of the home to complete.

If you have money, you can buy good elves. If you have money, you can hire experienced trainers to be coaches. Coupled with the family’s knowledge of grass elves, the grass elves in Jin Yujie’s hands can be said to be very strong. .

So, the frog flower was destroyed by Shanaido...

At the sixty-eighth level, the quasi heavenly king was about to enter the heavenly frog flower, and was easily killed by Shanaido.

In fact, this is also to blame Jin Yujie. The timing of his release of the frog flower is really bad. If nothing else, you release the frog flower in the ice field. This is a big failure.

Although his only two non-grass elves, Milip Sister and Water Arrow Turtle are dead, the other four are all grass elves, but there is no need to send trump cards directly!

It is still a fairy like Miao Frog Flower, and it is better to release the lizard king than it.

The grass elves, especially the elves like the frog flower, are actually good at defensive counterattacks when they fight.

Thick skin and more blood are its advantages, and recovery skills are its soul!

For Zhou Jiang to say, Miao Frog Flower has four skills that are indispensable.

Sunny days, grass fields, photosynthesis and rooting.

A sunny day can bless the recovery skills, such as a green grass field. Although it is not marked that it will increase the amount of recovery under a sunny day, it does have an impact. As for photosynthesis, I won't talk about it. It is the main recovery force. In a sunny day, one bite is almost full without milk.

The grass field is a buff that can be restored at any time, and after the field is created, it also has bonuses to other grass-based skills.

As for rooting, the effect is to restore one's own physical strength, and in the real world, it also has a hidden effect, that is, if rooted on a grass field, it can increase the amount of recovery!

It can be said that the spirit of the Miao Frog Flower is very invincible and disgusting if these four skills are well practiced.

The ability to automatically regenerate blood such as grass field and rooting can greatly enhance its endurance, plus a photosynthesis that can milk itself...

If there is another sunny day, don't even think about it.

Unless the opponent is restrained from grass, the recovery may not decrease much when he is beaten. However, even if the physical strength will be reduced, due to the massive recovery, it will not decrease too much. As long as the frog flower is not beaten all the time, it can Just fight back.

The attack power of the frog flower is not weak, the power is large, the vine whip can kill the opponent, but it does not hurt when someone hits it, so it is difficult to get through the frog flower.

Of course, this is an ideal state. After all, these four skills, not to mention the sunny days, take root in the grass field unless you can learn it yourself, otherwise it is still difficult to learn, and it is still on the ice field. use……

Jin Yujie's wonderful frog flower used the grass field on this thick ice layer. As a result, the **** did not come out, so it was interrupted by Shanaido...

The rock field is okay, but the ice field is a bit stupid to use this skill.

Don’t say whether it is used or not, how long will it take you to use it? And how much grass can grow? How much energy can be recovered?

Miao Frog Flower was still holding the grass field there. After Shanaido's "Shadow Ball Sea" passed, Miao Frog Flower and Jin Yujie were confused.

The rhythm was interrupted, forced to defend, and followed the rhythm of Shanaido, so the Miao Frog Flower was completely cold.

There is a big difference in strength, and you are still being led away, there will be any chance of a comeback from the Miao Frog Flower, unless a sudden lightning strikes Zhou Jiang from the sky...

Well, in fact, even in this way, Xanadu can protect Zhou Jiang, so don't think about turning over or something.

Miao Frog Flower is Jin Yujie's third elf. After a tug-of-war, he was killed by Shanaido, and then he was about to change venues and intermission.

After having three elves in succession, Jin Yujie's fans were completely stunned, and the cheering sound disappeared.

It’s no wonder that, in the past, although Zhou Jiang’s opponents were also crushed, they did not clashed with Zhou Jiang’s fans.

Now there is a conflict between the two groups of fans, and Jin Yujie is pressed to the ground by Zhou Jiang, like a child, what kind of fighting power is there for Jin Yujie's fans.

No matter what the noise is, Zhou Jiang's fans will always say "Your father was greatly beaten by us".

Although it was a quarrel between fans, the weapon that attacked each other was the strength and performance of the two on the field. Jin Yujie was being beaten all the time. What can his fans say.

The only fig leaf is that his **** is still sitting in the top position of the "ranking list".

The intermission is short and short, and long and long.

Soon, the two returned to the field, and Jin Yujie adjusted his mentality.

When he went down before, he still had a gloomy face, lightened a little gloomy, and now he has returned to normal.

Zhou Jiang thought he would say something harsh to him, but he still didn't say anything.

The venue was quickly drawn. It was a grass field. This was the most advantageous place for Jin Yujie. After all, the remaining three were all grass elves.

After seeing the venue, there was indeed a hint of joy on Jin Yujie's face, but it quickly disappeared, because he knew that the venue could only give him a little advantage at best, and it was not big enough to make a comeback... …

If one of his elves can be close to Shanaido, the place will be stable. The problem is that his elves have been hanged and beaten!

The thought of this made him feel painful, he hadn't been crushed like this for a long time.

A few days ago, he had been thinking about the result of the match with Zhou Jiang, but after deliberation, there was still no way...

Jin Yujie released the elves first, and he released the Overlord Flower.

Zhou Jiang waited for him to release before releasing the elf.

He didn't continue to use Xanadu. After all, he wanted to give others some face, so he released Big Needle Bee...

Well, at least not one wear six.

Seeing the big needle bee, Jin Yujie held the guardrail hand tightly, finally sighed and relaxed.

Zhou Jiang didn't attack first, so he did. After Jin Yujie glanced at Zhou Jiang, he shouted, "Overlord flower, petal dance!"

"Oh, you'll do a big move as soon as you come up." Zhou Jiang whispered with interest, and then motioned the Big Needle Bee to rush up.


Big Needle Bee has not used this skill for a long time.

It basically uses strange power to attack, at most it uses a double needle attack. The poisonous blow, which has been practiced for a long time before, has been left there without much movement.

Pull it out for use now, it seems that the power is still good, and the skills are not unfamiliar due to long periods of inactivity.

The venom concentrated on the tip of the gun will basically be poisoned once it enters the inside of the elf, unless it is highly resistant to toxicity, or the opposite is simply steel.

Unless there are special circumstances, the steel elves are basically not poisoned.

The speed and response of the big needle bee are very fast, rushing forward, dodging most of the petal dance of the overlord flower, and then smashed the remaining petals with a gun, and stabbed the overlord who was too late to avoid. Flower on the face.

The Overlord Flower was stabbed and flew out, and then a hint of purple appeared directly on his face.

This is a sign of poisoning.

And looking at its painful appearance, the poison is obviously not mild.

And to make matters worse, its petal dance is interrupted, and the skill is interrupted, does not mean that the side effects will disappear!

Although the Petal Dance is powerful and hurts high, it also has its drawbacks, that is, it will fall into chaos after using it up.

It's all right now, while being poisoned and chaotic, the Overlord Flower is completely hopeless...

To be honest, judging from this wave of battles, the Overlord Flower's performance is exactly like a cute new one, after being abused, there is no such thing as an elite high-level elves.

After Jin Yujie got up, he made it use his skills to counterattack twice, but the first time he slammed his head against the ground, the second time, although he didn’t confuse himself and attacked himself again, the needle bee But he went straight up and shot it.

This time the big needle bee didn't stab it up, but smashed it directly at the huge petal on top of its head.

This time, the big needle bee also used strange power, so the Overlord Flower was gone.

After all, the previous double attack of the Big Needle Bee's poisonous blow was really too hurt, plus it was highly poisoned, and attacked himself once after the chaos.

After such a wave, the Overlord Flower was completely cool.

Overlord Flower lost his fighting ability, Jin Yujie only had two elves left, and from the start of the game at one point to the present, about twenty minutes have passed...

Jin Yujie's fifth elf is the Turtle Turtle, which is of the same type as the Miao Frog Flower.

For this kind of elves, the big needle bee is the favorite.

After all, for its high attack and agility, this kind of wizard is completely a target.

The only thing that needs attention is its long-range attack, after all, Big Needle Bee is better at avoiding fists thrown by others.

However, it is shaved and well-informed, so you don't need to worry too much. It really doesn't work and there is protection.

Flapping its wings as thin as a cicada's wing, the big needle bee rushed straight towards the terrapin.

"Turtle Turtle, Flying Leaf Storm!"

"..." Zhou Jiang subconsciously glanced at the Tutai turtle information. It was an ordinary luxuriant characteristic, and when I remembered, its hidden characteristic was not a contradiction.

To be honest, he was really surprised. As soon as the last wave of Overlord flowers came out, he zoomed in and performed the petal dance, but he didn't expect another wave of big moves.

Although the big move is good, the side effects are not light. Could it be that he was destroyed by me, didn't want to fight, and gave up on himself? Zhou Jiang speculated maliciously.

But no matter what Zhou Jiang thinks, the game will continue.

Although the side effects are amazing, it will drop crazily with one special attack, but Feiye Storm is indeed a very powerful skill.

The body of the soil turtle flicked, and a large number of leaves flew out of the bush on the turtle shell behind it. Compared with the flying leaf storm used by Zhoujiang's monarch snake, it is nothing short of it...

Although it is resistant, the Big Needle Bee doesn't dare to take this trick. If its wings are injured, it will be cold.

The Big Needle Bee chose to avoid the sharp edge for a while, used the shave, quickly stretched the flying height, and jumped directly into the sky.

Although the flying leaf storm has a wide range of attacks, it must be said that the speed of the large needle bee is really fast. The flying leaf storm sent by the soil turtle ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can't catch up with it and can only follow it. Eat ashes behind its ass.

One is to fly casually. Although it is turned on and shaved, the consumption and burden on itself are not too heavy, but the other is different. It has been driven by the high-power skill Feiye Storm, which cannot hold it with such a consumption. Ah!

The tutai turtle gritted his teeth and carried it for about three minutes, but couldn't catch the big needle bee, and finally stopped the attack under Jin Yujie's order.

"Big Needle Bee, come on!" Zhou Jiang immediately shouted when the Tutai Turtle stopped attacking.

In fact, the Big Needle Bee would rush up without Zhou Jiang's order, but if Zhou Jiang gave the order, the Big Needle Bee would rush faster.


The spear in the left hand of the Big Needle Bee was erected, and the spear in the right hand was stretched straight forward, like a charging knight in the Western Middle Ages, and then started to shave.

With a whistling sound, the big needle bee suddenly came straight toward the soil turtle like a bullet.

Energy ball!

Although the Turtle Tortoise has just used Flying Leaf Storm, its special attacks are greatly reduced, but it can only use special attacks to attack against the large sting bee.

If you let it hit with its body and bite with its mouth, God knows when it will hit.

Three emerald green energy **** were scrapped out of the bushes and headed to meet the big needle bee, but this time the big needle bee stopped, aiming at the energy ball in the middle and directly slammed into it.

The spear of the Big Needle Bee is very powerful, coupled with the inertial force brought by the high-speed shaving, the Big Needle Bee directly tore the energy ball. When it "reacted" and exploded, the Big Needle Bee was no longer there. .

The remaining two energy **** swept away from the Big Needle Bee, but the Big Needle Bee had already arrived in front of the Turtle!

After easily evading the biting skills of the soil turtle.

Weird power!

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