"The sonic monster loses the ability to fight, and the lizard king wins! Because of player Chen Fan..."

With cheers and applause, the final game of the league tournament came to an end.

The audience, the commentators are constantly cheering and shouting, while Zhou Jiang is looking at the system...

not yet? !

Looking at the still empty email, Zhou Jiang frowned slightly.

When he defeated Dai Qianyi before, it was clear that he was the champion. So he went to check the email, and it turned out that there was nothing, so he felt that the third place was not decided, and the league tournament was not over yet, but it is over now, all the matches are gone, why not?

Could it be swallowed? !

Or is it not rewarding for abuse of food?

Zhou Jiang was a little puzzled, but he couldn't think of a reason. After all, this fishing force system couldn't even say a word, what can he do... he can only take one step and see one step.

There will be a closing ceremony and awards ceremony in the evening, and then trophies and awards will be awarded. Zhou Jiang thinks that he can look forward to it. Maybe he will have to wait until then?

Zhou Jiang didn't know, but he could only wait and see.

After all, even if there is no reward, Zhou Jiang has nothing to do with the system.

The game is over, then nothing will happen. After the two players left the field, some spectators began to leave the field, either to stop the two contestants Chen Fan from asking for autographs, or to bother to sit here and listen to the commentary. They speak.

As for the remaining people like Zhou Jiang and others, after the commentator and the guests finished their final speech, they also began to leave the scene with the exciting music.

"The prize is awarded tonight, Zhou Jiang, when you come to the dormitory, you have to lend me a touch!" Jiang Shui suddenly came over and patted Zhou Jiang on the shoulder when he was walking back to the dormitory.

"Okay, no problem!" Zhou Jiang nodded with a smile.

"I want too. I want to take a few photos for those grandchildren to see!" Zhou Nan also ran over.

"I want me too!" This is Zhang Ning and Bai Ya who have already known Zhou Jiang and the others.

Then Xu Feng and the others came to join in the fun, and even Lu Ran came...

As a result, Zhou Jiang had already been booked to leave before he even got the trophy...

In the evening, the closing ceremony of the Alliance Assembly began.

All participating trainers, including those who were eliminated in the knockout rounds, can participate, and then they can get some small things after the end, similar to medals as prizes.

The so-called closing ceremony is similar to the opening ceremony at the beginning. It also plays music. Then the players enter the arena and listen to the official speech of the league. After the talk, it is the turn to award the top three trophies and medals, and then it is almost over. .

After Zhou Jiang and others entered the venue, the speech began.

Standing on the rostrum is an old man named Damaranch (appears once, the name is too lazy to think about), the chairman of the World League, and he has to come on stage to speak at the end of the league competition. , Not afraid of tired his old man.

Shouldn't I be worthy of being a frequent speaker? Damaranch stood on it, and he broke the manuscript directly without pause. In this way, he spoke vigorously for almost half an hour before the speech ended.

After that is the final link, the award ceremony.

First, the trainers outside the top three stand on the podium in batches, and then let the Miss Etiquette give them medals representing their participation in this league competition.

The finale was naturally the last to appear. After all the people were awarded the awards, it was Zhou Jiang and the three of them.

The three armies of the championship and the second quarter naturally did not stand in a row like them, but stood on the high-level podium.

Zhou Jiang stood in the middle, Dai Qianyi on his right and Jin Yujie on his left.

This time, the person presenting the award is no longer the hostess, but Damaranch himself!

From the tray in the hands of the hostess who followed, he picked up a copper medal with a beautiful ribbon and hung it around Jin Yujie's neck, who was slightly bent down. Then came the trophy. After the trophy, Damaranch said some encouraging words to Jin Yujie, and then turned to runner-up Dai Qianyi.

The third and second runner-up, finally it was the turn of the champion Zhou Jiang.

Putting on the pure gold medal and holding the pure gold cup, Zhou Jiang smiled slightly.

The reward of the system is finally here!

Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was a little excited, he didn't have the first time to see what the reward was.

After all, he is still standing on the podium now, at least hundreds of cameras are facing him, it is better not to make any mistakes.

Anyway, the rewards won’t run away, and now I’ll deal with the award ceremony before me.

It was still encouraging words, similar to the words "Continue to work hard next time, don't be proud." After Damaranch finished speaking, he stood aside and took a photo with them.

After the group photo is finished, it will be over. Although there are still some processes behind, this has nothing to do with Zhou Jiang and the others. They can already leave.

Zhou Jiang naturally didn't plan to stay for a long time. After calling Zhou Nan and the others, he immediately flashed people.

Although a few reporters squatted down to Zhou Jiang, most of the interviews had been completed. They were just asking random questions. After Zhou Jiang expressed the intention of going back, they let him go.

Along the way, Zhang Ning and the others touched, held, and photographed the trophy against Zhou Jiang, and even Zhou Jiang himself was taken by them to take a group photo. It took a long time before it was over.

When I returned to the dormitory, it was already past eight in the evening.

I originally said that I would go back and show them the trophy, but because Zhang Ning and the others did not live in the same community as him, they had to go to the park to lend them the trophy and medal.

In the end, there were only Zhang Ning and Bai Ya. In the end, Jiang Shui and others watched them fiddle with the trophy, so they couldn’t wait. They simply touched and patted them in the park...

So it was dragged to the present.

After returning to the dormitory, Zhou Jiang ignored the trophy in the backpack, threw the backpack on the table, and then lay down on the bed.

In the evening, he went to the awards ceremony. Although Zhou Jiang didn't change his formal clothes, he still took a shower. There was no sun at night and he couldn't sweat, so he didn't bother to wash again.

Zhou Nan went to take a shower, Zhou Jiang, he called up the system email and started to check his trophies!

The champion of the league tournament, although he is a little unsightly, but in any case, the weight of this game is not light, the rewards of the system will not be too shabby, right?

Zhou Jiang took a look, and there were two emails.

[Achievement: I am the champion! 】: Congratulations on getting rewards for passing...: Points: 5,000 points, designated Mega Evolution Stone, Origin Fragment: 100 points, Super Modifier Card: 3, Advanced Modifier Card: 7, Evolution Stone: One set for the whole department, Pokeball: one set, and 3 free coupons for skill machines.

[Complete the task: champion of the contest! 】: Congratulations on getting rewards through...: Points...

After summarizing the rewards, Zhou Jiang found that he really made a profit this time!

There are 15,000 points just for the points. What a special point, Zhou Jiang almost didn't laugh!

You know, the points he holds in his hand are only more than 8,000 points, and now he is directly giving 15,000 points for nothing, which is directly doubled!

In addition to the points, there are two Mega Evolution Stones for the designated Mega Evolution Stone, and the Origin Fragment has also gained 250 points. The Super Modifier and Advanced Modification have also won seven and fifteen respectively. In addition to the super useful strategic resources, there are also many other good things, such as evolution stones and free coupons for skill machines.

It can be said that Zhou Jiang has made a lot of money directly after this wave!

At present, he has 23,000 points, 495 original fragments, 7 super modified and 15 advanced mods, respectively. In addition to the three Mega Evolution Stones, Xanadu and Lucario, There are also two designated stones...

What is a wave of fat?

This is called a wave of fat!

Zhou Jiang even wanted to join another wave in two years.

Although achievement rewards can only be obtained once, mission rewards can be obtained multiple times!

Isn't this crazy?

Zhou Jiang took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and then seriously considered how to use these things.

If the points were originally 8,000 to 10,000, it would be enough for him to deal with emergencies, just like the previous subway accident.

If there is no use of the accumulated points to exchange the super modification and advanced modification for Shanaido to strengthen the special attack, the final result is still hard to say.

And he now has twenty-three thousand points alone, which is a lot of money, plus those fifteen advanced revisions and seven super revisions, he is already considered a "rich".

If there are too many resources, it would be a waste to leave it alone.

You can leave a little bit for points, but the modifier card must be used.

After all, he will go to the border after all. To be honest, he is still a little worried...

After all, he is the protagonist. Going to such a place is obviously a plot, or simply a main mission. The danger is definitely dangerous.

Now even Shui Qingrou and others like the working kings have to support the suppression, and God knows how dangerous it will be.

Although they are just newcomers and don't go to dangerous places, but when they do not go to dangerous places, it does not mean that danger will not come to you!

In many novels, the protagonist followed to experience, and the result was a catastrophe.

Like in a Western Fiction novel, what kind of Warcraft Forest the protagonist goes to experience, 80% will encounter what kind of Warcraft wave...

He also needs to be prepared to be attacked by the elves.

First of all, the Ace Elf Needle Bee and Xanadu must be strengthened, but between the two, Zhou Jiang chose to attack Xanadu.

After all, Xanadu is his shield, and her strength is related to his life safety.

Although she is strong enough now, wouldn't it be better to strengthen one more wave?

Shanaiduo junior high school has used up the number of advanced enhancements, and there are still super modifications left.

At present, Xanadu's super modification has only been modified once. According to the order of two, four and six times from beginner to advanced, the super modification should be able to modify eight times.

It happened that Shanaido had only modified it once, and he had just seven Super Modifier cards in his hand.

Although it might be better to distribute some to the Big Needle Bees, if it were used for Shanaido, it would just reach the upper limit of strengthening, but Zhou Jiang was somewhat difficult to choose.

His obsessive-compulsive disorder made him want to use all the super-modifications for Xanadu, but if he wants to maximize his strength, he can only improve other elves. After all, it is impossible to specialize in one elves now.

This is not the early stage, as long as an elf can take the flight, and now he can say that he is going to the large copy of the later stage, it must not be too big and have any shortcomings.

The number of elves is this shortcoming.

It can be said that he now only has the power of the Big Needle Bee, Xanadu and Menus to fight, well, plus a monarch snake that has finally evolved. The Monarch Snake just hadn't finally evolved before, so it couldn't show its strength. Now that it has completed its evolution, its strength can also be played out.

With all his calculations, there are only four elves he can fight, and the strength of the Monarch Snake and Menus is a bit different from that of Big Needle Bee and Shanaido. It can be said that they are out of touch.

As for the other elves, they are basically cute, or like Bibi Bird and Ghost Stone, they don’t even think about being a tool man and outputting something.

With the seven Super Modification Cards, Shanaido definitely wanted to strengthen a wave, but whether to strengthen them all or separate them, Zhou Jiang couldn't make a decision for a while.

Is it cool for a while~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or is it to maximize your strength?

If he had been frustrated before, he would naturally choose to maximize his strength without hesitation, but he had been very smooth all the way down, except that it was a bit difficult at the beginning, the rest of the time was not good.

This led to the fact that although he subconsciously felt that it was important to improve his strength (after all, he would die if the car rolled over), but the smooth flow of the road also made him feel that he was strong and nothing would happen, so he could not completely ignore it. That obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Obviously, it happened to reach the upper limit, but it was separated, which made him feel uncomfortable.

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhou Jiang didn’t think of a way. He wanted to separate, but he was struggling again. In the end, he couldn’t help it. Zhou Jiang could only put the super modification aside and put the advanced modification first. Talking.

Compared with the super modification, the advanced level is much better. After all, whether it is the Big Needle Bee or Shanaiduo, both have reached the upper limit, and even the Monarch Snake has been strengthened to the upper limit, and only Minas will strengthen a wave.

Zhou Jiang only discovered at this time that Menas hadn't modified the advanced revisions even once...

Previously, Menas mainly strengthened special attacks and physical defenses. This time, Zhou Jiang intends to improve his physical strength and speed. As for special defenses, it is good at special defenses, so it's okay without special enhancements.

Six advanced modifications were used for it, and a total of 120 points can be allocated. After 60 points strengthened the special attack, the remaining 60 points, Zhou Jiang strengthened its speed by 20 points, and the remaining 40 points. Allocate to stamina to increase the stamina value by eighty points (double the stamina).

The six advanced modification cards are gone, and nine are left.

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