I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 770: Sweep the spoils and strengthen.

The six advanced modification cards are gone, and nine are left.

In addition to increasing the attribute points, the advanced enhancement card can also modify the quality of the wizard to make it reach golden quality. Menus and Monarch Snake are both blue quality. If they reach golden, their strength is soaring. Zhou Jiang does not He hesitantly modified them.

So nine cards became seven.

At present, the four elves that can become combat power have reached the highest gold quality, and the modification of the three levels of junior high school and high school has also reached the upper limit, so Zhou Jiang can only look at other elves.

The first is the fire dinosaur. After all, if it evolves, it can become the same as the monarch snake, and its strength is not low, because the fire-breathing dragon can evolve mega!

The three revisions of Fire Dinosaur Junior High were also completed. Zhou Jiang spent one advanced revision to change its quality to gold, and the remaining six advanced revisions, after Zhou Jiang saw that the armored tyrannosaurus of the meat shield has also been strengthened. , I didn't bother to think about it again, and directly gave Ghost Stone, adding 60 special attacks and speed to it.

After finishing the advanced modification, Zhou Jiang did not immediately move the super modification, because he found that even the intermediate modification was useless!

In addition to adding attributes, advanced modifications can also change the quality of the wizard to make it golden. For intermediate modifications, there are other abilities, that is, modifying characteristics and individual values!

Zhou Jiang just discovered that the individual values ​​of Shanaiduo and Big Needle Bee are full v, that is, all individual values ​​are "31", and the others have not moved much...

Zhou Jiang was a little embarrassed. He really didn't care much before, and he didn't even do this well.

At present, there are only two intermediate revisions in the package. After looking at the elves that may be used later, Zhou Jiang plans to change them all, the monarch snake, the fire dinosaur, the ghost stone...

If you do the math, you will have to change six in total, that is, four fewer.

One intermediate revision cost five hundred points, and four only cost two thousand. Zhou Jiang said it was okay, which was simply drizzle.

He quickly changed four, and then Zhou Jiang changed it.

Zhou Jiang first modified Minus, and found that it was actually 4v!

Except for physical attack and blood volume, the other individual values ​​were all 31. Zhou Jiang was a little confused.

He just changed the quality of Menus to gold, which was originally blue. He remembered that very clearly, but would the individual value of blue quality be so high?

Zhou Jiang was stunned, but he didn't think too much about it. High is a good thing, isn't it good for a high individual value? So he directly changed the remaining physical attack and physical strength to full value.

However, Zhou Jiang couldn't laugh anymore soon.

After changing Menus, he went to change the monarch snake, but he found that an intermediate modification can only change three individual values!

No wonder Menus has four individual values ​​that are full, because it has been modified before and only half of it has been modified!

Reluctantly, after spending two intermediate modification cards to change the Monarch Snake to "6v", Zhou Jiang looked at the other four elves and found that none of them had been changed, so he could only spend another 2,500 points to buy five intermediate cards. Modify until their individual values ​​all reach "6v".

Everything else was changed, and then it was super revised.

If you need to exchange points for super-modification, 2,500 points can be exchanged for one. It's expensive. He still has 19 thousand. If he leaves nine thousand, he can exchange for four.

After thinking about it, Zhou Jiang still used seven super edits for Shanaido.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder can't afford...

After all, four super-modifications can be exchanged, and the strength of the Big Needle Bee can also be mentioned.

A single super modification can increase her attributes by 30 points. Zhou Jiang thought about it, but still didn't give her all the special attacks.

Although I don't know why Shanaido's special attacks and physical strength are so bad, it can still increase. It is obvious that the Big Stinger Bee can't do it, but this is not the point. The point is that Shanaido's attacks are already strong enough!

Seven super modified, three modified special attack, four modified physical strength.

A total of 90 points for special attacks and 240 points for physical strength have been added!

Shanaido’s special attack may have reached the championship level before, but now it’s a qualitative leap after the increase in points. There is no need to rush to improve. On the contrary, Shanaido’s physical strength has always been a shortcoming that needs to be considered. A little bit.

Although she has the ability to restore physical strength, wouldn't it be better to increase the upper limit? After all, if the upper limit is not increased, her physical strength will be lost all at once, and if she milks herself, the milk will overflow...

Special attack and physical strength are really too bad!

But now that the upper limit of physical strength is increased, it will be different. The endurance is greatly increased, and the recovery skills can be used less frequently, and there will be a qualitative leap in strength!

The used modification card is like spilled water, it is impossible to take it back. It is too late for him to regret now, and he does not regret it at all, but he is a little relieved.

After spending 10,000 points for four super-modifications, Zhou Jiang planned to give two to Big Needle Bee, one for Monarch Snake and one for Menas, but Zhou Jiang was shocked when he used it.

What did he see?

He found that Xanadu, who had been modified eight times, was still able to use super modifications!

Super modification can only increase the attribute value, and cannot modify other things. This is what he made clear before, but logically speaking, it cannot be modified after the modification...

In other words, after the super modification reaches the upper limit, a brand new modification option appears?

With curiosity, Zhou Jiang chose to modify Xanadu.

After entering Xanadu's attribute panel, Zhou Jiang was speechless.

Because he found that other places are black, but the "+" behind the ability value is on, which shows that Xanadu can still increase the ability value, that is, eight times is not the upper limit of enhancement? !

Zhou Jiang immediately remembered, the so-called eight-time limit seems to have always been his own guess...

After all, there are two, four or six times in junior high school and high school. According to analogy, it is probably eight times, and he himself believed it, but now he has a face...

But no one knows about it. The worst thing is that Zhou Jiang thought that the seven modification cards in the backpack could just strengthen the upper limit, so she gave Shanaido a brainstorm, even if her strength exceeds the strength of other elves in the team. Many of them don’t matter, but now you tell me that the upper limit is not eight times? !

What am I--

Zhou Jiang spurted out old blood.

Loss exploded!

Looking at the four Super Modification Cards in his hand, and then at the "+" behind the ability value under the Xanadu panel, Zhou Jiang retreated angrily.

Since eight times is not the limit, he can't guess how many times it is the limit.

It may be ten times, or it may be twelve, fourteen, sixteen...

Anyway, the four super-modifications in his hand are not going to be dropped anymore.

Modify it twice for Big Needle Bee and twice for Monarch Snake.

As for why it was not revised for Menus... that was because Zhou Jiang discovered that Menus’ super revision had been revised twice!

He forgot to change it when...


What strengthens the Big Needle Bee is still speed and strength, each with an increase of 30, for the monarch snake, it is speed and special attack, and also 30 points respectively.

At this point, the rewards of the league competition have basically been divided up, except for two designated mega evolution stones and some evolution stones and other miscellaneous things.

In addition to the designated mega evolution stone, Zhou Jiang plans to sell other things.

It's useless.

For the evolution stone, he can consider keeping some, after all, he only needs to have a collection, and the others are useless.

At this point, in addition to the things that had to go to the wizard center to be verified and then listed for sale, the other trophies were successfully wiped out.

Meimei fell asleep, and Zhou Jiang received a call early the next morning.

It wasn't Zhao Feng and the others who called him. It was all the company that asked him to endorse him. Some people even asked him if he could power the elves. The money didn't matter.

Zhou Jiang was completely on fire right now, but the price of fire was the constant harassment of phone calls.

It is estimated that yesterday, because they had to receive the prize after the game, they didn’t bother him, so they bombed the next day...

I don't know how his number was leaked out.

In the end, Zhou Jiang had no choice but to turn off his mobile phone and then requisitioned Zhou Nan's mobile phone.

After all, they have to contact the top 16 of the Alliance who may be going to the border, and Zhao Feng and the others may also call him.

Chen Ziang and the others were not in a hurry to contact, and sent a text message to Zhao Feng, saying that his mobile phone was going to be turned off, and called this mobile phone if there was something to do. After that, Zhou Jiang would send a text message to Chen Ziang and the others to confirm the situation.

From yesterday to now, none of Chen Ziang and others called to report the fire confirmation to him.

He expected that the six people he was in charge of contacting didn't call, but Chen Ziang didn't call, which was a little confused.

Isn't he making any progress so far?

Otherwise, I have to make a call and talk about it...

Zhou Jiang made a call and no one answered. After making two calls and no one answered, Zhou Jiang gave up, guessing that he might not get up yet or go to wash, after all, it is only about 6:40. Early, it's not too early or too early.

If no one answers the phone, he will send text messages directly to him. After all, he just wants to ask him about the situation and progress there.

He didn’t care about the six people he contacted before, because he said before that he would call or text them only when he was about to leave. Otherwise, only they would contact Zhou Jiang and choose to go or Don't go.

Since no one has contacted him, it means that they are all going, even if it's just "so far" it doesn't matter.

After washing and eating buns in the park, Zhou Jiang received a call from Chen Ziang.

He said that he went out to exercise and didn't bring a mobile phone. Zhou Jiang didn't care. He went directly to the subject and asked him how the pulling action was going.

He said that he had contacted three people, and because there were three other people who did not have contact information, he asked acquaintances to find them, and then Zhou Jiang said no, and then directly sent him the contact information of the three.

Yesterday when he asked Miss Joey for their contact information, he also wrote down the numbers of the six people whom Chen Ziang was in charge of contacting. Although it was in his mobile phone, it might have been turned off for a while in the morning, so now after turning it on No one continued to call.

Zhou Jiang then stabilized the situation of the three people he had contacted. Chen Ziang said that he hadn't responded yet, so he stopped asking more questions.

After chatting with him for a while, Zhou Jiang hung up the phone.

By coincidence, as soon as he hung up the phone, his own cell phone called again...

"Hey, Mr. Zhou Jiang, we are..."

Zhou Jiang directly hung up the phone without expression.

If it was changed before, even those who recommended buying a car and buying a house would reply saying no or no, and then hang up the phone. Now he is too lazy to say it.

Although the league tournament is over, not many people leave the "Battle Island" so quickly, basically to play in other areas.

Zhou Jiang and the others did not plan to leave so early.

Even Zhou Nan, who is the most "anxious", doesn't have to leave so early. After all, school starts in February, and it's only December 7th, almost two months.

After eating, Zhou Nan and a large group of people went to play. Zhou Jiang couldn’t leave because he didn’t know if he was going to the border today, and Zhou Jia was also going. Zhou Jiang was conveying the water After speaking softly, she agreed, and the two could only stay in the third district of China.

Zhou Jiang went to the training room alone to let the elves do training, and then hung up the phone calls from time to time. Zhou Jia was squatting in the room, not knowing what to do...

Since Zhou Jiang is the only person in the training room, he can learn English with peace of mind. Although the elves are a bit noisy during exercise, they are still within his adaptation range, as long as they don't speak human words.

Because Zhou Jiang can’t understand the elves, and it doesn’t matter if he can’t understand his skills, and speaking human words, Zhou Jiang’s ears and brain will have to listen and think unconsciously...

No way, in a boring state, that's it.

Although he does not reject learning English, to be honest, it is really boring, especially after learning English for a long time.

Zhou Nan and the others left the third district and went to other districts to play. In addition to going to the toilet, Zhou Jiang spent a whole day in the training room, where he even ate food.

While staying in the training room, Zhou Jiang received two text messages besides the steady stream of harassing calls.

They were sent by Qian Hongguang and Su Wanwan respectively, and the purpose was self-evident, not wanting to go to the border.

To be honest, Zhou Jiang doesn't matter if Qian Hongguang doesn't go, but it's a pity that Su Wanwan.

After all, she is the only girl among the sixteen people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and she looks pretty. Although she can't talk about being overwhelmed by the country, she can be counted as a classmate.

Of course, this is only if she is still in school, after all, she is already 27 years old.

But this is not the key, the key is that she is not married, let alone a boyfriend!

In this world, due to the existence of elf trainers, there are many people who start a family at the age of 30, and the life span of human beings is also relatively long, basically they can live about 100 to 120, so 30 years old is not counted. Late, it's about twenty-three or four in the previous life.

So she is still more popular.

After all, he is beautiful and strong, so he is definitely the best choice for the other half.

Of course, she was no longer within Zhou Jiang's consideration.

After all, the age difference between Zhou Jiang and her is too great...

Frankly speaking, the reason why Zhou Jiang is interested in her is mainly because of her body, and it is best to be irresponsible.


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