It's a pity that Su Wanwan won't come. Zhao Feng obviously sent him what she wanted to know, and he sent her again.

But don't come if you don't come.

There are so many beauties, she is not more than she is, and she is not a lot less.

At least Zhou Jiang thought Joey Lian was better-looking than her, although her voice was not good.

But her voice was formed like this, the world of elves, changing this is very simple, it just depends on whether she wants to.

The next day, December 8, afternoon.

Zhao Feng finally called.


"It's time to assemble. Ask someone to wait for me at the wizard center. They must assemble before three o'clock in the afternoon. I will pick you up at that time." Zhao Feng's tired voice came through the phone.

Hearing his voice, Zhou Jiang guessed that he had just called back when he came back from his work. Suddenly, Zhou Jiang felt sympathy for them. But he didn't ask much, and after a response, he hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone there, Zhou Jiang called people who had never sent a message or called to inform them to gather.

However, he had to inform Chen Ziang before he informed them. After all, he was going to practice the six people he was in charge of, um, and Chen Fan who was fourth.

Yesterday Zhou Jiang stayed in the training room all day, so naturally there was no time to find Jin Yujie and Chen Fan.

They both let Zhou Jiang hand over to Chen Ziang.

Anyway, there were three other people he hadn't contacted before, and there were not many more than two.

Unfortunately, Jin Yujie did not go, but Chen Fan agreed, and Dai Qianyi agreed.

After reporting the time and place to Chen Ziang, Zhou Jiang went to contact the four people in his hand who did not reply.

He called by phone, and the result was very unexpected. Among the remaining four people who did not contact him, Zhao Yongnian called him. After two sentences, he refused, and said why so quickly, no Consider what...

Zhou Jiang didn't say anything, but hung up the phone silently.

Since he didn't go, he didn't bother to waste time.

Opportunities have been smashed into their faces, and the results are all like this, they do not reach out to touch them, it has nothing to do with him.

Although Zhou Jiang felt that it might be dangerous, it was because he read too many novels. Every time a big action happened, he would be "suspect". There is no such blood in reality.

These people are all "seeds", and the Alliance allows them to enter the border, and it is definitely to nurture them, not to send them to death.

Let's suppose.

Assuming that the border area will be breached in the future, the elves of the "other world" will rush over, what will happen?

Naturally, the trainer is on top.

No one can ignore it. Those who have entered the border now have improved strength, and more importantly, those who have become alliances. The probability of survival will be much higher. Even if they accidentally hang up, their family members will be protected by the alliance.

As for the ones who didn't go...

They can only ask for blessings.

If you are lucky, you can survive, and if you are not lucky, you can finish the game.

After contacting people, Zhou Jiang called Zhou Jia.

"Going, three o'clock, the wizard center."


In just two sentences, less than five seconds, the conversation between the two was over.

Although she didn't have the smell of gunpowder to Zhou Jiang, she didn't give him a good face. Of course, she would not deliberately keep her face straight, just like a stranger.

But Zhou Jiang does not matter.

Do you care whether strangers treat you warmly or coldly?

After everything was over, Zhou Jiang checked the phone time and it was half past one.

There is still an hour.

Generally, Zhou Jiang's assembly is scheduled to arrive in half an hour.

Because he doesn't want others to wait for him.

Even if he arrives early, it doesn't matter. Anyway, in the information age, the time to swipe his mobile phone flies quickly, and he is not supposed to stand and wait.

After packing up his things and simply taking a shower, Zhou Jiang packed his dirty clothes, then sent a text message to Zhou Nan and the others, indicating that he was leaving, and then went out.

Although Zhou Nan and the others didn't know what Zhou Jiang was going to do, they also knew the general situation. For example, he was going to a certain place and had to stay for a long time, so after the league match, everyone was separated.

When Zhou Jiang arrived at the Elf Center, a Miss Joey took him directly to the lounge. There were already three people sitting inside, one was Miss Joey, the young Joey Lin, and the other two were Chen Ziang and Fu Nuo.

It is estimated that Joey Lin's aura is too strong, and the other two sitting inside did not speak, each playing with their mobile phones, waiting for the gathering of people to arrive.

After the sound of opening the door here, two people except Joey looked over and found that it was Zhou Jiang. Chen Ziang waved happily, and Fu Nuo also smiled and said hello to him.

As for Joey Lin?

She was still the same as Zhou Jiang had seen before, looking at books he hadn't heard before.

"You are here so fast." Zhou Jiang said with a smile.

Zhou Jiang watched Chen Ziang and the others talking, and suddenly found that Joey Lian raised her head as if looking at this side. When he looked over, she found that she was still looking down at the book, her posture did not seem to have changed, as if he was before. The same illusion.

Although a little surprised, Zhou Jiang didn't think much about it.

Neither Chen Ziang nor Fu Nuo noticed any movement of Joey. They were indeed suffocated. After Zhou Jiang came in, they immediately looked at him happily as if they had a vent.

Joey Lin was a little bit cold. She was reading the book here when they came in. Although they didn't come in at the same time, they all spoke to her after they came in. As a result, she ignored all of them. Don't lift it...

With this temperament in her, the two understood that Miss Joey was "problematic".

After all, it is cold, not even the Joey family, even ordinary people do not.

But they didn't think much about it, just kept quiet, playing with their mobile phones and not talking.

Seeing Zhou Jiang and the Joey family clearly "have one leg" coming in, they can breathe a sigh of relief.

At least it's okay to talk to him, right?

Hearing Zhou Jiang's words, Chen Ziang smiled and said: "It's okay, I was planning to go out when you called, and then I came directly."

After speaking, Chen Ziang glanced at Joey Lian subconsciously, and was slightly relieved when he found that she was unresponsive.

"I'm almost the same. I just came here when I had nothing to do in the dormitory." Fu Nuo also smiled.

Although Fu Nuo affected his emotions because of Zhou Jiang, he was upset and killed by someone who was not on the "ranking list" and stopped in the top 16. There is no resentment, just like before, I can talk and laugh.

After Zhou Jiang came, Chen Ziang and Fu Nuo talked more, and after Joey Lian didn't react, the three chatted more happily.

One after another, Zhou Jia, Dai Qianyi, Chen Fan...

At 2:50, all the talents came, including Zhou Jiang, Zhou Jia and Joey Lian, a total of twelve.

Three of the six people contacted by Zhou Jiang did not come, and two of the people contacted by Chen Ziang did not come. This is seven people, plus Chen Fan who finished the game, plus the three of Zhou Jiang, making a total of twelve.

Zhou Jiang had already learned from them that they had signed a confidentiality treaty, that is, as long as Zhao Feng came, everyone could leave.

Zhao Feng came very punctual, basically came here stuck in time, at 2:59, he appeared in front of everyone.

Although he forcibly cheered up because he was about to meet, Zhou Jiang still saw the fatigue on his face.

Zhou Jiang had a bad feeling in his heart.

He felt that his previous feelings were about to be fulfilled, and there was likely to be trouble in the past.

Could it be that the elves of the "other world" are aggressively attacking if Shui can gently support him and let Zhao Feng be so exhausted?

Zhou Jiang was a little vacant, but he couldn't tolerate him backing up at this time.

After all, with so many people, he still wants a face.

Zhao Feng entered through the back door, and everyone followed him and walked toward the back door.

Since the league competition is over, there are not too many people staying in the eighth area, and even fewer people in the Elf Center. After all, all those who are left want to visit, play, and stay in the Elf Center.

But even so, they cannot go to the front door. After all, Zhao Feng is a king no matter what, and he showed his face in the league competition not long ago. Although it was only once, it was enough to make people remember his appearance. .

And it will be more noticeable when Zhou Jiang and other top 16 teams stay together.

At the back door of the wizard center is a large parking lot, but there are basically no cars parked in it, just two or two black business cars with bonuses, which is probably to pick up Zhou Jiang's car.

There was a Miss Joey waiting there by the car. Zhou Jiang estimated it was Joey Rou. It was estimated that Zhou Jiang and the other trainers would take care of Joey Lian.

After they passed, after Joey Soft and Zhao Feng greeted him, he walked straight towards Zhou Jiang, because Joey Lian was not far from him.

Sure enough, she was indeed Joey Rou, whose purpose was the same as Zhou Jiang thought. She wanted Zhou Jiang and others to take care of Joey Lian.

Of course, this is basically for others to see, after all, Zhou Jiang and her had an "agreement."

Finally, when she handed Zhou Jiang a kraft paper bag, Zhou Jiang discovered that she was carrying something in her hand.

Don't think about it, it must be an elf that hasn't been delivered before.

Zhou Jiang took the kraft paper bag, Joey Rou didn't say what it was inside, but looked at Zhou Jiang meaningfully. Zhou Jiang didn't ask anything, and it was impossible for others to ask.

Joey Rou left after chatting with Zhao Feng for a while, and Zhou Jiang and the others were already in the car.

In the car, Zhou Jiang secretly glanced at the contents of the paper bag. They were two pokeballs that had been enlarged. There was no doubt that these were the round shark and the iron dumbbell.

Chen Ziang, who was sitting on the edge of Zhou Jiang, glanced at Zhou Jiang, but didn't come to look at the contents of the paper bag and didn't ask much.

After Zhou Jiang glanced at it, he stopped watching and chatted quietly with his companion in the car.

If there are no accidents, when they are on the border, they will form a "newcomer" team together and be taken by veterans to hunt. It is also necessary to build a good relationship.

The location of the border seems completely undefended. After the car is started, the people in the car can look out through the glass and remember the route if they want to.

Zhou Jiang didn't know how they did it.

Obviously there are fortifications in the border area, which seems to be to prevent someone from attacking or getting in. As a result, the border area doesn't matter where it is, just expose it casually?

Although they have signed a confidentiality treaty, who knows whether they will really abide by it, otherwise, what is the use of spies, just sign the treaty directly, and there is no need to guard against others.

Three ten ten is the time they depart from the wizard center, and four thirty is the time they arrive at the border base.

It was the same place, but this time Zhou Jiang passed by and found that the atmosphere inside was different from when he went before. When he went before, the staff there were very relaxed and the atmosphere was relaxed. Now he can clearly feel it They are busy.

After Zhao Feng, who had brought them in, found a staff member, he ordered him to bring Zhou Jiang and the others to get familiar with it, and took them to the dormitory, and then he slipped away.

Zhou Jiang yawned when he saw him leaving...

The staff first takes them to the dormitory. After all, they are still carrying space backpacks. It is not anxious to be familiar with the environment here. Some are almost the same tonight.

Zhou Jiang's room was still the same, but everyone's dormitory was almost the same, so he followed.

Counting the staff, a total of thirteen people were walking in the all-metal passage, with shoes stepping on them, making a clatter.

"Here, here is your dormitory, one for each person. The rooms are the same. You can choose the location at will, as long as no one is there, it's on the edge of the room." The staff member pointed to a small sign and said: "This kind of brand has people. You can only pick those with no one."

After everyone nodded, he continued: "We will give you this small brand at You can choose by yourself now. After you choose, I will give you ten minutes to rest. I will show you a brief tour here."

"Of course, you don't need to come, Mr. Zhou Jiang." After that, the staff smiled at Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang nodded.

He has already visited it once, and it makes no sense to visit again.

"The meal time is from five to six. Everyone should remember that after that, you can only go to the small supermarket to buy something to eat. There is a supermarket here, and everyone can buy it with money, except for yourself. In addition to the ones you bring, the Alliance will also remit some of them to you every month, which is regarded as an internship salary."

The staff said three or four minutes before leaving, and said ten minutes to go back to the hall where he had come in before, and when he turned around, everyone turned into birds and beasts.

Zhou Jiang had his own room, but it was a little bit inside, and then he walked directly into it, while Dai Qianyi and other familiar people saw this and followed.

After all, no matter how you look at it, Zhou Jiang is already an "old man" here, and they are very familiar with him too, so we can talk about tightening his thighs.

Joey Lane didn't say anything, but followed silently.

When she came, the elders Joey and Aunt Joey Rou told her to follow Zhou Jiang, Zhou Jiang will take care of her, although she does not realize that she needs to take care of herself, but the family can't help but listen, otherwise She can't come here. And she didn't dislike Zhou Jiang, so she didn't care to keep up.

Zhou Jia looked at the trainer who had just found an empty room to get in, then looked at Zhou Jiang's back, which was about to be blocked, and followed up with her teeth.

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