Zhou Jiang didn't go to the assembly, after all, it was just that the staff were familiar with the border base, and he had no interest in understanding it again.

Anyway, he already knew what he should know.

Zhou Jiang didn't follow to get acquainted with the base. He went to the monitoring command room to see if there were any acquaintances.

Unfortunately, Zhou Jiang did not see any acquaintances.

When they were here with Shui Qingrou before, they said that Li Weibin might be responsible for taking them, so he wanted to come and have a look. As a result, apart from the staff sitting in front of the computer and monitoring, the sofa beside him There was only one person sitting.

Zhou Jiang didn't say hello, and left directly.

After leaving the command room, Zhou Jiang had nowhere to go, so he went straight to the training room.

After all, besides the training room, he didn't have much familiar place. He didn't bother to go to the only cafe where the staff and trainers could rest and relax. After that, except for the room, he could only go to the training room.

Zhou Jiang did not go to the cafeteria to eat. Although he put his backpack in the room, he still has storage rings. For food, although he would put some bags in it, it was more in the ring. After all, time does not flow. Spoiled.

Zhou Jiang originally planned to stay in the training room until 8 or 9 o'clock and then go back to sleep, but Chen Ziang called and said that Zhao Feng wanted to call them to gather.

No way, Zhou Jiang could only take back the elves he had trained, and then go to gather them.

The meeting place was a small meeting room. When Zhou Jiang entered, everyone was already there. The eleven people who came to the border with him were all sitting on small chairs, talking and laughing.

The sound of opening the door caught their attention. After seeing Zhou Jiang coming in, they all stopped communicating, smiled and greeted him, and then continued to chat.

Chen Ziang still had a place next to them. After seeing Zhou Jiang coming in, he waved to him and motioned him to sit there. Zhou Jiang nodded and walked over to sit next to them.

But before going over, Zhou Jiang glanced at Joey Lian and Zhou Jia who were sitting next to each other in a row.

Although the two of them did not speak, due to their gender, the distance between the two of them was drawn a lot.

After all, of the twelve people, only two are girls. If you want to sit together now, only two of them can sit together.

Zhou Jiang sat down and asked, "What's the matter, there is a meeting."

Chen Ziang shook his head: "I don't know, Zhao Tianwang didn't say it."

Dai Qianyi said: "It's estimated that it was a intensive training. Explain why we are here."

Chen Fan nodded and agreed.

Zhou Jiang also nodded, but he forgot about it.

He naturally knew what they were going to do here, but other people didn't know. Although they signed a confidentiality treaty, they also came, but they didn't know what they were going to do.

It didn't take long before Zhao Feng came in, followed by an acquaintance of Zhou Jiang, Li Weibin.

Zhou Jiang glanced at Zhao Feng. The exhaustion on his face was gone at this time. It is estimated that he regained his spirit after a nap.

After Zhao Feng and Li Weibin came in, everyone stopped talking and looked at Zhao Feng honestly.

After all, they are working kings, and they still dare not jump.

Looking at the people sitting quietly, Zhao Feng nodded in satisfaction, "Hello everyone, first of all, I represent..."

Sure enough, Zhao Feng asked everyone to gather this time to tell everyone what they are doing here.

Of course, you can see Li Weibin next to him, and he will definitely introduce the future captain to them.

Zhao Feng came quickly and went quickly.

He was only responsible for explaining to Zhou Jiang and the others, and then it was Li Weibin's business. After all, he was their future captain. More in-depth explanations or requests were left to him.

After Zhao Feng left, Li Weibin walked to the front of the podium, glanced at the crowd, and said to himself.

Li Weibin didn’t think he could give a speech very much, but he wanted to speak in detail, probably because he was afraid that they would hang up accidentally. In short, he stood on the stage and took the rules for exploring the "other world" that Zhou Jiang had read before. Memorize it all...

This almost didn't make Zhou Jiang laugh.

After Li Weibin memorized the rules and found that there was nothing to say, he played a "movie" for Zhou Jiang and the others.

This "movie" Zhou Jiang has seen something similar, which is a video recorded by a small camera that he carried with him after entering the "different world".

Originally, these were not for them to see. These were originally used by analysts to analyze intelligence, but in order to let everyone better and more intuitively feel the cruelty of the "different world", so I used them directly.

The content of the "movie" is a series of battle clips. They were all fighting against the elves with black markings in the "other world". The battles were normal and cruel.

The normal is similar to the ordinary elves, but the cruel...

In the cruel video, basically one's own personnel are surrounded by a large group of elves, and during this period, people or one's own elves will be sacrificed, bleeding, and limbs broken. This is frequently seen in the video. If it is on the Internet, it will be directly It was clicked.

The content here is really cruel to Chen Ziang and others.

It was about nine o'clock in the evening after watching the "movie".

After the show, everyone went to get some daily necessities and other things, and then went straight back to the room to rest. They will gather early tomorrow morning, and they will be taken by Li Weibin into the "other world" for "field inspection", and they must rest early.

Zhou Jiang was lying on the bed, thinking about tomorrow's schedule, slightly looking forward to it.

He wanted to know what it was like in "Another World".

Although I have seen it through "movies", I have to really go in and experience it to get a better understanding, such as how the air is, the temperature, and the wind.

The next day.

As I have been looking forward to it, Zhou Jiangtian woke up before it was light.

After waking up, he didn't lie down. The sky soon dawned, and he could sit on the bed and play with his mobile phone.

The gathering time is at seven o'clock, and it will be light before six o'clock, and the staff in the cafeteria have already started work just after dawn.

After all, Zhou Jiang had stayed here. Although it was only for one day, he knew the routine of work and rest. So when he saw the light outside, he went straight out.

Unexpectedly, in the cafeteria, besides the chef and the staff and him, there are people there!

More than a dozen people, most of them are wearing black clothes, which are considered team uniforms, but they have not yet.

From the looks of them, you know that they all want to enter the "different world" to perform tasks.

Zhou Jiang and the others gathered at 7:30, and they were leaving at 6:30, a full hour difference!

After breakfast, Zhou Jiang returned to the dormitory. It was only 6:20 and it was early.

The meeting place was in the lobby. When Zhou Jiang passed by, only four people were waiting there.

But adding Zhou Jiang and the people who came with him, there are eight, more than half.

Naturally, Zhou Jiang did not come out by himself, he was called out by Chen Ziang and the others.

There are some iron benches in the hall, which are placed on the side of the wall, and there are some potted plants next to it.

Zhou Jiang naturally couldn't stand up, so they walked over and sat down.

While waiting for the assembly, Zhou Jiang could see the staff of the border base or the trainers in uniforms hurrying by from time to time. No one was taking it easy.

At half past seven, Li Weibin arrived on time, and a total of twelve newcomers were all here.

After seeing Li Weibin coming out, everyone got up and walked towards him.

"Very well, it seems that everyone is here." Li Weibin simply counted the number of people, nodded, and then said: "You brought all the necessary supplies mentioned yesterday? Elf wound medicine, bandage, hemostatic agent, food These ones."

Li Weibin glanced at the crowd, and when no one was speaking, he reminded: “You can go back and get what you didn’t bring. You can pick up the supplies where the staff took you yesterday. We will gather here again in ten minutes. I spend a week in "Another World". If there is not enough food and these things, no one will help you, so you can only bear it yourself! Got it!"


"Very good, then disband now, and gather in ten minutes!" Li Weibin shouted, then turned and left, walking towards the command room.

Naturally, Zhou Jiang and Chen Ziang brought these things, especially Zhou Jiang. His space ring contained food and a small amount of medicine, and his space backpack also contained a small amount of medicine. For him, these things were considered regular.

After Zhou Jiang, Chen Ziang and others confirmed that the other party was ready, they walked directly to the bench beside them, and waited ten minutes to gather again.

After sitting down on the bench, Zhou Jiang glanced roughly at the people sitting on the other benches, and found that the twelve of them were all here...

In other words, everyone is ready...

He thought that after Li Weibin found out who didn’t bring him, he asked the other party to prepare quickly. As a result, emmmm

ten minutes later……

It's the hall again, the same place.

Sweeping his eyes, Li Weibin nodded: "Everyone is ready now?"


"Very good." Li Weibin nodded: "Then let's set off and take you to see the cruelty of this'different world'!" He said, Li Weibin showed a cruel smile.

Zhou Jiang looked at his smile, a little hairy. He still remembered that Zhao Feng and the others said Li Weibin's nickname was the smile of the "Goddess of Luck", but looking at his smile...

Zhou Jiang felt like he was going to suffer.

Seeing him smile like this, it is not the smile of the goddess of luck, but the smile of the goddess of nightmare!

The others didn't think there was anything, but secretly became vigilant, and warned themselves not to walk in and out, and to walk with the big troops.

The entrance to the "different world" is next to the training room, and also in the innermost position of the border base.

Zhou Jiang and the others followed Li Weibin towards the inside. As they walked, Zhou Jiang's heartbeat quickened.

This is an expression of excitement and some tension.

Soon, they arrived at their destination-a circular aperture emitting white light.

When he walked in front of the aperture, Li Weibin stopped, and when everyone who followed saw him stop, they also stopped consciously.

Li Weibin turned his head and looked at everyone: "Passing through the light gate behind me, everyone is in the'other world'. Here, I solemnly remind you once again, you must be careful and be careful! Normally, no matter it is Who, you must release a trustworthy elf that can keep up with the pace, and let the elf protect you at any time, otherwise, you must have the consciousness to let everyone help you collect the corpse!"

Listening to Li Weibin's words, everyone nodded with serious faces.

"Okay, then go in."

After speaking, Li Weibin took the lead and walked towards the aperture at the end of the corridor, and sank into the halo.

Zhou Jiang and the others were in the forefront. Looking at the white light in front of them, Zhou Jiang's heart was horizontal, and as soon as he closed his eyes, he walked forward.

The others were the same. Although they knew it was all right, they were still a little scared. They all rushed in with their eyes closed and gritted teeth.

There was no feeling, no resistance at all. Zhou Jiang closed his eyes and walked for a while, and when he found that there was no strong light in front of him, he opened his eyes.


Looking at the white walls on the side~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhou Jiang was a little confused. Is this an empty room?

The room was large, but there was nothing inside, only a door embedded in the wall opposite.

This is... another world?

Not only Zhou Jiang, but also everyone else, looking at the snow-white walls around them, they were a little confused and disillusioned.

Seeing the doubts of Zhou Jiang and the follow-up people, Li Weibin smiled and said: "This is the base on the'other world' side. Preventing the'other world' elves from directly attacking the rear base on the border is a defensive outpost. Why? , Do you think you go straight into the forest through the space gate?"

"Um..." Zhou Jiang smiled awkwardly. To be honest, he really thought so.

After all, the videos that he watched in the video were all in the forest, so he subconsciously thought that it would be directly transmitted to the forest, and the "different world", even if he would think of fighting spirit magic, then the primeval forest...

The others were the same, but didn't respond after smirking.

Li Weibin didn't say anything, after all, he did the same when he first entered the border.

"Okay, keep up, we are going to officially set off! After we leave this base, it is the forest."

With that, Li Weibin turned and walked towards the only door opposite the room, Zhou Jiang and others hurriedly followed.

After leaving the pure white empty room, what appeared was a narrow corridor passage, which looked the same as the passage when they came in. Zhou Jiang almost felt that his time was reset and back.

Following Li Weibin, Zhou Jiang finally saw the first person besides them. Surprisingly, it was Miss Joey who was wearing a uniform and pushing a trolley!

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