I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 773: Another World (Part 2)

Just looking at the blood stains on her white uniform and the trolley, Zhou Jiang felt a little bad.

Li Weibin, who was walking in the front, greeted Miss Joey, and Zhou Jiang and others at the back also greeted her.

Miss Joey smiled and said hello. After looking at Joey Lian who was walking behind Zhou Jiang for two seconds, she didn't say anything, smiled and nodded to everyone, and then left straight away.

She came towards Zhou Jiang and the others, and Zhou Jiang and the others had only this way along the way, that is to say, she was going back to the border base behind.

As for what he was going to do, Zhou Jiang didn't know.

Zhou Jiang and the others finally walked out of the passage.

After walking out of the silver-white metal paved channel, they unexpectedly came to the hall of the Elf Center!

Zhou Jiang couldn’t read this familiar arrangement wrong. Even if he read it wrong, Chen Ziang and the others couldn’t read it wrong. After all, they have been traveling for about ten years. As a trainer, how about the usual arrangement of the Wizard Center?

In other words, they came out of the inside of the wizard center before?

No wonder I met Miss Joey before...

"Presumably you can also see that this is the elven center set up in the'other world'. It is not only a place for the elves to recover, but also a place connecting the base behind the border and the'other world'." Li Weibin stopped and said to everyone.

After speaking, he motioned everyone to follow, and then walked forward, but Zhou Jiang and the others quickly followed.

As he walked, Li Weibin said: "Although it is said that this is a wizard center, everyone can't actually use it, at least for now."

Zhou Jiang and others still didn't say anything.

They knew what they were going to do last night.

The border is very dangerous, and there are often violent elves attacking the base here, and they are not here to garrison, but to "experience".

Their strength is very strong, so they are not drawn to do special training to increase their strength, but let them fight with the elves of the "other world".

In their world, as long as they don't enter the unexplored area or go deep into the forest, even the elves encountered in the forest can't be too violent and crazy. But here is different, encountering a situation of endless death, those elves with black lines on the body will always chase you, unless you die or it will stop.

If they want to be able to garrison here, at least they have to adapt to this kind of battle, and they must have the consciousness to kill each other at all costs.

If you follow the rules of the game, the opponent will not attack if he falls to the ground and is seriously injured. I am afraid it will not survive for three days here...

In this world, elves are really tools for slaughter!

And their "experience" is to adapt to this code.

At most, if he doesn't adapt, he will return to the original world with a secret, and then remember everything that happened here and live carefully.

I believe that everyone who understands the situation here, no one wants to live in the ordinary world over there, because they can't be beaten through here, and then the elves flood into the world they are in.

Only by increasing the strength and consolidating here can we ensure that our homeland, parents and family are not threatened.

They definitely don't use the wizard center now.

Because they have to run to a relatively safe place to practice, and the location is far away.

Elf Zhongxi is used by the trainers stationed nearby.

On the "Battle Island", the "different world" connected by the border of their Huaxia District is in a valley. The valley has only one exit, but behind the exit there is a mouth facing the same direction, the front is small and the back is big, like It's a "calabash".

The space door, which is the light-emitting circle they entered before, does not know what it is made of, and people cannot move or close it. It stays there forever, connecting the two worlds.

The location of the space door is at the bottom of the "Gourd", which is the innermost part of the valley.

After the trainer from Huaxia came over and drove away the elves nearby, building facilities were built here, including an elves center, a dormitory, and an exchange trading center...

At present, after more than a year of development, thanks to the efforts of many trainers, the elves in this gourd-shaped valley have been completely driven out or killed, and the valley has been taken over by them.

Walking out of the wizard center, there is a cement road outside with several houses built on it. From the outside, I don't know what it is for, and Li Weibin did not say.

From the gate of the wizard center, there is a road extending straight out. From a distance, you can vaguely see the opposite rock wall and a checkpoint. The opposite of the checkpoint is the front end of the "Gourd Mouth", and on that side, A large number of lines of defense are arranged, of which defenses such as firearms are naturally indispensable.

Although there are rules in their world that firearms cannot be used against the elves, for the elves in the "other world" who have been trying to invade without thinking, do they still need to follow any rules?

Without planes, tanks, cannons and bombs, people are restrained. After all, no one can guarantee whether there is anything horrible in this world. Elves like mythical beasts, if they provoke them and attract them, then humans will It's over.

Therefore, so far, humans have relied on trainers to match elves and firearms to advance and explore the "different world". At most, trainers bring some guns and submachine guns for self-defense. If large-scale mechanical equipment, they only dare to put them in the base. Resist the invasion of the wizard door.

Coming outside, Li Weibin didn't hesitate, and walked directly to the edge of the wizard center.

Walking straight from the center of the wizard is the way to Xiao Hulukou, which is a route to participate in exploration and defense. Their goal is not this.

Zhou Jiang's goal is to be behind the bottom of the gourd, the forest on the cliff more than 30 kilometers away!

Any world or place will be divided into regions based on "strength", even humans have "slums" and other places, let alone this "different world" where the weak and the strong.

According to the analysis of the data returned by the exploration team, the "different world" also has a "circle", and the condition for distinguishing is naturally the strength of the elves.

According to the exploration and research, they finally discovered that there was a high cliff behind their current outpost. Above the cliff was an endless grassland, followed by a forest. Above the cliff and below the cliff are like two worlds, and the strength of the elves is simply very different.

The elves below the cliff have the worst strength among the elite middle-level, while the elves above the cliff are basically at the elementary level (level 3140), and most of them are of the general level (level 2130).

Although the elves also have black markings on their bodies, they are all ferocious and combative, but the strength is really not strong!

This is simply an excellent place for training!

Zhou Jiang's destination is there. Although the strength of the elves is much worse than theirs, the number can make up for the level. The purpose of training is to make Zhou Jiang and others aware of the dangers of the "different world". Must really put them in a dangerous situation.

Make them aware of the danger of the "other world" first, and then they will be cautious when doing tasks.

After all, they are not rookie trainers anymore, just give them a "bump" and let them recognize the reality, and then they will naturally understand.

Here, these veteran trainers are not afraid of others, just because they are veterans, they are careless.

In this world, carelessness means death!

This is knowledge exchanged with the blood and life of a large number of pioneers.

The wizard center itself was built against the bottom of the valley. Zhou Jiang and the others followed Li Weibin quickly to the side of a path leading up to the mountain at the bottom of the valley.

"Everyone, let go of the elves. We are about to go out of the safe area. There is the possibility of elves attacking at any time. Remember, once you see the elves with black tattoos, immediately let the elves attack each other! Even in your impressions, the gentle elves are Can’t keep your hands! Remember!"

"Remember!" Everyone responded with a serious expression, expressing their understanding.

No one will joke about your life, because you may lose not only your own life, but also your elves and teammates.

Li Weibin nodded, and then released his elf, an Abby Lang.

Zhou Jiang subconsciously took a look, good guy, his level has reached 79!

It will jump directly to the championship after being promoted by two more levels. This strength is not bad.

I don't know what the situation is like when Shanaido fights her.

Zhou Jiang only knew that Shanaido's attack power reached or even surpassed that of the champion, but other aspects were not necessarily true.

After all, fighting is not just about attack power.

It's like fighting consciousness, and Abby Lang's level is actually improved. The control of the source is much stronger than that of Shanaido, and Shanaido's source is only capable of reaching the first level of the king, just at this point. , Abby Lang dumped Shanaido more than ten streets, let alone the accumulation of usual exercise.

Li Weibin released the elves, and Zhou Jiang and others also released their elves.

They are all small, fast, and quick support wizards.

Zhou Jiang released a large needle bee, and a large group of people was there, and Zhou Jiang did not need to release Xanadu, a large needle bee is enough.

When alone, Big Sting Bee and Xanadu are better than Xanadu, because Xanadu can monitor the surrounding environment more carefully.

The big needle bee may also say that it missed it, and then let the wild elves touch it, but Shanaido won't.

However, in contrast, Xanadu needs to consume more physical strength and will be a little sluggish after being out for a long time.

But now he is in the team, a total of 13 people, 13 elves, even if one is scrapped, it is impossible to scrap all of them without seeing it, right?

So Zhou Jiang threw out the big needle bee.

With the protection of the big needle bee, this is enough for safety!

Suddenly, Zhou Jiang caught a glimpse of the elf floating next to Zhou Jia. Beside her, there was actually a primordial heavenly king's ground!

This is also the third elves above the heavenly king among the thirteen elves.

Zhou Jiang was a little confused.

Where did she come from the elf of the heavenly king?

But Zhou Jiang figured it out after a while.

Needless to say, this must be Shui Qingrou's protection for her. After all, Shui Qingrou called her to come over. There will definitely be elves who will protect her. Otherwise, with Zhou Jia's own strength, they will follow Zhou Jiang. Good to go.

Zhou Jiang turned to see Joey Lian's elves.

After all, it was the person whom Joey's family entrusted him to take care of. In addition, she was really beautiful, and there was no nonsense, so he didn't resist, and would take care of it when he could.

Joey Lotus’s elf is a flaming chicken, unexpectedly, the level is not low, it is 75, the mid-level quasi-king...

Zhou Jiang didn't know what to say.

One is his sister. Although she doesn’t look right, Zhou Jiang will ask the elves to help her if she is in danger, and the other is an "ally". The Joey family asks to take care of her. People are a bit withdrawn, but also Not difficult to get along with.

As a result, both of them may be his "drag", and the elves released were not weak.

Look at others...

The elves released by the "old guys" who are about 30 years old are also the kings of heaven.

So, is this the legendary relationship household... The real chicken is enviable...

But fortunately, he is even more powerful than the relatives!

"Okay, let's go when everything is ready."

After seeing everyone releasing the elves, Li Weibin took the lead and walked towards the mountain.

If you want to go back, the fastest way is to climb the valley here and go straight down.

Everyone hopes that the world will be people who travel for a long time, even Joey Lin will not be weak.

Turning over a hill is nothing to them, and it's just a valley~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The human physiques in this world are good, and it took an hour before everyone reached the top.

In the woods, Zhou Jiang saw a two-meter-high fence surrounded by three barbed wire fences. Every five meters or so, there was a camera above the barbed wire. Moreover, Zhou Jiang also discovered that there were also hidden on the trees inside the barbed wire fence. There are some cameras.

Seeing these cameras, Zhou Jiang thought of the surveillance that the staff in the surveillance command room was watching. It seemed to be here, but it didn't seem to be. He had forgotten.

But it doesn't matter, it's none of his business.

Whether it is or not, it doesn't matter to him.

"Zhou Jia, let Hu Di send us out." Li Weibin turned around and said to Zhou Jia.

Among everyone's elves, her elves are super powers, so Li Weibin asked it to help.

Although everyone can go out without it, it takes a little trouble.

This Hu Di was really a gentle wizard, and even partnered with Li Weibin many times, so after Li Weibin spoke, Zhou Jia didn't say anything, Hu Di started to move.

For the super power elves of the heavenly king level, it is very easy to use the power of mind to control the non-resistant people and Jing Lin. Dozens of people are easy for it, not to mention there are only more than a dozen here.

After all, with the exception of Zhou Jiang's thirteen people and individual elves, the two-meter-high iron fence is nothing to other elves at all. They jumped, or flew, just passed.

After the purple light dissipated, Zhou Jiang and others were already outside the fence. Looking at the **** below, Zhou Jiang was slightly excited.

He really wanted to see what the elves were like, for example, how many points would he get if he defeated them?

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