Chen Ziang said, "Maybe the agency is in these carved paintings?"

"It's possible." Dai Qianyi nodded and said, "But these paintings seem to be immovable, right?"

With that, Dai Qianyi looked at Xanadu, who shook his head.

Chen Fan said, "Shall we just smash it and try?"

"Don't!" Zhou Jiang hurriedly said, "If there is any mechanism in it, once it destroys the things in this stone platform, then it will be for nothing?"

Dai Qianyi nodded: "You really can't be reckless, take your time."

Chen Fan shrugged, he didn't really want to smash the stone platform, just talk about it.

Zhou Jia, who was watching from the side, suddenly said, "Is this stone platform connected to the ground? If not, can you just move it away?"

After hearing Zhou Jia's words, everyone looked at her in unison, and she couldn't help but step back, and then couldn't help but said, "Why...what's wrong? They all looked at me like this..."

Zhou Jiang didn't return her, but looked at Shanaiduo: "How is it?"

Xanadu nodded: ‘The bottom is indeed not connected to the ground. Its buried part is only about three centimeters long. ’

Zhou Jiang nodded and said, "Then I will trouble you."

Since this stone platform is not connected to the ground, and they can't find the mechanism within a short time, they can move it away directly, and then study when they return.

The remains of the "other world" have a time to exist. God knows how long the ruins can exist. If they do not research for a long time, they will disappear. Then they will lose their lives?

"Can you pull it out?" Chen Ziang asked, seeing the interaction between Zhou Jiang and Shanaido.

"Yeah, yes." Zhou Jiang nodded, and then signaled several people to step back a bit to avoid being injured if there was too much movement.

Although this stone platform can be isolated from the exploration of mind power, it does not mean that mind power cannot act on it.

And even if the power of mind cannot act on it, Xanadu can use the power of mind to lift the rock, and then act on the rock under the stone platform to pull it out.

As long as the mind does not slip, there will always be more solutions than problems.

Shitai was easily pulled out by Xanadu, after all, it was not difficult.

First, use mental power to separate the connecting part of the stone platform and the underground rock, and then just pull it out directly, there is no big movement.

The stone platform was lifted by Shane Duo's thoughts and floated in the air, and Zhou Jiang and others could also see clearly the part of the stone platform buried in the soil.

The 30-centimeter-long part is different from the sapphire-colored main body above, and the buried part is jet black!

"Why are the colors different? Is the organ below?" Chen Fan said.

Zhou Jiang shook his head and said, "I don't know, wait until you go back and study it. Go to this cave first. If the ruins disappear, you will lose money."

After speaking, Zhou Jiang took off the backpack he was carrying, and then motioned to Shanaido to put the stone platform in.

This trip has not lost money, and nothing else, just by the appearance of this stone platform, it can sell a lot of money.

But no loss is no loss, but who would mind making a little more?

After putting away the stone platform, Zhou Jiang put on his backpack and caught up with Chen Ziang and others who had gone to explore the lake.

Zhou Jiang walked over and asked, "Anything to find?"

"No, I found it." Chen Fan said while looking at the lake without looking back.

Zhou Jiang nodded and released Menus.

Previously, the largest main cave was full of stones, crystals, and stalactites. Although Menus could release it, it was not necessary, so Zhou Jiang left it, and now it comes in handy.

"Menus, go and see in the lake."

Meenas nodded, jumped into the water, and set off a wave of water, but fortunately, it was blocked by Xanadu, otherwise the few people standing on the side would be completely smashed.

"Give it to Menus in the water. Let's go and look for these crystals. Maybe there is something to gain."

"Okay." Dai Qianyi nodded and agreed, then scattered around in this small cave and searched aimlessly.

It was enough to have Shanaido by Zhou Jiang, and Zhou Jiang, the Big Needle Bee, sent it out and asked it to help find it.

The cave is not big, it doesn't take too long to find it, and the big needle bee was nearby when it was found, and it could come as soon as something happened.

Even though he had Shanaido, it made no difference whether he could find it or not, but Zhou Jiang still didn't look at it.

Although it is much more convenient to have Xanadu, if everything depends on her no matter the big or small things, then he will soon be gone.

So some small things, like this kind of search, Zhou Jiang himself will follow.

The mind has to be moved.


When everyone was looking around, there was the sound of something coming out of water from the lake. Zhou Jiang looked over and found that it was Menus who had come out of the water.

"How is it?" Zhou Jiang asked.

"Woo" Menus whimpered and shook his head, indicating that there was nothing below.

Zhou Jiang frowned slightly.

To be honest, he wanted to let Shanaido take a look, but he couldn't.

Now that Menus had been asked to check it out, Zhou Jiang had to trust its judgment no matter what the result was. If Shane Duo were allowed to check it, wouldn't it mean that he did not trust Menus.

In this way, this matter will be stuck in Menus's heart like a thorn, and the relationship between him and Menus will suffer in the future.

"Thanks for your hard work." Zhou Jiang sighed slightly and took back Menus.

Zhou Jiang still chose to believe in Menus.

Zhou Jiang looked at Dai Qianyi and the others and said, "Let’s continue to look for it on the side. If we really can’t find anything else, let’s go out and don’t dry it. The stone platform with that crystal is already pretty good. We haven’t seen the small hole on the right side of the two caves we discovered before. We can go and see after we go out."

"Yeah." Several people nodded, and then continued to search.

Zhou Jiang also took Shanaido to continue searching.

Ten minutes later, everyone turned the crystal hole upside down, but they didn't find anything.

The only gain was the crystal stone platform that Zhou Jiang took into the backpack.

Sitting on a piece of crystal, Chen Fan said weakly, "Forget it, don't find it, don't find anything, let's go back."



"Go back and go back."

Not only Chen Fan felt tired, but also Zhou Jiang and others.

My eyes widened and searched for a long time. My eyes became a little bit sore, but I couldn't find anything. I was really tired of body and heart.

After a short rest, everyone exited the crystal hole.

When leaving, Zhou Jiang glanced back at this crystal cave, and finally shook his head and walked out.

To be honest, he actually thinks there should be other things here, but if he didn't find it, he didn't find it. There is no way.

After leaving the crystal cave, return to the largest main cave.

Here, the elves they had sent to search around had already gathered and waited there. After seeing Zhou Jiang and the others came back, they rushed over.

Zhou Jiang looked at Xanadu, who shook his head slightly.

Zhou Jiang sighed, but found nothing.

After Dai Qianyi and others communicated with their elves, they knew that they had not found anything. They looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly, and said "Thank you" to their elves. Take them back.

"Don't be too depressed. After all, the possibility of gaining from this kind of relic is very low. At least now we have found the crystal stone platform, and it is not a loss." Zhou Jiang looked at them and said, "Go and see if that Go in the hole you've been to and see what's inside."

Dai Qianyi and the others nodded and followed Zhou Jiang's pace.

The small hole on the right is similar to the one on the left. The entrance is narrow and wider as you go in.

After walking into the cave, Zhou Jiang found that the cave on the right and the one on the left were actually similar...

There is an altar in the middle, and then there are eight pillars on it.

A few people, look at me and I will look at you, Chen Fan said straightforwardly: "Is it necessary to see it?"

"Uh... I didn't watch it?" Chen Ziang said in surprise.

Chen Fan sighed, "What else to look at, isn't it the same as the hole on the left..."

Dai Qianyi looked at Zhou Jiang, Zhou Jiang shook his head, and said, "Let's take a look, anyway, there are no other places, there is only this place, just take a look."

"All right." Chen Fan didn't refuse when Zhou Jiang said so, but he nodded in frustration, making it clear that he didn't think there would be anything.

Dai Qianyi and the others continued to look at the altar, while Zhou Jiang let Shanaiduo continue to explore the back of the rock wall with his mind.

This time Zhou Jia did not ask Hu Di to follow along, but instead asked Hu Di to go to the altar to check.

Ten minutes later, several people sat on the altar and sighed.

They still found nothing.

"Should we move these stone pillars?" Chen Fan said, looking back at the eight stone pillars.

"..." Zhou Jiang's mouth twitched.

This is to implement the Sanguang policy?

Even this stone pillar is too cruel...

Chen Ziang rolled his eyes and said, "What's the use of this stone pillar? It's not even an antique."

Dai Qianyi also murmured: "It's still dead, so long, you can't even put a space backpack in it."

Even Zhou Jia and Joey Lian looked at him with foolish eyes.

"Ahem." Chen Fan also knew that he was stupid, and coughed dryly and said: "Then what, I'm just talking, talking."

Zhou Jiang shook his head and said, "Go back, there is nothing left in this place."


Several people nodded, sighed, got up and followed Zhou Jiang out.

When they returned to the side of the stream, several people heard the "sizzling" sound from the drill bit digging into the rock from the upper reaches. Chen Fan said, "It seems that it's not over here. Why don't you go and see?"

"You can try, help the iron armored tyrannosaurus dig together to see what's inside." Chen Ziang also nodded in agreement.

After all, I dug through the lower stream and found the crystal stone platform, what about the upper stream?

The two looked at Zhou Jiang. Zhou Jiang naturally had no opinion. After all, there was nothing wrong with it. If you waste a little time, just waste a little. He can afford it.

Zhou Jiang just wanted to nod his head in agreement. As a result, the entire cave shook, as if an earthquake had occurred. The stalactites on his head also fell like rain. Fortunately, Shanaido and Hu Di were there, and the two elves joined forces. He lifted a few people, and then threw away the stalactites on their heads.

"Fuck, what's the matter?!" Chen Fan asked in surprise as he watched the stalactite falling down continuously.

"Earthquake?!" Chen Ziang also widened his eyes and murmured.

Dai Qianyi snarled, "This ruin is going to disappear, go!"

Xanadu looked at Zhou Jiang, and Zhou Jiang nodded, and handed her the Pokemon Ball of Tyrannosaurus: "I'll leave it to you, pay attention to safety!"

"Xanaido!" Xanaido nodded, and after receiving the poke ball, he flew towards the iron armor tyrannosaurus with all his strength.

"Go!" Zhou Jiang shouted, motioning Hu to take them away.

Zhou Jiang at Shanaiduo was not really worried.

The speed of the ruins collapse is not very fast, at least more than ten minutes, at the speed of Shanaido, the iron armor tyrannosaurus can be recovered in less than two minutes and come out.

The most troublesome thing was that the dug out cave collapsed, but with Shanaido's strength, if it collapsed, just hit a road.

After a big move, what kind of rock and soil have not all melted?

Moreover, even if the ruins disappear without people coming out of it, they will be repelled out when the last ruins completely disappear, and will not disappear with them.

Although Zhou Jiang would not take such a risk, this was also the reason why he asked Shanaido to take back the Ironclad Tyrannosaurus, but wasn't this the worst plan?

The worst plan is that the iron armor tyrannosaurus can't be recovered, as for Xanadu? She cannot be trapped.

Shanaido didn't save the Tyrannosaurus armored with the Elf Ball, and Zhou Jiang and others were also taken by Hu Di and ran to the exit.

Fortunately, the ruins were only the beginning of the collapse, and the cave entrance hadn't begun to collapse, so a few people ran out through the light door smoothly.

Several people entered the ruins in the morning. Now that they came out, it was already past eight in the morning, and it was still sunny outside.

Although there was flashing in the ruins, the brightness was still not high, especially after Shane Duo left behind, they found out in the dark. As a result, after an instant came out, the dazzling sunlight directly rushed into the eyes...

"Hiss!" Zhou Jiang sucked in the air, closing his eyes tightly and then rubbing his eyes constantly.

Not only Zhou Jiang, but everyone else was the same. They all sucked in the air and covered their eyes with their hands.

Everyone's minds were put on the collapsed ruins, plus it took a long time to go in. They all forgot the difference in light, and they came out in a hurry, so they were caught off guard.

After waiting for a minute or so, Zhou Jiang felt that he had adjusted to a little bit before he tried to put down his hand covering his eyes. Even so, he still felt dazzling, but not as dazzling at first.

After opening his eyes, Zhou Jiang discovered that waves of ripples were raised on the originally stable light gate of the ruins, like a rippled lake surface after throwing stones in.

However, despite this change in the ruins, there was no sound from it.

When I was inside the ruins, the sound of the shaking that was about to collapse was still very loud, and it was really like an earthquake, rumbling loudly, but there was no sound outside.

Suddenly, Zhou Jiang saw the ripples on the light door suddenly become violent, like boiling water. Zhou Jiang stepped back subconsciously, and then in the next second, he saw Shanaido, wrapped in deep purple thought power, emerge from the light gate.

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