Zhou Jiang looked at Xanadu and asked, "Is it all right?"

Shanaiduo nodded, and handed Zhou Jiang the Elf Ball of Tyrannosaurus.

"Recovered?" Dai Qianyi asked, squinting. Zhou Jiang nodded, "Recovered."

Chen Ziang rubbed his eyes and said, "Where to go next? This remains is gone."

Chen Fan said, "Let’s study that stone platform first."

"Yes, there is also the stone platform. Hurry up, take it out and take a look." Chen Ziang became excited, not even rubbing his eyes, and urged Zhou Jiang.

"Don't worry." Zhou Jiang shook his head, but still took off the backpack and asked Shanaiduo to take the stone platform out of it.

After taking out the stone platform and putting it on the ground, Chen Fan and the others immediately surrounded him, but the next second, the three of them were dumbfounded, because the stone platform was taken out, but they didn't know where the mechanism was!

God knows how to open this thing...

Chen Ziang frowned and said, "Is it possible that the mechanism is not actually on this stone platform, but in the previous cave?"

Zhou Jiang shook his head and said: "It should be impossible. After all, when Shane Duo took out the stone platform, he didn't find anything connected to the stone platform, except for the stones."

Dai Qianyi touched his chin and said, "Actually, it is possible that the organ is not on the outside, but on the inside?"

"Inside?" Chen Fan raised his eyebrows: "If you are inside, how can you open it from the outside? Isn't this thing isolating mental power."

Dai Qianyi shook his head: "We don't necessarily have to turn it on by ourselves. Maybe it is this type of face recognition mechanism? Only when certain things are placed in front of it will it turn on?"

After hearing Dai Qianyi's words, Zhou Jiang frowned slightly: "Perhaps you have to pass through the reflection and refraction of the crystal in that crystal cave?"

Chen Ziang's eyes widened: "Fuck, wouldn't we be completely hopeless in that case!"

Chen Fan scratched his hair, feeling a little irritable, "If I want to tell it, I can smash it and have a look. Anyway, there is no hope."

Seeing that Chen Fan wanted to come hard, Zhou Jiang quickly dissuaded him: "Don't don't don't, it's just our guess. Maybe it's another organization, but if it's rashly destroyed, it's really gone."

Dai Qianyi nodded: "Yes, let's take a look first, in the end, it won't work, then try to smash it. After all, after destroying this crystal stone platform, it is only our guess that the contents inside will be destroyed. I don’t know the result."

Zhou Jiang nodded and agreed.

Chen Ziang sighed and said, "But the question goes back again. If it is what you said, what image is the code? Human face and pupil? Or wizard face and pupil? We are the owner of this thing. No one knows how to do this..."

Zhou Jiang thought for a while and said, "Actually, I don't think it has to be so precise. Maybe it just needs to be the appearance of a certain elf or some kind of action?"

"You mean giant pincer praying mantis?" Dai Qianyi looked at Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang nodded: "Yes, look at this stone platform, all around are carved with giant pincer mantis, and the actions are different, maybe the code is giant pincer mantis, just put the giant pincer mantis in front of it?"

Chen Fan said helplessly: "The problem is that we don't have giant tongs mantis either..."


Zhou Jiang was silent, thought for a moment, and said: "Why don't you just let it go and wait until you get back to the back base? Then you can ask those professionals in the base to take a look."

Chen Fan and Chen Ziang, look at me and I will look at you, and finally nodded, "Let's do it, then let it go, things won't run anyway."

"Since this thing is stored first, where are we going now? It hasn't arrived at noon yet..."

"..." Hearing Chen Fan's question, Zhou Jiang wanted to talk casually, but he was the leader and the leader.

Now that you are in this position, you must perform this duty.

"Vote, go on a trip, or go to other ruins. For now, let's make a decision on these two possibilities."

After speaking, Zhou Jiang looked at Dai Qianyi and motioned for him to start.

"Travel. It's luck to find something this time, but it's not always possible to find something unless we find a ruin that no one has discovered."

Zhou Jiang nodded slightly, Dai Qianyi’s thoughts were similar to his thoughts. The ruins that have been explored are really nothing. Although they knew it before, they had never experienced or seen them, so he still thought he could try. Try, but after this time of exploration, Zhou Jiang has lost his thoughts of picking up the leaks, how can there be so many leaks for you.

"I also think it's time to continue traveling, the ruins are too unreliable." Chen Ziang also said.

Chen Fan also nodded and said, "This is really unreliable."

Then came Zhou Jia and Joey Lin.

According to the old rules, which side had more people to choose which side, the result came out. All six of them chose to continue traveling instead of making unreliable ruins.

Zhou Jiang nodded and said, "That's it. Since we all choose to continue traveling and adventurously, then everyone should take advantage of the early days and set off. It just so happens that we haven't been to the front here."

After speaking, Zhou Jiang signaled Shanaiduo to throw the stone platform back into the backpack. After finishing, Zhou Jiang put on the backpack, looked at the people who were ready, and took the lead to walk forward.

As for the collapsing light door behind him?

Who cares!

After leaving the ruins, the few people returned to the way they were in the past, walking toward the depths of the "other world" while killing the violent elves that emerged.

Of course, as long as the number of these elves that jumped out is not too large, they were all killed by the needle bee. After all, the points are still given for killing these elves. Although the points are the same after defeating, they are all the same anyway. It doesn’t matter if you give it for nothing, it’s better than nothing.

He currently has nine thousand seven points. It is expected that if this continues, he will be able to break 10,000 again today.

Keeping on the road, after ten o'clock, everyone stopped to rest and prepared to have lunch.

Chen Fan and the others are cooking together. Zhou Jiang is cleaning the spear of Big Needle Bee. Although its spear will not be stained with blood, but the elves kill too much, it is inevitable that there will be some residues, and there is no obvious sight. It doesn’t mean there is no, so it’s better to clean it.

Suddenly, Big Needle Bee suddenly turned his head to look at the bushes not far away, his aura changed from being calm to being full of killing intent.

Yu Guang of Zhou Jiang caught a glimpse of Shanaiduo on the side and found that she was also looking there, so he frowned and looked over.


After Zhou Jiang looked over, there was movement in the bushes over there.

"Enemy? Big Needle Bee, you go!" There is no hesitation. After so many days, I don't know how many elves the Big Needle Bee killed. Not only the Big Needle Bee, Zhou Jiang is also numb.

Now that he found that it might be the elf touching it, he let the Big Needle Bee attack without hesitation.

The big needle bee nodded and flew over with its wings vibrating. Because Zhou Jiang was right by its side, it flew a certain distance before violently flying towards the bush.

Zhou Jiang didn't look at Big Needle Bee. With Big Needle Bee's strength, nothing would go wrong, and Shanaido was watching, she could support at any time.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Jiang's movement attracted the attention of Chen Fan and the others.

"It's nothing, just an elf touched it."

As Zhou Jiang was talking, the big needle bee and the strange elves who rushed into the bush had already handed over, and the sound of fighting came from there.

The fighting sound only lasted for less than ten seconds and then disappeared with a scream. Obviously, Big Needle Bee had solved the opponent.

After successfully solving the opponent, Big Needle Bee flew back, but its body was stained with blood.

Seeing that the matter was resolved, Chen Fan and the others continued to cook, watching the lively Zhou Jia, Joey and the many other elves who were waiting for dinner also withdrew their eyes, each doing their own things, chatting, or in a daze.

Zhou Jiang shook his head, and continued to clean the big needle bee flying back in front of him.

"Okay, it's time for dinner." Chen Fan shouted, making Zhou Jiang, who was sitting under the tree watching the elves eating, come back to his senses.

I came to sit down on the folding stool beside the long folding table and handed the rice bowl to Joey Lotus who was serving food for everyone. After a while, the empty bowl passed by, and the one who came back was filled with rice.

As soon as Zhou Jiang picked up the chopsticks to prepare the dishes, Shanaido shouted.


Zhou Jiang looked over and found that not only Xanadu, but the other elves also stopped eating as if they were facing an enemy, and got up and looked around seriously.

Everyone who guessed what happened in an instant quickly dropped their chopsticks, got up and ran to the elves, and then the elves also surrounded them and changed their formations.

The melee elves are in front and the far offensive is behind. The two super-power elves and the three nurses are beside Zhou Jiang and others.


A gust of wind blew, the leaves rubbed against each other, making a rustling sound, but after the wind stopped, the sound was still ringing, and the sound was getting closer and louder.

Zhou Jiang turned his head and looked around, and found that the surrounding trees were moving. There was no doubt that they were surrounded!

Zhou Jiang asked Xanadu, "Xanadu, how many elves are on the opposite side?"

‘Sixty-three. ’

Zhou Jiang nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although there are many sixty-three animals, they are still within the range they can bear.

No, it should be said that the sixty-three elves, as long as they are not particularly high-level, such as if there are too many quasi-kings, then they will fight casually and will not lose.

And with Shanaido, a strong player who can play, defend and assist, plus the three nurses, Zhou Jiang and their elves will not even have the chance to be seriously injured. Once anyone is seriously injured, Shanaido will Will protect it with the power of mind, and notify the nurse to breastfeed.

It can be said that as long as the number of elves does not exceed 80, the elves of Zhou Jiang and others will not die, as long as there are no more than 120, they will not be defeated!

Zhou Jiang looked around, the rustling sound was still coming, but no elves came out.

Zhou Jiang ordered: "Since they don't come out, then we will first attack the strong, remote output team, give me full blow!"

Zhou Jiang was the captain, and even Chen Fan and their elves would listen to his orders.

As soon as his voice fell, the elves in the middle layer in the encirclement circled each of their own skills, such as 100,000 volts, spraying flames, etc., all flew towards the distance without life, all of them for a time. The energy beam flew randomly, and the sound of explosions and the roar of the elves also came.

what? How can fire be used in the forest?

At this time, who cares whether you are hot or not, let's talk about it after winning the fight!

And even if a fire is triggered, Menus’s request for rain, water elves’ water cannons, and sand splashing can solve everything. If it doesn’t work, send a large number of elves to pull up all the trees and grass on the side of the fire area and set up isolation After bringing it, let it burn slowly.

Zhou Jiang and the others launched an attack, and the malicious elves who lurked behind the bushes also launched a counterattack, rushing out from behind the bushes, throwing their skills over as they rushed.

In this way, the elves on both sides fought. After the elves of the two sides fought in close combat, the elves' brains became dog brains, and the ones on both sides were fiery.

Of course, due to the power gap and Zhou Jiang's supplementary milk, the elves on the opposite side kept falling down.

Although the surrounding elves were surrounded by the location, combined with various skills and constantly lifted up dust, Zhou Jiang could not see too far, but he still knew that the lunch they had not had time to eat was gone...

He heard the sound of the table and chair being knocked over, the table and chopsticks falling to the ground, and then being crushed by the elves.

Hearing the sound of the broken porcelain, Zhou Jiang was a little bit heartbroken, but more angry.

Surprisingly angry!

He is hungry.

Hungry all morning!

The meal that was finally made is gone now!

What's worse, he almost had the meal, and the aroma of the meal still remained in his mind, but now they are gone!

That is, he is a weak trainer, so he can't take part in the war in person~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or he will really **** them.

But although he was angry, he was not so exaggerated as to lose his mind. After all, he was not at the level of eating goods. It was just that he was hungry and the food was ruined, and there was also hot food in his storage ring.

Without losing his mind, Zhou Jiang did not command the elves, and then let them attack with all their strength to vent their anger.

Because after setting up the posture, they know what they should do. As long as they don't mess around, Zhou Jiang and the others don't give chaotic orders and continue to keep this way. Sooner or later they will win.

After all, it’s not the first time to be besieged by so many elves. They all have experience in fighting. Even the weak chicken elves that Zhou Jiang got from the Joey family also used long-range attacks because they stood in the circle. , I have gained a lot of experience.


Very embarrassing, Zhou Jiang's stomach screamed suddenly...

He is really hungry.

Fortunately, the battle was fierce at this time, the explosion of skill collisions was like a bomb, and it continued to sound, so no one noticed it, but the lucky egg next to him looked back at Zhou Jiang...

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