I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 796: Contact failed, leave



As soon as Chen Hao opened his mouth to ask something, Zhou Jiang interrupted him.

"It's almost here, someone will tell you at that time, let's be quiet, it's coming!"

Although he didn't know what was coming, Chen Hao and his six teammates were silent, and even their breathing became lighter.

Soon Zhou Jiang led Chen Hao and others to their ambush.

Seeing a row of people squatting behind the bushes, Chen Hao and the others were relieved.

They didn't say that they were afraid of Zhou Jiang, but Zhou Jiang's mysterious appearance really made it difficult for them to feel at ease. Now that they see so many people, they feel relieved.

"Well, you can also find a place to hide, don't say anything, you will know when you look at it, and I will tell you when it is over."

Leaving Chen Hao and the others on the side of the team, Zhou Jiang returned to where he had sat before.

Chen Hao and the others nodded in a friendly manner with the others nearby. After receiving the friendly response from the other party, they all breathed a sigh of relief and squatted down like they did.

Although curious, they did not ask.

Zhou Jiang had said very clearly before, now he needs to be quiet and hidden.

And if there are questions later, they will be answered.

Seeing Zhou Jiang and more than twenty people sitting here in a row, keeping quiet, there must be something major. Although they don't know what will happen, they don't want to drag them back and cause trouble.


Without letting everyone wait long, Bi Diao ran over with a group of elves.

At Zhou Jiang's reminder, their original crew immediately lowered their heads and tried to hide themselves deeper, while the newcomer Chen Hao and the others also learned from this, and followed their heads.

Although Chen Hao and the others could not see the elves running over, they could still hear their voices.

More than forty elves ran together, and the sound was indeed shaking.

As time passed, the rumbling sound gradually approached, until their ears were full of the roar of iron hoofs on the ground.


Zhou Jiang yelled, then Zhou Jiang and other 27 people threw their pokeball.

It has been sneak attacks many times, and everyone is already very proficient. After the elves came out, they launched their big moves against the group of elves in the "other world" that ran ahead.

For a time, the "other world" elves suffered heavy casualties.

When Zhou Jiang and others came out to storm the group of elves in the "other world", only three seconds passed. Chen Hao and the seven were still in a daze, and the group of elves in the "other world" had already turned their heads. Go with the elves of Zhou Jiang and others.

Although they were attacked by Zhou Jiang and the others, they suffered heavy casualties, but after all they did not die. It was estimated that they lost a small half, so their counterattack came fiercely.

For a time, the roar of skill collisions was endless.

"Captain, we..."

"Go on, help!"

After shouting, Chen Hao also stood up and threw his pokeball.

Although it's still a little confused, the current situation is obvious. Zhou Jiang and others, who are also humans, are fighting with the elves of the "other world". What should I do? Do you still have to think about it? It's done!

Chen Hao released his six main elves, except for one guarding him, the other five elves were sent by him.

Chen Hao's teammates saw that the captain was like this, so they got up and threw the pokeball.

In itself, Zhou Jiang and others had eighty-one elves who went up to fight. Adding five of each of Chen Hao’s seven, that’s one hundred and sixteen, against forty to fifty elves. Needless to say, the ending of the team of "other world" elves is naturally.

Soon, the battle was over. Seven of his side were slightly injured, and the opponent was wiped out.


Let the elves clean the battlefield, Zhou Jiang and Luo Hao and the other three captains came to Chen Hao and them, and then invited Chen Hao to the side to talk.

Now to clean up the gaps in the battlefield, it is natural to briefly talk to them about the goals and plans of a few people. It would be better if they could be pulled into the team.

Of course, it doesn't matter if they can't get in. They don't lack the seven of them, but the more people there are, the better it is for them, but if they don't agree with their ideas, they won't force it.

"But, you can only attract two to three hundred each time. With so many black skins, you can't change anything?" Chen Hao frowned after listening to Luo Hao's narration.

"That's better than nothing. Interfering with the black skins on our side will always be beneficial to the front line, and although we haven't contacted the base side yet, if they don't like it because of this genie What should I do if I live?"

"Okay." Chen Hao nodded and said, "Although it feels unlikely, it is indeed better than doing nothing. Let's do it!"

Seeing Chen Hao's consent, the Zhou Jiang trio smiled, stretched out their hands to him, and said, "Welcome to join!"

Although Chen Hao's seven people would be fine without joining them, wouldn't it be better if they joined?

After all, their strength is also very strong.

Among other things, after they joined, the speed of cleaning up the elves in the "different world" drawn by them would be faster.

Zhou Jiang and their conversation ended, Chen Hao formally joined the team, and the elves of the battlefield cleanup were almost done, there was only one point left, so Zhou Jiang took out the flare.



Frontline, base.

On the rocky ground that was full of scorch marks and one layer had been erased, Zhao Feng looked at his mobile phone, then looked at the three workers who were constantly debugging on a machine, frowned, and asked: "How is it? Isn't it okay?"

Hearing what Zhao Feng said, one of the staff turned around and said with an embarrassed expression: "Sorry, Zhao Tianwang, we..."


Zhao Feng has understood that this is the limit.

Sure enough, as he had worried before, the signal distance was not long enough.

After all, the only signal tower left in the base is the one that is now being erected.

Of course, in the rear area, there are still there on the "Gourd Kou" side, but they can't be passed here. What's the use of the "Gourd Kou" side.

Zhao Feng shook his head helplessly, and said, "Thanks for your hard work, dismantle the signal tower and put it back."

After that, he asked Hu Di and them to guard them here, and he went back first.

When the signal tower was set up, the signal was not long enough, and the mobile phone could not contact Zhou Jiang and the others. They can only send flying elves to Zhou Jiang and the others, and then communicate through letters.

Fortunately, the previous note states where Zhou Jiang and the others were before, so there is no need to worry about searching like a needle in a haystack.

"How is it, are you in touch?"

Seeing Zhao Feng's return, Shui gently asked.

But seeing his expression, Shui Qingrou felt tight, and roughly guessed the result.


Zhao Feng shook his head and said, "The signal is not long enough to contact them."

"Really..." Shui sighed softly and shook his head.

Lu Hua took the words and said, "If you can't get in touch, just forget it. Send a big-mouthed bat to deliver the letter. Let them go around to the back first. All that should be removed here has already been removed, and I can't stand it anymore. I can almost give up here."

"Well, I'll send it off." Zhao Feng nodded and walked out of the command post again.

Zhou Jiang and the others naturally did not know what was happening on the frontline base. At this time, they were still ambushing the elves of the "different world" while waiting for contact from the base.

Until they squatted to the fifth wave, a fork bat with a letter in its mouth fell from the sky.

Xanadu found the fork bat.

Although the fork bat has a purple skin, it is difficult to tell if it is an "other world" spirit, but judging from the envelope in its mouth, the probability of not being a "other world" spirit is as high as 100%. eighty.

And although it is somewhat difficult for the naked eye to see whether there are black patterns on the cross-shaped bats in the sky, Shanaido can still see clearly through mental power.

"It's my own."

Zhou Jiang, who was reminded by Shane Duo, quickly reminded others. Of course, the most important thing was to listen to a few elves, to avoid them from exaggerating skills.

Without elves to stop them, the cross-character bat flew smoothly in front of Zhou Jiang and the others, then dropped the letter in his mouth, flapped its wings and left.

A few people were a little confused, you look at me, I look at you, finally Luo Hao stepped forward and picked up the letter on the ground, and then opened it.

Although a little confused, Zhou Jiang and the others also leaned forward, wanting to see what was written in the letter for the first time.



After seeing the content of the letter, Zhou Jiang's few people almost spit out their old blood.

The signal... is not long enough? !

What a...

The content of the letter is very simple. It can be summarized that Zhou Jiang and the others received the letter and the signal tower was built. However, because the signal was not long enough to contact them, they removed it again and let Zhou Jiang and the others should stop "playing" here. The front-line base will be abandoned, so they must hurry to the rear base and wait.

Although there is also a large group of elves blocking the rear base, after the frontline base is abandoned, the defense line of the "other world" elves will definitely be messed up. As long as they mess up and find a breakthrough, they can still return. To the base.

"What to do?" Luo Hao raised his head and looked at several people.

He was the first to finish it, and when Zhou Jiang and others saw it, he asked after watching it.

Chen Yajie said, "Is it necessary to talk about it? I must go back. Since the frontline base can't be defended, then we don't have to continue to lead the elves here to kill."

"Let's go." He nodded and agreed with Chen Yajie's words, "Go ahead and arrange an ambush earlier."

The three looked at Chen Hao.

Although Chen Hao just joined in, he still needs to consult him.

But could he have any different opinions? Even if he wanted to go there soon, he nodded in agreement.

"Well, since everyone agrees, let's start early."

Zhou Jiang shook his head and said, "Wait first, clean up the elves here before going. There are three waves left."

With that said, Bi Diao had already arrived with the fifth wave of elves.

Hearing the movement, everyone squatted down quickly.

Since Bi Diao and the elves have already come over, it is natural to listen to Zhou Jiang, and solve them first before going there.

And they also want to take back the big needle bees. To take back the big needle bees that are "pulling monsters", how can they solve the monsters behind them?

Moreover, three waves were resolved, and there were only a hundred elves in total, which was not too much trouble for them.

After adeptly attacking the fifth wave of elves once again, everyone did not clean the battlefield, and Zhou Jiang directly sent a signal flare.

Zhou Jiang was worried that sending two signal flares in a row would make the Big Needle Bee think it was a mistake and continue to attract the blame. So he did not fire two flares in a row. He planned to send it again after the sixth wave of elves arrived.

When the sixth wave of elves came over, they had just met them head-on, and the Big Sting Bee probably also returned.

The facts were similar to what he thought, but there were some discrepancies. When there were still seven lingering elves in the sixth wave, the big needle bee returned with the seventh wave, which was the last wave of elves.

But this is not bad, the front is tough, and after all the elves have been solved, everyone put medicine on the injured elves.

After roughly curing the elves, several people began to prepare to deal with the dead bodies.

It's impossible to keep it like this. After all, there are too many corpses. It's still summer. If it rots, causes plagues and the like, and then a trainer comes here to be recruited, it will be troublesome and hungry.

So these bodies must be properly disposed of.

There are two simplest ways to deal with it, one is to dig a hole and bury it, and the other is to burn it.

Digging a hole for burial is more tiring than burning directly, but it is safer, and they left here directly after burying, so there is no need to cover up the place where these elves’ bodies are buried as before. In this case, the workload will be greatly reduced.

After all, for those with elves, digging a hole can be much simpler than making a cover on the ground (making the ground look as if the hole has not been dug).

As for setting fire to the corpse?

This is not very good.

Although a fire can solve everything ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ is very easy, but unless they wait here for them to burn out, otherwise the forest will be in danger of fire. Even if the open space here is too big, after all, there are too many dead bodies, and the fire will be very big by then. If a gust of wind blows the fire into the woods on the side, it will be finished.

When the corpse was burned, they would have dug up the pit long ago.

For them now, time is more important, and it is not them who dig the pit, so they choose to bury it.

With the efforts of a group of elves on the ground and rocks, five minutes later, a large pit that was completely large enough to hold the corpses of more than one hundred elves appeared.

Under the leadership of Shanaido and Hu Di, and with the help of the elves whose other secondary attributes were super powers or mind powers, the bodies of many elves were thrown into the pit.

They were only responsible for burying the corpses of these elves. Naturally, they would not deal with things like blood, which was troublesome.

They won't come here to attack the elves again.

If it hadn't been for fear of causing the plague, they would have even slipped away.

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