"Another World", the border "Gourd Kou" base.

The siege is going on in full swing.

From a distance, the black tide surrounds the entire valley, and above the black tide, light beams of various colors are flying, quite spectacular.

At this time, 34 people including Zhou Jiang watched the battle in the distance on the edge of a cliff on another mountain about one kilometer away from the base of "Hulukou".

Of course, due to the distance, they couldn't see much, they could only roughly see whether the "Gourd Kou" base could withstand it, and how intense the battle was.

At this time, it was more than ten hours after Zhou Jiang and the others received the letter from the fork bat, which was the next day.

Although the front line base is not too far away from the "Gourd Kou" base, it took a little longer because they had to walk around, that is, climb the mountain.

"It is said that the front line is about to collapse, but how long does it take for the "to collapse"...we have been waiting here?"

Zhou Jiang shook his head, looked at Chen Yajie who was speaking, and said, "It must be not long, wait a minute, or if you want, you can rush in and try?"

Chen Yajie shook his head quickly.

Looking at the dense beams of energy of various colors, only those with a brain pump would want to rush in.

How strong it is that I can't stand it!

You can do it unless you come to a beast.

Luo Hao shook his head and said, "Let’s rest, here you have a wide field of vision, you can see the state of the opposite side at any time. According to the letter, as long as the frontline collapses, the people from the frontline base will withdraw here. The elves here will be messed up, and the people in the "Gourd Mouth" base will attack at the same time. When that happens, we will also give out a force and just tear the opening here and go back."

With that said, he left the cliff and went to the camp with tents.

Zhou Jiang also shook his head and left here. Although he believed that it wasn't long before it was time to fight with real swords and guns, it should not be today.

It's useless to watch it now. Go back and rest. Just send an elf to stare at.

Chen Yajie and Chen Hao saw that Zhou Jiang and Luo Hao had left, so they retreated and set up a camp with the others that had not yet been fully set up.

The rest of the time is indeed as Luo Hao said, everyone is waiting on the top of the mountain, waiting for the chaos to come.

During this period, everyone stayed in the camp they built and couldn't come out. Except for occasionally having nothing to do, they simply discussed it. After the whole day, they had nothing to do.

It’s okay for Zhou Jiang to arrive, because he has cached English tutorials and some test papers in his phone. Although he has read and done a lot of them, he hasn’t read and done many, so he is not very idle, at least Can learn knowledge and kill time.

Although there will be a continuous roar from the side, Zhou Jiang said that this will be the case if you are used to it. If you study, it will not be affected at all!

As for the others? It depends on their good fortune, and they go to fight when they are bored. Although the injured in the test will have an impact on the future plan, as long as it is not too much, it is good to learn from each other.

After all, everyone is not weak, and learning from each other can improve their respective strengths.

And everyone's elves are also forced to count, so they will not try their best, they are all agreed to how much strength to fight, so there is no need to worry about overplaying and getting hurt.

So, after three days, the chaos finally arrived!

After a Nido guarded by shifts discovered that the black wave was wrong in the distance, he immediately roared to remind Zhou Jiang and others.

Zhou Jiang, who was studying English in the tent, dropped the book in his hand after hearing the reminder, got out of the tent, and ran towards the cliff.

Similar to Zhou Jiang, people who did not go out to fight but played mobile phones or rested in the tent also ran out of the tent. Some people ran towards the cliff with their legs like Zhou Jiang, while others called for a few. The elves on the side, let them run towards the people who have nothing to do to the game.

What are you doing? Naturally, I went to report.

Zhou Jiang was the first person to react. He was the first to run out of the tent, and he was the first to run towards the cliff, and he was the first to reach the edge of the cliff. He was floating beside him. Xanadu in midair.

Arriving behind Nido, Zhou Jiang also managed to see the distant scene.

The elves of the "different world" are indeed messed up!

The siege of the countless "other world" elves before, is like the strands on the beach after low tide, like waves, gentle and regular, after one wave, there is another wave, and there is a pleasant feeling to see.

And now?

Now, the group of elves in the "other world" are like huge waves that are rolled up when a storm is blowing on the sea, one here and another.

Messy, chaos!

Originally, they should be evenly distributed around the "Gourd Mouth" canyon, no side where there are more elves, and no side where there are less, but now, everything has changed!

"how is it going!"

Before the person arrives, the sound comes first.

Chen Fan, who was chasing after Zhou Jiang and familiar with Zhou Jiang, shouted.

Zhou Jiang held up his excitement and shouted: "It's started, ready to leave the camp!"

After waiting so many days, I can finally go back!

Although they did not face the terrifying wave of elves head-on, they were safe, but instead of waiting outside, waiting for when they could go back, he would rather take part in the battle against the elves of the "other world"!

It's safe now, but if the base collapses, the trainers who are outside the base will not want to go back in a short time.

Judging by the number of elves of this size, if the base collapses when Zhou Jiang and others are outside, then the people in the base can retreat to the original world for defense, and Zhou Jiang and others can only be trapped here.

Because once these "other world" elves break through their base, they will either be stationed at the light gate or directly attack their world.

At that time, there will even be a steady stream of "other world" elves coming here, and here, it will completely become the base camp of "other world" elves!

When the time comes, how can they squeeze through the elves of the "other world" surrounded by them, and return to their world through the light gate?

Basically, if they want to go back on their own, don't think about it.

The difficulty is comparable to that of heaven!

Well, without relying on any elves and props.

Although the "different worlds" are interlinked with more than one entrance, they don't know where this is, and where are the other entrances!

Once the entrance here is occupied, the place they can go back is completely gone.

And now their food is almost eaten, especially the elf food, if you don't go back and replenish it, Zhou Jiang will use the materials in the space ring in a week. After these materials were eaten, they were completely cold, and could only take the risk of being discovered and surrounded in the "different world" where food was scarce to grab resources.

This shows how dangerous it is to stay outside. If this place is breached, the lives and deaths of them staying outside will be completely inadequate by the alliance.

If the alliance is strong enough to get back to the entrance of this base, then they can still have hope; but if they don't give enough strength to get back to this entrance, then they can only be savages.

It is the most stupid act to give your life safety to others and an unknown destiny, especially when they have strength in their hands.

If they are ordinary people, the best way is to wait, wait for rescue or find rescue, but they are not ordinary people, they have spirits and power!

Directly breaking into them will die 100%, but when waiting for the chaos, waiting for the alliance to make a breakthrough, there is a 60% chance that they can go back unscathed.

And if the sacrifices of the elves are not counted, the probability of them going back "unharmed" is even more than 95%!

And now, this is the opportunity they are waiting for!

As long as he returned to the base, there was nothing to be afraid of even facing the wave-like "other world" elves. Zhou Jiang believed in his own elves.

Although he will face the terrifying bombardment of the elves of the "other world", as long as his elves gather together, with the care of the big needle bee and Xanadu, the possibility that the rest of the elves will have an accident is extremely low, and there is still a system. There are props for sale!

Vitality Shards and Resurrection Blocks!

Although he hasn't used these two things, according to the functions in the game, they are undoubtedly resurrection items.

Although it sounds like a sky-defying look, according to Zhou Jiang’s guess, they are estimated to be conditional, such as how long before the death of the elf, the degree of missing important parts, such as the heart, brain, etc., will affect its effect.

But these are just Zhou Jiang’s guesses, but one thing is worth affirmation, that is, being beaten to death without a whole body will definitely not work...

But in addition to these two things, there is also an item that Zhou Jiang discovered long ago-the airbag!

Similarly, Zhou Jiang has never used the airbag. I don't know its specific function, but you can tell from the price.

The price of vitality fragments is 500 points, if the resurrection block is 1,000 points, if the modifier uses a card, it is 200, 500, 1000, 2500 from elementary to super!

And what about airbags?

This is about 3000 points!

Of course, if it is 3000, it's not a big deal. After all, 3000 is not too expensive. It is just the same price as the Mega Evolution Stone, which Zhou Jiang can still afford.

But after Zhou Jiang changed one before, the price changed directly from 3000 to 6000!

The first one is 3000 points. If you change to the second one, it is 6000 points. Then the third one?

Is this number of points +3000 after each time or directly*2?

In short, no matter what, the price of this airbag will become very scary.

In other places, it can be said that fakes were bought at a high price, but in the system mall, Zhou Jiang did not think so.

The price is high, it must be a good thing!

And the name "airbag", at first glance, knows that it is related to life safety, it must be a good thing to save lives!

So for Zhou Jiang, as long as he returned to the base, it was the safest.

He is protected by the elves himself, so safety is no problem.

The elves are covered by two big brothers and sisters, Big Needle Bee and Shanaido. They may be injured, and the probability of being hung up is not high, and even if they are hung up, will they still have props to resurrect?

As for others...

Zhou Jiang didn't care about it.

Whether he is cold-blooded or sympathetic, he is such a person anyway.

When someone else's elves die, he will feel the same sadness at most, and then it will stop, as long as his own elves are fine.

In his mind, the order of priority is Zhou Jiang himself—friends (Zhou Nan, Xu Feng, etc., Zhou Jia can also stand in this position by virtue of his sister’s blood relationship) and his own elves—the second highest Friends (Dai Qianyi, Chen Fan and others) and friends' elves-first-class friends' elves-familiar strangers (Luo Hao and others) and their elves

Therefore, it is understandable that he chose to return to the base in the best way for him at this dangerous time.

Because the first important thing is that he is safe, and the second important thing is that his own elves and sister Zhou Jia and Joey Lian are not in danger.

And is it only Zhou Jiang thinks that way?

Other people don't want to go back to the base?

Naturally not.

They naturally want to return to the base, otherwise only Zhou Jiang proposed, and if they hold an indifferent attitude, then everyone will not get together. At most, Zhou Jiang and his team of six will act together, but now they are four. The teams got together, naturally, the purpose was similar.

During Zhou Jiang's thoughts, some people and elves rushed over, and some people had seen enough and went back to clean up the tent.

Zhou Jiang didn't leave the cliff side, because Shanaido took care of these trivial matters for him.

Due to the excitement, everyone was very efficient. After five minutes, everyone had cleaned up, and the empty space where the tents were originally lined up in an instant ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ became abnormally empty.

The crowd gathered on the edge of the cliff, watching from a distance the elves of the constantly changing "other world".

Chen Yajie looked at Zhou Jiang and Luo Hao and asked, "Are you allowed to go?"

Behind the four of them, Zhou Jiang, who stood in the front, were thirty teammates with piercing eyes.

Luo Hao said: "Leave here first, and take a closer look. You can only see the chaos on the other side, and there is no chance."

Zhou Jiang nodded, and the other two also nodded in agreement.

Fortunately, they are not far from the "Gourd Kou" base. They only need to go down the mountain, walk a short distance, and find an open place, and they can see the densely surrounded black elves there.

After that, they only need to wait for the people who have evacuated from the front line base and the team that has been killed from the "Hulukou" base.

When the time comes, they will work together here and those two places, and it will be a matter of nailing to return to the base.

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