[Tian Zhengjie]:? ? ?

  【Zhou Nan】:? ? ?

   [Lu Ran]:? ? ?


   As expected, the essence of human beings is a repeater, and the magic of "+1" is unstoppable.

   [Zhou Jiang]: Interrupt and repeat again!

   [Zhou Jiang]: You may not believe it, there is a world crisis brewing, and what I have to do is help the "heroes" guard the world. How about it? Are you interested in joining?

   [Wang Qingyan]: It doesn't seem to be April Fool's Day, right?

   [Jiang Shui]: No, and it is evening, not noon.

   [Zhou Nan]: It’s 2020, and we are about to graduate from the third year of high school, not 2016, the second year of junior high school.

  【Zhou Jiang】: Enough of you, I did not lie, nor did I daydream, nor did I have a secondary disease. Come or not?

   [Xu Feng]: Come on, save the world, it's very touching to think about it.

  【Chen Yongan】: +1

   [Lu Ran]: It looks very interesting!

   [Tian Zhengjie]: Let me try it, and try not to hold back.


   Under the leadership of Xu Feng, other people in the group also chose to join. So far, the team size has changed from six to fifteen.

   [Zhou Jiang]: OK, where are you now, if you are near, come to the wizard center on the edge of the league, we are here now, if you go back to the mainland to chat, then make an appointment to gather.

   [Lu Ran]: We have now returned to City J, where are we going to meet?

   [Zhou Jiang]: Then it's in J city. There is an airport in J city. We expect to return by plane. There is also a supply point in J city.

Since Zhou Jiang has been assigned this job, there are naturally various nodes, that is, the location of the entrance to the "different world", and they have to "pick up" first, that is, get those materials, so they are giving him In the data, there are naturally also locations for those supplies.

   [Zhou Nan]: OK, when we call us, we will pick you up.

  【Zhoujiang】: School

   [Zhou Jiang]: By the way, are Zhang Ning and Bai Ya beside you? Ask if they join.

   [Jiang Shui]: No, they went back to S city.

   [Zhou Nan]: Do you want them to come over?

   [Zhou Jiang]: Forget it, since they are not here, forget it.

   Zhou Jiang decisively rejected Zhou Nan. They will be able to go to J City to chat tomorrow, but if Bai Ya and the others go to J City, it will take two time.

   This matter itself is a bit urgent, but there is no time for him to delay.

   can only be destined for everyone.

   I chatted with everyone in the group for a while, until Sister Joey knocked on the door, their dinner was ready, and asked them to come out for dinner, Zhou Jiang put down the phone.

   After eating, the few people did not go back to their rooms directly, but walked in the square outside the wizard center.

  Since this area is only used for league competitions, it is naturally unoccupied after the league competition has passed, and no one uses it. Therefore, in the huge square, there is no one except Zhou Jiang and others.

  Although I want to see a crowded and lively place, the nearest square is quite far away. Unless you drive there, if you walk there, it will take at least ten minutes.

   Although ten minutes is really nothing to them, the inexplicable people are a little bit resistant.

   As for driving?

   Let's forget it. In the afternoon, I was so involved by the old driver. I am afraid that the psychological shadow of Zhongrao will not be eliminated in a short time.

   At night, lying on the comfortable big bed after a long absence, and there was no noise in my ears, Zhou Jiang and others slept very comfortably, and they obviously did not sleep late. The next morning, they were still enjoying themselves.

   and obviously slept very comfortably, but Zhou Jiang felt some inexplicable backache when he got up.

   But fortunately, this tired feeling disappeared after he moved his muscles and bones with Dai Qianyi and the others.

   Dai Qianyi and the others are already familiar with this kind of thing. After all, after traveling for so long, they naturally know how to deal with these situations.

   After breakfast, everyone waited in the square in front of the wizard center.

   While having breakfast, Sister Joey told them about their "plan" afterwards.

  The alliance has almost arranged everything, just need them to be a tool man.

   In the morning, they will fly to the left by helicopter

  Although Zhou Jiang previously guessed that they could move back to the mainland freely, and then they flew to J city by plane, and asked Zhou Nan and others to wait for them in J city, but this is not the plan to keep up with the changes.

  Who knows that the Alliance has even arranged these things.

   He thought that the Alliance would only provide information on the location of the border bases in the Huaxia area and various supply locations. He didn't expect the Alliance to even prepare transportation for them intimately.

   They are like hired thugs. They only need to come out to solve them when the Rockets jump out to make trouble. Other times, they are completely unnecessary.

There is a space bag for the materials, which is similar to the space backpack, but the space is larger. A bag has more space than the space ring in Zhou Jiang's hand. The disadvantage is that it is expensive and unsightly. After all, it looks like sack……

   This thing can only be manufactured and used by the official of the alliance, and it is counted as military supplies.

   To move between the resource point and the border base, there is no need for Zhou Jiang and others to walk or fly by flying elves. The alliance has direct transportation and can directly fly people and goods to designated locations.

   As for loading and unloading, they are naturally not needed. There are staff at the supply point and staff at the border base.

   Yes, if they don’t meet the Rockets this time, then they would be lying down and making money.

  While Zhou Jiang was waiting in the square, he sent a text message to Zhou Nan and the others, telling them that the plan had changed.

   The main reason is that Zhou Jiang's itinerary has changed. Their first stop was City I, where they took the supplies from the supply point and then sent them to the nearby border base.

   Since the order of "delivery" is set by the alliance, after all, the alliance considers the resistance of each base, so Zhou Jiang is not good to ask them to change the order and go to J City to pick up Zhou Nan and others.

   Fortunately, the border base on the edge of City J ranked eighth among a total of 33 bases, so Zhou Nan and others did not need to wait too long.

   Regarding Zhou Jiang’s explanation, Zhou Nan and others said that it didn’t matter and told Zhou Jiang not to take it to heart. ,

   Zhou Jiang means that because he asked them to wait in J City, they would not be able to meet up very late. During this period, they would not get paid for sending "goods", so I felt a little sorry for them.

But Zhou Nan and the others are very simple. Zhou Jiang gave them the opportunity. If Zhou Jiang doesn’t call them, they won’t get anything. After all, it’s not a complicated job, and it doesn’t make a big difference to anyone who does it. As long as the strength is not too bad

   And according to their law, although they can't make it through, they can't be together, and it seems they can't make "mission merit", but they can't make it doesn't mean that their elves can't come over!

   In the task of escorting, elves are much more important than people.

   It's okay if the person is not there, just come as an elf in combat power.

   As long as Zhou Nan and other Rao elves send them over, even if they are not there, they can still receive merits and rewards. They are considered to have completed the delivery of the batch of supplies with Zhou Jiang and others. After all, their elves have arrived.

   But now there is no time to send elves to Zhou Nan and the others.

   One is that Zhou Jiang and the others are about to board the plane now, they have no time to wait in a hurry.

   And even if they can wait, Zhou Nan and the others can't send the elves in a short time.

The teleportation elves need to go to the elves center, and now that Zhou Nan and others are in their hometown, J City, they cannot live in the elves center. They are all living in their own homes. If you want to go to the elves center, you have to wait at least One time, this is their fastest speed.

   And now it's even the fastest one, they can't wait.

So Zhou Jiang agreed with them that after Zhou Jiang and the others arrived in City I, they would send the elves through the elves center, let Zhou Jiang and the others take them, and when they passed through J city, they would join the team. Give them back.

Zhou Jiang and Rao’s first stop is City I. If you fly from this "Battle Island" to City I, you can arrive in the evening. In order to save time, Zhou Nan and the others will go to the same Wizard Center. When Jiang arrives at the wizard center in City I, he doesn't need to be transferred when he teleports to them.

   Since several people live close to each other, there is not much time left for them. Some people can even leave directly.

   As soon as the chat with Zhou Nan and others was over, the mobile phone in Zhou Jiang's hand hadn't stopped, and everyone heard the rumbling sound.

   Obviously, the helicopter has arrived!

This shipping line just happened to be left here after delivering the goods to the border base on "Battle Island". Since the entrance to the border base is in the building complex, this shipping line is not easy to stop there. Before it was unloaded. Parked in the underground warehouse of the wizard center, now after Zhou Jiang and the others came and equipped with a driver, it moved again.

   was originally just a black spot, and within a minute, a huge steel beast stopped lying in front of Zhou Jiang and others.

   Transport straight—03

  This is the name of this helicopter, and its function is to transport goods.

   Although the space for transport helicopters does not need to be large in theory due to the existence of black technology such as space backpacks, in reality, only civilian helicopters do not need large space.

  Because although the alliance is strong, the Lianmei transport helicopter is actually the easiest to spot. In addition to transporting rare elf items and eggs, no one would pay attention to the transport helicopters of general companies.

The Lianmei transport helicopters are different. For example, the Rockets. When you see the chat, you must want to engage in a conversation. So although the space for the transport helicopter to transport goods can be saved, the loading space cannot be saved. Up.

  Like this Yunzhi-03, it has an internal space that can sit 20 Rao, plus a space of about one cubic meter behind, this space is for storing the space bag.

   The door opened wide, Zhou Jiang and several people walked in one by one, and then sat down on the seats on both sides of the plane.

   Yunzhi—The armor behind the seat inside 03 also has twenty separate door handles on it. This is a place for them to grab when they sit on it and encounter bumps.

   Except for the back, there are two horizontal steel pipes on top of their heads that are not very thick.

  运直—03 Although only 20 people can be seated, the upper limit is not only 20 people.

The middle aisle can still stand a little bit here. The people standing can just grab the steel pipes on both sides. Zhou Jiang estimated that this is straight. 03 If the weight is not considered, it is estimated that it can carry more than forty people, if possible. , Fifty people is not a problem.

   Zhou Jiang, there are only six of them, so naturally they don’t need to stand. Four boys sit on one side, two girls sit on the other side, and all six sit close to Cangtou.

   Looking to the front from where Zhou Jiang and the others are sitting, they can still see the driver, but the driver has been sitting and looking ahead, and has not turned his head to talk to them, so they don't know what he looks like.

   But this is not the point.

   After the driver asked "Is it done?" Zhou Jiang and others answered OK, Yunzhi-03 slowly took off.

   On the square, Joey, who was more than ten meters away, looked at Yunzhi 03, who was slowly flying up, smiled and waved, and watched it leave.

   It's a pity, Yunzhi — 03 can't see the outside situation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So Zhou Jiang and others didn't see this scene.

   The technology in this world is a bit crooked, but although it’s crooked, many things are more powerful than Zhou Jiang’s original world, such as transportation, which is too fast.

  Think about it, after all, the world is so big, if the transportation is not fast, I am afraid that the plane will fly halfway from one city to the next city, let alone other.

   Fortune Straight—03 soon turned into a black spot and disappeared from Joey’s vision as Zheng

   Sister Joey, who raised her head, smiled and waved her hands, only disappeared after Yunzhi-03 disappeared, and her hands were also dropped.

   After a long silence, Sister Joey sighed and turned and walked towards the wizard center.

   She will continue to be busy with her. Although no one will come to this elven center now, she still has a lot to do.

  On the plane, I just experienced the thrilling death racing journey yesterday. To be honest, the six people are still a little scared about taking this plane.

   Fortunately, this driver is a normal driver. Not only did he not have those sneer operations, he also drove very steadily, basically there was no jolts, etc., so that everyone was a little nervous and relieved.

   It’s so much in the morning. According to the driver, there are still seven hours to reach the destination, and the destination can be reached at about 3 in the afternoon, allowing everyone to relax and rest casually.

   Even though Zhou Jiang felt that his "casual rest" was a bit weird, he still took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

   Seven hours after all...

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