I City is located in the inner courtyard of the Elf Center in the city center. A helicopter descended slowly from the sky and stopped steadily on the ground. Three seconds later, the hatch on the side was opened, and the people carrying it came out.

   Of course, although it is said that they filed out, there are actually only six people. Yes, these six people are Zhou Jiang and others.

They have been in a helicopter for almost a day. In the airplane, they have almost no room to move. Although the airplane is driving very smoothly, everyone is afraid to let go of the buckles and armrests in their hands. After all, a turbulence will cause The plane was bumpy, and it would be embarrassing if it fell.

   So Zhou Jiang and the others, except that they really couldn't stand their hips, stood up and rested, they sat the rest of the time, and they didn't move much.

   Now, after getting off the plane, all six of them have a bitter face, and they all feel that this **** does not belong to them.

   Among the three Miss Joey waiting, two of them came over to greet a few people, and the two Miss Joey supported a girl, and then signaled Zhou Jiang and others to follow them.

   Zhou Jiang and others are going to follow Miss Joey to rest, while the other Miss Joey who is left communicates with the driver, and then stuffs the space bag with supplies into the helicopter.

When the two Miss Joey came to the wizard center, Zhou Jiang and the others’ legs and buttocks were almost restored. After all, their physique was not weak, and it was just a little numb. After walking around, the blood circulation would disappear. What a big problem.

The place where Miss Joey took Zhou Jiang and others was the cafeteria. Although a few people had no appetite after flying on the plane, they had to eat now, because after a little rest after the meal, they would take the plane to deliver the goods. After that, they will always be on the plane.

   For lunch, although they ate the Japanese bento prepared by Miss Joey on the "Battle Island" on the plane, to be honest, Zhou Jiang had no appetite, so it was uncomfortable.

   Zhou Jiang is the kind of person who will be sluggish after sitting in the car for a long time, and his appetite will naturally decrease greatly. Therefore, after the lunch at noon, he no longer wants to eat on the plane.

   Although there will inevitably be many times to eat at the side, if it can be avoided, he still wants to avoid it. So even if he has no appetite now and just wants to lie down to sleep, he has to force himself to eat.

   is better than going to the plane to eat later...

  When he came to the restaurant and sat down, Zhou Jiang took out his mobile phone and called Zhou Nan and the others, asking if they had arrived, and if they had arrived, he could send the elves.

  Although Zhou Jiang wants to eat, he can ask Miss Joey to do it for him. I believe they will not refuse such trivial matters.

   The two Miss Joey brought the elves from Zhou Jiang and others to feed, and Zhou Jiang also got Zhou Nan and the others' reply. They had been waiting there long ago.

   also, after all, seven hours, no matter how far away they are, they are still in the same city anyway, it won't take much time to get together.

   It only took four hours to reach the sky, and these seven hours were enough for them to come back and forth.

   Please help other Miss Joey in the cafeteria to fetch Zhou Nan and their elves, and Zhou Jiang and the others are quickly destroying the food in their bowls.

Especially Zhou Jiang, if Zhou Jiang rides in the car after eating, he will be very prone to motion sickness, but time is not waiting for others and there is no time for Zhou Jiang to rest, so he can only finish the meal quickly, and then go for a walk to digest digestion.

   Their meal was average, and a Miss Joey brought the pilot over.

   The pilot is also a human, he naturally needs to eat, and Zhou Jiang wants to take advantage of this opportunity when he eats later than them to exercise properly.

   "I'm finished!" Zhou Jiang said, and then said: "I'm going for a walk outside to digest and digest." After he finished speaking, he dropped his bowl and chopsticks and slipped away.

   They also knew about Zhou Jiang's airsickness, so they didn't say anything about it, but the speed of eating increased.

   They are also going to take a stroll with Zhou Jiang after eating to digest.

   Inside the inner courtyard of the Elf Center, three Miss Joey are feeding the Elves of Zhou Jiang and others.

   The elves sent by Zhou Nan and others are also impressively listed.

Seeing that Zhou Jiang came out so soon, I thought Zhou Jiang was worried about his elves, so a Miss Joey said, "Mr. Zhou Jiang, please don’t worry about this. We will take care of your elves. You can go eat first. ."

   "Um..." Zhou Jiang was taken aback, and said, "I have finished the meal. I'm here for a walk to digest the food. If I don't play, I might get airsick."

   "Uh... sorry." The questioning Miss Joey blushed slightly, which was embarrassing.

  Looking like this, she will not be too old.

The people of Joey’s family are really monsters. People in their thirties or early twenties are here to beat them. It is almost impossible to tell their ages by their appearance. Zhou Jiang can only tell from their treatment methods and The thickness of the skin can roughly judge their age.

   Saying goodbye to the three Miss Joey, Zhou Jiang circled the courtyard around the road paved with pebbles. It didn't take long before he met Dai Qianyi and others who came after the meal.

   A few people walked around the planted courtyard and chatted until the pilot was ready.

   After taking back the elves and saying goodbye to Miss Joey, Zhou Jiang and others waited for the plane, and the helicopter filled with fuel flew towards the sky along with the rolled leaves.

   After the supply was completed, their first stop was in a dense forest on the way from city i to h.

   Thirty-three border bases in China, except

In addition to the five bases in the city that have their own supplies, there are eight other villages that are close to the small villages, and then they can be supplied with defense lines built by the alliance.

   As for the remaining 20 border bases, they are either in deep mountains and old forests or in sparsely populated places. Anyway, they all need the support of Zhou Jiang and others.

   Departing from city i in the evening and arriving at the destination, it is estimated that it will be about late. The driver told Zhou Jiang and others.

   Regarding the pilot’s words, Zhou Jiang and others still believed. After all, he did this. For such a long way and how long it would take to fly, he was regarded as an authority in this area. Of course, he was limited to the seven of them now.

   And his estimated time from "Daizhandao" to city i is not bad, so Zhou Jiang and others are quite convinced by him.

   Be late. No matter where you are, it's late at night except for places like M country where the jet lag is huge.

   Due to various lively places and neon lights in big cities, this is the beginning of the carnival, but in other places, such as small villages and forests, it is time to sleep.

  Especially trainers traveling in the forest, except for special circumstances, otherwise they would basically not stay up late and would go to bed early.

   In an unnamed forest on the road from city i to city h, in the underground base, and among the light gates in the base, although it was late at night, the sound of explosions, humming, etc. kept coming and going.

   It is obvious that the base here was attacked by the elves surrounding the base at night.

   However, this kind of bombardment is definitely a commonplace for the people and elves in the border base, so they only panicked a little when they were attacked, and then they recovered their composure.

   The elves launched a counterattack, and the human soldiers also armed with machine guns and cannons.

  The battle lasted not long. After less than five minutes, the elves of the "other world" took the lead to cease fire and retreat, and the alliance also stopped attacking, sleeping and continuing to sleep, and the guards continued to stand guard.

   It was clear that there were explosions one after another before, but now, there are only gusts of wind in my ears.

   A patrolling Union soldier pulled his collar and glanced blankly at the distance, where the elves of the "other world" surrounding them were located.

   shook his head, the soldier threw the strange thought out of his mind, and then stepped on to continue patrolling.

   In this scene, basically all border bases across China are performing...



   The forest sky where the base outside the "other world" is located, the roar of the helicopter broke the silence of the forest.

   Under the helicopter, there is a middle-aged man who turns on a giant light to guide the direction of the helicopter.

   Under the guidance of the lights, the helicopter stopped steadily on the ground where the fallen leaves were blown away, exposing the dirt.

   Zhou Jiang and the others had just emerged, before they got off the plane, the middle-aged man greeted him directly and said with excitement: "Welcome, you guys are here!"

Zhou Jiang was a little embarrassed. Because he was the first to come down, he was grabbed by the sad and excited middle-aged man, and then swayed frantically, shaking hands frantically, while the man spoke quickly. Words, questions Zhou Jiang still doesn't understand what he said...

   Zhou Jiang interrupted the man's chatter a little embarrassingly, and said, "Well, let's get to the topic quickly and let the supplies out first?"

   After listening to Zhou Jiang's words, the man reacted, nodded quickly, and shouted: "Yes, yes, if it weren't for your reminder, I don't know how long it will be delayed. Come, please, please!"

   "..." Zhou Jiang was speechless, and said to him that he was going to get the supplies, then Zhou Jiang slid directly behind Dai Qianyi and the others.

  While passing by Dai Qianyi's side, Zhou Jiang gestured to Dai Qianyi who was looking over with a smile, hoping that he would deal with the man.

   Zhou Jiang couldn't deal with him anymore, he had to rely on him.

   Fortunately, Dai Qianyi did not refuse, and after nodding, he walked out.

   Go back to the cabin and open a door at the rear of the cabin. Inside, there are nearly a hundred space bags full of supplies.

Since the items in the space bag do not take up space, although the bag is full, it is dry when placed on the ground. If it looks like, the empty sacks that fall on the ground are the same It is very similar.

   But the image is just an image, not exactly the same.

   The empty sacks that fell on the ground will be completely dry and have no thickness, but the space bag still has a certain thickness, but it is not obvious.

  Basically, a space bag will have a bulge of about ten centimeters, as if it was filled with air.

   Zhou Jiang released Xanadu and signaled her to take all these space bags out.

   Shanaido's mind moved with her heart, and these space bags were lifted up by Shanaido.

   Shanaduo followed Zhou Jiang out of the cabin, and behind them were nearly a hundred space bags wrapped in purple light.

   The pilot had to guard the plane and couldn't get off, so the task of sending into the "other world" had to be completed by Zhou Jiang and others and the middle-aged man.

   At this time, the uncle who was communicating with Dai Qianyi saw Zhou Jiang and the space bag floating behind Zhou Jiang, and his tears almost didn't fall.

   Seeing him so excited, Zhou Jiang didn't know what to say.

   Seeing that he had a tendency to come over and talk to himself again, Zhou Jiang first shouted: "Hurry in, get the supplies in early, let’s set off early.

Other places are still waiting for us. "

   Zhou Jiang said so, the big man couldn't say anything, and he couldn't wait, so everyone immediately moved.

   Under the leadership of the big man, a few people walked up to a huge tree. Then they didn't know what he had in the trunk, and a big hole appeared on the thick trunk.

The space in the tree cave is not large, it can only accommodate one person, the big guy walked in, and after doing something, when he exited ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the ground where he stood before in the tree cave disappeared. , Replaced by a shaft and a rectangular iron ring nailed to the wall.

   Obviously, this is for everyone to climb down.

   But since everyone is in a hurry, why do you climb slowly instead of flying down?

   So at Zhou Jiang's signal, Shanaiduo directly controlled everyone, and then flew down into the shaft more than ten meters deep.

   When he reached the ground and stepped on the solid ground, the middle-aged man was visibly stunned before he came back to his senses, scratched his head, and smiled embarrassedly at the crowd before he continued to lead the way.

   Of course, I said it was to lead the way. In fact, when you get here, you don't need him to lead the way. After all, there is only one route, just follow the passage.

   Two minutes later, everyone came to a metal gate. Before they saw any movement from the leading man, the gate opened directly.

   Obviously, the staff inside opened it directly. After all, the big man came out to pick up Zhou Jiang and others. It is impossible for the people inside to not know.

   The big man greeted Zhou Jiang and others to enter.

   After entering the base, a group of staff gathered around, but among the ordinary staff in the circle, there were still a few more conspicuous.

   One is a man who looks like a doctor or a researcher in a white coat, one is a man with a serious face in a military uniform, and the last is a beautiful woman in a suspender dress...

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