Sure enough, these three people are special.

   The three people walked out of the circle formed by these staff, and came to the middle-aged uncle, Zhou Jiang and others.

   Seeing them walking out, the middle-aged uncle introduced them to Zhou Jiang and others.

The young man in a white coat is called Wang Haoran. By profession, he is a doctor, not a doctor who treats elves, but a doctor who treats humans. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a doctor in the field, specifically for the wounded trainers and the soldiers. Healing.

   Although there are healing spirits, such as Auspicious Eggs and Happy Eggs, their laying eggs and the healing fluctuations of super treatment can recover their injuries, but some serious injuries and fractures will not recover.

   They can only restore skin abrasions. If they are fractured, even if the healing wave is used, the bones will not return to their original position. Instead, they will be treated because the bones are not aligned, causing the bones at the fracture site to be completely crooked.

  In the case of internal injuries, they can only be reduced and recovered a little, but not all can be cured, so the existence of a doctor is necessary.

Although a doctor is necessary, his workload is not very large, because there is not much he needs to take action, there are not many people who will be attacked, and most people die directly after being attacked, so he His workload is not very large, the entire "other world" is busy with his doctor who specializes in treating people, and he even has a busy heart to help Miss Joey.

However, although he is not busy, he is not too busy to be able to pick up Zhou Jiang and others. The reason why he came out of the "other world" and returned to this world to meet Zhou Jiang and others was only because of Miss Joey. Bian didn't have enough medicine, so he rushed over as soon as he heard that the supporting materials had arrived.

   Next to the doctor, the man in the camouflage uniform is indeed a soldier. He is a battalion commander of the Union army.

There will naturally be troops and alliances. Although they are no longer responsible for combat power, they are indispensable in every country. They are composed of ordinary people. After training, they can complete all kinds of trainers. What happened.

   Controlling machine guns and cannons are all done by ordinary soldiers.

   Of course, although they are ordinary soldiers, this does not mean that they cannot use elves.

   After all, is it an official trainer? This is the decision of the league. Like the Rockets, they are not registered trainers in the league and recognized by the league, but they can still get and command the elves.

   It’s just that the trainers not recognized by the alliance can’t get the benefits of the alliance, and if they are found to have illegally held the elves, they will be confiscated and fined.

   Soldiers are all from the Alliance, they are considered "owners", so it is very simple for them to become trainers recognized by the Alliance.

  The alliance will give a certain number of places in the army every year. As long as they show certain qualities and they submit applications, they will be able to achieve it.

Of course, basically there won’t be too many applications, leading to a situation where thousands of troops cross the single-plank bridge. After all, after becoming a trainer, those soldiers will be recruited into prosecutors and then sent to annihilate them. The Rockets’ large base.

   Ordinary soldiers have become trainers. This is very dangerous. They are not strong enough. Basically, they just make up the number and attack them. To be ugly, they just throw back...

   If they continue to maintain a normal state, they only need to do some daily exercise every day.

   There is no excessive friction between countries, and even if a battle breaks out, it will be a small-scale battle. Just let the trainer unit set off. Ordinary soldiers basically don't need to go to the frontline battlefield. Even if they were on the battlefield, they would just be armed with machine guns and cannons to hide behind and protect the base camp.

   In China, the treatment of soldiers is not low, second only to trainers.

Being a soldier is not too dangerous, and the benefits are not low, so many people want to get in. Although it was a bit bitter at first, as long as they become a team leader after three to five years, they will Daily training and other things can be reduced. If you mix for a few years, you don’t even need to do much, and you can enjoy every day.

   Even if they can't get any positions, they can get a large retirement fee after they are forced to retire. Most people even have alliances to arrange jobs.

The battalion commander in front of him joined the army with the idea of ​​mixing and mixing. He and most people have the same idea. They can't fight the war, but the welfare of the soldiers is not bad, so this is considered a share. Beautiful.

   He was lucky. He was not forced to retire. Instead, he became the captain, and then he was promoted step by step until he became the battalion commander.

   Originally he thought he could go on like this, until a week ago, he was urgently transferred here by his boss...

Unexpectedly, the war with the "different world" elf broke out. Although he had never heard of "different world", since the incident had already happened and the tasks above were all given, he could only bring his hands down. support.

Fortunately, although the war broke out, they really didn’t need to go to the front line and shoot at the back. Moreover, he belonged to the officer. He didn’t need to go to battle before the base was breached. He just needed to fall behind and stare. Just follow the situation.

  He came here for the same reason as the doctor. The doctor wanted medicine, and he wanted guns and ammunition.

But the difference is that the doctor wants to get the medicine to show his hospitality in front of Miss Joey, while he wants to stabilize the battle on the front line that is suppressed due to the reduction of resources. After all, if it is cold here, then He is about to go to the battlefield.

  Whether it is for himself or others, he definitely wants several sides to win, even to win beautiful.

   In addition to putting him on the battlefield, if there is a way to increase his odds, he will use it.

   In addition to the doctor and the battalion commander, there is also the beautiful woman in a suspender dress.

   In addition to being beautiful, her impression of Zhou Jiang is that she is not afraid of cold!

  Although this is the southern part of China, it is December after all. Although there is no temperature like other places, it is only one or two degrees, but it is more than ten degrees, like autumn temperature.

  Like Zhou Jiang and the others, although they still wear short sleeves in City I, they have already put on thin coats when they arrive here, but this woman is wearing a suspender skirt!

   And this is still night, not broad day!

   It can be said that all the people present except her are all wearing autumn clothes, but she is the only one wearing cool clothes.

  According to the introduction of the middle-aged uncle who brought in Zhou Jiang and others, this beauty is called Su Xin. She is a prosecutor. Well, with the strength of the quasi-kingdom level, she is a "purple prosecutor."

   Except for a trainer at the level of the king, there is no other higher combat power in the base, so she can be said to be the top level of the base.

   If you come here like the doctor and the battalion commander, in her words, just come and see...

After the middle-aged uncle introduced the three to Zhou Jiang and others, Zhou Jiang and others also started to introduce themselves. After everyone got to know each other, doctor Wang Haoran and the battalion commander couldn’t wait to get in front of Zhou Jiang and wanted to get them quickly. Materials belonging to them.

   Zhou Jiang didn't say anything, but motioned to Xanadu to put down all the space bags, and handed the space bags containing medicine and ammunition to the two of them.

After getting the supplies they wanted, the two immediately withdrew and went back to the "other world" through the light gate. Su Xin's words were not withdrawn. Although she stayed here, it would be fine, but at night like this , When the "other world" elves attacked very few times, she had nothing to do, so it didn't matter if she stayed here.

  The ammunition and medicine supplies have been given out, and what remains after that is the supply of the most food and some other supplies.

   The space bag was placed on the ground. The middle-aged uncle asked the staff to pick up the space bag and take it to the warehouse.

   After the materials were handed over, the middle-aged uncle asked Zhou Jiang and others to sit in, and after the staff moved out all the materials brought by Zhou Jiang and others, he brought the space bag.

   As soon as Zhou Jiang and several people were about to agree, there was a slight shock around them.

   The base built at a depth of more than ten meters below ground can still feel the vibration, but it is indeed a slight vibration, which shows that someone is fighting on the ground!

  The middle-aged uncle first stabilized Zhou Jiang and the others, and then shouted to the staff behind, "What's going on, go to the monitoring room and see what happened!"

   Several staff members responded and ran inside.

   Zhou Jiang and others raised their heads, looking worriedly at the ceiling above them.

   Due to the long distance and the surrounding walls made of materials that prevent superpowers from penetrating, Xanadu couldn't use his mind to see what was happening on the ground, but Zhou Jiang had a bad feeling.

   was reminded when he took the mission that the previous **** team had been attacked by the Rockets. Although Zhou Jiang felt that this mission would not be too dangerous, he would not feel that it was without danger.

   Now that it is not dangerous or dangerous, the helicopter stays out of the plane. If it is really a rocket attack, what if the helicopter is destroyed? When the Alliance is notified and a helicopter is sent, I don’t know how much time will be delayed.

   After thinking about it, Zhou Jiang shouted: "No, I have to go back and have a look!"

   After finishing talking, Zhou Jiang greeted Shanaiduo and turned and ran back, while Dai Qianyi and the others were taken aback before catching up.

   To be honest, Zhou Jiang is really worried.

  Although the pilot is also an elf trainer, his strength is not weak, but he is not weak and not weak, but he can't always protect the helicopter!

   After all, this thing can only be wiped out by the skills of the elves. If there are enemies and the pilot is fighting, the probability of the aircraft being destroyed is more than 80%.

   It hasn’t been long since the vibration was transmitted to the present. It’s only about ten seconds. At this point, the pilot is estimated to be able to hold it. If Zhou Jiang rushes back now, he can keep the plane.

   Of course, this is when there is indeed an attacker, and the strength of the attacker or the number of elves is stronger than that of the pilot's elves.

  As long as there is an attacker, and in this short period of time, the pilot withstands the attack and keeps the helicopter from being destroyed, then Zhou Jiang and the others can avoid the fate of the helicopter being destroyed after they rush back.

   For Zhou Jiang and others who rushed back, the worst possible thing was that the plane was destroyed when they rushed back, or there were no attackers at all.

   But these two worst possibilities, the first one is that Zhou Jiang and the others can't help it, because the plane was cold when they didn't come out, so ignore it. In the second case, they would only run for nothing at most, and there was no loss. After all, it didn't take long to get out of this underground base to the ground.

   So Zhou Jiang made this choice, and no one would say anything.

   As a result, Zhou Jiang and the others didn't run for a long time. They just ran out of the base and came into the tunnel, there was a vibration from above, and the vibration was stronger than before.

   This made Zhou Jiang even more suspicious that there really was a battle above.

   "Sanaduo, take us out!"

   Zhou Jiang didn't plan to run away, so he let Shanaiduo fly.

   In a short time, she can still make Shanaido fly at high speed.

   Anyway, it’s enough to get out of this passage and shaft.

   Shanaido flew at high speed with eight people.

   Yes, in addition to Zhou Jiang's six people, the middle-aged uncle and Su Xin also followed.

   In less than five seconds, Shanaido flew into the shaft with Zhou Jiang and others. As he flew upward, the sound of vibration and fighting clearly reached the ears of the eight people.

   The middle-aged uncle told Xanadu to open the mechanism on the top of the shaft. When Xanadu flew up to the top, the mechanism just opened, so everyone flew out without stopping.

   The exit of the base is not on the side where Zhou Jiang and his helicopter are parked. The two places are about ten meters away, and there are other trees and shrubs between them, so the fighting over there did not spread over here.

   After coming out, Zhou Jiang and others can see the scene of the fighting on the other side. After all, although there are some trees in the middle, they don't grow very densely.

Since it was night, there were lights on the side of the battle, so you could not see very clearly when you looked towards the dark place. In addition, Zhou Jiang and the others did not have any light sources, so the people and elves on the battlefield did not notice. Zhou Jiang and others came out.

   After coming out of the underground base, Zhou Jiang immediately observed and analyzed the situation on the battlefield.

   Their vehicles and airplanes were not destroyed by the battle. Six elves were fighting. 3V3 was fighting.

   Sweeping around his eyes, Zhou Jiang quickly spotted enemies other than the pilot.

   There is only one enemy. Of course, it may only be on the surface. Just when Zhou Jiang was about to let Xanaduo investigate, Xanaduo directly told Zhou Jiang the news she had discovered.

   It turned out that when she came out, she had already activated her mind to explore the surroundings.

   According to Xanadu's investigation results, Zhou Jiang got the general intelligence of the enemy.

   There is indeed only one enemy, wearing the uniform of the Rockets, but wearing a helmet, which has the effect of isolating mental power, so she can't see the opponent, and can only make sure that he is a man, not a woman.



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