I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 807: Group Fight Rockets

Zhou Jiang nodded at Shanaido, Shanaido knew, and the power of thought surged directly on the enemy's three elves.

   As for how Xanadu knows which three elves are enemies, it is naturally because when they were taken to dinner by Miss Joey in the elves center in the afternoon, she had seen the elves of the pilot.

   The strength of the six elves on the battlefield is almost the same. Games with similar strengths, especially the "high-end games", once one side makes a mistake, it is fatal.

   The bodies of the three enemy elves were instantly wrapped in purple light, and their bodies halted.

   But that's how it was that decided the outcome.

   The six elves themselves were fighting fiercely. As a result, one side suddenly stopped, and the fist of the other side hit them unimpeded, still without defense.

   The elves fight hard, basically 70% to 80%, and no one can stand it after taking a head-on skill.

The elves in three places were blasted off, and Zhou Jiang and others who had just come out in the dark were also exposed. Although the specific location has not been revealed yet, as long as they know that there are other people nearby, they will be discovered sooner or later. Thing.


   Seeing his elf inexplicably attacked by a wave, wearing a Rockets uniform, the Rockets shouted.

   Of course, after yelling, the Rockets also reacted and felt stupid. The people who can be here at this time are the elves who attacked him. Besides the people from the league, who else can there be?

After    reacted, he directly threw the rest of the pokeball in his hand.

   A total of seven shrunken pokeballs were thrown out of his hand, then they grew bigger in the air, and finally exploded.

   The seven elves stood in a row, and before the Rockets ordered them, they threw out their skills. The three elves who had been attacked by Shanaido and then shot into flight did not care about the pain. After they got up, they launched their own long-range attacks.

   The target of their attack is naturally not the elves of the pilot, but Zhou Jiang and the others.

  Although Zhou Jiang and others were standing in the dark, and the elves only had Zhou Jiang’s Shanaiduo used a thought power skill without light effect, logically speaking, the position of Zhou Jiang and others would not be exposed.

   But it will not directly expose the location because of the previous skills. This does not mean that the elves on the opposite side cannot find Zhou Jiang and others.

   They were not exposed, just because they were standing in the dark and the distance was not very close, so as long as they kept silent, the elves and people fighting in the light source were unlikely to notice Zhou Jiang and others.

   But after Shanaido uses the skills, it shows that there are people hiding nearby. Then the enemy and his elves will naturally be alert to the surrounding environment and shoot around with their eyes, trying to find the people and elves who sneaked up before.

If they can’t find it with their eyes, they may use special means to search again, but obviously, there are no obstacles in the middle, and the elves deliberately searched, so Zhou Jiang and others directly entered the opposite elves’ In the eyes.

   The skills from the opposite side attacked, and before Shanaido made a shot, Dai Qianyi and others threw the Elf Ball.

   Although ten elves are attacking on the opposite side, there are two more than Zhou Jiang and the others, and seven of them are above the level of the quasi-kings, but Zhou Jiang and the others have Titans Shanaido!

Shanaido’s current strength, if you hit the heavenly king or the elves of the primary level of the heavenly king, one by one, even if it’s a wheel fight, Shanaido can kill more than ten or twenty; if they go together, Shanaido can also rely on mobility and All kinds of recovery and defensive methods, through the method of one-by-one defeating seven or eight; and directly against waves, then Xanadu can also do three or four.

The strengths of the elves on the opposite side are five quasi-kings, two primary-level elves, and three high-level elites. Among them, three quasi-ulan-level elves fought with the pilot’s elves and were attacked. They were injured. They attacked in a hurry, so they should be considered lower than the elite high-level and higher than the elite mid-level.

Shanaiduo’s strength, against Bo, can defeat the two primary kings and two uninjured quasi-celestial elves on the opposite side. As a result, the high-end combat power of the opposite elves will all be dragged by Shanaido. , There are only three high-level elites and three weaker elves remaining.

   As for Zhou Jiang and the others, besides Zhou Jiang's Shanaiduo, there are eight elves and seven elves. The elves they release are all of the quasi-kingdom level.

   The seven quasi-king-level elves are against the six high-level elites. This is not only a quality suppression, but also a quantity suppression. If this is the case, how can you lose to the wave?

   Unless Zhou Jiang and the elves here release water or the elves on the opposite side explode, but this basically doesn't need to be considered.

   The elves of Zhou Jiang and others will not be released, and if they burst out, this will be the treatment of the protagonist. Wherever he takes the opposite, the villain who can't even see his face, even has no name.

   In an instant, dozens of skills on both sides met in the middle, and then in a fierce collision, after a stalemate between the two sides, Zhou Jiang and others' elves' skills quickly pushed toward the opposite side.

   Zhou Jiang and the others started to do it here, and the pilot's elves did not watch. The attacks of their three elves also flew out, directly towards the opposite elves.

  Because all the power was used to resist Zhou Jiang and others' attacks, the ten elves on the opposite side were basically unable to defend, and they were hit by the skill.

By themselves, they are not right against the waves of Zhou Jiang and the elves of Zhou Jiang and others. When the elves of the pilots do this again, the skills that the elves are using instantly change, not that their power is greatly weakened. It just broke off.

   As a result, the beam of light that was still stubbornly resisting in the middle was directly pushed over.


   With a blast, Zhou Jiang and other eight elves attacked the area of ​​the ten elves, and then the smoke filled the area.

   At night, the wind in the forest is not small. Although the smoke and dust obscures everyone's vision, it will soon be blown away by the wind.

   But it doesn’t matter if there is no wind, because Shanaido is staring!


   The smoke and dust had not been completely blown away, and when only one or two elves on the opposite side were exposed, Shanaido sensed something and launched a mind attack.

   If you want to talk about the fastest attack speed, then it is the power of mind.

   When launching an attack, the attack will directly act on the object, and the interval will not exceed 0.1 seconds!

   Of course, if the distance is too far, it is a different matter, but it will not exceed 1 second, and if the distance is too far, if other skills reach the destination, it will take longer.

   Although Shanadou launched a mind attack, she was stunned after the next second.

   Zhou Jiang naturally saw the expression of Shanaido standing next to him. Seeing her with a surprised expression, he quickly asked: "What's the matter?"

   Shanaduo hurriedly transmitted a voice to Zhou Jiang, saying: ‘He’s going to run, he can’t hold his mind! ’

   Zhou Jiang's expression was solemn.

   He understood what Xanaduo meant. The Rockets on the opposite side saw a bad situation and wanted to slip away in the smoke!

   I didn't expect him to be so decisive, but think about it, he has only one person, but Zhou Jiang and the others are nine!

   Even if the strength is not as good as him, the number of elves can pile him up, not to mention that Zhou Jiang and the elves here are also very powerful, even higher than him.

   Zhou Jiang quickly reminded others, shouting: "Hurry up and attack, he will run!"

   At the same time as Zhou Jiang shouted, Shane Duo made a move, and the three shadow **** flew straight towards the opposite side in the form of a cannon.

   Shanaduo's attack was halfway through, and Zhou Jiang's words were all finished, and the smoke was blown away by the wind.

   By this time, the Rockets had already run a short distance.

  Although he is not so fast as a human, he can't stand his decisiveness!

After    fell into a disadvantage, he ran back decisively, and even the elf did not take it back.

   was reminded by Zhou Jiang that the smoke and dust had dissipated, and everyone saw the back of the Rocket team that was escaping, so everyone's elves immediately launched an attack.

   The Rockets heard Zhou Jiang's shout and the sound of skills breaking through the air from behind, knowing that they were exposed, and immediately threw a wizard ball.

   This is a duduli.

   At the moment Duduli came out, the Rockets jumped up and successfully rode on Duduli's body, and Duduli also moved his legs in an instant, speeding up towards the forest.

  Behind the Rockets, the ten elves who were left behind were injured by a wave of skills, but none of them lost the ability to fight.

   They don’t care if their master abandons them or not. Seeing the skill flying over, they immediately attacked, trying to intercept the waves.

   They were right when they were not injured, let alone this time.

   But right, but right, but they did the task of intercepting at least a short while.

   Zhou Jiang and the others' elves continued to fly after their skills broke through their attacks. Some flew towards the ten elves, while others flew towards the Rockets.

Seeing that the skills were halfway through, these ten elves were about to be swallowed by the skills of Zhou Jiang and other elves. The Rockets riding on Duduli turned around and ten thin red lights shot out from his hands. The red light accurately hit the ten remaining elves, and then those elves were assimilated by the red light and returned quickly.

  The ability to fly to the ten elves failed, and another smoke and dust fell on the ground. The ability to fly to the Rockets also failed due to the appearance of Duduli and the interception.

   The situation came to a "reversal" in an instant, and the big unfavorable situation on the Rockets side was slightly broken by this wave of operations.

After    as long as he can escape successfully, then he is not considered a loser.

   At least he didn't lose a pair of nines, which is naturally not a loss.

   But this will only be counted after he successfully escaped.

If    did not escape, everything would be useless.

   Seeing that his elf's attack failed, the Rockets were already sitting on Duduli Dai Qianyi, who was good at running, and everyone was anxious.

   was sneak attacked by the Rockets, how could you watch him run away?

   Especially when there are so many people on their side, if he runs away like this, where is their face?

   Even a few people regretted that they only released one elves. If more elves were released, or even one more elves were released, the ending would be different.

   But now is not the time to think about this, stop the Rockets and talk about it!


   I don’t know who yelled, and the wide-eyed people ran away, and the elves naturally did the same, even faster!

   Zhou Jiang also subconsciously ran after two steps, but immediately he recovered.

   What is he chasing after? Isn’t there Shanaido?

   Although the Rockets have equipment that can make the mind power unable to act on him, Duduli doesn't have it.

   Now Duduli is running. Can Shanaiduo directly control it?

   Even if the Rockets can't control it, how fast can he run as an ordinary person, as long as Duduli is discarded, is he still caught alive?

   Shanaduo and Zhou Jiang are still in a state of spiritual connection, so when Zhou Jiang thought, Shanaduo knew Zhou Jiang's thoughts.

   Flying out for a short distance, she immediately stopped, and began to concentrate on Duduli's body.

However, something that surprised Zhou Jiang and Xanaduo happened ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xanaduo's thought power acted on Duduli's body, and purple light appeared on its body, but it was like a broken mirror in the next second. Generally, it is scattered in pieces.

  ‘Sanaduo, the knotted rope! Seeing that Nianli was actually ineffective, Zhou Jiang did not consider why, because there was no time!

   If there is any delay, it will run away.

   Fortunately, his mind turned fast, and he immediately asked Shanaido to trip it with a straw rope, and because it was an order from the mind link, the other party would not be prepared.

  In addition to this dark environment, Duduli is in a state of rushing away, and it is difficult for it to notice the grass knots that are quietly rising.

   At this time, it was natural that not only Xanaduo launched the attack, but the rest of the elves, some directly used long-range attacks, and some used rock seals to block Duduli's path. It can be said that they have their own magical powers.

If there is no grass knot rope of Shanaido, then Duduli will only be blocked by the rock seal at most, and it will take some time. Other elves’ long-range attacks are likely to be able to avoid all of them, but Shanaido’s trick is grass knot The rope is too overcast, the activation of the skill is silent, not to mention, its size is also small, and it still grows from the grass, plus the cover of the night...

   So Du Du Li was tripped upright.

   Under high-speed running, Duduli tripped over, the consequences can be imagined.

Duduli plunged his three heads directly on the ground and slid forward, while the Rockets, who was sitting on his back and preparing to put the poke ball away, were flung out, and the poke ball in his hand was not firmly grasped. , Also flew out and scattered...



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