I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 808: Mystery man, escape

   The rock seal has been used. At least ten large rocks were blocked in front of Duduli and the Rockets. As a result, they tripped directly. The consequences can be imagined.

   Du Du Li and the Rockets crashed directly into the rock. Du Du Li is an elf. Let alone his injuries, the Rockets will be miserable.

   Even if he finally reacted and shrank his body, trying to make himself less hurt, is it possible?

   In this state, he was sitting in a high-speed car without a seat belt, and then crashed with someone...

   The only thing to be thankful for is that the skills launched by the other elves did not hit Duduli and the Rockets who flew two or three meters away, otherwise at this time the Rockets are afraid that there will be no scum left.

   But even so, his situation is not optimistic. Zhou Jiang felt that he was down 90%.

   Fortunately, since the place where the Rockets ran to has long been out of lights, although everyone saw his encounter, the details were not visible, and the **** details were obscured by darkness. It seemed that a small amount of blood was shot out, and even the minced meat was flying around. Everyone didn't see it. They just saw him fly out and hit a rock and fell to the ground unconscious.

   However, after the rays of light emitted by those elves flying out illuminate the surroundings, the large blood stains on the rocks and the Rockets falling in a pool of blood still imprinted in everyone's eyes.

  In an instant, the surroundings became quiet.

   The few people Dai Qianyi who subconsciously stepped to chase after had stopped long ago, but now that there is an accident, after the Rockets seem to be going to hang up, the elves they were chasing also stopped.

   After all, a dead man is really a big deal, even if he belongs to the Rockets.

   "Should... shouldn't you die?" Chen Fan asked tremblingly, not knowing who was asking.

   "Should... Maybe not..." Chen Ziang was also a little vacant.

   One of the elves that used the rock seal was his. So, is he a murderer? !

   At this time, except for the pilot, Su Xin, and the middle-aged uncle, Zhou Jiang and the six others were all dumbfounded.

   Although a lot of elves have been killed in the "other world", elves are elves, and people and elves are still different, and in this world, killing people is illegal...

   But unlike Chen Fan, Dai Qianyi and others, Zhou Jiang was confused because he couldn't stand this scene, because it was the same person who died (?)!

Although the light from the skill only illuminates the other side for a while, it is enough for him to see the situation there. The large blood stains spilled on the rock surface, plus the imagination of the side returning to the dark, broken limbs, broken limbs. Flesh fly...


  In an instant, Zhou Jiang felt his stomach twitch and protested to himself.

   But it's okay, there is no smell of blood, and the death of the "other world" elves was really seen before, so he recovered after suffering a bit.

  Different from the stunned Zhou Jiang six, the three pilots who had seen more pilots didn't react much to this. Although the dead were not a trivial matter, the dead Rockets were not a big deal.

   They are preparing to check the situation before, and the sudden change!


   Two figures fell from the air, blocking Zhou Jiang and the others and the Rockets who fell over there.


The middle-aged uncle shouted, and took two steps back to make a warning sign. The other two, Su Xin and the pilot, looked at the incoming person vigilantly at about the same time, while the words of Zhou Jiang and the six people took a second from before. Recovered from his consternation, he looked at the person who came.

   There is one man and one elf.

   The elf is a moustache, that is, it flew down with the person with its thought force, while the person who came was dressed in black.

Black shoes, black trousers, a black t-shirt and a thin black jacket, a black mask on the face to cover the nose and mouth, black hair and a black peaked cap, it is really black and cannot be black anymore. .

   This is the first time Zhou Jiang has seen such a dark person.

   Except for the exposed hands and the skin in the small area of ​​the eyes, everything else is black...

The visitor did not pay attention to Zhou Jiang and others. After landing and stopping the three middle-aged uncles who were about to leave, Hu Di next to him started to take action, grabbing the Rockets behind him and Tootuli's elven ball fell beside him.

   took back Duduli with a poke ball, and then Hudi took the mysterious man and the Rockets all over and flew directly into the sky.

   This seems to be a long time, in fact, it only took about four seconds for the mysterious man and Hu Di to fly down from the sky to now.

   Seeing that he was about to slip, everyone and the elves finally reacted.

   Chen Fan subconsciously shouted "Don't run" and then prepared to chase, while the elves started attacking.

   Shanaduo didn't use the shadow ball to attack, but directly interfered with Hu Di's thought power with thought power, and wanted it to crash.

   Zhou Jiang subconsciously glanced at the system, and the strength of the Hudi on the opposite side was only the mid-level Heavenly King.

   This strength is a great threat to the others present, but to Zhou Jiang it is nothing.

   Whether it's Big Needle Bee or Xanadu, you can hang it!

   The elves' skills of the others flew over, and Hu Di gently led the two of them to the side. The flying skills basically couldn't turn around, so it was quite easy for Hu Di to avoid these skills.

   But after Shanaido shot, it was unlucky.

  The power of mind is opposed, although the distance between the two is a bit far, Shane

If Naiduo's thought power is applied there, it will be reduced because of the distance, but after all her strength can crush Hu Di, and the attenuation is not much, so Hu Di was suppressed instantly.

   Hudi's thought power was suppressed by Shanaido, and the two people supported by it with thought power instantly lost their external power and fell straight down.

  "!" The black mysterious man was surprised, but he still threw the pokeball.

   "Gentleman Crow, surprise!"

   The Gentleman Crow flew out of the Poke Ball. The moment the Gentleman Crow came out, it received the order and then activated the skill.

   However, the target of the Gentleman Crow's attack is not Shanaido or the elves of Zhou Jiang's teammates, but a passive wrestling with Shanaido!

   Gentleman Crow with wings of black energy lightly brushed the Hudi, wrestling with Xanadu, and finally lost, and then the Hudi surrounded by Xanadu's mind was released instantly.

   But even though it escaped Shanaido's thought power at that moment, its own thought power was also broken by the gentleman crow, so it also began to fall.

   But fortunately, Hu Di's reaction was quick, but after falling down a bit, he instantly released his mind and caught himself.

   Fortunately, it flew high with the mysterious man and the Rockets before, so it lost the power of thinking, and the two who had fallen all the way had not landed yet.

Without Shane Duo's suppression, Hu Di instantly activated his mind and caught the two falling down. At this time, they were only about two meters away from the ground. If they waited three or four seconds, they might be thrown. It's a meatloaf...

   Hudi got rid of Shanaido's entanglement, and successfully caught the two, and Zhou Jiang's side, Dai Qianyi and others each threw one or two elven balls, and the number of elves instantly increased!

There were two to three elves per person, a total of 21 elves except Shanaido and Hudi attacked again, and Hudi that was just released was also with Shanaido, and he used his mind to grab the opposite Hudi. .

   Although super powers are generally invisible, for elves with specially trained evil elements, the power of super powers is very eye-catching.

   Gentleman Crow has not been specially trained, but the strength is there. The first level of the king has evil attributes, so he is somewhat sensitive to the energy of the super power system.

   It is naturally aware of its own task, that is, to prevent the superpower elves on the opposite side from interfering with its own hut.

   flew next to Hu Di, letting go of perception, the gentleman crow tried his best to search for the energy of the opposite super power elves, and then wait for destruction.

   Anyway, the super power system is not harmful to the evil system, so even if it is too late to use the skills, it can use its body to block the power of thought.

   The two who were caught again were brought back to their side by Hu, and Zhou Jiang's attack from the elves also arrived!

In order to increase the hit rate of the skill, the attacks of the twenty-one elves are tacitly dispersed, and the “net” of intertwined skills rushes towards the ground. This time, if it wants to hide, it needs to move very much. It's a long distance.

   But although they are the escape side, they do not necessarily have to avoid the attacking side's skills.

  It's like now, if it's not easy to hide, then go straight to the anus!

Although woven into a "skill network", the scope has been expanded, but the skill intensity of a single node has also become weak. A "website" only has the skills of one wizard, and there is at least a gap between the "website" and the "website". Meters, you only need to break a "network", and then you can tear a hole that is more than one meter or nearly two meters in this seemingly tight "skill network"!

   If about one meter is not easy to hide, the two-meter opening is enough for them to hide.

  Thinking about this, the mysterious man threw the pokeball again.

   This time, a Geng ghost (the old version can fly) flew out of the poke ball.

   After Geng Ghost came out, there was no need for instructions from a mysterious person. With a ball of two hands and a wave, a shadow ball flew towards a node of the "skill net" not far from them.

   In the other group, Shanaiduo and Hu Di's mind power reached the opposite Hu Di again, but they were destroyed by the gentleman who was desperately guarding them.

   There are gentlemen crows guarding with all their strength, their mind power can't get close to Hu Di's body at all, and they cannot cause any positive interference to Hu Di.


Over there, Geng Ghost’s shadow ball collided with a one-hundred-thousand-volt shot. Although the mid-level Geng Ghost Heavenly King’s strength is higher than that of an elf that emits one hundred thousand volts, the nature of the shadow ball is to throw it out. , And one hundred thousand volts is an elf that emits skills and can also bless the skills midway to increase output.

   So after the two skills collided, the shadow ball didn't break 100,000 volts, but disappeared in pairs.

   The "skill net" was torn open, and they hid in this hole and successfully avoided the "skill net". So far, this wave of attacks on Zhou Jiang and others returned without success.

   Whether it was a direct attack interception or a superpower interference, it was resolved by the opponent, and after the attack was resolved, the opponent flew farther.

   "Chasing!" Seeing that the opposite party was about to escape from their attack range, Chen Fan, who was a little impatient, called out and wanted to take the lead in chasing.

"and many more!"

   Zhou Jiang stopped Chen Fan and the elves who were about to chase Chen Fan.

   Although only Chen Fan was going to chase after him, everyone else also looked at Zhou Jiang.

   Zhou Jiang said sternly: "If it's a big night, don't chase it deeply. If you encounter any ambush, it will be no good.

   And think about it, why is only one person attacking us? Although the strength is not low, there is only one person, which is too weird.

? Eighty percent of them still had someone lying in ambush somewhere, and his task was to lead us over, but we did not run away in an accident and were killed by us. "

   After hearing Zhou Jiang's words, everyone nodded clearly, especially Chen Fan and the five of them.

   When they were in the "other world" before, they used elves to lure those elves from the "other world" into the enclosure and then kill them.

It is indeed possible for the other side to do this. After all, there is no one who sneaked on. This is too fake, and he ran so decisively before, and ran back when he fell into a slight disadvantage. This must have been done long ago. Prepared! And the person who came out behind, although dressed in black, took away the "corpse" of the Rockets (not sure whether it was dead), and added such a suspicious "coincidence" to appear, this must be the teammate of the Rockets!

  Thinking about this, everyone who "want to understand" had a clear expression. Chen Fan and Chen Ziang also sing and curse the cunning of the Rockets.

  Because of the previous chasing a little bit, everyone's distance has been separated a little. Dai Qianyi and others have left the light area, and Zhou Jiang is still inside.

  Now things are over~www.wuxiaspot.com~The Rockets run out of sight. The few people they chased are naturally going to come back, and the elves are similar, but the elves chase further away.

   Of course, it is farther, but not much.

   Shannaduo floated back to Zhou Jiang, along with her ten Elf Balls from the Rockets that "crashed".

He was going to take these Poke Balls back. As a result, Du Du Li was suddenly tripped, so the Poke Ball in his hand flew out, and the mysterious person who appeared behind only took Du Du Li back. A pokeball might need to be looked for wildly, so he simply didn't take it back.

   Anyway, this is not his elf, and he won’t feel distressed if he loses it. Facing Zhou Jiang’s nine people, it’s good to be able to escape successfully.

   Although the Rockets ran away, the helicopter was not damaged. Instead, they got ten quasi-king elves. This is a big gain!

the other side.

   Five minutes later, seeing no sign of chasing from behind, Hu Di and the two people led by Hu Di finally landed on the ground.

   The blood-covered Rockets member was lying quietly on the ground. The shield was still there, but it broke a big hole. He fell on his back, only the slight ups and downs in his chest proved that he was alive.

   A mysterious man in black walked towards the Rockets who had been thrown to the ground, and a sneer appeared behind the black mask: "I want to see who is so bold and dare to pretend to be our Rockets!"

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