Although the Rockets ran away, the helicopter was not damaged. Instead, they got ten quasi-king elves, which can be regarded as a big victory.

If these things are turned over to the alliance, they can get a lot of rewards, even if the nine people are evenly divided, each of them can get a lot of benefits.

However, Zhou Jiang will definitely not hand in this thing by himself. The pilot who flies the plane is not easy to see. He should not be an ordinary person. He should have a position in the league. So Zhou Jiang plans to hand it over to him. , Let him turn in.

The pilot of the Elf Ball accepted it, but when Zhou Jiang said that the rewards were divided equally, he, the middle-aged uncle and Su Xin waved their hands and said that they didn't need it, and just let Zhou Jiang divide the six.

In this regard, Chen Fan and the others are a little bit uncomfortable.

Although they hadn't experienced this before, Zhou Jiang also briefly told them about what these elves could exchange after handing them in, so they all knew that this was a lot of wealth.

At least a few evolution stones are more than enough.

Although Chen Fan and the others can achieve certain results in the league competitions, they will not be short of money for tasks, endorsements and the like. In addition, they are still helping the league, and some rare resource channels will not be too great. Missing.

But it's one thing that they don't lack, it's another thing not to reward them.

A few evolution stones are considered a lot of money to them. They don't need it. Isn't it good to sell them for energy cubes?

Elf food, it's impossible to see how much money is invested.

The energy cube is divided into junior high school and advanced level, and the advanced one costs more than 10,000. It is still a priceless one. If the elves eat it every day, even the champion of the king may not be able to afford it.

In a word, money is not too much!

But even though they don't think too much money, they won't take more money that doesn't belong to them.

These ten Poke Balls were obtained by everyone's efforts and should be divided equally.

Joey and Zhou Jia and Zhou Jiang didn’t speak. The three of them didn’t care much about it. Needless to say, Joey and Zhou Jia, backed by the big tree, shouldn’t there be anything. If Zhou Jiang had a system, they didn’t care about these Upper eye.

Although Chen Fan and the others felt embarrassed that the three middle-aged uncles didn't want this reward, after persuading them, they still insisted, and they didn't seem to be pretending, so they stopped persuading more.

If they don't want it, just don't. Could it be that they don't want it, but they want to give it to them?

Obviously unrealistic.

The nine returned to the helicopter.

This time, Zhou Jiang and several people will be waiting here.

This helicopter can't have problems, it will take time if there is a problem.

When Zhou Jiang didn't go down, the middle-aged uncle who was the "master" and Su Xin, who had nothing to do, stayed here to guard Zhou Jiang and others.

After all, Zhou Jiang and others were here to give them supplies, and if the helicopter on their ground was killed by the Rockets, their faces would not be bright.

Although it is the task of Zhou Jiang and others to **** the supplies, they are also very grateful to Zhou Jiang and others to send the supplies at this time. At least there is a big increase in favorability. This is also the reason that Su Xin and the middle-aged uncle gave up. One of the reasons for the rewards given by the league after handing the pokeball.

With the vigilance of the Rockets attacking the incident, the crowd asked the elves to stand guard around the area.

According to the pilot of the plane, they were lucky this time. The Rockets didn’t come with the purpose of destroying the plane. They didn’t attack the helicopter in the first time. Otherwise, the plane would explode before Zhou Jiang and others came out. .

After all, the pilot on the plane was unprepared.

There is no way. After all, when they are usually attacked, they are attacked on the road. As a result, who knows that the Rockets are so courageous that they dare to come out even when they are outside the base.

A few people formed a circle, beside the plane, sitting on the folding stool that Zhou Jiang and others took out of the backpack. In the middle was a pile of burning bonfires. The previous headlights had been turned off.

Although the Rockets ran away, everyone thought that Zhou Jiang was right. He still had accomplices. They were likely to come back when they returned, so although they sat chatting together, they all looked at the surroundings with their ears erected. .

As a result, the Rockets didn't wait for a few people to come, but the emergency call in the base was waiting.

The ringtone of the phone is outstanding in the forest at night. The phones of the middle-aged uncle and Su Xin, who are the heads of the base, rang at the same time. The discussion of Zhou Jiang and others went down instantly, and their eyes were focused on theirs. Body.

The two did not answer the phone for the first time, but looked at each other, then looked down at the caller ID on the phone screen, and finally answered the phone.

When the two answered the phone, everyone did not speak, but looked at them quietly.

From their expressions, everyone felt something was wrong.

And not to mention this, it's just that their phone rang at the same time and you can see that there is a problem.

Their current identities, one is the head of the base, and the other is the leader supported by the alliance prosecutor. The two of them are now standing here. Others will not call them casually. Basically, they came to contact them because of work.

But this doesn't mean much. After all, they also have private lives. Their friends, family members, etc., will also call them.

But now the two phones are ringing at the same time, which is different.

"Huh? Well, okay, wait, I'll be back soon."

The middle-aged uncle was sitting next to Zhou Jiang, so Zhou Jiang heard what he said very clearly, but there were no other sounds except the sound of wind, the sound of leaves rubbing, and the sound of insects. So what Su Xin said to the phone was Zhou. Jiang could also hear it.

She said the same thing as the middle-aged uncle, they both responded "umhhhhh" and said to go back immediately.

The two hung up at the same time.

After hanging up the phone, the two got up, and the middle-aged uncle said, "Sorry, something happened in the "other world", we have to rush back to deal with it."

"It's okay, you guys are busy, we just need to stay here." The uncle pilot waved his hand and said, indicating that they don't care about this side, Zhou Jiang and others also agreed to let them go and work on their own.

At this time, I called them, and I don’t need to think about it. I know that something happened in the "other world", and it is very likely that the elves of the "other world" are starting to "siege" again, so they need to go back to host.

If it weren't for the fear that the Rockets would re-attack, Zhou Jiang and the others would not be able to go away, otherwise Zhou Jiang and the others would even want to go in and see if there is anything they can help.

Soon, the middle-aged uncle and Su Xin said goodbye to everyone, went to the "shaft" passage, opened the organs and climbed down.

After watching them disappear and return to the underground base, the seven people looked back.

After that was a long wait.

I don’t know how long it took. There was movement from the passage. Zhou Jiang and others looked over and found that a staff member in uniform had come out with a large group of empty bags on his chest. That is the space bag they brought with them!

"Sorry, you have been waiting for a long time. All the materials have been unloaded, and the checked and accepted materials are all right. There is nothing missing. This is the signed contract here. Let's take a look."

After receiving the empty space bag and a paper contract, the space bag was handed over to the uncle pilot in pen, while the paper contract was simply circulated by Zhou Jiang and others.

Zhou Jiang briefly took a look. It was written on the number of materials they transported. There is a small box behind the number of each material. The box is marked with a "√", which means the quantity is correct and there is nothing missing. At the bottom there is the signature and seal of the person in charge of their base.

In the end, both the contract and the space bag were put back into the plane by the pilot. The space bag was thrown into the small warehouse behind the plane, and the confirmation letter was put into the cockpit by him.

After a courteous meeting with the staff member, the staff member went back. At this time, the "other world" spirit was still besieging the city, and he still had things to do and couldn't stay here for a long time.

After the staff left, Zhou Jiang and the others were called by the pilot to get on the plane. They were about to set off!

Although it is night and the pilot has not rested for the whole day, he still wants to set off.

This time, their destination is in city h, which is the next city. It is not too far. If you stay up late to fly, you should be there at 8 or 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.

As long as they arrive in city h, the pilots will be relaxed, because there are still their partners waiting in city h.

Naturally, it is impossible to have only one pilot. After all, human energy is limited. If you stay up for a while, you can fly all night for a day, but it won't work for two days. Therefore, the pilot needs at least two.

Unless they waste time, stop to rest at night and don't go on their way. But this would be a waste of time. Their time is a bit tight. If such a time is wasted, some bases may not be able to hold it.

That's right, waiting for them to pass in City H is another pilot.

This task of escorting supplies is not something everyone can do, nor is it something everyone wants to do.

And now the result is two pilots, one is selected from the "Battle Island" side, and the other is in city h.

Although Zhou Jiang and the others are staying up late to hurry, as long as they get to City H and another pilot joins the team, the pilot can now rest.

As for Zhou Jiang and the others?

Just lie on the ground and sleep peacefully.

The plane drove very smoothly. Even if it turned upside down or tilted a bit, it would soon return to normal. They only had to tie it with a rope.

The place is limited, and a few people can't take a bath or anything. They can only simply wash and fall asleep in a sleeping bag, and then let Shanaiduo use a rope to fix everyone on the ground.

Lying on the ground, looking at the ceiling, listening to the buzzing sound in my ears, feeling the small bumps from time to time, in the dark cabin with the lights turned off, everyone's breathing became lighter and longer.

After a brief adjustment to the surroundings, Zhou Jiang and others fell asleep.

Throughout the whole day, a few people were either on the plane or on the way to the plane. The unfamiliar and familiar feeling of exhaustion attacked everyone. After quieting down and resting, it was difficult for them not to sleep.

A silent night passed. Perhaps it was too tired and unsuitable. Zhou Jiang and the six people slept very deeply. At 9:20 in the morning, after arriving at the destination, Zhou Jiang and the others were still sleeping, not at all. Perceive that the plane has landed smoothly.

As always, the plane landed in the inner yard of the wizard center. Outsiders can't come here, let alone see the helicopter parked here. This can reduce a lot of unnecessary things for Zhou Jiang and others. trouble.

After the plane stopped, Miss Joey standing in the distance and a man in a brown coat greeted him at the same time.

They had already received the message from the pilot of the plane when the plane was about to reach city h, so they waited here in advance.

As the plane stopped, Lu Yong glanced back and was still sleeping soundly. The people who didn't mean to get up at all thought about it and shook their heads, but did not choose to wake them up.

Unfastening the seat belt, Lu Yong raised his waist for a long time. Through the transparent glass, he saw the partner and Miss Joey who were walking towards this side. Lu Yong opened the hatch, relaxed his movements and left. Go down.

After Lu Yong went down, Miss Joey and Ye Yangyao, another pilot who was about to join them, also came under the plane. Miss Joey smiled and said, "Welcome to City H Wizard Center!"

"Thank you." Lu Yong returned after tightening some thin clothes.

The weather in city h is obviously much colder than that in city i. Although city h is a bit warmer than city j and the cities above it, it is not much warmer. The current temperature can be regarded as late autumn. It was just a few weeks later that the cold winter came to this Seeing Lu Yong's movements and some thin coats on his body, Miss Joey quickly said: "We have prepared for you. The food and the lounge are up, let’s take a rest first."

Lu Yong nodded and said, "Yes, I'll go and wake them up first, those guys haven't woken up yet."

As he said, Lu Yong couldn't help but yawn.

After all, I drove all night, and I didn’t want to sleep until I was fine. I couldn’t help thinking of sleeping.

Ye Yangyao said: "You go first, I'll call them, it just happened that I, who joined the team behind, would get to know them."

Lu Yong hesitated, then nodded in agreement.

After all, it's not a big deal. It's just asking Zhou Jiang to get up. It doesn't matter who calls him, and he is indeed hungry, cold and sleepy. He went to eat and took a nap before talking.

Miss Joey walked inside with Lu Yong, while Ye Yangyao entered the cab, and then into the cabin where Zhou Jiang and others were asleep.

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