I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 811: Return to the team

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J City, here it is.

After flying without interruption for a day and a half, everyone finally arrived at the supply location in J City.

The supply location is in a base on the outskirts of J City.

As early as when the plane was on the ground, Zhou Jiang had already sent a text message to Zhou Nan and the others, asking them to take the car to the base to wait for them. More than a day was enough for them to reach the base.

Sure enough, after the plane landed, Zhou Nan and the person in charge of the base greeted him.

The person in charge of the base was handed over to the two pilots. Anyway, this piece was always handled by them. Zhou Jiang's words were simply greeted by Dai Qianyi and Zhou Nan and the others. They were taken to the side to talk and chat. Up.

The two pilots followed the person in charge of the base to the base to narrate. Zhou Jia and Joey Lian were also taken away by a few girls in Jiangshui. Only Dai Qianyi and the three stood in place, as if they were abandoned. Fortunately, the other base staff saw them "stupidly standing", so they came and brought them into the base.

"How about it, have you encountered anything interesting in the past few days?"

"Can you tell me what is going on? What you said before will cause harm to the world, alien invasion?"

"By the way, is there going to be a war?"


Zhou Nan, who had pulled Zhou Jiang to the side, had one question on the left and the other on the right. Obviously, although they joined the team of this material delivery, they were still not clear about the specific situation and were very curious.

In addition to the three of them, Xu Feng, who came from Zhoujiang, there was also Teacher Tian Zhengjie. After all, those who stayed there were all girls, so Tian Zhengjie came.

Tian Zhengjie and the others don’t know about things like "different worlds" and frontiers. Although his family is a kind of big family, he is fully qualified to come into contact with "different worlds," but even those big families are their own. Children will not reveal it easily, unless they are asked to go to the "other world" to exercise, just like Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng also played with Lu Ran and Tian Zhongjie when he was a child, but after being sent to the "other world" by his family, he didn't contact them much, and Lu Ran and Tian Zhengjie didn't know about Zhao Feng's disappearance. The reason, this is because their family did not consider sending them to the "other world", so they did not tell them the news.

Because he didn't know, Tian Zhengjie was also curious about what Zhou Jiang said before that if there is no time to support, the world will be messed up, and they will also be in trouble.

He didn't think that Zhou Jiang was a lie. After all, after getting along for so long, everyone knew what kind of person Zhou Jiang was. Although he couldn't completely see through a person, he still knew roughly what he was.

Zhou Jiang swept across the faces of the four of them. Seeing that they were all curious, he nodded and prepared to explain to them.

Now that they have joined the team and the reporting alliance has passed, then they know that the "other world" is nothing, and even if he doesn't say it now, they will know when their supplies are sent to the next border base.

After pondering for a while, Zhou Jiang said, "In addition to the world we are in, there is a "different world" in this world." Seeing Zhou Nan wanted to complain, Zhou Jiang hurriedly stopped and said, "Don't interrupt, wait until I finish. !"

Zhou Nan was stunned for a moment, his open mouth was stunned, and he shrugged helplessly, and said, "Well, you say it, you say..."

Zhou Jiang nodded with satisfaction, and continued: "That "other world" seems to be created by the sacred beasts Palkia and Diya Luka, but no matter how it came, it doesn’t matter. What’s important is that There are elves in the "other world", but unlike the elves in our world, the elves of the "other world" are covered with dense black mysterious patterns, and their eyes are also flushed. Their character kills them, seeing us humans and them Different elves will attack, endlessly!"

Zhou Jiang swallowed, and taking advantage of this opportunity, Xu Feng said: "So the elves from the "other world" are going to enter our world?"

Zhou Jiang nodded and said: "Yes, a lot of elves are attacking the base "Border" set up in the "other world". Because the attack was sudden, and it was the first such large-scale nationwide attack, so The alliance is not well prepared. Now every base needs supplies from our world. If those elves break through and rush into this world, it will be unimaginable!"

Several people nodded, lost in thought, Zhou Jiang did not continue to speak.

Suddenly, Tian Zhengjie asked: "I remember that in a village in N City, there were elves with black stripes on their bodies. Is that the elves of the "other world"?"

"Oh oh oh!" Hearing Tian Zhengjie's words, Zhou Nan also remembered: "Yes, I remember this!"

Xu Feng and Chen Yongan also nodded to show that they remembered.

Zhou Jiang was not surprised by this. After all, this matter was quite popular before, but it didn't take long for any new news to come out, so this matter was slowly forgotten by people.

Zhou Jiang nodded affirming their doubts.

He didn’t know it before. He thought it was like the giant moss that came out of the Houshan ruins in Zhenxin Town in the animation. They were just not that big, but now he doesn’t know the elves of the "other world". How much they have been killed, it is natural to know their appearance, which is completely in line with the memory in the comparison, and even can be said to be exactly the same!

"That's it."

After getting Zhou Jiang's affirmation, the four of them did not know what they were thinking, and instantly fell silent.

Zhou Jiang didn't say anything, and continued to walk towards the flower bed in front. When Zhou Jiang started to move, Xu Feng and the others recovered.

Although there has been no snow or rain recently, so you can sit on the flowerbed, but when Zhou Jiang sat down, he regretted it.

Without wearing too many pants, he was instantly stimulated by the coldness of the tiles, but fortunately, he was still within the tolerable range.

Xu Feng and the four of them also sat down next to Zhou Jiang one after another, and then the five chatted about their recent daily routines.

The supplies were quickly collected and the plane was filled with fuel, so Zhou Jiang and the others also started to set off.

Since it was past noon when they arrived at the base, Zhou Jiang and the others had eaten on the plane for dinner, and Zhou Nan and the others had already eaten it, so now they can fly directly to T City.

Sitting on the plane, with the participation of Zhou Nan and the others, there was obviously a lot of excitement in the cabin. Before that, there were only six people in Zhou Jiang, and among the six people, two girls did not talk about it. It was Chen Fan and Chen Ziang who could talk. Zhou Jiang and Dai Qianyi basically intervened when they were talking.

The three-person team is like the three-person team of Zhou Nan, Xu Feng and Chen Yongan, two can speak back and one can’t speak, and Zhou Jiang is the button between the two teams.

A total of nine people joined the team this time, fifteen people were sitting in the cabin, some clearly divided into two groups.

One group is a boy group headed by Zhou Jiang, sitting near the aircraft head, and the other group is a female group headed by Jiang Shui sitting near the warehouse.

The two groups of people chatted with each other, so it was so lively.

The plane successfully reached the outskirts of T city.

Since the destination is the forest near T city between T city and J city, they quickly arrived there, and when they arrived at the destination, it was around 6 o'clock in the morning. At this time, Zhou Nan and others were still there. Sound asleep.

After all, this is the first time they lie in sleeping bags and then sleep on the helicopter at night, it is inevitable that they are not used to it.

Zhou Jiang and the six of them can almost get used to it, after all, they have been sitting for a long time.

The plane stopped, the two pilots went down to talk to the person in charge of the base, and Zhou Jiang and the others woke up to take out the space bag in the small warehouse in the tail.

Zhou Nan and the others were just woken up when they first arrived, and they were still rubbing their eyes and trying to get out of the sleeping bag.

"You wash up slowly and come down. We will wait for you outside." Zhou Jiang said to Zhou Nan and the others before tightening the down jacket and walked out of the hatch.

The temperature near T city here has reached -3°C, which is really intolerable for Zhou Jiang, who is afraid of the cold.

Fortunately, the blue-and-white temperature-adjustable silk scarf he changed before is still there, and it can emit a little warmth on the neck, which makes him feel much better.

After Zhou Jiang and others went down with the space bag, the staff and elves in the base came to take over.

After the space bag was handed over to them, the conversation between the two pilots and the person in charge of this base also ended.

They came to Zhou Jiang and their side. The young, some handsome man in charge of the base said to Zhou Jiang and the others: "Hello, I am Chen Long, the stationmaster here. Thanks for your hard work, everyone. Food is prepared for you, please come in and eat."

"Um... Stationmaster Chen, we are afraid we can't go in. We were attacked by the Rockets at the last base the day before yesterday."

Although Lu Yong did not finish speaking, Chen Long also understood what he meant.

Zhou Jiang and others can't enter their base to eat, they have to guard the plane outside.

Chen Long nodded: "Understand, I'll let someone deliver the food. The food is still warm now."

Lu Yong nodded and said nothing.

At this time, Zhou Nan and the others also finished washing and walked out of the cabin.

Chen Long nodded to Zhou Nan and the others, and then signaled himself to go back and let people come to deliver the food. Lu Yong nodded and thanked him when he arrived, and then Chen Long went back.

The entrance of the base here is not as "wonderful" as the previous base.

The base here is set up on a rocky mountain, and a hole is made in the rocky mountain, and a telescopic door can be made to avoid detection by the super-power elves, and then some rock camouflage is placed on the door, so that it is foolproof.

This is also a common method of setting up bases. Like the previous one, digging a hole under a giant tree and then climbing down is really rare. I don’t know if they have any other exits. Zhou Jiang doubts what the equipment at their base is. Shipped in.

Zhou Nan and others came out late, so they didn't understand the situation. Zhou Jiang briefly talked to them. After two minutes of summarizing, several people took out the folding stool and sat down.

The elves of the reconnaissance area have been distributed around in a small area, and they have not been placed too far. After all, they will have to eat later, and there are not many bushes around. This is a large open space, so just let the elves surround the helicopter.

Before long, a few staff members came out with a dining car. Because there was a gravel road outside the base, it was difficult to walk. In addition, if they waited for them to deliver the meal, it was really unsightly, so several people got up. , Go and get the box lunch.

When Zhou Nan and the others arrived, the change in the number of people had already been notified to them when they were about to arrive at the base, so the number of box lunches was not bad.

Except for what they ate, the elves ate it.

Naturally, the energy cubes given in the base cannot be energy cubes, but these elven foods are also specially made by everyone, so the taste and nutrition do not need to be doubted.

They distributed the food to their elves except those standing guard, and then they began to eat.

This box lunch was prepared well. The box was an iron box, double-layered, and it was a bit hot to hold. After the top lid was opened, the dishes inside were presented to everyone.

After eating a box lunch provided by someone else, and the other person was not there, Zhou Nan and the others immediately started to get right.

"Hey, I have chicken legs but no braised pork!"

"I don't have any, but I have egg fried sausage here."

"My side is sweet and sour pork ribs!"

In a few words, even Lu Ran, their three teachers and two pilots began to confront each other.

In the end, everyone found that the vegetables in their box lunches were basically different, and basically only two people had the same dishes.

For example, Zhou Jiang and Zhou Nan have the same meat dishes, while others have different dishes; they have the same vegetarian dishes as Xu Feng, but they are different from others.

Inside the box lunch is two meats and two vegetarian dishes. There is also a banana and a small bottle of milk on the side. After the first layer is removed, the bottom is rice.

The dishes are very good~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In addition, everyone’s dishes are basically different, so it is obvious that this is the chef deliberately used a small pot.

It is estimated that Station Master Chen specifically ordered it, this is indeed intentional.

It's worthy of the chef's cooking in a small pot. The taste is really nothing to say. Several people think it is good. But the elves also eat very happy, although the energy of the food they eat does not come from the energy cube. It is full, but the taste is better. After all, the energy cube provided by Zhou Jiang is made by a machine. Although the seasoning is added, it still has no "soul".

Although eating these in the morning is different from before, it is like a staple food for lunch and dinner, but they are not uncomfortable, and because the taste is good, the speed of eating for a few people is not slow, and the staff who successfully "unloaded" returned to return the space Remove the food in your hand before the bag.

As for the elves, they are faster, and even the elves that have been shifted have finished eating.

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