I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 812: Encounter Meng Takibin

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In the forest between the three triangular cities of City J and City A, Zhou Jiang and others, who had delivered the supplies, continued to fly towards the next base.

The other base is also in this forest, but on the side close to City A, but since the contents of the space bag are given to the base close to City T, they need to go to City A to supply them.

City T is a little closer to City J, so they will arrive in about a day, while City A will be far away. It will take at least two days, plus about a day for the return journey, and they will finally arrive in three days.

However, city A has not arrived yet, Zhou Jiang is in trouble.

Perhaps because of frequent cold winds, Zhou Jiang caught a cold...

People who are not easy to catch a cold themselves, once they catch a cold, it is not cured by ordinary treatment, and in severe cases, they may die!

Although this world is more advanced in technology than Zhou Jiang's previous world due to the existence of elves, this world does not have a good solution for colds, that is, that kind of therapy.

And now it's not in the city, but in the wild, or on an airplane.

So Zhou Jiang could only lie down after taking the medicine and put on a cold towel.

Although Zhou Jiang, the link between the two teams, fell ill, there was nothing more than the common care of the people on both sides.

After all, Zhou Nan and the others had already played with Chen Fan, and Zhou Jia also took Joey Lian to chat with Jiang Shui and others.

Asked Shane Duo, who was guarding the side, for a glass of water. After drinking, Zhou Jiang continued to fall to rest.

Now his head is groggy, it's deadly, but fortunately there is not much snotty water, otherwise it would really kill him.

I don’t know in this life. In the previous life, every time he caught a cold and runny nose, he needed at least one and a half packs of napkins a day. His nose would become flushed, even if it was red, even worse, the nose would be blocked. You can only breathe with your mouth. Adding to the groggy head, it's like a physical and mental double blow...

Although Zhou Jiang is ill, it is not that the world will stop running without him. So Zhou Nan and the others took care of him at the beginning, and then they continued to talk about themselves, play their own way, and just talk. Will deliberately lower the voice when it is.

The next day after leaving the base near T city, Zhou Jiang and others finally arrived in A city after passing through many forests and villages!

After arriving in City A, Zhou Nan and the others provided supplies at the Elf Center, while Zhou Jiang bid farewell to Zhou Nan and the others and asked Shanaido to take it to the hospital for treatment.

Although the Miss Joey of the Elf Center can not only treat elves, they are not in the same field after all. They are like doctors in the previous life who can’t treat pets. Their specialties are different!

After seeing Zhou Jiang’s condition, Miss Joey would naturally inform that it is best to go to a formal hospital that specializes in human diseases for treatment.

Originally, Tian Zhengjie and the others were worried that Zhou Jiang would go alone, but they had to fill up the supplies in a hurry to go to the next base, so they didn’t send Zhou Jiang. Ms. Joey wanted to send him there, but Zhou Jiang Jiang refused. He felt that he hadn't gone to a hospital and needed someone to take care of him. He didn't want to delay Miss Joey and the others' work, and there would be no danger with Shanaido accompanied.

After exiting the bustling wizard center gate, Zhou Jiang casually found a taxi on the square and sat in.

"Where are you going?" It was an uncle who spoke. After speaking, Zhou Jiang looked uncomfortable. The uncle asked in surprise, "Little brother, do you have a cold? Go to the hospital or where?"

"Hospital, thank you, master, can my Shanaido get in the car? She is taking care of me." Zhou Jiang asked, because many people don't want elves to sit on it. After all, people often carry hairy ones. Elf, it will be troublesome if one does not pay attention to hair loss everywhere.

Although Xanadu does not shed hair and has a good image and temperament, it is still necessary to ask.

"No problem!" Sure enough, the uncle agreed without hesitation.

Zhou Jiang nodded and sat in, giving way to Shanaiduo.

"Sit down!" The door was closed, and after seeing one person and one elf seated in the rearview mirror, the driver master subconsciously shouted and started the car.

In about ten minutes, the taxi pulled over and the driver master shouted: "Okay, brother, here it is!"

Leaning against the car door, Zhou Jiang, who was in a semi-drowsy state, was awakened after hearing the words. He looked out of the car window and immediately spotted the white building group with red crosses behind the square in the distance.

"Brother, if you are a trainer, you shouldn't be a local? If you are not a local, one treatment is very expensive."

"It's okay, thank you, let's talk about it if you are sick." Zhou Jiang smiled reluctantly and said to him.

Although the cold can be cured by lying down at home, isn't it still a task? If you keep flying, let's let the cold recover.

As for the money?

It doesn't matter to him now. Now he hasn't counted how much money he has in his card, but it should be enough to buy a house in the center of J City.

Although the houses in this world are not as perverted as they were speculated in previous lives, as a first-tier city, house prices are still not low, not to mention that as long as they are in the city, house prices will not be as low.

Housing prices in this world are not expensive. It’s just those urban fringe areas and rural areas. Due to the large amount of land, houses can be built as long as a forest area is approved. Therefore, housing prices in rural areas and urban fringe areas will not be as high as those in cities. The center position is different.

After all, the central location of the city is so small. No matter how big your other location is, if you want to live in the central location, you have to compete with others, and if you compete, the price will rise.

It's a long way. In short, no matter how expensive it is, Zhou Jiang will not be unable to pay.

Before getting out of the car, Zhou Jiang and Shanaiduo walked towards the hospital.

In the middle is a square. There are some patients or family members strolling in it, but not many. After all, it is winter. If it is spring and summer, then it will be quite lively here.

Although the main body of this world is elves and elven trainers, the proportion of ordinary people is larger and their physique is stronger, but if there are more people, there will always be that part of the proportion that will get sick and injured, so there are still many people in the hospital. of.

Although he had never been to a hospital in this world for treatment, he didn't expect the process to be much worse. Zhou Jiang found a place where he left the department and started queuing.

There are a lot of people in Surian Hospital, but there are not many people with elves, and most people bring some ordinary elves, which can be regarded as pets, such as Zhou Jiang’s ultra-rare Xanadu The whole hall was gone, so Zhou Jiang caught attention.

Anyone who could see him nearby would take a glance. Some people looked back and waited for a while before looking back. It was as if they had found some rare creature.

After a set of procedures, after seven or eight minutes, Zhou Jiang finally came to the doctor.

"Doctor, I have a cold, hang up a bottle for me."

"Cold? Take some medicine for a cold and lie back home. It's better not to hang a bottle." The doctor is a middle-aged doctor, but he is a little bald. Zhou Jiang saw from the sign that his name was Hu Wenbin.

"It's okay, I still have things to do later, so I should get better soon."

Hu Wenbin nodded, and took the burden to write and draw.

After finishing the writing, Hu Wenbin handed it to Zhou Jiang and told Zhou Jiang to leave after talking about the process to be followed.

"Huh? Zhou Jiang?!"

Zhou Jiang, who was walking in the corridor, suddenly heard someone calling him. Although the voice seemed a little strange, it was indeed his name.

Zhou Jiang looked back and found that he was an old acquaintance, Meng Takibin!

When he was traveling alone before, he met her in the alliance development area. After that, he stayed together for a while. She was going to participate in a photography contest or something, and she left when she was going to prepare. He said he would go and see it. , I forgot...

Later, in City V, he and Zhou Nan were preparing to participate in offline games. As a result, his father was still grandfather or grandfather. In short, the gymnasium opened at home was attacked by the Rockets. It seemed that he had robbed something good. .

That was the last time he and her were in contact. Of course, I didn't see Meng Takibin either. After all, she ran away from home to play photography, and she was not in V City at that time.

After so long, I didn’t expect to meet her in this small hospital...

"Long time no see." Zhou Jiang greeted her with a smile for a moment, and noticed the man next to her and walking with her.

The man's age should be about the same as her, and they are probably in their twenties. They are quite handsome, at least more handsome than Zhou Jiang...

"Oh, I forgot to introduce it. This is Leiyang. Just call him Leizi." With that, Meng Takibin looked at Leiyang again and said to him: "This is Zhou Jiang. I used to shoot in the forest. What about the friend I met at that time, I will tell you that I know him?"

"??" Zhou Jiang was a little confused.

know me?

What's wrong with me?

Zhou Jiang looked at Lei Yang, and saw that he stretched out his hand with excitement, and the hand holding Zhou Jiang shook to some extent, but he should have seen Zhou Jiang's current weakness, so the shaking was not large.

"Hello, hello, I'm Leiyang, just like Xiaobin, you can call me Leizi, I am your fan! Your performance in the league competition is really cool!"

After speaking, Lei Yang let go of Zhou Jiang's hand, and turned to look at Xanadu, who was standing behind Zhou Jiang, and said excitedly: "This is the first Mega-evolved Xanadu. It is really beautiful, ok. Handsome!"


Looking at Lei Yang, who looked excited, like a little fan, Zhou Jiang was silent, a little at a loss.

Mainly because he encountered this situation for the first time, acquaintances and friends are his fans...

Although he has been surrounded by fans, they are all strangers. This Leiyang is different. It is Meng Takibin’s friend. If there is nothing unexpected, he will be a "friend" of him, and for a friend like this Performance, he still can't bear it.

And this is not the whole reason. Another reason is that he fucks, his contrast is really too big!

When he came here before, even when he stood in front of him, he still had a calm expression on his face. As a result, he suddenly "changed his face" and Zhou Jiang didn't react.

"Well, don't be ashamed!"

The situation on Zhou Jiang's side naturally attracted the attention of the people passing by in the corridor. Meng Takibin couldn't stand it in an instant, and pulled him back by the collar with an embarrassing expression on his face.

For some reason, Lei Yang, who was pulled back by Meng Takibin, disappeared from the expression and appearance of the fanboy before, and replaced it with a calm and calm face!


Isn't it a face change? Or do you mean brother, you came from a theater?

However, Zhou Jiang soon discovered that the two were wrong.

The first is the distance between two people. They stand a little closer, not like the distance between ordinary boy and girl friends.

Generally speaking, men and women who become friends, although they are "close", they will keep their distance no matter what, but they are standing very close now.

And Zhou Jiang also remembered what Lei Yang called Meng Takibin before.


Such an intimate title, and Meng Takibin hasn't objected yet?

In addition, Meng Takibin had just been pulled back like this but there was no response, but it did calm down.

Judging from these three points, Zhou Jiang feels that there is an 80% probability that they are boyfriend and girlfriend!

As for the 20% possibility, it is naturally because they are relatives or it is really just an accident.

Although the possibility of accident is very small, it is not without it.

Frightened by Zhou Jiang's "suspicious" eyes and a slightly wretched smile, Meng Takibin became a little shy. She quickly changed the subject and asked, "Uh...have you caught a cold?"

"..." Hearing what she said, Zhou Jiang rolled his eyes speechlessly, shook the list in his hand, and said: "It's obvious, otherwise what am I doing in the hospital."

As he said, Zhou Jiang asked back: "What about you? It's impossible to come to the hospital without problems, right? I didn't see any of you having problems..."

Suddenly, when talking about this, Zhou Jiang thought of a possibility. Could it be that Meng Takibin was pregnant and came to check? !

I wipe ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seems possible!

Zhou Jiang subconsciously scanned the faces of the two of them, wanting to see their expressions, but they probably didn't think much. Lei Yang replied, "Oh, my sister is hospitalized, so let's see her."

"Oh..." Zhou Jiang responded with some disappointment, thinking that he could continue to eat melons, but he didn't expect that he would only visit relatives in the hospital.

Although Zhou Jiang's reaction was a little strange, the two didn't think much about it.

Later, Zhou Jiang and Meng Takibin talked for a while, and the three separated.

Zhou Jiang was going to hang the bottle after all, and they couldn't delay him too much time.

Finally, when they left, Meng Takibin gave Zhou Jiang an address where they were now. If Zhou Jiang was free, he would go to them to have a look and play.

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