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Although hanging a bottle too much is bad for your health, for people who haven't hanged it before or rarely hang it, if you hang it when you're sick, the effect will be leveraged.

After Zhou Jiang hung up two bottles, he returned to the wizard center and slept in the guest room arranged by Miss Joey. The next day, he felt almost all right. At least the groggy feeling in his head has disappeared, but the only thing is The trouble is that the nose is coming...

But it's not snot water, but the sticky snot, which is more troublesome.

But the nasal mucus is also the snot, as long as it is not snot water, it means that he is not far from catching a cold.

Zhou Jiang still understands these things very well. After all, he was not in good health in his previous life, so he often caught colds and sickness. For these, he is almost regarded as a "teacher".

Today, Zhou Nan and the others should have already delivered the supplies and are now heading to the next destination.

Next, Zhou Jiang knows that he will go to the base. There is a huge space in the middle of the five cities of H, J, A, V, and G. A large area of ​​it is undeveloped that the alliance has not set foot in. area.

Of course, by now, Zhou Jiang also knows what the so-called "undeveloped area" is.

The so-called undeveloped area is because the elves there are very high-level, and most of them are not friendly to humans. Therefore, the area designated by the alliance is to prevent trainers from entering. After all, the danger is too high. If the trainers die more It’s no good for anyone.

Moreover, after demarcating undeveloped areas, the Alliance can also build things or bases there that ordinary people cannot touch.

In the huge space enclosed by these five cities, there are four space nodes. Among them, there are two that need Zhou Jiang and others to transport materials. They are also the last two space nodes for which they need to transport materials. .

Transporting supplies requires some strength, but Zhou Jiang and others are not the only ones who can do it. Moreover, as far as Zhou Jiang and others are concerned, China is so big that some nodes are in the east, west, south and most. North, these four directions, and the order of their delivery is based on emergency situations. What if there is an urgent need for supplies in the southernmost and northernmost areas?

Naturally, the Alliance would not put the eggs in the same basket, and let Zhou Jiang and his team carry them. Other teams also shoulder their mission.

The last two bases are located close to City A and City G. According to their current location, the follow-up process should first go to the base east of City A, and then to the one south of City G.

From Zhou Nan's current location to the base close to City A, apart from some small villages on the way, there is only City A, a big city. The supplies are the same no matter where they are, so they can return to A again. This wizard center in the city came, which was one of the reasons Zhou Jiang stayed to treat the disease.

Zhou Jiang estimated that it was already afternoon when Zhou Nan and the others returned to City A, so in the morning he had been lying in the room to sleep without getting up.

Although you can go to Meng Takibin and Lei Yang if you are idle, and see what fun they have there, but thinking that you are all sick like this, Zhou Jiang's thoughts are dispelled, lie down honestly, and more Drink plenty of hot water after a break, maybe tomorrow will be better.

Of course, in fact, the most important thing is that Zhou Jiang’s nose is too much... He wants to blow it off if he has it. If he goes to Meng Takibin and the others to play, he will blow his nose again and again. Awkward.

Zhou Jiang was lying in bed, looking for a few movies at random, and watched it all morning. During that time, he chatted with Zhou Nan and the others for a while, but that is to say about his condition and Zhou Nan's situation there, etc. At noon, Xanadu came back with a plate.

'It's time to eat. ’

Hearing Xanadu's voice, Zhou Jiang turned off his cell phone and was about to get up to eat.

Although he was still lying on the bed, he had already done the job of brushing his teeth and washing his face, otherwise he would always feel uncomfortable.

Zhou Jiang was eating, but Shane Duo took out the Elf Ball from his backpack and went out to feed in the courtyard.

After Zhou Jiang fell ill, all matters in the team were taken care of by Xanadu, which also made Zhou Jiang a lot easier, and not only did he not need to take care of the elves, but he also had the meticulous care of Xanadu. He can bring hot tea, he can find snacks if he wants to eat snacks, and even if he doesn’t want to move, he can let Shanaido come...

Well, the last one is not done by Zhou Jiang. Although the meticulous care seems cool, Zhou Jiang is still a little inexplicably resistant. It is already very good when someone else delivers things to them. Zhou Jiang just couldn't stand it.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Zhou Nan and the others returned to the wizard center in a helicopter, and Zhou Jiang also came out of the room to meet them.

After hanging the bottle, Zhou Jiang was indeed much better. From the outside, his face was not so pale. If it weren't for the redness on his nose, he wouldn't be able to tell that he was sick at all.

Zhou Jiang hadn’t eaten dinner yet. When he ate with Zhou Nan and the others, Zhou Jiang only ate a little. After all, he lay in bed all day, and he still hadn’t digested the rice after lunch, and he had a sick appetite. It's not good, so he can't eat much. If it's not for spending the night on the plane, and he doesn't like eating on the plane, otherwise he won't come to eat at this time.

The supplies were put into the empty space bag, the elves were fed, the plane was filled with fuel, and everything was ready. At 5:30, Zhou Jiang and others bid farewell to Miss Joey, got on the plane, and headed to the border base to the east. Drive away.

"How about it, there is no problem?"

After the plane took off, Zhou Nan, who was sitting next to Zhou Jiang, asked him.

Zhou Jiang nodded and said, "Of course, after hanging up two bottles of slings yesterday, I had a much better cold, and I rested for a whole day today, and there is no major problem."

Zhou Nan nodded, seeing that Zhou Jiang was indeed okay and didn't seem to be pretending, so she didn't say much.

Since there is no chat topic, everyone is either playing with their phones or having a nap with their eyes closed. In short, a few people are very quiet, but even no matter how quiet, Zhou Jiang's nose will always be heard at intervals.


Suddenly, Zhou Jiang's Shanaiduo's poke ball suddenly burst, and Shanaiduo jumped out of it.

Zhou Jiang was taken aback, and the others didn't get any better, so he quickly looked up.

After Shanaido came out of the Elf Ball, he didn't explain anything, and the whole body glowed with purple light. Everyone knew that this was what Shanaido did with his mind.

Everyone knows about Shanaiduo's strength. If she does anything casually, her thought power will not overflow, as if she is now radiating from her body surface. This basically means that she is fighting.

In an instant, everyone became vigilant and put their hands on the Elf Ball on their waists, looking at Shanaido, waiting for Shanaido to give a reminder.



Zhou Jia and Lu Ran threw two elf balls, and two of them came out wildly.

Zhou Jia used the Hudi with gentle water, which was the first-level strength of the Heavenly King, while Lu Ran's Hudi was a bit short, only the quasi-tianwang level.

The power of thought on Shanaido's body dissipated, and her eyes closed tightly and opened.

However, before Zhou Jiang asked her, Lu Yong, who was driving the plane in the front cockpit, shouted: "There is an elf attack below, get ready for battle!"

"A elven attack?!" Although everyone was a little surprised, they also expected it. After all, Shanaido's situation was enough to make them consider all the factors of instability, and the elven attack was also the factor of instability they considered. One of them.

Everyone took out the Elf Ball, and Shanaido also explained her previous behavior to Zhou Jiang.

It turned out that she sensed the danger, so she immediately jumped out of the elf ball. Through her thoughts, she found that there was a golden dead light in the forest below that was flying towards them. If Shanaido didn’t make a move. In other words, the destruction and death light will successfully hit their plane and then explode. If there are no elves to protect Zhou Jiang and the others before the plane explodes, then some of them may be sacrificed, not falling and falling to death, but It was killed directly.

Fortunately, she had succeeded in changing the path of the dead light that was shot at them, and flew away.

The speed of skill flight is very fast. Although the humans in this world are a bit unreasonable, they are only humans in the end. Dynamic vision will not be abnormal. For the skills of the elves, humans cannot see much. Clear, basically only the trajectory of movement can be seen.

Most people can only see a beam of the color of the skill, and only a small number of people can see the appearance of the skill, but it still drags the afterimage.

Naturally, Lu Yong couldn't find the destruction and death light that came in the first time, and if he found it, it would be too late.

Shanaido is also because she is naturally sensitive to dangers like her elves, and she is a bit special, so she perceives danger when she is inside the elven ball and then comes out to guard.

In fact, when Xanaduo came out, the following attack had not been sent out. This is equivalent to Xanaduo passively predicting the future, but she foresaw a dangerous future. This is the reason that only Xanaido can discover. Otherwise, no matter how bad other elves are, they won't be so bad, they can always be found.

Otherwise, the plane's crash may be several times higher.

The plane continued to drive, and Shanaido and the two Hudi were on guard for skills or elves that would fly at any time.

The previous destruction and death light came directly at the plane. It was hard to say that it was an accident. After all, it was so accurate.

They have been flying in the sky for so long, and only once with the skills on the ground, and the sky is so big, the flying skills even hit their planes impartially, which does not seem like an accident.

However, everyone waited for a minute, and the plane was about to leave that area, and there were no other skills or the like to fly over.

Is it really an accident?

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, a little puzzled.

Until the plane completely left the area, no accident happened again. Shanaido and the others also lifted their guard and returned to the poke ball to rest.

Although Zhou Jiang and the others felt inexplicable, since nothing happened, they stopped thinking about it, and at most they just mumbled to themselves.

The plane continued to move towards the east, but everyone on the plane did not know that a fierce melee was going on in the forest they were on guard!

In the forest, a man in a purple uniform with a red capital "R" printed on his chest is shouting at other people in blue and black uniforms around him: "Go on! Give me the top! Support is coming! When it's there, the Dignified Rockets can't beat the counterfeit, face it! Give it to me, at all costs! Don't be afraid of the sacrifice of the elves, there will be reimbursement from the headquarters when you go back, but if anyone dares to retreat at this time, then don't want to continue mixing in China !"

Obviously, they are from the Rockets.

In front of them were hundreds of elves fighting in a melee, but the situation was not optimistic. The elves on the Rockets side were obviously overwhelmed by the opposite side.

Behind the elves on the opposite side stood people who were also wearing Rockets uniforms, but they had various masks on their faces, including elves and random graffiti.

Compared to the Rockets without masks, the Rockets with masks here are much calmer, neither panic nor yelling.

Standing in the crowd, a man wearing a Thunder Qiu mask said to the man wearing a fast dragon mask next to him: "It's almost there, their support is coming soon."

The Kuailong mask didn't look at him, and continued to watch the battle ahead, and said flatly: "It's not enough. If you drag it a bit, it won't matter if support comes."

Hearing that, the Leiqiu mask didn't say anything, and followed the fast dragon mask to look forward to the battle.

Five minutes later, the elves on the side of the Rockets without masks sacrificed most of them, and even the elves of the Rockets in purple clothes died.

The elves on the opposite side are not only superior to them in quality~www.wuxiaspot.com~, they are also crushed in quantity. Especially in the later stages, the gap in the number of elves is more and more widened. At this time, they are completely defeated. It's just a matter of time.

Xiao Yan, the captain of the Rockets wearing a purple Rockets uniform, looked at the precarious situation, feeling extremely anxious.

He estimated that this place could only last another five minutes at most, and if support does not come, they will be destroyed by the group.

If he is defeated by those fakes, he doesn’t think he can survive. They are not members of the Alliance, they don’t pay attention to the rules that can’t kill, they don’t just deprive them of their elves, then throw them into jail and wait for the Rockets to rescue them. They came to engage in their Rockets team. Killing his captain would naturally be without hesitation.

If he died, then all his efforts would be gone, money, spirits, strength, status, these things he had given up to fight for.

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