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Standing behind the guns and artillery units built with rocks as "bunkers", watching the elves continuously attacking and falling under the guns from a hundred meters away, Zhou Jiang was a little curious.

What he was curious about was not the others, but the group of super power elves in the base here!

This was the first time he met the super-power elves of the "different world" that formed a team.

Judging from his "experience" in the "other world" for almost three weeks, the number of super power elves and ghost elves in the "other world" is not large, most of them are normal ones, and then there are grass. Department, and the number of elves in other departments is almost the same.

As a result, at the base here, he actually saw more than fifty super power elves gathered together and then fought purposefully!

The elves of the super power department are not ordinary in the "other world". As a result, they can meet the formed team here, and it is said that they did not have it at the beginning. This involuntarily made Zhou Jiang fanciful and "persecuted paranoia." "It started to attack again.

Zhou Jiang had some speculations when the inexplicable offensive alliance of the "different world" elves was set up in the "different world" base.

He guessed that these "other world" elves attacked their base for three reasons.

The first point.

The people of the alliance entered the "different world" and set up a base. During the period, in order to explore the surroundings, looking for the rare medicines and ores, they often battled with the elves of the "different world", regardless of which side. In short, the two sides are now fighting Getting up is the kind of immortality that must kill the other person.

There is no doubt that Zhou Jiang and the people in this world are the invaders!

Then there are reasons why the elves of the "other world" attacked their bases. Although so many elves attacked the bases set up in the "other world" at about the same time, it felt that something was wrong, but it was guessed that there was a king among them. Yes, if the elves that can command other elves in the "other world", then it makes sense.

Second point.

It was still based on guessing why the "other world" elves attacked their base.

The first reason is because of hatred, and the second reason Zhou Jiang thinks of is yearning or fear.

Zhou Jiang assumed that these "other world" elves attacked their base in order to come to their world through the space node in their base, which is the luminous portal.

In this regard, Zhou Jiang boldly guessed.

Zhou Jiang made a bold guess based on the black lines on the elves of the "other world" and the red pupils full of murderous intent. He guessed that there was a "curse" in the "other world".

After ordinary elves enter, after a long time, their bodies will be full of black lines, their eyes will be red, their IQ will drop, and they will be killed. Because they can’t communicate, although their expressions don’t seem to be distorted due to pain, Zhou Jiang Still boldly guess, maybe they are very painful because of it.

And these elves saw the elves brought in by Zhou Jiang and others after they entered the "other world", they wanted to be the same, so they attacked their base.

Of course, the alliances of nations around the world have been stationed in the "different world" for a long time, but until now they have launched attacks on those bases (currently the protagonist does not know whether foreign bases in the "different world" have also been attacked), So this guess is actually somewhat flawed and inaccurate.

But it didn't matter. After realizing that this guess was not quite right, Zhou Jiang immediately thought of a similar but reasonable guess.

Zhou Jiang guessed that the elves in this "different world" might themselves have black stripes and red eyes. In this state, their painful settings can follow the semi-abandoned speculation above. They are in this way every day. In the state, although they have command, they are suppressed by the endless pain. They will naturally be irritable and kill them until a certain voice or existence tells them to go to Zhoujiang and their world through the light gate, or Kill Zhou Jiang and the others and elves, and their pain can be alleviated and disappeared.

Or some kind of voice or existence told them that Zhou Jiang and the elves who brought them to the "other world" would not suffer the same pain all day long, so they were jealous and attacked them.

Compared with the leaky guess that was abandoned, this second guess is much better. Although the "certain sound, person, and thing" in the guess setting is a bit awkward, it is not impossible.

The third point.

According to animals, when natural disasters such as earthquakes, typhoons, and tsunamis are about to happen, they can detect clues in advance and go away. Although elves are smarter than animals, they are strictly speaking animals, so they are very sensitive to these things.

Therefore, Zhou Jiang boldly speculated that perhaps this "different world" was about to collapse, and these elves who had been living in the "different world" felt this, and wanted to escape, so they wanted to pass through the space node. Come to the world of Zhou Jiang and others.

Zhou Jiang thought that these three conjectures might be the reason for their infringement. Among them, Zhou Jiang felt that the third conjecture was more likely to be correct than the first and greater than the second.

As a result, Zhou Jiang is a little uncertain about the conclusion that among the three points previously conjectured, the first point is that the possibility of the "other world" elves riot is less than the third point.

After all, it is difficult for Zhou Jiang to regard this group of super power elves as the result of no command.

Without a command, they would cooperate, but they would not actively form a team based on the attributes of the elves, and they would still be used to block the guns and cannons on the base.

But now even if Zhou Jiang is surprised, he still can't get the correct answer in the current form. If he wants to know, after the matter is over, he has to ask Shui Qing and Zhao Feng. Row.

As for the moment, due to Zhou Jiang's sudden support, the "other world" originally had a somewhat balanced attack on this side, after a sudden increase of power, it was completely unbearable. A lot of elves were killed and wounded.

The elves in the "other world" suffered a lot of deaths and injuries, but the attacks of the elves on the base side did not slow down due to their damage, and their power became lighter. Even among the three teams of elves, except for the first team of elves who were fighting on the front line. Besides, the elves of the remaining two teams were all excited, and their attacking power became even stronger.

As a result, the number of deaths and injuries of the "other world" elves increased again.

However, although the number of their deaths and injuries has increased again, the number of elves emerging from the light gate has also increased. The elves who died before were quickly replenished, although under various light cannons, the "other world" The number of elves killed and wounded is very large, but their total number is still increasing, and they will not stop until there is not enough land here.

Suddenly, Yu Guang of Zhou Jiang caught a glimpse of someone who was different from the other staff.

The war started here. Although the casualties of the elves are still very small, it is only the beginning, but there are still casualties after all, so the staff needs to push the trolley over and carry the elves to Miss Joey and the others to receive treatment. Go to the operating room and go directly to the bandage.

Regardless, the staff members held the trolley with their hands. As a result, the person who came in now, not only did not push the cart, but also continued to move forward.

If he goes further, he will overtake the gun team and the Third Elf team lying behind the rock wall.

It is precisely because he is going to the front that Zhou Jiang will see him. Although Zhou Jiang and the others are in the right position behind the battlefield, and he is in the middle, if they go to the front, no matter where they are. , Are very conspicuous.

No, not only Zhou Jiang saw it, but Zhou Nan and others also found him, and everyone who had originally watched the elves outrageously looked at him.

Liu Guoan still stood beside Lu Yong and Ye Yangyao and didn't go back, let alone Zu Yuanjia, he is the captain of the guns here, how could he leave.

Zhou Jiang and the others moved their gazes to the side, and they were not far away. How could they not see?

Turning his head to look over there, Liu Guoan was stunned and then explained to everyone.

"It's Xiao Chen, he is here to change the elves. Although the elves are powerful, they are not hard to fight. They can't fight all the time. When the number of elves in the "other world" increases, the time they will fight will be Longer, the number of shifts will be less, and now their numbers have not risen, so we divided the elves into several shifts, and when we see it, we will come over."

As soon as Liu Guoan finished speaking, the man named Xiao Chen threw the poke ball in the open space nearby.

He took the Poke Ball from the space bag.

After a white mist flashed, countless elves appeared on the clearing over there.

These elves should have been used to them a long time ago, so after they came out, they did not start to attack, and they sprayed out the elves in the distant "other world".

Release one batch, take another batch, release another batch.

This was repeated until all the elves were recovered into the elven ball, Xiao Chen's work was not over.

After that, he only needs to take the elves to eat and rest.

When Xiao Chen came back, he naturally saw Zhou Jiang, the others and Liu Guoan. He just greeted everyone from a distance and then left from the passage, and Liu Guoan did not let Xiao Chen come over. .

One is that it doesn't make much sense to call him over. Is it possible to introduce him to Zhou Jiang and others? It's totally unnecessary.

The second is that these elves really need to rest. The elves of the "other world" were cultivated there before. Before they came officially, they were waiting here. After all, they always have to be guarded by the elves, so They will be replaced in such a short time.

After the second team of elves had finished changing their defenses, seeing that the second team of elves that had been replaced were still firing abilities like the previous elves, and blasting against the elves of the opposite "different world", Zhou Jiang and others quickly looked at them. Moved away.

Lu Yong and the others were talking with Liu Guoan and Zu Yuanjia, while Zhou Jiang's words were looking at the first team that was fighting.

Because the first team is too far forward, and they are still fighting with the "other world" elves, they are not dragged out by the staff for treatment after they are injured, but they quit by themselves when they think it is almost the same. Come, retreat to the second team, and then the staff will take them back for treatment.

Otherwise, if these staff members go up rashly, don't say whether they can bring them back, I'm afraid they will have to explain there.

Being hammered by these red-eyed "other world" elves was not a joke, the internal bleeding was still light.

And even if it hadn't been hammered by the group of melee elves in the "other world", it would not be much better to be hit by the energy attack from the sky.

The reason Zhou Jiang turned his gaze to the first team was not because of something happened there, but simply felt that the battle was better than the hand-to-hand combat on the first team.

Although it's not a competitive game on the stage now, it looks a bit terrifying, but as long as you see more, you won't feel much.

Due to the addition of Zhou Jiang and others, the third team suffered heavy casualties after an attack, and played a big advantage. As a result, the second team was originally only five-fifths away from the other side, but now it is also starting to fight against the other side. .

Compared with the crushing of the second team and the third team, naturally the battle on the first team is more exciting.

The battle between the second squad and the third squad was just a unilateral slaughter of the opposite side. Although it is better to say that the fighting is to slaughter the opposite side, it is not as good as an even battle if it is to be enjoyed.

Now Zhou Jiang is only pursuing spectacle, not to say that the second and third teams are not doing well, but in terms of spectacle, it is indeed better for the first team.

It's just a pity ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Because the speed of the elves is too fast, most of them can only see the afterimages of their arms, legs and tails. This is the energy radiating from various parts when they attack. The light is conspicuous, otherwise it would be even harder for Zhou Jiang to see clearly because of the distance.

Liu Guoan couldn't stay here all the time, he still had to go back to the command room and sit there, and it was impossible for Zhou Jiang and others to fight here all the time.

The task of Zhou Jiang and others is to deliver materials, that is, to deliver them, not to fight.

I came to help now just because the elves in the "other world" were breached, so I wanted to help them.

Now that they joined, except for the first team, the elves on the base side completely suppressed the elves on the opposite side. The guns and guns were also lifted, and Zhou Jiang and others could almost go back on the ground. Jiang Shui and other girls are still waiting for Zhou Jiang and others to go back.

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