I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 819: The attacked village

When Zhou Jiang and others returned to the ground, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

Everything is as usual outside, without the dry and endless grassland and the cold wind.

On the open plain, there was nothing else except this helicopter of Zhou Jiang and the others, and the elves sent by Zhou Jia and others to stand on the helicopter to watch out.

When Zhou Jiang and the others came out on the "elevator", they were seen by Bibi Niao, who was observing the surroundings from the helicopter. When Zhou Jiang and the others came out, Bibi Niao knew that his mission was over, so there was no sound. Reminder, but flew directly back into the cabin and talked to Zhou Jia and others.

Although Bibi is an elf and is cold-resistant, cold-resistant does not mean that it likes cold!

Bird elves like Bibi Niao must all like warm environments. Now that Zhou Jiang and the others are back, the task is over, it is so lazy.

Standing on the top of the plane, its fur was messed up by the cold wind.

Sure enough, not long after Bibi Niao entered, Zhou Jia and some of the girls came out, and at this time Zhou Jiang and others were saying goodbye to the staff member who brought them in.

Saying goodbye, in fact, there is nothing to say between the two parties. After all, everyone is not very familiar, so the two sides are just a few routine polite sentences. After the polite set, the staff took the elevator back, and Zhou Jiang waited. People also returned to the plane.

Lu Yong and Ye Yangyao sat in the cab, and Zhou Jiang and others sat down in the cabin.

After Zhou Jiang and others sat down, Jiang Shui and others who were left behind immediately surrounded him, surrounded Teacher Lu Ran, and asked her curiously.

Ask her what's the situation below the base, whether the elves of the "other world" will break the base here, etc.

Lu Ran, who was entangled by them, could only slowly answer their doubts.

Zhou Jiang didn't listen carefully because he had already put on the headphones and went to watch a movie.

In addition to Zhou Jiang, Dai Qianyi and Chen Fan both took out their mobile phones to play. The others were mostly listening to Lu Ran and the others.

This is a normal phenomenon, or it can be said to be a process.

Every time they arrive at a base and are about to leave, the people staying outside the plane will ask the people who have returned from the base. At that time, it is also quite lively. After about ten minutes, the cabin will be Be quiet, because everyone is either asleep or looking at their mobile phones.

Quiet and terrible, except for the rumble of the helicopter flying, there is no other sound.

I don’t know how long it has been. When Zhou Jiang’s mobile phone was playing some cliche people and elves’ love movies, a piece of news popped up. Originally, Zhou Jiang didn’t pay much attention to it. He was about to cross it out. As a result, my eyes could not help seeing the content of the news-a large group of mysterious elves appeared in X City and attacked a local village. So far, there are...

At the beginning, Zhou Jiang hadn't reacted yet. A second later, Zhou Jiang suddenly thought of the news from a long time ago that a "different world" wizard appeared in N City and attacked the village.

Mysterious elves appeared in X City, and there was still a large group, and they also attacked humans?

Could it be the elves of the "other world"? !

There is indeed a border base on the edge of City X, but the sleeping base over there is in the city of City X, not outside like other places, deep in the forest.

But if the border base over there is breached, it should be City X that is attacked. Why is it the village on the edge of City X?

Or is it not the elves of the "other world" did it? Undiscovered wizard? Or is it just a gimmick created by the editor to attract attention?

Zhou Jiang was still thinking. Before he clicked in to see, the expressions of the other people in the cabin who were playing with their phones had changed from relaxed to serious.

"Have you seen the news."


I don't know who is talking or who is responding. After the two voices fell, the atmosphere in the cabin became solemn, and Zhou Jiang, who was about to click in, didn't click in, but looked up at the crowd.

"Have you seen it, news." Lu Ran asked calmly.

Zhou Jiang nodded when he saw the others, and Chen Fan also said, "Yes, if you are talking about the news that the village in X city was attacked."

Seeing their serious looks, Zhou Jiang affirmed his previous guess.

Sure enough, the mysterious elves are the elves of the "other world"!

While Chen Fan and the others were discussing the matter, Zhou Jiang quickly lowered his head to read the news.

They discuss and discuss. Although Zhou Jiang can also obtain some information from it, it is not troublesome. Moreover, some of Zhou Jiang at the beginning may not be understood. It will be understood later, and if there is something registered in the news. Zhou Jiang didn't know it, and Chen Fan and the others said it again. Then he wanted to look dumbfounded?

The video was paused, the news was turned over, and Zhou Jiang looked down every word.

The news reported that a large number of elves with black stripes appeared around a small village in City X. They would attack all the people, things, and elves that approached.

At present, they attacked the village called "Lianxia". According to the villagers who escaped covered in blood, after those elves attacked the village, several of the villagers in the village died. Now those elves have taken over the village. Many of the villagers may have been killed.

Rongxia Village is a small village with more than one hundred households and a total population of only over three hundred. When the elves attacked, there was almost no place to run, and only a few of them escaped.

At the end of the news, the villagers who had escaped for help have been sent to the hospital. Police in small towns and other places near the village have also been dispatched. Even the Alliance will send troops to suppress it, hoping that other people will not come close to the area. Avoid being injured by those mysterious elves.

When Zhou Jiang had just read this news and was about to listen to Zhou Nan's discussion, he saw another news pop up.

Seeing that it was not about lace news and other miscellaneous news, it was related to the attack on Rongxia Village in X City, Zhou Jiang clicked in.

‘The speed of the alliance is really fast, maybe it’s already prepared? After watching the newly pop-up news, Zhou Jiang thought to himself.

The new news popped up about an interview with a well-known Ph.D who studies elves. He said that these elves are very dangerous. They are hostile to humans. They may be affected by some ancient power or The Rockets manipulated and affected the mood.

Let everyone stay away from them. The civilians will immediately run away when they see them, and then call the police to let people from the alliance support them. If the trainer encounters them alone, the number of elves on the opposite side does not exceed five, and the trainer's level is above the elite intermediate level, you can try After a fight, the others must be the same as ordinary people, run away first, then call the police, in short, don't touch them if you don't have the strength, don't be a hero.

Although the Alliance does not want these "other world" elves, which means that the trainers will not get any rewards for defeating them, but most of the trainers are passionate young people. Even if there are no rewards, those who can help will go up to help. I'm afraid that their brains will get hot and they will go up and fight regardless of the strength gap.

These "different world" elves are different from other mischievous elves. Most of those mischievous elves are not bad in nature, just playful, so they often tease the villagers, and the trainers can easily catch them after the war with the elves. Run them, these are what most trainers have encountered.

Naughty elves will not hurt people, but these "other world" elves are different. If you rush to fight with them, let alone hurt people, once the difference in strength is a little bit bigger, the life of the elves and the lives of people will be both. Stay!

After reading the news, Zhou Jiang looked up at Zhou Nan and the others, only to find that they didn't know when they stopped the discussion, and they were looking down at their mobile phones.

Zhou Jiang was stunned for a second before reacting. They should also be watching the news that he just watched.

He almost thought that they had finished the discussion with his head down watching the news, and then they went to play on their phones.

Fortunately, he didn't disappoint, and it didn't take long for Zhou Nan and the others to raise their heads and discuss again.

But this time, Lu Yong and Ye Yangyao in the cockpit also participated.

Zhou Nan and their discussion naturally heard the two of them in the cockpit, and when Zhou Nan and the others looked down to read the second news, they did not fly the plane. Lu Yong, who was sitting in the co-pilot's position, also I took out the phone and read the news, and then told Ye Yangyao.

Afterwards, seeing Zhou Nan and the others discussed it again, they also participated.

"I remember that there is only one entrance to the "different world" in X city, why would Longshang Village be attacked by them? Where did those "different world" elves come from?" Zhou Jiang finally opened his mouth after listening for a while, The question was asked.

As soon as Zhou Jiang spoke, the others stopped the discussion, glanced at him, and then they all began to think about this issue.

They were discussing this issue before, but after the second news came out, they stopped discussing this issue, and then Ye Yangyao and Lu Yong joined in and discussed it elsewhere, not on this issue. Stay on more.

Now that Zhou Jiang asked it out, then the question was again before everyone.

"I've been to other places. The cities around X City, and the forests close to City L and City B have border bases. Maybe they ran out from there?" Jiang Shui answered consciously.

She has always answered other people's questions quickly, but basically not much right.

"It's not possible. If the elves of the "different world" run out, doesn't it mean that the base there was breached? The base we were staying at in the "different world" was breached, the border base It hasn't been breached, it's still dragging, and the chance of winning is very high." This was said by Chen Ziang, who had been to the base.

"Maybe there will be a new "different world" entrance. It seems that there are so many entrances to this "different world" at the beginning?" Wang Qingyan asked.

"It's really not. I heard that there were only a few in the beginning, and it took hundreds of years to become the size it is now." Lu Yong said in front.

"If there is a new entrance to the "other world", wouldn't it be bad? The alliance shouldn’t know in advance where the entrance to the "other world" will appear, right? At this time, if another entrance comes out, the alliance can have the strength to defend. ?" Chen Fan asked in surprise.

"It's hard to tell." Tian Zhengjie shook his head and said, "There are not many "other world" elves that can only hope to come out, or don't spread out. If they are scattered everywhere, even if they are guarding the place and escaping The elves are not easy to encircle and suppress."

Time passed by the crowd's discussion, and it didn't stop until dinner in the afternoon.

After the meal, the plane stopped. The plane continued to take off after the pilot was changed. In the cabin of the re-flying plane, everyone did not continue discussing this matter. After all, everything that can be said and guessed Guess, there is no follow-up news report, no relevant information in this area, no matter how people guess it is useless.

I can talk for so long because I was a little boring before and everyone couldn't stop after the beginning.

Now we have discussed it all afternoon, and it's over.

After eating, Zhou Jiang and others continued to play with their mobile phones. What should they do?

If they are concerned about this, at the last stop, the base close to City G can make inquiries after the delivery of the goods, or even form a team to visit City X. Now they should take a good rest and enjoy themselves. Let's talk about it after this time.

The final destination of Zhou Jiang and others’ trip was the base on the edge of City G, but they were going to deliver the supplies. Now all the materials on the plane have been given away at the base on the edge of City A, so they have to go to City V. supplement.

City V is in the northeast of the base. Although it is said that the line segment between the two points is the shortest, if they want to rush over as quickly as possible, it is best to go straight, but they have now reached the undeveloped area of ​​the alliance.

Now they have just entered ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If they head straight towards City V, they must go deeper into the forest.

This was very dangerous. Although Zhou Jiang had been bold enough to go in before, he didn't go deeper, just in the marginal area.

And he has encountered a lot of quasi-Uranus-level elves in the marginal area, and if you go deeper, there will be many elves of the Uranus champion-level.

It's okay if you encounter someone with a calm temperament. If you encounter someone with a grumpy personality, and see Zhou Jiang and others flying over it, it is afraid that it will come up to fight Zhou Jiang and the others...

It's okay if you provoke the elves of the heavenly king level. As long as the number is small, there are three of Zhou Jiang, Lu Ran, and Tian Zhengjie. It is not a problem to balance, but if you encounter the champion level, Zhou Jiang will be empty.

And the plane is not a genie, it can withstand multiple damages, and it will be cold if it is rubbed by the skill.

Therefore, for safety, the route they chose was to return backwards, and then go around the arc to City V, and after going to City V to get supplies, they also went around the arc to the destination.

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