I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 825: Evolution, testing

After thanking Xia Wan, Zhou Jiang walked straight to Zhao Jianbai.

It's okay to eat after breakfast, it's still early, he wants to know why the fire-breathing dragon evolved!

Although this should not be confirmed in a short time, he is not happy to ask questions now, and he is so relieved to hand the question to Zhao Jianbai earlier.

However, Zhao Jianbai also has his own job. Zhou Jiang can only hope that what he is doing now is just a small thing, and he will finish it all at once, or he thinks it is not important. Put aside the work at hand and study the fire-breathing dragon first. The problem.

Seeing that Zhou Jiang didn't go to the kitchen, but walked in directly, Xia Wan was slightly taken aback, but soon she didn't look at Zhou Jiang's side.

She has reminded Zhou Jiang about breakfast. If Zhou Jiang wants to eat, he will eat it by herself. As for what he wants to do now, it has nothing to do with her. Compared with Zhou Jiang, she pays more attention to the work at hand. .

Although it was just daily cleaning and tidying up, she did it very seriously and did not slack at all. This is one of the reasons why she was selected as an assistant by Dr. Zhao Jianbai.

For people who work hard, every boss will have a good impression of them.

When Zhou Jiang came next to Dr. Zhao Jianbai, Dr. Zhao Jianbai finally looked up.

"Doctor." In order not to disturb the others, Zhou Jiang called out softly.

"Oh, Zhou Jiang, I got up very early, how about it, did you get used to sleeping last night?" Seeing that the person was Zhou Jiang, Dr. Zhao Jianbai asked with a smile on his face.

"Well, I slept well." Although he did sleep well, he didn't talk about this when he came over, so he quickly entered the subject and said, "Doctor, my fire dinosaur has evolved!"

"Huh, huh?" Dr. Zhao Jianbai nodded, and only reacted after a second. The smile on his face narrowed, and he looked at Zhou Jiang in surprise, "Evolved?"

As Zhao Jianbai was a little excited, his voice became louder, causing all other researchers who were busy watching over.

After all, it's not any important research now. Except for the two assistants who are collating and sorting out some of the materials, the other two researchers are doing it casually and looking at yesterday's research content.

To sum up, they are not as busy as they seem to be, so they became curious about Zhao Jianbai's surprise and increased the volume.

"Yeah." Zhou Jiang nodded, then looked out the door.

Zhao Jianbai looked in the direction Zhou Jiang was looking and found Shanaido and the fire-breathing dragon outside the door.

Shane Duo was directly ignored by Zhao Jianbai. His eyes fixedly stared at the fire-breathing dragon outside and thought: ‘That fire-breathing dragon evolved from yesterday’s fire dinosaur? ’

Zhou Jiang resolved his question and said, “Yes, that’s my fire-breathing dragon. When I woke up this morning, it evolved. So I was wondering if the doctor mistakenly called it when you studied it yesterday. Solved the problem by accident?"


Following Zhou Jiang's words, Dr. Zhao Jianbai thought for a while, nodded, then shook his head, looked at Zhou Jiang and said, "It's hard to say, can I check it again?"

"Of course!" Zhou Jiang has nothing to do. Even if he doesn't say anything, Zhou Jiang will ask him to help check the fire-breathing dragon. Now he directly asks it, just saving Zhou Jiang from asking him.

What Zhou Jiang said, Xanadu and the fire-breathing dragon would naturally hear them.

After obtaining consent, the fire-breathing dragon folded its wings, then bowed its head and got in through the door.

Fortunately, although the door is small, the space in the laboratory is still large, so it doesn't have to bend over after it comes in.

The fire-breathing dragon ran towards Zhou Jiang and the others, carefully paying attention to the surrounding things along the way.

It has just evolved today, its size has become bigger, and many things are still not used to it.

The body size suddenly grows bigger, and if you walk in a place with many obstacles, it is easy to knock down things.

Although the fire-breathing dragon does not know the value of these things in the laboratory, it also knows that this is something that it cannot break, so it walks very carefully.

Zhou Jiang and Zhao Jianbai had already come to the machine that inspected the body of the elves. There was a lot of fun, and the other four researchers also came over.

At this moment, the three researchers opened the door from the data room and walked in. After they came in, they saw Zhou Jiang and others gathered together, and in front of them was a tall fire-breathing dragon. This picture, It looks like a doctor and they were attacked by elves.

So the three of them were stunned.

Fortunately, they are just researchers. Since they are not trainers, they did not subconsciously throw the poke ball, and this is also a research institute, theoretically safe, so they did not bring the elves, even if they want to throw the elves attack spray Fire Dragon, there is no way.

Fortunately, the movement of the three of them pushing the door in was not big, but it was not small, at least everyone could hear it, so Qian Shou and a researcher subconsciously looked back and found the three of them.

After all, they belong to the same research institute. With the addition of "Shangliang", Dr. Zhao Jianbai is still quite upright, so regardless of the atmosphere, everyone's relationship is good, so Qian Shou and the researcher who looked back and greeted them with a smile .

Well, the people who were regarded as being attacked calmly greeted them, even if they didn't have their brains, they could perceive that they were wrong.

Knowing that it was the three of them who wanted to go wrong, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief, but they soon became curious about what doctors are doing here, and this fire-breathing dragon...

So the three people walked up, stood beside Qian Shou and asked about the situation.

Zhou Jiang did not care about the extra people behind him. Instead, he watched Zhao Jianbai and Xia Wan together, sticking patches with wires on the fire-breathing dragon.

Zhou Jiang knows this thing. He has seen it in anime, and after it is attached to a person, it can detect some physical conditions. As for what can be detected... he doesn't know, after all, he has never been in a hospital, and he doesn't feel much about it. Xing...


But this is only what he knows, and there are elves in this world, and this is still for elves to detect. With that function, Zhou Jiang would not even know.

But it doesn't matter whether he knows or not, he just needs to watch it next to him and wait for the result.

It's like going to dinner. It doesn't matter if he knows how to prepare the dishes, just wait for the waiter to bring the dishes.

Zhao Jianbai, a group of researchers and two assistants were constantly performing various tests on the fire-breathing dragon, and then recorded the test results one by one on the computer. Zhou Jiang looked at it twice and then did not look again. Because he doesn't quite understand...

He knows 30% of the content, but he doesn't know the rest. As usual, he will wait for the final results to come out.

Zhou Jiang recalled the various tests, and found that at least seven or eight different tests were carried out. Up to now, it took at least 20 minutes. After all, what Zhao Jianbai needs is the most accurate detection of the fire-breathing dragon. , So it took so long.

Fortunately, it will be completed soon. After the test on hand is finished, the previous data can be summarized and summarized.

After swallowing the last bite of the cold and hard steamed bun, Zhou Jiang found a chair and sat down. Seeing Zhou Jiang sitting down, Zhou Nan and others next to him also followed.

Yes, Zhou Nan and others have also arrived.

From the beginning of the detection to the present, it took a total of more than 20 minutes, and Zhou Jiang and the others came in about five minutes.

After all, they can't get up much later than Zhou Jiang, everyone is the same.

Zhou Nan and others are like this, and other researchers are similar. In these twenty minutes, all the researchers working in this laboratory have arrived. Now, except for a few people who are helping Zhao Jianbai, everyone else is there. I was busy with my own affairs, some of whom went to study outdoors and left the institute a long time ago.

Soon, a series of complicated inspections were finally completed, and the fire-breathing dragon, who looked unlovable, was also liberated.

Seeing that Zhao Jianbai and the others were finished, they were about to summarize the data. Zhou Jiang and others who had been sitting there for a while got up and checked. Nearly more than 20 people surrounded the aisle. Fortunately, the other researchers Sit in your seat and do your business, so don’t worry about blocking them.

Zhou Jiang is in the front pinch, so you can clearly see the data on the computer.

This time it was no longer Xia Wan's operation, but Qian Shou. As Qian Shou continued to operate, the line of data began to change. Before Zhou Jiang hadn’t realized what was happening, the data was changed. He made the form, just like the form Xia Wan had made yesterday.

But the same is the same, and there are still differences.

Yesterday, Xia Wan first obtained the data referring to the data obtained after a simple physical examination of the fire dinosaur, so the data after the table is relatively simple, but now it is different.

In order to obtain sufficient information, Dr. Zhao Jianbai told the fire-breathing dragon...

A comprehensive physical examination was carried out, and even the blood was drawn and sent to the physical examination. Now the data marked on the form is more and more detailed.

Zhou Jiang scanned it again. Although the data became the data in these charts, Zhou Jiang still did not know the existence, but he recognized himself and read all the important data, and found that there was no problem, just I feel that the strength of the fire-breathing dragon on this data is not as strong as he expected, and it is somewhat different from the system's detection, but this is not a big problem, after all, there are things he does not understand, so the possibility of his misunderstanding is not impossible.

Finally, Zhou Jiang still looked at Dr. Zhao Jianbai. Zhao Jianbai can naturally understand. Since someone can understand, Zhou Jiang doesn’t need to bother to understand these things. Let Dr. Zhao Jianbai and him sum up. .

Well, Dr. Zhao Jianbai did not let Zhou Jiang and the others wait for a long time. He naturally knew that Zhou Jiang and the others didn’t understand, so he pointed out some regulations that Zhou Jiang and others rarely touched, and then explained them to Zhou Jiang one by one. The meaning of the representative.

"In other words, there is no problem?" Zhou Jiang frowned slightly and asked.

"Well, it is true that there is no problem. The data has changed a lot from the time when the fire dinosaur was checked yesterday, but this is a normal phenomenon. After all, after the fire dinosaur has evolved from the fire dinosaur, the strength has greatly increased. This is for sure." Dr. Zhao Jianbai nodded.

Zhou Jiang quickly asked, "Doctor, the fire-breathing dragon is okay, can you know the reason why it hasn't evolved before?"

Dr. Zhao Jianbai sighed, shook his head, and said: "If it hasn't evolved, it may be able to get results in research, but now, it's hard to say. It has no problems with physical examination."

Seeing that Zhao Jianbai and the others were finished, they were about to summarize the data. Zhou Jiang and others who had been sitting there for a while got up and checked. Nearly more than 20 people surrounded the aisle. Fortunately, the other researchers Sit in your seat and do your business, so don’t worry about blocking them.

Zhou Jiang is in the front pinch, so you can clearly see the data on the computer.

This time it was no longer Xia Wan's operation, but Qian Shou. As Qian Shou continued to operate the operator, the line of data began to change. Before Zhou Jiang hadn’t realized what was happening, the data was changed. He made the form ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Xia Wan made the form yesterday.

But the same is the same, and there are still differences.

Yesterday, Xia Wan first obtained the data referring to the data obtained after a simple physical examination of the fire dinosaur, so the data after the table is relatively simple, but now it is different.

In order to obtain sufficient information, Dr. Zhao Jianbai conducted a comprehensive physical examination of the fire-breathing dragon, and even the blood was taken and sent to the physical examination. Now the data marked on the form is more and more detailed.

Zhou Jiang scanned it again. Although the data became the data in these charts, Zhou Jiang still had unknown existence, but he knew himself and...

I read all the data that knows the degree of importance, and found that there is no problem. I just feel that the strength of the fire-breathing dragon on this data is not as strong as he expected, and there are some differences from the system detection, but this problem is not big, after all, there are some he does not. There is something to understand, so the possibility of him misunderstanding is not without.

Finally, Zhou Jiang still looked at Dr. Zhao Jianbai. Zhao Jianbai can naturally understand. Since someone can understand, Zhou Jiang doesn’t need to bother to understand these things. Let Dr. Zhao Jianbai and him sum up. .

Well, Dr. Zhao Jianbai did not let Zhou Jiang and the others wait for a long time. He naturally knew that Zhou Jiang and the others didn’t understand, so he pointed out some regulations that Zhou Jiang and others rarely touched, and then explained them to Zhou Jiang one by one. The meaning of the representative.

"In other words, there is no problem?" Zhou Jiang frowned slightly and asked.

"Well, it is true that there is no problem. The data has changed a lot from the time when the fire dinosaur was checked yesterday, but this is a normal phenomenon. After all, after the fire dinosaur has evolved from the fire dinosaur, the strength has greatly increased. This is for sure." Dr. Zhao Jianbai nodded.

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