Dr. Zhao Jianbai found nothing, so he recommended Zhou Jiang to see Dr. Wang Hongru. Zhou Jiang did not refuse, and decisively agreed.

Zhao Jianbai called Dr. Wang Hongru in front of Zhou Jiang and the others, and then talked about it on the phone.

Sure enough, Wang Hongru was very interested in hearing that the fire dinosaur level exceeded a lot, and did not resist evolution, but it was the phenomenon that it was unable to evolve. Wang Hongru was very interested and immediately agreed.

Not only that, he also said that let Zhou Jiang directly use the conveyor to transmit the fire-breathing dragon to him to study it. Zhou Jiang only needs to wait for the result. As a result, after he finished speaking, Zhou Jiang was a bit embarrassed.

To be honest, Zhou Jiang didn’t really want to send the elves to him directly, and it was still used for research, which made him feel a little instinctively disgusted, but he also knew that Dr. Wang Hongru would not do anything to fire-breathing dragons. After all, he The fire-breathing dragon is nothing special, it is of purple quality, and it is not golden. The fire-breathing dragon is so small that people still don't look at it, even if it is a quasi-god, it will not be corrupt.

And this is the guarantee made by Dr. Zhao Jianbai. Even if Dr. Wang Hongru wants to do some dangerous research, he has to consider the existence of Zhao Jianbai, so the safety of the fire-breathing dragon hardly needs to be considered.

After analyzing the pros and cons in an instant, Zhou Jiang resolutely agreed. After that, Zhao Jianbai chatted with Wang Hongru for a while, then hung up the phone.

Zhou Jiang took back the fire-breathing dragon waiting outside the house, and then Zhao Jianbai took Zhou Jiang to a corner of the research room, where there was a elven teleportation device that was rarely used.

The world elves transfer devices are all the same, they are all a template, so the operation is the same, put the elven ball with the fire-breathing dragon on it, adjust the position, match it to Dr. Wang Hongru, and after confirming it, pull it down After the gate, after a full current flashed, the wizard ball in the groove had been transmitted.

At this time, at the research institute of Dr. Wang Hongru, which was on the other side of the Chinese mainland, Wang Hongru, who was waiting in front of the Elf Teleporter, grabbed the Elf Ball that suddenly appeared in the groove...

The fire-breathing dragon teleported over, and nothing happened next. After chatting with Zhao Jianbai for a while, he refused Qian Shou's kindness to lead them. Zhou Jiang and Zhou Nan went outside the research institute to continue watching the elves.

Although the research on the crystal table has not come to fruition, and the research on the fire-breathing dragon is gone, after all, the **** mission has ended, and now they have plenty of time.

In addition, Zhao Jianbai asked Zhou Jiang to stay here for a few more days. Besides Dr. Zhao Jianbai, the other researchers are also quite good, so Dai Qianyi and the others agreed to stay and prepare to have a good relationship with them. , Develop contacts.

Seeing that they all wanted to stay and play, Zhou Jiang didn't disappoint. Anyway, wherever they go, the elves are not unable to exercise. Anyway, Dai Qianyi and their elves are also there, just let them fight each other.

So, everyone is...

I stayed in the research institute for three days. Most of the time, everyone was in the research institute to see Dr. Jianbai Zhao and the others doing research and help them.

Of course, the so-called fight is only Zhao Jianbai and the others are curious when they see Zhou Jiang, so they are given some simple tasks, and then they are involved.

Three days later, Zhou Jiang and others bid farewell to Dr. Zhao Jianbai. Their purpose here was almost finished and they could leave.

During these three days, Dr. Wang Hongru's research on the fire-breathing dragon had no results, but the secret of the crystal table had been successfully solved by Zhao Jianbai.

Through the giant pincer mantis, the treasures in the crystal table were taken out by everyone, but to everyone's expectations, it was actually a recipe in the crystal table!

What formula? The flying mantis evolved into the props of the giant pincer mantis, the formula of the metal battle suit!

The giant pincer mantis has three characteristics, namely the common and common insect premonition and technical master, and the hidden characteristic light metal!

At present, there is only one formula for the metal suit that has been discovered in the world, so the evolution of the giant pincer mantis has no light metal properties.

And the equipment in the crystal table that Zhou Jiang brought back is the formula of the light metal suit!

This may not be great for Zhou Jiang, but for others, whether it is Zhao Jianbai or Dai Qianyi, this is a major discovery.

The discovery of a new type of giant pincer mantis evolutionary item is another honor for Zhao Jianbai. For this world that has not yet explored the secrets of the elves, discovering this Nobel Prize is no less than Zhou Jiang's previous life!

As for Dai Qianyi and the others, they are the people who obtained the crystal table, and they will have their share of the credit, and even because they are not developing in the research circle, the significance of this reputation is not great, but the most important point is that they can Make money through this!

Learn about patent monopoly.

The group of them is the owner of this formula, and after the formula is announced, the World Alliance will recognize that this formula belongs to them, and if others want to use it, they must pay them.

Although they don't know how powerful the light metal giant pincer mantis is, they will know when they think about it. It must be better than the ordinary giant pincer mantis.

The dramatic increase in speed is no joke, even the characteristics of a technical expert cannot compare to the characteristics of light metal.

And with this formula, the money is still flooding them continuously?

Not to mention becoming the richest man or something, it is impossible, but it is not a problem to be able to support the various expenses of their trainers.

I won’t talk about other things in the future, it’s not impossible for their elves to eat energy cubes every meal!

After discussion by Zhou Jiang and others, everyone unanimously decided to give the formula to professional people to operate. After all, everyone is not the material for this, and there is no channel.

Now the cakes on the market have long been sorted out. It is not easy for them to join rashly, and it is easy to be squeezed out and suppressed, although they do this business in China...

The museum opened in the Jiang family of J City, Zhou Jiang’s fellow, so it’s not too much, but it doesn’t mean that they won’t make any moves.

In addition, everyone is not prepared to give up the trainer route, and there is no time to do this, so everyone decides to hand over the Jiang family, delegate this thing to the Jiang family, let them run, and they only need to sit and collect the money. .

The Jiang family is not short of money, so even if the new steel suits come out may impact the sales of their family's original steel suits, they will not go to war. After all, they value fame and status more than money.

And Zhou Jiang and the others handed this new type of steel suit to their agent. They would refuse such a good opportunity without any reason. At most, the two sides would have to fight over the price.

Finally, Zhou Jiang and others left with the formula, while the people in Zhao Jianbai and his research institute were busy researching the light metal metal suits made out of them. Now they are still studying the suits themselves. Later, they might just Will study the evolved Giant Claw Mantis.

But this has nothing to do with Zhou Jiang and the others. At this time, Zhou Jiang and others were sent to the airport by Xia Wan. After bidding farewell to Xia Wan, everyone started boarding.

Everyone is going back to J City!

Even Dai Qianyi and the others are the same. After all, if they have to negotiate with the Jiang family, it would not be easy to deal with Dai Qianyi and the others. Even Joey Lian, who is not very interested in these, was dragged by Jiang Shui and the other girls. Said that she was invited to be a guest and took her to J City. In the end, Joey Lian did not make it. Everyone went to J City.

It would take more than eight hours to fly from City V to City J. Everyone left in the morning. When they arrived in City J, there were already many places in the afternoon, but it was winter at this time, so it was dark.

When everyone came back, they didn't notify their family members, so they stayed in a nearby hotel for one night and notified them when they could go home the next day.

Although Zhou Nan and the others came out of J City to do the task, it didn't take many days for them to finish their calculations, but after returning to J City, they were still a little excited. Early the next morning, everyone broke up and went back to each house.

Joey Lian followed Jiang Shui and the others, while Dai Qianyi and the others followed Zhou Jiang.

The recipe is placed here in Zhoujiang, and the Jiangjia Taoist Museum is also near Zhoujiang and the others. In addition, after returning with Zhou Jiang, they can also arrange for them to live in a small villa in the suburbs, so it is considered to go back with Zhou Jiang. The best.

Zhou Jiang, Zhou Nan, Xu Feng, Lu Ran and Zhou Jia, plus Dai Qianyi, the eight of them were all the same. When they came out of the hotel, Zhou Jiang and them all informed the family. As for returning from the airport At home, it was almost four hours later.

Zhou Jiang had already told Lao Jiang about Dai Qianyi’s three people. People in this world are more tolerant of staying overnight, plus they are Zhou Jiang’s friends, so naturally there is no problem. Before Zhou Jiang and the others went back, Lao Jiang and the others cleaned up their room.

Three days later, Zhou Jiang and others bid farewell to Dr. Zhao Jianbai. Their purpose here is already bad...

Not much is over, you can leave.

During these three days, Dr. Wang Hongru's research on the fire-breathing dragon had no results, but the secret of the crystal table had been successfully solved by Zhao Jianbai.

Through the giant pincer mantis, the treasures in the crystal table were taken out by everyone, but to everyone's expectations, it was actually a recipe in the crystal table!

What formula? The flying mantis evolved into the props of the giant pincer mantis, the formula of the metal battle suit!

The giant pincer mantis has three characteristics, namely the common and common insect premonition and technical master, and the hidden characteristic light metal!

At present, there is only one formula for the metal suit that has been discovered in the world, so the evolution of the giant pincer mantis has no light metal properties.

And the equipment in the crystal table that Zhou Jiang brought back is the formula of the light metal suit!

This may not be great for Zhou Jiang, but for others, whether it is Zhao Jianbai or Dai Qianyi, this is a major discovery.

The discovery of a new type of giant pincer mantis evolutionary item is another honor for Zhao Jianbai. For this world that has not yet explored the secrets of the elves, discovering this Nobel Prize is no less than Zhou Jiang's previous life!

As for Dai Qianyi and the others, they are the people who obtained the crystal table, and they will have their share of the credit, and even because they are not developing in the research circle, the significance of this reputation is not great, but the most important point is that they can Make money through this!

Learn about patent monopoly.

The group of them is the owner of this formula, and after the formula is announced, the World Alliance will recognize that this formula belongs to them, and if others want to use it, they must pay them.

Although they don't know how powerful the light metal giant pincer mantis is, they will know when they think about it. It must be better than the ordinary giant pincer mantis.

The dramatic increase in speed is no joke, even the characteristics of a technical expert cannot compare to the characteristics of light metal.

And with this formula, the money is still flooding them continuously?

Not to mention becoming the richest man or something, it is impossible, but it is not a problem to be able to support the various expenses of their trainers.

I won’t talk about other things in the future, it’s not impossible for their elves to eat energy cubes every meal!

After discussion by Zhou Jiang and others, everyone unanimously decided to give the formula to a professional person to operate ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ After all, everyone is not the material for this, and there is no channel.

The cakes on the market have already been sorted out. It’s not easy for them to join rashly, and they can easily be squeezed out and suppressed. Although they are doing this business in China, it is the Jiang’s family in J City, a fellow of Zhou Jiang, so It won't be too much, but it doesn't mean they won't take any action.

In addition, everyone is not prepared to give up the trainer route, and there is no time to do this, so everyone decides to hand over the Jiang family, delegate this thing to the Jiang family, let them run, and they only need to sit and collect the money. .

The Jiang family is not short of money, so even if a new type of steel suit comes out...

After they come, they may hit the sales of their original steel suits, and they will not go to war. After all, they value reputation and status more than money.

And Zhou Jiang and the others handed this new type of steel suit to their agent. They would refuse such a good opportunity without any reason. At most, the two sides would have to fight over the price.

Finally, Zhou Jiang and others left with the formula, while the people in Zhao Jianbai and his research institute were busy researching the light metal metal suits made out of them. Now they are still studying the suits themselves. Later, they might just Will study the evolved Giant Claw Mantis.

But this has nothing to do with Zhou Jiang and the others. At this time, Zhou Jiang and others were sent to the airport by Xia Wan. After bidding farewell to Xia Wan, everyone started boarding.

Everyone is going back to J City!

Even Dai Qianyi and the others are the same. After all, if they have to negotiate with the Jiang family, it would not be easy to deal with Dai Qianyi and the others. Even Joey Lian, who is not very interested in these, was dragged by Jiang Shui and the other girls. Said that she was invited to be a guest and took her to J City. In the end, Joey Lian did not make it. Everyone went to J City.

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