Although the battle between Big Needle Bee and Flying Mantis was overwhelmed, the time it took was less than three minutes.

Don't look at three minutes as short, but it's not short anymore.

Three minutes is one hundred and eighty seconds!

In the past, the distance between the big needle bee and the flying mantis took less than two seconds, and the big needle bee could fly in front of them, and when fighting, they basically pressed the opposite side, if not at the beginning The Big Needle Bee didn't get serious, and there were a lot of elves on the opposite side, I was afraid it would not be needed for a minute.

In more than two minutes, the Big Needle Bee successfully managed to kill only one of the four elves on the opposite side. The Flying Mantis also issued a "flame", and Zhou Jiang also suddenly reacted and slapped his forehead. , Said to herself: "Fuck, why don't I let Shanaido come out? Anyway, she will still be needed as an interpreter when the time comes. Wouldn't it be faster to let her go with Big Needle Bee!"

After speaking, Zhou Jiang threw Shanaiduo's Elf Ball, and the Big Needle Bee also flew towards the Flying Mantis, launching a final charge against the Flying Mantis.

When Zhou Jiang released Xanaduo's movements, Big Needle Bee was naturally watching it. Seeing this, Big Needle Bee's heart was slightly gloomy, but it would not have any bad emotions towards Zhou Jiang or Shaneduo, so It vented these emotions to the Flying Mantis.

It felt that it was the signal for support sent by the Flying Mantis before that made Zhou Jiang release Xanadu, which means that it "smashed up" Zhou Jiang's mission!

The more I thought about it, the more angry it got, and the Big Needle Bee directly fired up and used its full power to shave.

Although the current proficiency of Shaving Big Needle Bee is still unable to make a half-way turn, but it does not need to turn at all, Big Needle Bee cannot control this speed, so other elves don't say that they react and avoid. Up.


A sonic boom exploded behind the Big Needle Bee. The next second, the Flying Praying Mantis lay directly on the ground, and under it was a round pit that was bigger than that of the Lizard King.

At this time, Xanadu has just transformed from the energy state of red light into form...

At this point, the battle is over.

Although Zhou Jiang didn't know why the big needle bee suddenly violent and maimed the Flying Mantis, it didn't matter. Although the Flying Mantis would not get better for a while, Bi Diao was already awake.

At the end of the battle, the four elves were all **** down. I believe Bi Diao will listen to people well now.

"Thank you." Touching the head of the frustrated Big Needle Bee, Zhou Jiang was a little inexplicable, but he still encouraged it.

Zhou Jiang did not take back the Big Needle Bee. Although Shanaido was there, it could continue to stay outside to protect them.

When the battle was over, Chen Yongan and the three standing behind also walked up, and Big Needle Bee silently fell behind the four to protect their safety.

After Bi Diao woke up, although he was not under the control of Shanaido's thought power, after seeing the tragic situation of the three companions lying on the ground, it was honest.

Zhou Jiang and the others came to it and looked at the comparison eagle who looked at him a little fearfully. Zhou Jiang smiled and pretended to be kind and said: "Okay, trust us, we are not malicious~"

Listening to Zhou Jiang's words, the three Chen Yongan behind him suddenly had a chill, and they all put them on the ground, and there is no malice...

Although Bi Diao wanted to complain, but the situation was compelling, he did not dare to mess around, and could only smile at Zhou Jiang Qiang (fog?).

Zhou Jiang looked at Bibi Niao, smiled, and then sternly said: "Okay, let's not talk about this. To be honest, I don't want to do it, but you can't listen. Now we can talk about it? You all I lost it to me. Although you didn’t see the strength of Big Needle Bee from the back, you should be able to guess what your companion looks like? If I want to do something unfavorable to you, I don’t need to be circumspect, right? ?"

Bi Diao hesitated, then nodded.

Bi Diao had to admit that the human in front of him was right.

Although they are not the strongest echelon in the territory, they are also at the top level. Four of them are beaten one by one. If Zhou Jiang really wants to do something with them, there is indeed no need to deliberately get close to them.

"Bi~Bi~Bi Diao~!"

Zhou Jiang looked at Xanaduo, and Xanaduo immediately translated it. Of course, not only did she translate for Zhou Jiang, but Chen Yongan could also hear it.

Although the less people know about Shanaido's telepathy, the better, but since the relationship is similar and they have to stay together for a long time, letting them know is not a big deal.

Like an automatic energy cube maker, Zhou Jiang didn't let Chen Fan and the others know about it at first. Later, with Chen Fan and the others, after the six people traveled in the "different world", he also let them know about it.

Unless Zhou Jiang didn't use it for such a long time, you would know sooner or later.

Back to the topic.

Shanaduo translated: ‘What do you want to talk about? ’

Zhou Jiang also had no ink marks. He went directly to the subject and asked: "This is the site of the Wind Speed ​​Dog, right? How about your boss Wind Speed ​​Dog?"

Of course, although he said that he went directly to the subject, Zhou Jiang did not directly say that he knew Fengshougou. He needed to make Bi Diao realize that he knew Fengshougou. Although he asked that, he said it was no different from himself. But after all, this was not what he said, but what he thought of from this sentence.

"Bi? Bi! Bi Diao! Bi Bi Diao!" Bi Diao looked a little excited, and kept flapping his wings and shouting.

Shanaiduo did not translate for a long time, Zhou Jiang was a little confused, looking at Shanaido, only Shanaido frowned slightly, Zhou Jiang suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Not long after, Shane Duo said.

But this time Shane Duo didn't directly translate Bi Diao's words, but said to Zhou Jiang: ‘Master, it said that the wind speed dog is dead. This territory is now a tropical dragon. ’

what? !

Wind speed dog is dead?

Zhou Jiang was instantly stunned.

This time Xanadu was only transmitted to Zhou Jiang, so Chen Yongan and the three of them didn't know what Xanadu said. Seeing Zhou Jiang's expression changed, they became curious.

Finally, Chen Fan spoke and asked, "Zhou Jiang, what's the matter?"

"Um..." Zhou Jiang recovered from the shock, looked at Chen Fan and the others, a little embarrassed, and hesitated for a while and said: "Then what, my acquaintance Wind Speed ​​Dog seems to have been defeated by other elves, now this The land has changed owners..."

"Wow, that's true!" Chen Yongan sighed after Zhou Jiang finished speaking.

Zhou Jiang looked at Chen Yongan and asked, "You know?"

Before Chen Yongan spoke, Chen Ziang spoke. He coughed dryly and said: "We guessed randomly before, but I didn't expect it to be like this..."

"..." Zhou Jiang said nothing, sighed, and looked back at Bi Diao.

"What to do? Since it's the territory of the elves we don't know, should we withdraw first?" Chen Fan asked.

They had just beaten their little brother, and the Flying Mantis also sent out a distress signal. If a large wave of elves rushed up, they would be bad.

Previously, I thought this was the territory of the Wind Speed ​​Dog. These four elves were only newly added and didn't know Zhou Jiang, so they didn't care about the signal sent by the Flying Mantis. Now they know that Wind Speed ​​Dog is gone, if they continue to stay. Here, the consequences are unknown.

Zhou Jiang naturally thought of this, raised his head and glanced at the forest in the distance, sighed, and said: "Let's go, retreat first."

After Zhou Jiang turned around, he paused and said, "Sanaido, make Bi Diao dizzy."

Although Bi Diao is quite cooperative now, this is just a pressing situation. If its companions, large troops come, it would be hard to say.

The reason why Zhou Jiang was able to mix with Wind Speed ​​Dog and its little brothers before was mainly because he healed Wind Speed ​​Dog and other high-level cadres' injuries, and he had an automatic energy cube maker, so he could mix with them. .

Right now, he hit someone's younger brother when he first arrived, and Zhou Jiang didn't have the confidence to have a good relationship with the current owner of this territory.

When the time comes, a bunch of younger brothers will come up, even Zhou Jiang will also run away, and may even be unable to escape!

This is not a joke.

So if Zhou Jiang and the others want to run, they must first kill Bi Diao, the little tail that can see where they are running.

Hearing Zhou Jiang's words, Bi Diao was shocked. As soon as he was about to resist, he was surrounded by Shanaido's thought power. Before his strength was used, he was directly controlled by Shanaido and hit the ground continuously.

There is nothing worthy of Zhou Jiang's pause here, so after Zhou Jiang makes a decision, they can turn around and leave.

However, Bi Diao hasn't lost his fighting ability, so Shanaido wants to stay and continue to do it.

In order to make it difficult for Bi Diao to be awakened, Xanadu did not simply fight Bi Diao and lose his combat ability. The best way is to first consume Bi Diao's physical strength, and then use hypnotism to hypnotize him.

In this way, let its physical strength be greatly reduced and then let it fall asleep, so that its threat is greatly reduced. Even if the spirit called by the flying mantis comes over, it will definitely not be able to wake it up for a while!

And Xanadu knew that Zhou Jiang and the others went there, and she could also fly and move instantaneously, and she could sense Zhou Jiang and their location with her mind, so Zhou Jiang could safely leave it to solve the problem.

Well, by the way, faint the cunning tengu who is about to wake up, and let them sleep longer.

Zhou Jiang and the others turned around and ran, although they would not know where to go for a while, but it was definitely right to run back!

Three minutes later, Xanaduo caught up with Zhou Jiang and the others. Zhou Jiang didn't ask how Xanaduo was. He still trusted Xanaduo very much. She must have completed the task before catching up.

At this time, Zhou Jiang and the others have changed from sprinting to walking. After all, this side is in the forest and there are many shelters, so they don't need to run far to be safe.

But to be on the safe side, they didn't stop, but planned to go further.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Jiang and the others finally stopped in a clearing.

There was a fire, and the four people gathered around the fire. You look at me and I look at you. No one spoke.

Finally, Chen Fan, a somewhat impatient person, couldn't help it, and asked, "What should I do next?"

Chen Yongan shrugged and didn't speak. Chen Ziang's words were touching his chin and meditating. Zhou Jiang thought for a while and said: "Although the wind speed dog is no longer there, we can't stay here. Don't forget what I have, I have energy. The cube maker is there, what kind of sprites are in trouble?"

Chen Ziang nodded and said, "Indeed, with this big killer, wild elves can have a good relationship as long as they can communicate."

After speaking, Chen Ziang looked at Zhou Jiang with envy.

"Then let's go to other surrounding territories to see?" Chen Fan asked.

"Yeah." Zhou Jiang nodded and agreed with Chen Fan. "But if possible, we need to go a little bit farther. There were originally four elves' territories nearby, and they are all familiar with me. If they are defeated, they are probably the same. After all, the relationship between their five elves has become better at that time, so we'd better avoid this side."

In addition to the Territory of the Wind Speed ​​Dog, there are actually the Territories of Electric Shock Beast, King Nido, Rumble Rock, and Kentello. Since Zhou Jiang had to clean the original fragments before, I asked Wind Speed ​​Dog to take him to the surrounding lords. The level elves went, and then they didn't get acquainted with King Nido.

Afterwards, Zhou Jiang’s automatic energy block production machine was there, so the relationship between the five elves became much closer, and although Zhou Jiang left afterwards, there was still an energy block automatic production machine here, so their relationship The relationship is unlikely to collapse.

Even if it collapses, it won't make the lord of the wind speed dog territory become a tropical dragon, right?

The reason for the collapse of their relationship is only the energy cube automatic But this is between their five elves, they should not be so stupid to put other elves in, so Zhou Jiang thinks It is very likely that not only the wind speed dog is cold, but the other elves are also cold. If it is a bit exaggerated, maybe these five elves are in this tropical dragon's territory?

Now that this tropical dragon is offended, Zhou Jiang still doesn't find King Nido to be safe. They are still there. After all, the best relationship with Zhou Jiang is the Wind Speed ​​Dog. The other four elves have only ordinary relationships.

The strength of the wind speed dog is similar to that of King Nido, but the wind speed dog is killed by the tropical dragon, which means that the tropical dragon is much stronger than the wind speed dog, and it is naturally stronger than the king Nido.

If Zhou Jiang went to King Nido and the tropical dragons knew about it, Zhou Jiang couldn't guarantee King Nido and the tropical dragons would be tough for Zhou Jiang and the tropical dragon.

So simply, they just run farther away, away from the territory of the tropical dragon, and just find a territory of the elves, anyway, they are here to train the elves this time, where are they training instead of training?

As for finding the tropical dragon trouble to avenge the wind speed dog?

Sorry, Zhou Jiang feels that his relationship with Wind Speed ​​Dog is not so good yet.

If the wind speed dog is still alive, and it comes to Zhou Jiang for help, then Zhou Jiang will naturally help it, even if it is "war" with the tropical dragon, but it is completely cold now...

Moreover, Zhou Jiang felt that the wind speed dog was defeated when it was singled out by the tropical dragon and then died. This is the unspoken rule between the elves and the lord. This is because the wind speed dog is inferior to humans. Zhou Jiang does not need to use it. Human emotions intervene.

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