
Just when Zhou Jiang and the others were about to pack up and leave, suddenly, there was a loud noise from the sky.

Zhou Jiang subconsciously looked up and found that the big-billed bird was hovering about thirty or forty meters above them.

Zhou Jiang's expression changed slightly, and he shouted, "No, I'm here!"

"Quickly, pack your things and go, don't get caught up!"

If there are a lot of elves chasing, 80% of them will peel off their skins. If it is unlucky, there may be a few elves among them, especially Chen Yongan.

Fortunately, Zhou Jiang and the others had nothing outside, just a folding bench under their buttocks, so they could run away soon.

But before running, they still need to get rid of the "tail" on their heads!

"Xanadu, leave it to you!"

"Xanaduo~!" Xanaduo nodded, and then the thought power wrapped herself and flew towards the sky.

"Run this way!" Zhou Jiang pointed to the left direction, and then took the lead and ran towards there.

They are going to another elven territory anyway. Naturally, it is impossible to go back the same way, and it is impossible to move forward. Then they can only go left or right, but the map shows that the closer they are to their current left, the closer they are. L city.

City L will be where they can supply supplies later, so if you choose between left and right, the left is naturally better.

Zhou Jiang, who was running, felt a little aggrieved. He thought he would dare to come here to look for a great elf to score points when he was not half as strong as he is now. He didn't expect to be scared away by a big-billed bird now.

But even though he felt aggrieved, Zhou Jiang would not go to fight them impulsively.

It's really not worth it.

He just came to score points. The situation is very bad now. It’s a little bit to score more points. There is no need to be hard with them for this little thing. If it doesn’t work, then wait until the matter is over before coming to trouble them. After all, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.

Shanaiduo quickly caught up with Zhou Jiang and the others, and it was easy to deal with a big-billed bird.

If it is one-on-one, even if their current lord Tropical Dragon comes to Zhoujiang, they will not be afraid, but either Big Sting Bee or Shane Duo can abuse it. The main concern is that they use human tactics.

But fortunately, it seemed that when they were looking for Zhou Jiang and the others, they came here separately, so the big-billed finches found Zhou Jiang and the others with luck.

Because Zhou Jiang and the others have already decided where they are going, plus the interruption of the big-billed finches, Zhou Jiang and the others have been on their way almost all the time. At noon, they did not make a fire to cook, but ate the sandwiches in Zhou Jiang’s ring. After that, they didn't stay much, and went straight on the road.

It was more than three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhou Jiang and the others finally reached a forest where there was a suspected lord.

The reason for saying this is because Zhou Jiang and the others were surrounded by a group of elves, but fortunately, there were only a dozen elves, and only the elite middle-level ones were the most powerful. This was not a threat to Zhou Jiang and the others.

It was a group of Dajia who surrounded Zhou Jiang. This was also the reason for the "suspect", because it was also probably just Dajia's ethnic group, not the lord's younger brothers.

But it’s not hard to say, the whole group is under the lord elves as little brothers, so I still need to communicate and try, but the temper of Dajia is a little bad, so it may be a little troublesome.

However, Zhou Jiang still wanted to try. After thinking about it, Zhou Jiang took out the honey from the three bees from the space ring.

The worm-type elves like Dajia most like to eat some sweet things. The forests invaded by the Dajia tribe will wither, often because they **** the "honey" of the tree, so they all die.

Sure enough, after Zhou Jiang took out the honey from the three bees and opened the lid, with the breeze wafting around with the honey fragrance, surrounded by Zhou Jiang and the others, the wary and unkind giants were a little intoxicated. Now, the ferocious expression on his face is also relieved.

But this is only for those ordinary Dajia. As the leader of a race or team, it is naturally extraordinary.

The ordinary Dajia has been fascinated by the fragrance of the three bees honey, but the leader of Dajia is still awake, and even with its loud drink, those who have fallen into a state of drunkenness have recovered. .

"We have no malice. This is a small gift." Zhou Jiang smiled, closed the jar containing the three bees honey, and then gently tossed it towards the leader of Dajia.

Previously, Zhou Jiang didn't know who was the leader in a group of big tops. After Honey, he didn't want to know and knew.

Since Zhou Jiang had thrown it lightly, the leader of Dajia didn't make any radical moves. Although his eyes were still looking at Zhou Jiang and the others, Yu Guang kept his eyes on the glass bottle flying in the air.


The bottle fell on the ground full of dead leaves, and there were stones just below, and the glass bottle was suddenly broken.

To conquer the elves needs to throw the elves accurately, so the "skill" of throwing things has been practiced by people in this world since childhood. Even if Zhou Jiang does not have much memory, his muscle memory will not be forgotten. This has become instinct. So he was very accurate, and the honey fell in front of the leader of Dajia.

It was a bit far apart before, so the sweetness of the honey was diluted a lot. Now it is golden yellow, and the honey diluted with some icing on the surface falls in front of the Dajia chief, and it suddenly can't hold it.

If the leader of Dajia couldn't hold it, then the little brothers around it were completely fallen, their eyes fixed on the honey in the glass bottle on the ground, and the saliva flowed out, if it weren't for the honey in their leader In front of them, they don't dare to make any trouble, otherwise they are afraid they will fight directly...

The Dajia chief looked at Zhou Jiang, and Zhou Jiang nodded and said to it: "We have no ill intentions for your meeting ceremony. I believe we can talk."

The Dajia leader hesitated, nodded after watching Zhou Jiang for a while, then bent down and grabbed the broken glass bottle and honey on the ground.

There was only a small hole where the glass bottle was completely broken, and there were many cracks, which did not affect the honey inside.

Grabbing the glass bottle in his hand, the big first leader is pouring a little bit into his hand at the broken place, and then under the gaze of Zhou Jiang and others, he put his honey-stained hand into his mouth.

The honey of the three bees is indeed well-deserved, even if it is not royal jelly, the leader of Dajia can't resist this temptation.

The sweetness in the trunk and the honey of the three bees are not at the same level. The leader of Dajia took his mouth down and almost did not ascend to the sky.

Seeing the leader's ecstasy expression, the giants swallowed wildly.

After the Dajia chief ate two more paws, he began to distribute honey to the little brothers.

Although they are wild elves, they know how to share, especially as the leader and leader of the elves.

Because in the wild, only the elves with a younger brother can get along, but how can a younger brother follow? Naturally, if you have something to eat, you have to give it to the younger brother, and tie them with profit!

Of course, strength is also one of the most important factors, otherwise I don't know when he was usurped by one of the ambitious little brothers.

After eating the honey, the giants were intoxicated for a while before returning to normal.

As the saying goes, eating people with short mouths makes them soft.

The Dajias ate Zhou Jiang's honey, and they really improved Zhou Jiang's senses a lot, and their eyes softened.

Zhou Jiang released Xanaduo. Although the Dajia leader was nervous when Xanaduo was released, after seeing that Xanaduo did not move, he also relaxed and looked at Zhou Jiang.

"Don't be nervous, she is used to help us translate, otherwise we don't know what you are talking about." Zhou Jiang patted Shanaido on the shoulder and said to the Dajia leader.

"Crack, click~"

The head of the Dajia moved some of the appalling mouths, making a clicking sound. This should be their language.

‘What do you want to talk about? ’

Looking at the leader of Dajia, Zhou Jiang nodded secretly, and it really worked.

Zhou Jiang said: "We are the trainers who came to train our elves in the forest. I believe you have met people similar to us? But we are a little different from them. We came to station nearby and train. Yes, I want to know from you, is there any talkative lord spirit around here? We want to borrow it in its territory."

The leader of Dajia was silent for a while, and after thinking for a while, he spoke again.

‘I can take you to meet our leader, but you need to give me two more bottles of what was before. ’

I didn't care that the leader of Dajia used "that kind of thing" to call honey. Zhou Jiang directly nodded and agreed, then immediately took out two bottles from the ring and threw them over.

But although Zhou Jiang agreed, he didn't plan to just go over them directly.

In the past, the wind speed dog and the younger brothers were injured. In addition, he was alone at the time. When encountering something wrong, Shanaido could move and take him away, so he dared to go directly, but now, the opponent leader is well, and Zhou Jiang is not injured. It would not be able to save it to gain a good impression, and if there were too many people, Shanaido couldn't bring so many people together at once, so it was even more dangerous.

After thinking for a while, Zhou Jiang planned to let Chen Yongan and the others stay here first, and he would follow Dajia to explore the wind.

After all, if this big Jia is a pit and wants to eat everything, then he can still run. If there are too many people, it will be troublesome. If who is here, Zhou Jiang really doesn’t know what to do. It was he who brought them, and he was obligated to take care of their safety and take them out completely.

When Zhou Jiang and Chen Yongan were talking about this, they did not agree with them. After all, it would be too dangerous to go in with Dajia and them alone. They said they should go together.

There was no way, Zhou Jiang could only tell them the secret of Shanaiduo, which could bring people to teleport.

At the beginning, Chen Yongan and the others did not believe it, thinking that it was just Zhou Jiang's lie to appease them. After all, there are too few super-powered elves that can move people instantaneously, and they are already open in the world. There are only three elves that move instantaneously. Even if there are hidden underground, there will be no more than twenty at most!

This is the whole world, there are only so many in total, it can be said to be the rare among the rare, and the quasi-god is not even a fart in front of them!

It's so rare, they won't believe it.

No way, Zhou Jiang could only let Shanaido show them live.

Zhou Jiang believed that they would not disclose it, and even if it was exposed, with his current strength and relationship, there would be no big problems.

Seeing them dumbfounded, Zhou Jiang wanted to laugh a little, and after begging not to tell others, Zhou Jiang signaled Da Jia to take him towards the center of the territory.

When Zhou Jiang and the Dajias left, Chen Yongan and the others came back to their senses. The three of them looked at me one by one, and I looked at you, but they didn't know what to say.

After all, this is too unexpected. Zhou Jiang's Shanaido is strong, but such a strong elves are not uncommon. Who knows that Zhou Jiang now tells them that Shanaido can actually move people instantaneously!


"Okay, don't froze, let's leave here first and wait for Zhou Jiang's news." Chen Ziang was the first to react~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said to Chen Fan and Chen Yongan who were still in confusion. .

The two nodded dumbly, and then followed Chen Ziang away.

Naturally, they won’t stay where they are. Staying here is no different from going in with Zhou Jiang. If there is a conspiracy, it’s the same if the other party directly sends an elves here to block them, so they need to find a safe Hiding somewhere, and then waited for Zhou Jiang to send a message to inform them.

Two Titans, Big Needlebee and Shanaiduo, floated beside Zhou Jiang, and then followed the Dajia leader and walked towards the inside of the domain.

Beside Zhou Jiang are some big armors who frequently look towards him as they walk around. Although they surround Zhou Jiang in the middle, Zhou Jiang is not at all empty, after all, they can't beat the powerful combination of Big Needle Bee and Shanaiduo. , And even if he was able to fight, it would not prevent him from escaping.

However, although Zhou Jiang was not afraid of their sudden attacks, he still couldn't bear the frequent glances at them. After all, their appearance was really...

Seeing their big mouths that were still unconscious when they walked, Zhou Jiang felt a bit cold.

The territory here is also not small. Zhou Jiang and Dajia walked for more than an hour to reach the central area of ​​their territory.

Along the way, under Zhou Jiang’s honey strategy, he also constantly digs out information about the elves in this territory from Dajia, such as who the lord is, how many elves have, and how much high-end combat power is. Ah or something.

Although Dajia didn't answer every question, it refused to answer sensitive questions such as how many high-end combat power and the number of younger brothers, but Zhou Jiang still drew out a lot of useful information from it.

For example, at the moment he needs to know the information of the leader of this territory most.

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