I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 842: Meet the Thunder Beast

The leader of Dajia is a thunder and lightning beast, and the character is neither good nor bad, at least not hostile to humans for no reason.

Zhou Jiang does not expect it to be close to humans, as long as it is not hostile, as long as there is an opportunity to communicate and trade, then Zhou Jiang will be sure to grasp its heart!

With a steady stream of wound medicine and energy cubes, he didn't believe that any lord could not be tempted.

Energy cubes not only taste better than tree fruits, they are also more nutritious, full of energy, and can increase their strength if they eat too much. With injury medicine, with injury medicine, they can fight and train unscrupulously.

The elves in the wild have no cures. They can only lie down and rest on their own, and then slowly recover, or they can find herbs on their own and then take them internally and externally. It can be said to be very inefficient, while the wound medicine is different. Not to mention the recovery ability and high efficiency, the quantity is still large, Zhou Jiang can supply in batches!

In this way, as long as the Thunder Beast is not hostile to Zhou Jiang at first, and is willing to communicate with Zhou Jiang, then things can basically be done.

In addition to the general information of the Thunder Beast, Zhou Jiang also learned information about the surrounding territories and the lords from Dajia.

As Zhou Jiang asked about the enemy's information, coupled with Zhou Jiang's "sweet" offensive, the Dajia chief did not hide it privately, and told Zhou Jiang all the information it knew.

First of all, there are only three territories around their territories. The owners of the three territories are giant vines, bronze bells, and Xanadu.

That's right, the owner of another territory is Xanadu!

When he heard the news, Zhou Jiang somehow wanted to go to Shanaido’s territory. After all, Shanaido’s temper was much better than that of Thunder Beast, and Zhou Jiang also had a Shanaido on his side, which is natural. The advantage!

However, after thinking about it, Zhou Jiang felt that he should first meet the Thunder Beast with the Dajias.

After all, it's just a meeting, and it won't hurt.

If it succeeds, it is naturally good, and it does not matter if it fails, and Shanaido is an alternative.

Zhou Jiang came here to train the elves, and the other purpose was to brush points, and among them, it is naturally the most important to brush points, and the more important thing is to brush the original fragments.

After all, without the original fragment, his elves need to understand the original source by themselves. God knows how long this thing will take?

Moreover, although he didn't know what to do when he was promoted to the champion of the heavenly king, 80% of it was also related to the origin, so his needs for the fragment of the origin were still high.

And the elementary fragment is the lowest level elves that need to fight the heavenly king, so you can only learn from the lords of each territory. Therefore, Zhou Jiang not only needs to get the lords of a territory, but also needs to have a good relationship with the lords of the surrounding territories. .

In other words, if the Thunder Beast is completed, then he still needs to go to Shanaiduo's territory. This is nothing more than a sequence.

The undeveloped area of ​​the alliance in the depths of the forest is not just forest terrain, there are rocky places, waterfalls, giant lakes, swamps, and the like.

Zhou Jiang and the others are only in the circle of the undeveloped area of ​​the alliance, so the terrain is basically dominated by rivers, forests, and plains. Others, such as lakes and swamps, are deeper inside. Yes, at least for now, Zhou Jiang will not meet them.

The center of this territory of Thunder Beast is also in the forest, surrounded by tall trees, covering the sky and the sun.

However, it seems that unlike the wind speed dog, the "palace" of the Thunder Beast is installed in the fruit forest.

Tree fruits all have seeds, and their seeds can basically be picked out separately and then planted. As long as they are lucky, they can basically grow into saplings.

Although the elves can't do scientific research, they can still plant trees if they are not low in wisdom.

After the elves consciously transplanted, the fruit forest was placed in a place in the territory by them.

The fruit forest in the Thunder Beast Territory is in the middle of the territory. The fruit forest is full of fruit trees that can bear fruit in all seasons to ensure that they can eat fruit in all seasons and will not be starved to death.

Of course, tree fruits are only part of their food sources, and most of them eat the flesh of the elves or some wild animals in the territory of the hostile elves.

It's a bit far.

When Zhou Jiang and the others arrived outside the fruit forest, a circle of elves surrounded them. Of course, the most important thing was Zhou Jiang in the center.

Surrounded by about fifty or sixty elves watching, to be honest, Zhou Jiang is still a bit imaginary. After all, these elves are wild elves, and they are not too wild.

These are the little brothers of Raidenmon.

When Dajia brought Zhou Jiang over, it was inevitable that he would encounter other elves along the way. Those who could survive on this land were naturally the younger brothers of Thunder Beast, and they saw Dajia leading Zhou Jiang towards the center. Go, naturally you will be curious and inquiring.

After getting the answer, some elves are playing on their own, what should they do and continue to do, and some of them are going directly to Zhoujiang and the others, and ran to the central area to find the lord, saying that Dajia is taking Zhoujiang this human to the center. come.

Although the thunder beast as the lord is not hostile to humans, it does not have a good impression of humans, so it is naturally curious why Dajia brought humans in. However, it was impossible for it to go over and inquire in person, so it asked the younger brothers to wait for Zhou Jiang and the others outside the central site, which is the fruit forest, and then inquired about the purpose.

Suddenly, from the group of elves surrounding Zhou Jiang and Dajias, a nine-tailed tail came out.

Seeing its graceful steps and wagging tail, Zhou Jiang was a little moved.

Nine-tailed elves as pets are really great, but he just thinks about it now. He can’t conquer the elves here. The wild nature is too strong, and the level of the nine-tails is too high. Good tame.


"Crack, click~"


"Crack, crack, crack, crack~"

Jiuwei communicated with the leader of Dajia, and before Zhou Jiang asked Shanaiduo to translate, Jiuwei looked at Zhou Jiang's side.


Xanadu said to Zhou Jiang: ‘Master, it asked us what purpose we are here. ’

Zhou Jiang nodded slightly, smiled and looked at Nine Tails, and said, "Hello, we have no malice. We are here to train our elves. I hope you can lend us some space on the territory. We are willing to pay some compensation."

Kyuubi shook his head, and yelled again, "Woo~oooo~!"

Although Shanaido didn't translate, Zhou Jiang felt bad. After all, shaking his head was not a good sign.

Sure enough, Xanadu once again transmitted to Zhou Jiang, ‘Master, it said they did not welcome us, let us leave their territory quickly. ’

Zhou Jiang frowned, but he did not give up, and continued to say to Jiuwei: "Please give me some time and let me introduce to you the rewards we give you. If we are not satisfied, we will leave immediately. We will never continue. Stay."

Nine Tails fell silent for a while, then nodded, motioning Zhou Jiang to introduce his so-called reward.

Seeing Jiuwei's agreement, Zhou Jiang smiled slightly.

Just agree, he doesn't believe that under the offensive of the energy cube and the wound medicine, they can still refuse?

Now that Jiuwei agreed, Zhou Jiang was able to take out his backpack. The reason Zhou Jiang wanted Jiuwei to agree was because he was afraid that his movement of taking out his backpack would cause tension for Jiuwei and other elves, and then attacked him.

Just like the American police in the previous life, if you ask you to raise your hand, you have to get approval before you get your ID or something. Otherwise, if you are shot, you will be wronged.

After all, on the ground of others, it is always right to be careful.

Zhou Jiang successfully took out the wound medicine and the energy cubes prepared in advance from the backpack, which were prepared beforehand and placed in the backpack for "bribery".

The wound medicine Zhou Jiang hadn't moved much. It was contained in a bottle. If the energy cubes were contained, they were contained in a transparent glass box. After opening the lid, the fragrance came out.

These energy cubes are universal energy cubes. Zhou Jiang took out one at random, and then said to Nine Tails: "This is a high-end energy food invented by us humans. After eating, it can increase the energy storage in the elves. If you eat regularly, your strength can increase substantially."

After speaking, Zhou Jiang lightly tossed the energy cube towards Jiuwei.

The energy cube landed about half a meter in front of Jiuwei. Jiuwei looked at Zhou Jiang and the energy cube on the emerald green grass, slowly pacing forward.

Walking to the front of the energy cube on a catwalk, Jiuwei looked up at Zhou Jiang suspiciously. Zhou Jiang smiled and nodded at it, motioning it to eat.

Kyuubi looked at the energy cube on the ground, and felt a little eager in his heart. It didn't have any doubts about the food, mainly because its instinct told it that this thing was not dangerous and would be good for it.

After hesitating, Kyuubi finally lowered his head and took a bite on the orange-sized energy cube on the ground.

"Woo~!" Kyuubi's eyes lit up with one bite.

The taste is still secondary. The main reason is that the sufficient energy in this energy cube makes its originally hungry belly a lot full in an instant. Not only that, after the energy cube is down, it vaguely feels that its strength has increased again. !

Although it's only a loss of the size of the hair, the loss is also enhanced!

Especially when the strength has reached its level, it is basically difficult to strengthen.

Without hesitation, after eating the remaining energy cubes on the ground in a couple of mouthfuls, Kauai raised his head and looked at Zhou Jiang with scorching eyes.

Zhou Jiang smiled slightly, looking at its appearance, I was afraid that the wounding medicine would not need to be dispatched, but it was just right. The wounding medicine could be taken out after meeting the Thunderbolt beast afterwards, and when it came time to find its younger brother to fight It will probably agree.

However, I will talk about the following things later, although I feel stable, but I still have to confirm it before I say it.

Zhou Jiang looked at Jiuwei and said with a smile: "How about, as long as you provide us with a small place so that we have a place to live, and you provide a little fruit as food, we will produce this kind of energy called "energy The "squares" are given to you as rewards. I believe you can feel the benefits for you after eating them?"

Zhou Jiang's words made Jiuwei sober up. Looking at Zhou Jiang, Jiuwei thought for a while and shouted to Zhou Jiang: "Woo~oooo~!"

‘It says it can’t make a decision, it’s going to ask the lord, let’s wait here. ’

Zhou Jiang nodded and said, "No problem, I am here waiting for you."

After Zhou Jiang finished speaking, he took out another energy cube from the glass box and asked Shanaido to send it in front of Nine Tails with mental strength, and said to it, "Bring this energy cube to Lord Lord, let it also try it."

Nine Tails wrapped their tail around the energy cube, nodded to Zhou Jiang, turned around, flicked the tail, and after an acceleration, it turned into a beige light beam, plunged into the fruit forest and disappeared.

"Really fast." Zhou Jiang murmured as he watched where Nine Tails disappeared, but there was nothing else to say.

No matter how fast it is, Zhou Jiang can at least see its outline, and if it is shaved, Zhou Jiang can only see a light, even afterimages and the like. I can't see it, if Big Needle Bee's firepower is on, Zhou Jiang can't even see that light!

With the "friendly interaction" between Zhou Jiang and Jiuwei, the elves who surrounded Zhou Jiang and watched the excitement relaxed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ In their opinion, Zhou Jiang was 80% of his own.

Zhou Jiang even saw two Ni Duolang and Ni Duo Na rubbing their ears over there.

Perhaps the effect of the energy cube was too amazing. Within three minutes, Nine Tails and Thunder Beast, as well as a few elves who were probably cadres, ran out of the fruit forest.

Yes, they came out, not out.

Seeing that the leader of the Thunder Beast came out, the elves gathered behind the Thunder Beast. Looking at it this way, the Thunder Beast really had a lot of cards.

Zhou Jiang scanned through the system and found that this Thunderbolt beast was of average strength, and was only the first level of the king, and it was almost reaching the middle level. It can be abused by either Big Needle Bee or Xanadu.

However, because they have a younger brother and many people, Zhou Jiang can only "please" him.


‘Master, it asks how many energy cubes we can provide to them. ’

Listening to Shanaiduo's report, Zhou Jiang smiled slightly and said, "As long as we provide us with some fruits, we can give you one hundred energy cubes every day!"

Zhou Jiang took a look at the system and found that there were only 30 elves (thunder and lightning beasts) on the opposite side of the elite high-level and above, and excluding the high-level elites, there were only seven. Only the quasi-king.

In other words, their structure is the boss, the quasi-tianwang has six small leaders, and the other high-level elites are captains and the like.

For this kind of "lord system" group, Zhou Jiang only needs to establish a good relationship with the lord and the high-level people, and the following elves will not disobey the high-level orders.

And this energy cube is obviously a "high-end product". For high-end products, only high-level people can afford it. Isn't this common sense?

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