I have to say that Shane Duo's acting skills are still very good. If you don't know her true strength, you can't tell that she is releasing water. Chen Yongan, who is next to Zhou Jiang, are wondering how Shane Duo "weakened". Up.

The battle between Xanadu and the Thunderbolt has lasted for more than twenty, nearly thirty minutes. This is a long and protracted battle. Under normal circumstances, the battle between two elves basically does not exceed ten minutes, six or seven minutes. It’s normal. Ten minutes is a relatively long time, and nearly thirty minutes... This is the result of an elf deliberately dragging it down. The premise is that the strength of the elf to be dragged is equal to or better than the opponent. of.

Although Zhou Jiang wanted to give some face to the Thunder Beast, he chose to end with a tie, but if it was a tie, if the original fragments were not obtained, then he would lose out, so Zhou Jiang didn't say anything, just watched the Thunder Beast tired. Down, and Shane Duo forced a shadow ball to take away.

Shanaido is also an acting school, panting and sweating, people who don’t know really can’t tell the truth. After the game, Chen Yongan and the others came to ask what happened to Shanaido and if he was injured. some type of.

Zhou Jiang glanced around the elves who had already gone up to see his boss, and then whispered his thoughts to them. Of course, he would naturally not talk about points and source fragments, which are related to the system, but only the purpose. It was changed to want Thunder Beast and Shanaiduo and others, especially Menus, who can only fight against the elves of the first level of the king,

Although the Raiden Beast lost consciousness and lay on the ground with eyes in circles, it was only because it had been hit for too long and then lost its strength, not forcibly taking away its strength after being injured. It only needs to lie down and rest. The injuries on its body are basically those left by Xanadu at the last time, all of which are small scratches.

The injury is not serious, plus this is the agreement between the Thunder Beast and Zhou Jiang, plus the existence of the two big killers, the wound medicine and the energy cube, so the boys of the Thunder Beast already have a certain trust in Zhou Jiang. , So they just surrounded the Thunder Beast and didn't do anything to Zhou Jiang and them.

Although I don’t want to waste time, I want my elves to play against the monsters and other seven who have already finished the game. Now the small leader surrounded by the Thunder Beast Zhou Jiang, which is the quasi-king-level elves, has just been defeated. In addition to their boss, and they are not too familiar, I am embarrassed to let them fight with his elves now, so they can only wait with Chen Yongan and the others.

The Thunder Beast soon woke up. After all, there was no injury, but if it wants to recover, it can basically only rely on rest. The wound medicine to restore the elves' physical strength is mainly to cure the elves' injuries, although it can also recover, but not much. It would be a loss if you relied on wound medicine to restore your stamina. Although the high-level potion in the system could restore a lot of stamina, Zhou Jiang did not plan to give it to it unless the Thunder Beast needed it.

Believe that it can feel its current state, just take a rest and it won't get in the way.

However, Zhou Jiang didn't plan to give the wound medicine, but there was one thing he wanted to give it, and that was the energy cube!

Although there is no clear research showing that eating energy cubes can increase strength after the battle, Zhou Jiang felt that it was possible psychologically. In order to increase the strength of the Thunder Beast, Zhou Jiang was really broken.

Seeing that the Thunder Beast woke up, Zhou Jiang took the prepared energy cube, pulled away the elves, and squeezed in with the Big Needle Bee.

As for Xanaduo... it's better not to let Thunder Beast see Xanaduo, and Xanaduo needs to install it again, pretending to be exhausted.

Zhou Jiang squeezed casually, and didn't use much force. The elves in front of them let out the way and let Zhou Jiang walk in. Zhou Jiang squeezed to the inside with little effort.

Next to the Thunder Beast are its seven confidants. Although Zhou Jiang has overturned his own boss, they will not have any emotions. After all, it is a regular battle. Although Shanaido “drags to death” the Thunder Beast won. Yes, but if you win, you win. As long as you win one-to-one, no matter what methods are used, it is normal.

When Zhou Jiang entered, Galakala and Emperor Bulu in front of him happily stepped aside and let Zhou Jiang in and came to the Thunder Beast.

Zhou Jiang was not welcome, and after nodding to them, he went directly in with Big Needle Bee.

After the Thunder Beast looked over, before Zhou Jiang waited for it to open his mouth, he directly handed out the box with the energy cube in his hand.

"There is an energy cube inside. If you take the energy cube after a fierce battle, you can speed up the recovery of your physical strength, and your strength may also increase."

Zhou Jiang had been staring at the level of the Thunder Beast for a long time, and had not changed, so Zhou Jiang didn't know if it had become stronger, so he could only take out more energy cubes.

This time, he directly handed out fifty yuan this time, which can be said to be "heavy." I believe that even if the Thunder Beast's final strength does not improve, the possibility of continuing to fight with his elves next time will be greatly improved.

But it’s better to improve its strength. After all, Zhou Jiang couldn’t keep giving it fifty energy cubes after fighting it. In this way, other elves would have some opinions. There are still fruits, some ingredients are gone, and I need to go back to purchase.

They have planned it, and they will only purchase once after staying here for a month or two.

The energy cube that Zhou Jiang handed over really blocked the Leiden beast's mouth. Although it was embarrassing to lose in front of his own hand, the fifty energy cubes are really...

And although Zhou Jiang didn’t know it, after the Thunder Beast woke up, he did feel that his strength that hadn’t been improved for a long time was slightly improved, although this was not only due to the battle, but also because of the energy cube it had eaten before. , But the increase in strength is the increase, still after the end of the battle.

Therefore, although the Thunder Beast was depressed, it was not easy to attack, nor could it happen. After snatching the box in Zhou Jiang's hand, he ate on his own, just like a little widow who was sulking and awkward...

"Hehe..." Zhou Jiang looked at the Thunder Beast without much emotion, and felt relieved. However, there was no Shanaido and no one to translate, so Zhou Jiang didn't plan to stay longer.

Now that the Thunder Beasts are also awake, they can also be drawn to fight with the strange power. Very good. Except for the strange power, the other six quasi-king-level elves, Zhou Jiang, have not yet covered them with wool. The elves can get fifty to seventy points almost at once, even if it is the least fifty points, six of them can get three hundred points!

Although the six quasi heavenly kings played against Chen Fan and their elves before, after the game, they were all watching the match between Shanaido and the Thunder Beast, so their physical strength has recovered seven or eighty eight. For Zhou Jiang’s An invitation to fight will naturally not be rejected.

Although the more reason is that after the match between Shanaiduo and the Thunderbolt, Zhou Jiang gave the Thunderbolt 50 energy cubes, which made them very greedy, but if they didn't say it, Zhou Jiang would naturally not know. I don’t know, how could I give it on my own initiative?


Why don't Thunder Beasts have them?

They are just little brothers. As a lord, Thunder Beast has them. Is it normal for their little brothers? The strange power came yesterday. After the game, didn’t it still happen? What's all the fuss about.

In the evening, except for their six quasi-king-level elves with a gloomy look, the other elves walked home happily.

Although Zhou Jiang didn't give Gal Gala any energy cube as a reward after covering the wool, they were disappointed, but they were only disappointed, and other emotions did not rise.

Today is the second day. These ordinary elves didn’t get an energy cube reward, but most of them didn’t care. After all, they already knew the value of energy cubes, and they were fighting against Zhou Jiang and their elves. Their strength The improvement is the most obvious. As long as the strength continues to improve, what do you want in the future?

So although they didn't get energy cubes, they didn't care much, as long as they could continue to fight and train afterwards.

After the elves were gone, Zhou Jiang and the others cleaned up the mess and started cooking.

A large number of elves are fighting on the plains. These dirt fields are already pits and pits. If the elves are not allowed to repair them, then the next day they will go to a good place far away to fight, so after the end of each day, they Let the elves fix it and fill it with soil.

Fortunately, this work is quite simple for the elves of the ground system.

Chen Ziang was cooking, Chen Fan was supervising the work of the elves, and Chen Yongan was watching by Chen Fan. As for Zhou Jiang, he was comfortable, lying on a chair and counting the losses and gains of the day.

In terms of wear and tear, it's actually all about food. Drugs don't use much, and this stuff can be exchanged from the system, so Zhou Jiang doesn't care much.

But the food is different, they can only go back to the city to get supplies.

Due to the need to fudge the Thunder Beast, the expenditure today is relatively large. After all, the Thunder Beast has promised to give them 100 more energy cubes every day. After that, they need to spend an additional 100 energy cubes every day. This is indeed a small expense. The ingredients that can be used for about a month and a half have become less.

However, compared with the harvest of the day today, it is completely unimportant.

Today, at the end of the day, he scored more than five thousand points just by points, and he also obtained seven precious fragments of origin.

Now his points have soared to 20,000, a full one-third increase!

As for the original fragments, due to the previous accumulation, he basically hasn't used it much, so there are still 502 pieces, that is to say, it can unlock the origin for the five elves.

Although he could unlock the origin for the five elves now, Zhou Jiang did not directly use them. After all, in the elves he was holding, if he wanted to unlock the origin, he could only open the origin for the monarch snake.

If the fire-breathing dragon is there, only two of them can be opened. Needle bee, Xanadu, and Menas are all already turned on, let alone the other elves, except for the monarch snake fire-breathing dragon, they have not yet grown. It's the right stage, so Zhou Jiang will not consider them.

In other words, if you want to open the source of the elves, then you can only open the monarch snake, although it is indeed no problem to open the monarch snake, but Zhou Jiang feels unnecessary.

Why do you say that?

Because the monarch snake is now strong enough, if the source is opened for it, it needs to suppress its strength.

At present, only Xanadu, Big Needle Bee, Menus, Monarch Snake, and Fire-breathing Dragon can beat the six quasi-king-level brothers of Thunder Beast and Chen Fan and their elves when Zhou Jiang is injured.

The fire-breathing dragon is no longer ignored.

Then let’s talk about Big Needle Bee and Xanadu. Their level is much higher than the quasi-Uranus level. Even if they are waterproof, they can be crushed. If one is not paying attention, they can directly hit GG. But now, under the banner of training with each other, it would be too unnatural to send Big Needle Bee and Shanaido off the court to score points, so unless Chen Fan and the others propose to let Shanaido and the others end the game~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Otherwise Zhou Jiang would basically not send them off.

The remaining Menus and the Sovereign Snake were the main candidates Zhou Jiang used to collect the points of the quasi-king-level elves.

It's just that Menas has opened its source, and its strength has been able to compete head-on with the elves of the first rank of the king, so when it is now fighting against Chen Fan and their elves, they are constantly releasing water.

Even if it does not use the source, the bonus of the data brought by the source will not be reduced, but if the source is not used, the damage will not be too abnormal, but even so, Menus needs to release water, that is, Mina The battle on this side can only be used to score points, and it can't help much to improve its strength.

The Sovereign Snake is different. It doesn’t open its source, so although a bunch of bonuses are there, its strength is only capable of fighting against the elves of the heavenly king. The strength is above the peak of the quasi-heavenly king, and Chen Fan and the others. When the elves fight, it is also possible to roll over.

The Monarch Snake fights them, and if you want to win, you need to devote yourself to it. As a result, the Monarch Snake's experience value will naturally rise rapidly, and it is estimated that it will be a matter of time before the level surpasses Menus.

And what if the source of the monarch snake was opened up?

After opening the source, the monarch snake can control the source, and its strength will be enhanced by the source. Even if the energy of the source is not used, the physical fitness will be unconsciously strengthened by the source. It originally took a little thought to win. It will also become easy to win, that is to say, it will gain less experience points at that time!

The points are still the same points, but after adding the origin to it, the experience value will be reduced. Zhou Jiang will only let the monarch snake open the origin when his brain is flooded.

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